Monday, July 23, 2012


Most impressive.

But you are not a Jedi yet.

And there's no doubt it my mind you'd be absolutely useless in a real world situation if the best you can come up with is "Give 'em what they want."

Companies actually pay money for your advice? Do you offer a money back guarantee if anyone dumb enough to listen to you gets hurt or worse, or should we assume anyone that witless was bound to check out sooner than later anyway?

My First Reaction is "No"

My second is, that's one way to hurt Hollywood where they'll feel it...[Read]

I'll stick with my first reaction, because there's no shortage of bleaters who'd go along with it, but there's no way I'd submit to a search or wanding just to see a damn movie. 

Pick 'em Out...

...Knock 'em down. [Read]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Don't Feed the Cowards

I typically just ignore these, because that infuriates trolls more than anything else, but this was useful to illustrate the "quality" of enemies we attract.

[Click on graphic to enlarge]

Of course this sick, pathetic coward is afraid to even tell me this in an email, let alone let me know who he is so I could arrange for him to tell me to my face. And he and I both know his repeated overtures of hate also mean I occupy his seething little mind.

Now let me tell you what will happen next with this predictable loser: He'll try to post a series of increasingly strident comments calling me names and telling me I'm the coward for not publishing his comments.  But he'll never identify himself to me because he is afraid of me, which just shows what a contemptible little piece of shit he is--and he knows it. And after a while, not getting a reaction, he'll give up until next time.

Can you imagine being so pathetic and demented you send horrible death wishes like this to people anonymously?  Looking on the bright side, it is impossible that this is a balanced and happy person, which means that gives me something else to laugh at him about.

And which means he's a typical "progressive" for "gun control". Remember last time this happened--and it came from the Brady Campaign blog's administrative log-in page?

Armed American Radio Recap

Mark Walters has posted the archives to last night's Armed American Radio program. I was on in the the first hour and rejoined the program for the third hour "Roundtable."
Other guests included John Lott in the first hour, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman delivering "seminar" information in the second hour that people pay good money for--and you'll hear why, Alan Korwin and George "Mad Ogre" Hill.  

Mark's opening 15-minute monologue on the Colorado shootings is must-hear radio, just outstandingly well done. I'm proud of him for articulating things so well. He shared with me a file recorded by two separate radio stations that is freaky and differs from his archived version--when he says "pure evil" at 26 seconds into the file, and his voice suddenly gets scary deep. Station engineers can't explain it.

He'll be sharing more thoughts today at 3:30 Eastern on the Janet Mefferd Show (click the "Listen Now" button at the appointed time).

Gun Talk

Tom Gresham has posted yesterday's show to the Gun Talk Radio archives:
Hour One - Guest Ted Nugent, Musician and TV Personality
Direct download: 120722guntalkA.mp3
Hour Two - Guests David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner and Alan Gottlieb, SAF
Direct download: 120722guntalkB.mp3
Hour Three - Guest Dave Workman, Gun Mag
Direct download: 120722guntalkC.mp3

A Safer Gun-Free World

Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen share their thoughts. [Read]

Reporting Colorado-style shooting unlikely in Philippines belies brutal reality

“Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman, Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo Jr., said the Philippines has stringent measures regulating the sale of firearms,” the story reports. “He added that it is unusual in Filipino culture to engage in such violent activity.” [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report provides another exhibit in the self-inflicted indictment against mainstream reporting of the Colorado shooting. Please share link far and wide.

Save Money. Live...uh...Well, Save Money

That’s why we were pleased to learn, albeit second-hand, that the management of the Elizabeth City Walmart may be considering changing its policy on the carrying of concealed weapons inside the store. [More]
Looks like a bit of grasssroots persuasion may be in order.

'Gun Criminals' for 'Gun Control'

Ramsey supports a ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines, a registry of guns and mandatory reporting of all sales of guns. [More]
I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, but how about if we enforce existing gun laws?

Feinstein Wants Dialog

OK.  Here's my position, since no one has the right or legitimate authority to speak for me on this. [Read]

No.  Go away.

This Day in History: July 23

Three successful attacks have been made on the Enemy. [More]