Monday, July 26, 2021

Los Angeles Federal ‘Strike Force’ Evokes Definition of Insanity


Who thinks things will get more or less dangerous? Has anyone factored in the expansion of ruthless criminal enterprises under Prohibition and the War on Drugs, along with the growth of “official” corruption and corresponding abuses of civil liberties in the name of fighting crime? [More]

Here's an idea: Let's try what has never done anything but infringe on rights and make the problems worse!

Feeling Lightheaded

 "It's obvious: we cannot arrest our way out of this problem," Lightfoot said during the press availability. [More]

Not if you let them right back out.

Hey, was that "press availability" open to all?

UPDATE: Uh-oh. Did Supt. Brown clear this with "her honor"?

[Via 1Gat]

Dirty Work

NY: Gillibrand Believes the Impossible; Making Gun Sales Illegal Will Work [More]

Work toward what end?

Because I have to believe such an accomplished calculated liar knows exactly what she believes.

Oh, He Can Be Strict when Motivated...

 Is This Austin Murder Connected to Travis County District Attorney Garza's Lenient Arrest and Release Policies? [More]

Lenient with who...?

[Via Michael G]

The Newsraper of Record

 Jeryl Bier catches the New York Times ignoring their own reporting to rewrite history on the Jacob Blake shooting [More]

But isn't rewriting reality what they do?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

 Several Injured At Party Shooting...In The UK [More]

I didn't see if anyone named Nigel or Cedric was involved.

As I've long maintained, we ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via Michael G]

Taken for Granted

 Czech Senate Approves Amendment Granting Right to Bear Arms in Constitution [More]

You'd think Breitbart would know better.

[Via gj54]

Driving Force


Len Savage takes this baby out for a spin...

Any design ideas for "Pimp My Tank"...?

Through the Lens of Delusional Paranoids

SHOCKING! ‘Big Image’ Media Making Money Promoting Dangerous Gun Violence [More]

Let's not forget it's also comedy gold!

And with the way society has "progressed," I guess I should apologize for using the term "pervert" 15 years ago. 

Col. Cooper was right. It's a mental illness.

The Philadelphia Experiment

 Philadelphia, Kensington area... [Watch]

Oh, look: Democrat-controlled urban areas!

Mr. Adams was right.

[Via Jess]

Ask the Experts

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry To Co-Author Book On 'Leadership' For 20 Million Dollar Penguin Random House Book Deal [More]

Just absorb that along with everything it signifies.

Communis... uh... Comunity Standards

 A Facebook spokesperson later claimed the Second Amendment Sanctuary page was shut down because it violated Facebook's policy on “militarized social movements.” [More]

The Succubus explains:

Spider & the Fly

The Cuba Protests - The Communist Regime Strikes Back [More]

Including the one in DC...

UPDATE: WarOnGuns Correspondent Jess directs our attention to Counterpunch with Trevor Loudon to learn how communists have been subverting this country.


 I made sure to grab this image. Had to document the incredible stupidity or political activism.  Nonsense.  Biden called for banning 9mm pistols.  Nothing unclear, here. [More]

Not to anyone who is both provided and then receptive to the truth.

Aye, there's the rub.

Who Will Guard the Guardians?

“We wanted to find a launching point where it’s a clean slate,” said Barren “We’ve got a lot of room to grow with Guardians moving forward.” [More]

So instead of "the Tribe" you're going to be "the Klan"?

Hey, what's in a name?

Leopard Changing Its Shots

San Diego Zoo reports suspected COVID-19 case in snow leopard [More]

So it's transmissible between humans and animals?

Are they testing at shelters before releasing pets to new homes?

And By 'Deprogram' We Mean 'Kill'

 Latest leftist to demand Trump supporters be forcibly re-educated - 'It's time to deprogram the cult leaders' [More]

Don't be surprised if it turns out they intend to take a hammer to hard drives...

Role Reversal

 Conservatives riled up over registering women for draft - They believe it will motivate the GOP base in 2022 [More]

In Gaslight World, leftists who not so long ago would have been burning down ROTC buildings will be demanding a universal draft and canceling everyone who opposes it as a traitor. 

It's About Time

Here’s hoping you didn’t sink as much time into it as Codrea did and that very few buy into this allegedly bipartisan, pro-gun control faff. [More]

Thanks for the mention, but I encouraged readers to hear what these people are saying for themselves-- this is the strategy the Astroturfers are going to use to separate out the new gun owners and divide political energy. If I'm the only one spending any time tracking what they're up to, those who don't know any better will "buy into this."


