Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Do All of Them

I will attempt to keep all of the suggested gun rights resolutions. [More]
Today's resolution is the most ambitious. Also see one from Dave Workman and three from Ed Stone.

Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors
New Year's gun rights resolution: Get formal training
New Year's gun rights resolution: Demonstrate for the Second Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Demand ATF investigations

A Drunken, Lying Slob

That is the only way to describe it. [More]
Yeah, but he's our drunken, lying slob...isn't he?

As I said to a correspondent wanting to know if the dangers of Dick Durbin ascending to the senate majority slot might make me support Harry Reid out of political pragmatism:
I think Reid is a communist and a traitor who does what he does on guns because the political climate in NV forces him to. Anyone who thinks they can make a binding deal with a communist and traitor shouldn't act surprised when they find themselves being devoured.

I'm done with political compromises--that's what got us to this point. Some of us aren't backing up any more. A lot of us. And we're pissed.

I'm unimpressed with the Durbin argument. If he gets in and wants to squeeze harder, I suppose some will obey. Just as some of us will not. Interesting times.

Freedom is not won by those afraid to take risks. And to back Reid because someone perceptibly worse might get in is not the type of attitude that will win it.
We need to look at the totality of a politician's actions. Fact is, Baucus supported Obama. Baucus supported Eric Holder. Baucus supported Sotomayor. Anyone acting like his other votes happen in a vacuum will have no one but themselves to blame when they find they can no longer breathe.

"Heavily Armed"

Shkupolli killed his ex-girlfriend in a nearby apartment with an unlicensed handgun before heading to the mall, Kaski said...

...[P]olice launched a manhunt for the heavily armed killer. [More]
What can I say, except "Authorized Journalists"...?

[Via Mama Liberty]

UPDATE: Nice to see some common sense being considered amidst all the hysteria.

[Via David R]

A Fundamental Disagreement

Tennessee State Guard commander Richard Hamblen said it's his Second Amendment right as part of a militia to convert assault rifles into fully automatic weapons. The Sixth US Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed. [More]
Because "shall not be infringed" is such a squishy and undefined concept...

Per Hamblen in his email to me:
...Point of clarification: ...I did not convert any guns from semiauto--all mine were remanufactured from de-milled machine gun kits. They always were machine guns, always were intended to be machine guns, and were nothing but machine guns, the "standard issue weapon", as Solicitor General Clement said in Heller, of the National Guard.

The whole point is the constitutionality of the NFA of 1934 and therefore all gun laws. The Supreme Court ruled on what is protected by the Second Amendment in Miller in 1939. All I ask is that they honor their ruling and apply it to the law. And if that ruling is no longer correct, then they need to explain, with constitutional citations, why it is no longer correct.
If you haven't been following this case, here's what I've got.

Open Season on Gun Carriers

A United States Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld the constitutionality of pointing a gun at any citizen daring to carry, lawfully, a concealed weapon in public. [More]
Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner Ed Stone fleshes out the meaning behind a story we touched on here.

Hiding in the Choir

Mike H examines circumstances where it will become intolerable. [More]

We're the Only Ones Not Naive Enough

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe said "it would be naive" to believe that the officer hadn't assaulted other women. [More]
And we haven't even gotten into the drunk-driving drunk-driving advisor, the speeding killer, the jealous rampaging lesbian...

I hear ya, Chief-- a total violation of public trust that once more exposes the core fallacy behind the "Only Ones."

Any feel for why they seem to think they can get away with such behavior...? Would it be naive not to look deeper into institutionalized attitudes...?

[Via Portly Pirate]

'No Questions' at Compton 'Gift Cards for Guns' Event Raises Questions

I know it's supposed to be "no questions asked," but here are some questions Jim, Frank, and the LA Sheriffs Department ought to be answering...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders how many gun laws anti-gunners are breaking right in front of a fawning media's eyes.

Also get an update to Christmas in Connecticut and read the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 31

On December 31, 1777; George Washington reverses previous policy and allows the recruitment of black soldiers. some 5,000 participate in the Revolutionary War. [More]

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We're the Only Ones Dreamy Enough

She may have been sick. [More]
I don't know what is more outrageous--this government parasite or the commentators defending her.

Failing to Win...

...isn't necessarily the same as losing... [More]

Don't Cry for Me Argentina

Or America. [More]

Those who do not learn from the past...

