Friday, May 14, 2010

Fox News: Airsoft Can be Converted to Real Guns. Will That Make Toy Owners Felons?

Do we now have a new crop of criminals? Hundreds or thousands of them? How could that not be the case? [More]

A new development warranted a second GRE column for today.

GRE Round Up for May 14

There's some good stuff being turned out by the Gun Rights Examiners. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.

A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."

These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.

Here are their latest offerings:

Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
The next frontier for gun rights

Dave Workman/Seattle:
NRA gathering highlights America’s conflicting values

Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Dubious, agenda-driven 'poll' says women prefer mandated defenselessness

Go. Read. And please share these links.

You're doing that, right?

The IDAK Theory of Government

I don't believe I've ever seen it more eloquently stated.

We're the Only Ones "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid" Enough

According to this latest complaint Kwiatkowski, "slammed one teen against the wall, and punched him in his eye twice."

The document then goes on the say officer Raymond Krug, "Shot the other teen two times with the BB guns." [More]
That'll teach those young punks not to shoot a BB gun!

It remains to be seen if anyone will teach the old ones...

[Via Scott W]

THIS Hasn't Happened in a While...

And over such really important stuff...Anybody want to see if we can get this to climb past "Twilight"?

It's not like the "Authorized Journalists" are going to make this information known...

Share the link?

Meanwhile, Behind the Front Lines at Airport Security...

Say, isn't that one of those "invisible to x-rays" plastic "cop killer" guns? [Read]

Quick! This is a job for Frank Lautenberg!

[Via AzHamMedic]

Get Out the Vote!

First, go to Whose Paranoid and read this.

Then go here and do this:
No it won't change things, but I can't think of a simpler or easier way to send a clear message these people need to hear...

What It's Not About...

It's not about "gun control" or "drug control." [Read]

It's about people control.

And this just in: SURPRI-I-ISE!!!!

We're the Only Ones Screwing Around On Duty Enough

A Milford police officer will be off the street for two weeks for having sex with the city's mayor while on duty. [More]
It just went off...oh, sorry, wrong "Only Ones" story...

[Via MS9]

WarOnGuns' Hall of Hoplophobes #1


And no, I won't link to the obnoxious little self-soiler, but I will say how honored and pleased I am to be despised alongside men the likes of Pastor Kenn...

Here, Fearguth--I think this popped out. You might want to rinse it off before you reinsert it.

As Long as We're Being Observers...

You got nothin' but lying snark. [More]

Figures you think the government grants rights.

We're the Only Ones Evening the Odds Enough

A member of the commission that oversees the Louisiana State Police faces charges including aggravated assault on a peace officer with a firearm following an incident at Harrah's New Orleans casino... [More]
Drunk, belligerent, spoiling for an armed confrontation... See, I would never think of doing something like that, which is apparently this guy's first reaction. I don't even know anybody who would think of doing something like that.

Figures the guy's a connected "official."

Good thing there were some "Only Ones" on scene.

You know, people exempted from those "guns in establishments that serve alcohol" regs the antis insist on imposing on those of us who aren't...

Which at least would save us from the legal risks we'd face if we protected ourselves from a threatening lout on those premises, like the deputies here did.

[Via retrotruckman]

Will Lautenberg Anti-Gun Airport Bill Increase Vulnerability?

Not satisfied with putting grandmothers at risk of losing their legal right to the means of self-defense, or of denying gun purchases to people who haven't even been charged, let alone tried and convicted of any crime, Sen. Frank Lautenberg now means to see us defenseless on the way to and from airports, when we go to drop off or pick someone up. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the latest assault on freedom by a committed domestic enemy.

Also find out what our foreign enemies are up to with their UN Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence.

Share the link?