Monday, December 20, 2010

Gov. Christie commutes Brian Aitken's sentence

Good job to all who joined in the effort to free Brian Aitken. [More]
This news warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column for today.

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Your Comments Are Important To Us

So we’re looking at 2.5 weeks to generate comments on a regulation of this magnitude?  During holiday season?  No online comments for this regulation.  Congress to recess in mere days.  Nicely done. [More] has further important thoughts to share on the BATFU long gun registration story. It looks like they're intentionally making things difficult.

"The Compound Bow Loophole"

God help me, they actually said that. [Read]


[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Rude and Bestial Enough

Customs agent indicted for smuggling guns, drugs [More]

Wait a minute...didn't I just post this story?

Guess not. Different "Only One."

It's getting tough to tell all those few bad apples apart...

"Operation Rude Beast." Who thinks up these names, and I wonder what a shrink would make of it...?

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Getting Guns Off the Streets Enough

We're sending them to Mexico! [More]

Why, there oughtta be a law.

And more laws!

And a ban!

[Via Steve T]

We're the Only Ones Granted Enough

The Orlando Police Department soon could have two sniper rifles more common on the battlefields of Afghanistan than in an American city, if a grant from the NRA comes through. [More]
Because if we lose cops, we lose!

We're the Only Ones Just a Few Bad Apples Enough

Evidently just a few, because only "hundreds" are being reported. [More]

But they're really big apples.

Big raging apples.


[Via Jeet]

Keeping Us Free

"I've just given you an order and told you to remove those signs from the property," he growled. [More]
For those who say "It could never happen here," of course it could. Thugs like this are more than willing to fill the Gestapo role.

Sadists like authority as much as they like hurting people.

[Via Ron W]

And Remember...

...they hate us because we're free! [Read]

It's a well-oiled machine.

[Via Vanderboegh]

We're the Only Ones Holding Up Well Under Pressure Enough

Because they're better trained to handle emergencies than you and me...[Watch]

[Via Ed M]

Buyback Program Takes Guns Off Pittsburgh Streets

No it doesn't either, Rick Willis, you idiot. Misguided fools are hardly the problem. [Read]

Do the actual words you type in even register with you? Or is it just that you have a slam dunk easy one to file and you know it's what the bosses expect from you?

Push the green button and a food pellet drops out 'n all that...

How to get illegal guns off the streets

Through a snitch program, silly. [Read]

Haven't we already established that?


Well, hell, then I guess we can't get in any trouble for reporting these guys...

What It's About

There really should not be any dispute about this. It is not an argument about policy. It is about nothing more, or less, than who can look up a number in a government publication more accurately. [More]
While true, that's not what it's about.

It's about enabling tyranny. Whether as co-conspirators or useful idiots...

We're the Only Ones Booming Boomer Enough

The family had an electric fence, but there was not a sign alerting the officer it was there, Daniel said. [More]
In the course of our daily walks, the wife and I pass literally dozens of such yards with yapping mutts asserting their territoriality. They're knuckleheads--that's what they do. If we acknowledge them at all it's to laugh and tell them how good and cute and brave they are, and to apologize for not having any treats.

So it figures the "Only One" response is to murder the family pooch.

Reports on Traver nomination increase expectation tensions

This is the public face of the state of the nomination.  I’ve also received information from a confidential source that paints things in a very different light.  Understand that this may or may not unfold—while my source characterizes it as “solid intel, as far as it goes,” that qualifier acknowledges the reality that sometimes things don’t go as we’ve been told, and sometimes, there is intent behind that.  With that caveat, here’s what I’ve been sent, edited only for expletives... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the public face of things and then takes a peek behind the scenes.

Also, help sue somebody.

Publicly or privately serve notice of the link to your friends?

This Day in History: December 20

Of the frigates the Deane was fully manned and ready for sea: the others would have been nearly so, if privateering had not made it practically impossible, without great delay, to get men for their crews (Publ. R. I. Hist. Soc., viii, 255, 256; Brit. Adm. Rec., A.D. 489, No. 19, December 20, 1778, intelligence collected for Admiral Gambier.) These six frigates represented almost the entire strength of the Continental navy in commission in American waters at the end of 1778. [More]