[Via Ron W]

Political Reasons

Why do I hear the Bee Gees singing "Stayin' Alive"? [More]

A 200-member tax cow-funded security detail, and this...creature wants to disarm you and me while he releases violent criminals back into society.

[Via Mack H]

A Walk in the Park

Recently, Leonard Embody was detained by park rangers after being seen with an AK-47 handgun in Radnor Lake State Park. [More]
Knoxville Gun Rights Examiner Liston Matthews shares his thoughts on this incident.

Party City

Police found the two doormen, Dwayne Troupe, 22, and Ambrosio Silva, 28, were carrying guns, and on searching the building, found a woman with a gun, Zenobia Mills, 28, as well as five other handguns in other parts of the building. The three were charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon and other gun-related crimes, and are being held in lieu of bail at the Cook County Jail. [More]
In gun-free Tim-Tom Paradise? Impossible. Besides, who would ever think to open a speakeasy in Chicago of all places?

Had he only known about it, I'm sure Snuffy would have been there protesting.


Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via An Illinois Voter]

Like Cuba with Cars

"California will become like Cuba with cars," said Lawrence Keane, senior counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents the gun industry. "You will only be able to get very old models of guns." [More]
Pretty much, Mr. Keane, and that's the way the rulers want it.

But funny thing about Cuba: Uncle Fidel seemed to be doing all right in the nice wheels category, and his Los Unicos seem to be doing OK in the weaponry department.

Just like California.

I don't suppose you'd like to use your industry leadership position and maybe follow Ronnie Barret's example?


A Safe Seat

Democratic freshman Sen. Kristin Gillibrand is one of her party's most vulnerable incumbents, but New York Republicans can't come up with a political heavyweight to knock her on the ropes, and her campaign gains momentum with each passing day. [More]
It doesn't matter. New York Republicans can't come up with a principled candidate anyway.

Looks like her price per session will be going up. And we'll be the ones getting screwed. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.

Are There Any True 'Pro-Gun' Candidates in the Illinois Senate Race?

OK, fine. But lots of politicians tell us they support the Second Amendment--and then immediately follow up by showing us their big "buts." Are any of these three willing to give us unequivocal answers to specific questions that will allow us to determine exactly what they mean, with no room for doubt? Do you think they'd answer the Gun Rights Questionnaire? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at three candidates who say they support us. I'd like to find out how much they really do.

Also see more analysis of the health care bill as it pertains to guns, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 30

We have taken up our quarters in such a way that from the battalion alarm places each brigade can march into the city (as well as conditions and order will permit) and also behind the redoubts within the city. [More]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bloomberg Anti-Gun Blueprint Revealed

This is a dangerous and insidious new way of attacking our right to keep and bear arms. It's incumbent on each of us to first read and understand the document, discuss it among ourselves, and come up with a way to defy and resist this. [More]
This development necessitated another Gun Rights Examiner column. The antis will not stop. And they'll use whatever means at hand to attack us, including keeping our representatives out of the loop.

My suggestion: Read it and tell your friends.

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Demonstrate for the Second Amendment

This one is meaningful for me. I wrote some years ago about being subjected to insults for presuming to march through Santa Monica, CA as part of the Second Amendment contingent in their Constitution parade--it seems that particular amendment wasn't very welcome in the People's Republic. And I wrote a few years after that about how our local counter-demonstration to the so-called "Million Mom March" in Westwood, CA, only drew several hundreds of supporters--despite an area gun show a few weekends before attracting over 40,000 gun owners. [More]
Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors
New Year's gun rights resolution: Get formal training

It Figures Rights Thieves...

...would also have no respect for property. [More]

Click to enlarge

Hey Brady Campaign--that's mine.

Who gave you permission to post it in total on your website? The entire article hardly qualifies as "fair use."

They've reportedly infringed on Howard Nemerov's material, too.

The Government's Attitude... pretty much what we would expect from ruling traitors... [More]

If they're against what the Framers considered as being necessary to the security of a free State, that's what they are, you know...

We're the Only Ones with Reasonable Suspicion of Criminal Activity Enough

"Further, whether or not passers-by saw the gun is immaterial to the question of whether an objective officer who observed Schubert walking in such a manner would possess reasonable suspicion of criminal activity." [More]
Who does this upstart think he is, having a gun in a republic where we've sworn an oath to support the supreme law of the land, which says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? An "Only One"?

