Friday, September 11, 2009

Squarely in the Mainstream

"The District's regulation of handguns at issue here is squarely in the mainstream and eminently reasonable, minimally intruding on the right announced in Heller to bear arms for the protection of 'hearth and home,' while at the same time safeguarding public safety under traditional police powers," Nickles wrote, asking that the plaintiffs lawsuit be dismissed. [More]
Which explains the hysteria they gin up whenever anyone tries to open carry. We don't dare let that become a social norm.

The case is Palmer v DC. The government is arguing against having to recognize our unalienable right to bear arms--you know, the one they are expressly forbidden to infringe..?

We realize, of course, that if it were up to Nickles & Co., "squarely in the mainstream" would be no country many of us would want to live in--and if he agreed, we wouldn't really be able to do all that much about.

Read the Motion for Summary Judgment here.

[Via Ambiguous ambiguae]


Or Libertarian'd.

Take your pick. [More]

[Via Michael D]

We're the Only Ones "When All Other Places are Booked"* Enough

An Orange County deputy is under an internal investigation. He's accused of loaning his taser to a friend, who in turn shot someone with it while joking around. It all unfolded on Disney property and, despite the investigation, Deputy Eric Jaros is still on duty. [More]
Well of course he is.

Notice the private Epcot employee has been placed on leave pending the investigation, and it doesn't say it's a "paid" one.

But then, he's not an "Only One," is he?


[Via Harvey]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Formerly Great Britain really has become a socialist hellhole run by tyrants who can't stand anyone not doing what they're told; not being a good, submissive little subject. Head to the Texas Partisan for some history on Philip Luty, and then to here to read of what the Brit government(miserable statist bastards that they are) have done to him [More]
Advocate for RKBA, become an enemy.

No one really thought this was ultimately about guns, did they?

It will happen here too, you know.

If we let it.

[Via Jeet]

Marathon Men

I received an email from correspondent Xenophon that I found an interesting read. He's given me permission to share it with you.
I find it fitting that Saturday, DC will have a massive display of the "TEA PARTY" movement which I hope will be a demonstration that "...WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY LONGER.." and thus continue the "awakening" of those who have been asleep for decades as our Republic has decended into a "Statist Utopia" ruled by "Philosopher Kings".

It is also interesting to note that Saturday is the 2499th ANNIVERSARY of the Battle of Marathon, which as you know pitted 10,000 ATHENIANS and PLATEANS against 150,000-300,000 invading Persians in one of the defining battles in the history of human civilization. [who could have imagined that this was also the first attempted invasion of the "West" by the "East"]. ATHENS was victorious even though vastly outnumbered [as are we], because their cause was just and they were willing to do what was necessary to triumph and preserve their Republic and thus all of Western civilization.

I am encouraged that even in these difficult times, "We Happy Few" remain willing to confront the Leviathan in it's "lair" with the message : "...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...", like our forebears did almost 2500 years ago.

Edward Shepherd Creasy/"The Fifteen Decisive Battles in History", commented: "....THOUGH THE FIERCE DEMOCRACY OF ATHENS WAS ZEALOUS AND TRUE AGAINST THE FOREIGN INVADER AND DOMESTIC TYRANT, A FACTION EXISTED IN ATHENS WHO WERE WILLING TO PURCHASE A PARTY TRIUMPH OVER THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS. AT THE PRICE OF THEIR COUNTRY's RUIN...!!" which I believe accurately describes what we seem to be living with right now, even though Creasy wrote this in 1851. Some things just NEVER change.

I've been lurking at WAR ON GUNS and your "Examiner" columns for about a year now and want to THANK YOU for your efforts and for getting me in touch with Sipsey Street/Western Rifles et al. as it is encouraging to know that we are not alone!

Piazza's Private Army

In other words, a rich private citizen is paying to train a private army to his specifications to fight off his perceived enemies. [More]
OK, then...

[Via Todd F]

We're the Only Ones "Go Speed Racer" Enough

Shreveport City Marshal pays fine for doing 111 in a 60 [More]
I guess the request that he not receive special treatment could be evidence that no "Only One" attitude was exhibited, but then again, they had him dead to rights and on the news--what else could he do?

And forgive me if I don't embrace the official story. His excuse was he was lost? "The smell [of alcohol- was all over him" but he passed the field sobriety test?

Forget it Jake, it's Shreveport...

[Via Matt S]

We're the Only Ones Painful Enough

“He jumped through my window, and I grabbed my cell phone to call for help,” she said. “When I looked at him, he pepper-sprayed me. He handcuffed my hand and was trying to pull me out of the vehicle. I was in fear for my life, and I didn’t want to get out. He twisted my arm behind my back, and I said ‘You’re hurting me.’ He said ‘That’s what pain is for.’ ” [More]
So naturally, he charges her with "aggravated battery, resisting arrest, violence to a police officer and disturbing the peace."

The good news is, it looks like he won't be an "Only One" any longer.

The bad news is, he didn't just suddenly arrive to the point where he had confidence that he could stalk and assault citizens. That's an attitude that takes reinforcement to develop.

It's hard to believe no one among his handlers or peers ever noticed it.

[Via retrotruckman]

NV Senate Candidate Sharron Angle Also Deserves Gun Owner Support

Good answers. Good record. Those who make the gun issue their main focus should definitely consider supporting her.

But wait--didn't I just say the other day that I supported Danny Tarkanian?

Yep. And I still do. I think his answers to the questionnaire should be spread far and wide. And I think the same should be done with Sharron Angle's. No law says I can't encourage contestants for the same position who do the right thing on guns. I've also sent this questionnaire to others in the 2010 NV Senate race, including, just to be fair, Harry Reid. And I'll be reporting their responses (or the lack thereof) over the coming days or weeks. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how contenders for one of the most powerful political positions in the country are appealing to voters on the basis of how unequivocally they support the right to keep and bear arms.

Also read an alert from Gun Owners of Nevada and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: September 11

The Battle of the Brandywine on September 11, 1777, marked the apparent end of a long period of frustration for the British in North America. For Lieutenant-General Sir William Howe, commander of the British forces in North America, it was the first chance he had to come fully to grips with General George Washington's army since the British victory of Long Island in August 1776. That battle resulted in the loss of New York City to the United States for the remainder of the war. [More]
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