Thursday, October 14, 2010


You want to go where everybody knows your name.
[Click to enlarge]
Touched a nerve, did we?

Invasion of the Baby Snatchers

I talked about it briefly here and used it to tie into another bit of conflation here...

WorldNetDaily has new developments here and Restore the Constitution has an open letter here.

A comment poster on my GRE piece felt "nobody seems to be mentioning" the other allegations and that the father had weapons, and this was my response:
Yes, there is more to the case and Stewart did in fact acknowledge that by disclosing "Yes, there are other, very serious allegations" in the link I provided, so your assertion that "nobody seems to be mentioning" it is demonstrably not borne out by the facts--and I also specifically acknowledged that in the quote beginning "But an even more fundamental point is that regardless of the other allegations," and the WND report I linked to mentioned that as well. Those allegation are not what the issue here is--if the Irish case involved only due process and adjudication based on his and her alleged actions, I would not have been able to tie it in to other concerns raised in this column, as that is outside the scope of what I talk about in this forum--it is the specific referencing to a tangential association with OK specified in the official affidavit that brought this to the fore, along with the other points raised here, including outright official misrepresentation. 

If you wish to make the case that a child protective services intervention was appropriate based on parental conduct and due process, that is a different argument. If the guy is provably a bad actor, we have a system of laws tempered by rights to determine the truth of the matter.The concern Stewart, I and some others have expressed is government using political sentiment they don't approve of as one of the elements in their response decision. It is wholly irrelevant to the situation, and if unchallenged, creates a free thought-squelching climate that can only result in abuse and usurpation outside of any legitimate authority. 

(Also--do you know if he has been adjudicated a "prohibited person"? If not, why is the weapons ownership cite relevant?)

We cannot allow government agencies to disregard the Bill of Rights--any of it--in our zeal to "do the right thing" or we'll find we may not like their "cure" very much at all.
UPDATE: So was it all government BS?

We're the Only Ones Finest Enough

New York's Finest Police Cover-Up
Ten cops beat up cabbie, then cuff one of their own for trying to stop them. [More]
What, you mean it's not just "a few bad apples"? At least this explains why more don't come forward...

And remember: If you lift a finger...

[Via WRSA > Two--Four]

Of Course There Are

What do you mean there's "no such thing as shovel-ready projects"? [More]

Tell that to these guys.

Authorized Journalists on Parade

"You're not even a reporter."  [More]

You're not an exclusive Ministry of Truth-approved "Only One/Authorized Journalist"--like us.

[Via Defender]

Economic Wacos

No doubt. [Read]

Truth-tellers will be destroyed if Master, with his unlimited resources, disapproves. 

And Master disapproves.

What's a slave to do?

A Two-Suiter


As in all its recent lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court for Nevada, Righthaven demands damages of $150,000 apiece and forfeiture of the website domain names from these new defendants:

...The Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, Wash., and an official there, Keeva Segal, who are associated with the publication Women & Guns and the website[More]
Can I get me some?


More Money Down the Drain

City police receive federal grant for gun suppression
$300k will fund plainclothes deployment, evaluation of effectiveness [More]
You know what this means?


"Smart Policing Grant."  Yeah, that seems pretty much an Einstein move, alright...

Baltimore. At least they're not Detroit.

The Committee of Public Safety

The City Council will consider a proposal to ask the state Legislature to ban guns in public buildings statewide.

Dan Skolnik and John Coyne, members of the council's Public Safety Committee, voted Tuesday night to recommend adoption of the measure. [More]
Because everyone knows there's no safer place than a Harris/Klebold Empowerment Zone!

Public Safety Committee...Public Safety Committee...why does that name sound so familiar...?

Oh, yeah...


Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge, a Democrat, filed a complaint against a respected gun club just two months before he is up for reelection. His opponent is a member of that gun club. Hauge has attempted to criminally prosecute the gun club's Executive Officer three times already, but each time the charges were dismissed by a judge. Hauge has appealed. With the county suffering financially, some suspect Hauge is engaging in a political vendetta. [More]
Gee, ya think?

I could swear I covered this in September, but I can't find it now.

[Via Rich T and Parrothead Jeff]

If Dan Casey Weren't So Funny, He'd Be Scary

You've got to wonder: Where does it end? [More]
At "shall not be infringed."

Guns in the news

How anyone can do commentary on this topic and claim writer's block is beyond me. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column scratches the surface on the amount of information out there.

Also catch yesterday's Trigger Sports LIVE!

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This Day in History: October 14

TRENTON, October 14 [1778.]

Since our last several British deserters came to town from the enemy at Hackinsack.

Among the Officers who fell into the hands of the enemy in Col. Baylor’s late disaster, at Old Tapan, were Captain Swan, Doctor Evans, junior surgeon, Lieut. Randolph, and three Cornets. Captain Stith being suddenly surrounded by the enemy’s horse and foot, and seeing no probable way of getting off, called out for quarter; but they, contrary to the rules of war and to every sentiment of humanity, refused his request, called him a damn’d rebel, and struck him over the head, with a sword—which fired him with such indignation, that he bravely fought his way thro’ them, leaped over a fence, and escaped into a morass. Lieut. Barret got off on horseback; and Lieut. Morrow with a number of others badly wounded and left on the field as dead, were next morning brought off by a party of the regiment, the remaining part of which is now commanded by Captain Stith. Several of those his party brought off are since dead of their wounds. [More]