 When I told journalists I was kneeling to draw attention to white supremacy and police brutality, a lot of white people took it incredibly personally.  [More]

Kind'a makes me want to go out there and give her sponsors my business.

Despite that, the parsers and hairsplitters, desperate to weasel-word the narrative, tell us she's not a "spokesperson" -- even though Subway says she is -- and kneeling was not a national anthem protest. Disregard that she admits wanting to show "solidarity" with Colon Kaepernick, who specifically explained his motivation:

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

She didn't "stomp" on the flag, either, her media apologists point out. She just mugged for the crowd and "inadvertently" rubbed her shoe against it instead of doing the American thing and picking it up off the ground and chastising her teammate who intentionally dropped it.

But speaking of "progressive" corporate backers, hey kids, who wants to play in Subway's "former" spokesmolester's pants?

It's De-Lovely

 Rochester mayor, husband to be arraigned on weapons, child endangerment charges [More]

Another one bites the dust.

I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter

 Anyone that has ever filled out an online form knows what those red asterisks are. They are there to tell you what must be filled out in order to submit the form. Did Bush or a staffer take a screenshot of an unsubmitted form after filling in some of the blanks? [More]

Life imitates art.

Don't expect the FBI to make an arrest for filing false reports when the perp promotes the Bureau's directed-from-the-top narrative.

That is the Question

How Gun Control Played a Role in Consolidating Tyranny in Cuba [More]

Or as Fidel pointedly asked, "¿Armas para que?"

At least we know where leaders of our nation's capital stand...

[Via Agustin B]

What HE Said

Tougher penalties for stealing guns from a dealer than from civilians? No thanks. And no thanks to “special circumstances” for crimes against cops or “people of color”, as if other lives don’t matter so much. [More]

If NSSF really wants to do something for the industry it ostensibly represents, how about leading them in a strike against supplying and servicing enforcers in states like New York that are out to destroy them?

You Won't See This in the DSM*

The ATF did not know when it turned over the document to GOA that AmmoLand News had already obtained an unredacted copy of the secret document from our sources from deep within the Bureau. [More]

Kind'a makes you wonder what all the "real reporters" are doing...


What You Mean 'We' Kemosabe?

 “We’ve made a decision as a society that there are people who, for a constellation of reasons, should not be allowed to have firearms. Are we going to enforce that social decision or not?” [More]

Funny, how the "Hero of Medicine" sounds just like so many of our "Gun Rights Leaders"...

And I'm Proud to be an American Where at Least I Know I'm Free

Today is my 3 month anniversary being locked up. Not allowed to work out. My body feels as if it’s aged so much. Can hardly move. Walking has become very difficult. I sleep on a piece of steel welded to a wall with a thin mattress ... Breaking any rules can result In losing ability to talk to family or a trip the hole for a few weeks where you are stripped naked a left in a bright freezing room. [More]

So essentially the Biden administration treats captured illegal invaders better than it does decorated veterans...

And there's no shortage of order followers...

[Via GP]

As Sleazy as ABC

 Beginning this Sunday, ABC News will begin airing its series, “One Nation Under Fire.” The week-long program, hosted by ABC News chief justice correspondent, Pierre Thomas will, according to Variety, use “the Gun Violence Archive, an independent research group that tracks incidents from more than 7,500  law enforcement, media, government and commercial sources daily, for help in finding activity across the week.” Armed American News readers will recall Lee Williams’ extensive report on the Gun Violence Archive. [More]

So basically they'll be subjecting millions to violence monopolist propaganda in order to swindle them out of their rights and get them to demand you surrender yours.

Sounds like an extension of ABC Family Values...

And we know how parent corporation Disney has felt about guns for a long time.

I'm Back

 I was in Montana for a family reunion on my wife's side.

The dichotomy there is illustrative of the absolute irreconcilable differences that divide the country. The above supermarket in Butte, which also sells guns and ammo, is on a street that t-bones a mile-and-a-half down the road into Elizabeth Warren Ave.

I apologize to those of you who sent news link tips in my absence, but I just can't get to them, as I said before I left. Comments are reactivated but it will probably be tomorrow before I can get to any new tips sent in today -- we didn't get in until 2 a.m. on Saturday, and I had hours of weekend yard work along with new blog posts, article drafts, and an important legal filing I'll be talking about soon.

One thing about vacations -- with everything there is to do and the demands of travel, you sure don't get much relaxation.