We'll show him.

And in doing so, we'll show you.

[Via Scott N]

Healthy Skepticism

When you're dealing with the government, you'd better have it.

Kurt does.

About that Ammo Shortage...

Winchester secured a Homeland Security contract for up to 200 million rounds of .40 S&W, ammo that will be used by Immigrations, Customs and Enforcement. The load is a 135-grain hollowpoint. No ballistics are available as this load is not yet cataloged, but it will fall under the Winchester Ranger brand. [More]
I'd be interested in knowing the time period/quantities/shipment intervals the contract specifies.

[Via PolyKahr]

Fictional Fallout

Chapter 32 has been noticed.

And I'm one of the redacted.

I'd just as soon have that known.

The Global Sword

We've been talking about the INTERPOL Executive Order Barack Obama recently issued, here and here. It made me recall a post from October where I sarcastically suggested "just give them diplomatic immunity."

Anthony Martin has a hornets' nest going on over at Columbia Conservative Examiner, and I see Bob Unruh at WorldNetDaily is also on the story. The globocop logo they illustrate their column with has a familiar configuration:

Everybody remembers the seal of the evil alternate universe Terran Empire from Star Trek's "Mirror Mirror" episode, right?

Note symbol on turbolift door (click to enlarge)

I'm not the first to notice.

Why Should Gun Owners Support Republicans in Illinois Senate Race?

[W]hat incentive do we give the GOP to ever change if we continually allow them to get away with treating us like political hostages by rewarding them with power? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a question I've been asking for years. I still haven't gotten a good answer, and gun owners still keep electing rotten Republicans out of fear.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 29

George Washington’s words in this letter represent a stirring plea for help at the darkest moment of the American Revolution. As few other documents do, this famous letter illustrates Valley Forge as an icon of American perseverance and resolve in the face of cruel fortune and overwhelming odds. [More]

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dave Workman is a Moron!

But don't take my word for it--take his. [More]

And no, of course I don't mean it--but you have no idea how good that felt, especially since he routinely makes fun of me in front of the other GREs in our group emails...and I never deserve it.

No S***, Sherlock

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano conceded Monday that the aviation security system failed when a young man on a watchlist with a U.S. visa in his pocket and a powerful explosive hidden on his body was allowed to board a fight from Amsterdam to Detroit. [More]
Those are some powers of observation you're displaying there, J-No.

Meanwhile, some want to use those "watchlists" for this...

More Orwellian "logic"--we know what the Founders considered necessary to the security of a free state. It figures those bent on subversion are committed to destroying that.

[Via David C]

Look Who's Back

Kurt had internet connectivity issues and some other stuff goin' on involving supermodels and his Examiner millions, so he hasn't been posting of late.

He's back.

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Get Formal Training

A few years back, I interviewed a former Navy SEAL, a man who is an expert’s expert, providing weapons and tactics training to elite military fighting personnel, civilian law enforcement tactical specialists, and security professionals. With candor typical of true professionals, he admits up front that "our staff does not know it all, nor have we ‘arrived’. We are in a constant state of learning and consider ourselves perpetual students." [More]
Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors

What Chicago Needs is More Gun Control

Records show he was paroled in November 2008 from prison, where he had been held since 1985 for a murder a year before. He also was convicted in 2001 and 2005 of aggravated battery of a peace officer.

In the earlier incident, he assaulted at least two prison guards at Pinckneyville Correctional Center who tried to get him to remove personal property from his cell. Officials at the time said Cration had "an extensive history of violence, including ten staff assaults and one inmate assault along with five 'dangerous disturbances,' " according to an Associated Press story. [More]

So what could be more natural than to release this beast into the enforced victim disarmament zone that is Tim-Tom Paradise? Notice how the laws stopped him from getting a gun?

You didn't?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via An Illinois Voter from Second City Cop]

We're the Only Ones Walled Off Enough

California laws strengthened wall of silence around officers...

The mandates – the most stringent in the nation -- have given troubled officers special privileges that make it harder to get rid of them and nearly impossible for the public to learn whether they've been adequately disciplined. [More]
You know, "Only Ones," exempt from public oversight and repercussions.

What could go wrong? Aside from making some drunk with power, oblivious to repercussions and the potential of walls to block both sides...

More Amontillado...?

[Via Harvey]

Newspeak/English Dictionary: "Progressive"

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime. [More]
All these centuries of progress, to fight to survive and perpetuate, and we finally get to the point where the physically weak aren't necessarily prey for the physically strong. Then math teacher Doug here figures out the equation for setting things back to stone age conditions. And he calls that "progressive."

One thing is for certain--if this contemptible wretch won't protect his own children, you can be certain he won't protect yours. Why would you entrust them to such a defective specimen?

He'd rather his kid were dead than to allow reality to intrude on his precious belief system. If there's a better definition for "fanatic," I haven't seen it. Except we're using Newspeak now, aren't we?

The fanatics are the ones who disagree with him.

UPDATE: After reading this, my opinion is that I failed to see the satire.

[Via Brian F]

Don't Rely on 'Mainstream Press' to Determine Candidate Positions on Guns

That they feel they need to put up a false front on guns is in itself remarkable, but this story also raises a larger concern: the shallowness of "authorized journalists" when it comes to reporting on gun issues. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how lack of depth in reporting can lead to false conclusions. And how anti-gun politicians can capitalize on that.

It's almost like it's intentional or something...

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 28

As the Season advances in which bad weather and broken Roads will render the transporting provision from any distance, for the most part subject to considerable delay, and sometimes impracticable. It becomes indispensibly necessary to form with all possible expedition ample Magazines for our Winter Supply contiguous to the Rear of the Camp, and to embrace every favourable Opportunity of keeping them furnished. They ought never to have less than thirty days provision in them. [More]

Will NRA Update Help Iowa Concealed Carry Bill Pass?

Yeah, only when Bizarro government is involved do the hirelings presume to tell their employers what to do. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an attempt to make a bill more palatable--but the real story is about those who presume authority to have a say in the matter.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 27

The Articles of Shoes, Stockings and Blankets demand the most particular attention, as the expenditure of them from the Operations and Common accidents of War we find robe greater than Articles of any others. I assure you, Sir, it is not easy to give you a just and accurate Idea of the Sufferings of the Troops at large. Were they to be minutely detailed, the relation so unexpected, so contrary to the common opinion of people distant from the Army, would scarcely be thought credible. I fear I shall wound your feelings by telling you that by a Field return on the 23d. Instant, we had in Camp not less than 2898 Men unfit for duty by reason of their being barefoot and otherwise naked; Besides these, there are many others detained at the Hospitals and in Farmers Houses for the same causes. [More]

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Little Boxes

But in the meantime, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence fired off the best line of all, noting archly that each year about 30,000 Americans are already securely locked away in human-size boxes, thanks to guns. [More]
Oh, yeah. Ha ha. Good one, Brady and LA Times. Now fire off one about the victims of human disarmament who don't get boxes. They just get shoved into shallow mass graves, thanks to that monopoly of force you degenerates so wish for other men to enforce on your behalf.

Related: Obama signs bill mandating gun OWNERS to be locked up in boxes on trains

Yes, I Know

My Christmas post is not directing to the right Examiner page. So far, I've seen it route people to the Easy Meals Examiner, the Baltimore Sports Examiner and the San Francisco Christian Examiner. I keep republishing it to make it link to the Gun Rights Examiner "Have a Merry Christmas!" post and get it to work for a while before screwing up again.

It looks like the right url, but the wrong page is displayed. Tech support is working on it.

Let me know if it works for you? I have a comment poster I wanted to call attention to, and it's frustrating not to be able to do that.

You'll know him when you see him.

Tennessee Gun in Park Incident Reveals a Scarier Danger

The truth is, many in the public will remain terrified of seeing someone armed who is not wearing a uniform. It does not matter if you are nicely dressed or if your gun is more conventional-looking--whatever that means. In much of the Republic, hoplophobia runs strong. That you have a gun and are not a cop is enough for some. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column maintains society may be scared of the wrong people.

Also listen to one last Christmas carol, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: December 26

...2nd. That no non-commissioned officer, or soldier, have with him, arms of any kind, unless he is on duty.

3rd. That every non-commissioned officer, or soldier, caught without the limits of the camp, not having such pass, or with his arms, shall be confined and severely punished...[More]

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Two GRE columns:

Merry Christmas!


New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones

That's what I'll be doing today. I hope you will have that blessing, too.