Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Police forbid Connecticut gun activist from ‘soliciting’ on DESPP grounds

“When I asked if I would be arrested if I continued, he told me ‘You could put it that way,’” Benedetto reported. [More]
This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner Report asks why those who care nothing about the Second Amendment would be expected to revere the First.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Fast and Furious gun turns up after Mexican resort shootout. [More]

Looks like that Feliz Navidad wish came true...

[Via Doug Rink]

Bill Skretny Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It

And remember-- all the Supreme Court has to do for this to stand is...nothing. [More]

Brought to you by a "Republican" who quit the NRA because they're too extreme.

The "To Do" List

Workman posts his for 2014. [More]

I'll probably dust off my "resolutions" piece as well.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Be ready for civil war or people sorting themselves out [More]
Depending on who's behind it, that's about the only thing that could get me to change my answer to "Yes."

Oath Keepers welcome New Year with free viewing of ‘Molon Labe’

“As a special holiday gift, you can screen ‘Molon Labe’ for free,” the production company Matrix Entertainment’s website announces. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report invites you to watch a free film before the offer expires.

Captain's Blog

Two new ones from Herschel:
And yeah, I suspect he may be right about that ISP pressure. I suspect that myself.

We're the Only Ones Disarming Enough

When we enforce "citizen disarmament," we really enforce "citizen disarmament"! [More]

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Disarmed Enough

Several of you have sent me this link over the past few days and I haven't done anything with it.  [More]

While such a ruling is nuts, I'm trying to get some further information on this and want to be circumspect for now. 

Rather than focus on his being armed on duty, which is absolutely an "Only Ones" illustration, we ought to be concerned for why he is barred from guns off duty, because such rationales could apply to all of us.

It's why, when some of our ostensible gun rights "leaders" champion facilitating mental health prohibitions, they ought to be pressured into fleshing out all the details.  Let's start with a list of psychiatrists who are willing to put their name, license and malpractice insurability on the line to certify someone once forbidden is now OK to have whatever guns and however much ammo he wants.

Because without that, it's all words.

The Safety Dance

If we remember that for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day, what we should feel when they use the word "SAFE" becomes obvious. [More]

Mothers Fed Up

OK, so what different choices are you prepared to make about the way you conduct your own lives? [More]

Or do you expect the government to force me to do something about them?

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

Talk about a paranoid loon! [More]

Sorry, Ann, it's not a "theory."  It doesn't even qualify as a "hypothesis" since it's based on your delusions rather than observations.

There's a recurring troll in comments I've seen on other sites. I won't name him because what they crave is attention and acknowledgement, but you can't miss him.

I bring it up because he inadvertently shows how modern "progressives," who consider themselves so enlightened, aren't anywhere near as savvy as their hardcore commie forebears.  Note the way he constantly denigrates rural Americans and Walmart shoppers (even though he apparently shops there himself), conflating them all with hicks and KKK members.

The Bolsheviks knew they'd never have the power to take over unless they instead exalted the peasants and the workers. So we should actually be grateful for idiots like self-designated Superiorboy here, who doesn't even know enough to mask his contempt.

And we should also never lose sight of the fact that with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. Notwithstanding what they say they're about, which is invariably and always a lie, it is we "shall not be infringed" absolutists who are the true power-sharing egalitarians.

This Day in History: December 31

The General Court Martial whereof Major General Baron Steuben is President is to assemble on Wednesday next at ten รด clock AM. [More]

Monday, December 30, 2013

Illinois State Police and media continue to confound on new gun rules

With the past hostility of the ISP and establishment media, especially Chicago media, to the right to keep and bear arms, whether this indicates a coincidence or a resistance to providing information on guns to a public that wants it would seem a fair speculation. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report detects a lack of enthusiasm in complying with spirit and intent.

We're the Only Ones Probing Enough

One victim said that another officer put a gun to his head while Vagnini administered a choke hold, touched his scrotum and fingered his anus. Another man was probed so violently that he bled. [More] 
What wouldn't such a diseased creature do?

A Mugged Liberal

After reading this, I have a tough time giving a damn. [More]

My guess is, he will not have learned a thing, at least enough to change his ways.

On a positive note, it's nice to see all his fellow "progressives" who ridicule having a gun at Starbucks proven so thoroughly wrong.

[Via Florida Guy]

An Academic Argument

When Jim Irvine of Buckeye Firearms Association joined the "Roundtable" on Armed American Radio last night, he talked about his group's efforts to arm teachers in Ohio.

I've been approached by another activist, a teacher from Pennsylvania who is trying to get similar legislation passed there.

I have to confess mixed feelings on this. I believe we all have a right to keep and bear arms and that "gun free zones" are not just wrong, they're evil.  I oppose the idea of special classes of citizens being "granted privileges" -- just as I did when some in the gun community were stumping for nationwide carry for retired "Only Ones." You'll note that once they got their place at the table, the fact that the rest of us might like to pull up a seat but they were all taken was our problem. And, on a more fundamental level, I oppose "licensing" of a right.

I also have to acknowledge that under normal circumstances, the chances of getting existing legislation repealed so things become the way I want them is nonexistent. And this would save lives and provide a deterrent to something the antis would otherwise exploit to the detriment of us all.

Which practically guarantees the ones fighting this the loudest will be the education establishment... 

Last Night on Armed American Radio

End of year re-cap with Armed American Radio Washington editor Neil McCabe, special analysis and commentary by David Codrea, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill, Buckeye Firearms Association’s Jim Irvine and AAR Board Op/Producer, Sean “Seanto” Young.

The Enemy Within

Who thinks Scott Reed isn't a Democrat mole? [More]

[Via Michael G]

Cracking the Code

It goes something like predators prefer weaker prey, and only liars or fools deny the observable laws of Nature. [More]


Right, because exposing your utter and undeniable hypocrisy is "trolling."

Any other words you'd like to redefine?  Like "common sense" and "gun safety"?

Here's something we must never forget when dealing with these creatures, and why I am so unforgiving of those ostensibly on "our side" who offer one-sided "compromises" in the unfounded, and frankly, stupid hopes that throwing a scrap of flesh to circling hyenas will satisfy them and persuade them to go away:
We're going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily -- given the political realities -- going to be very modest. . . .  [W]e'll have to start working again to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen the next law, and maybe again and again.  Right now, though, we'd be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice.  Our ultimate goal -- total control of handguns in the United States -- is going to take time. . . .  The first problem is to slow down the number of handguns being produced and sold in this country.  The second problem is to get handguns registered.  The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition-except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors-totally illegal.
              Richard Harris, A Reporter at Large: Handguns,  New Yorker, July 26, 1976, at 53, 58 (quoting Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, Inc.) (boldface added, italics in original).
Anybody think that's changed, and that we're not one SCOTUS replacement away from having to deal with that possibility?

Nicely done, Kurt-- I can tell you got under her skin and you're living in her head rent-free with the desperate and pathetic way she tried to dismiss you. And nice "reasoned discourse," too, having her just block you like that -- the virtual equivalent of "La la la still not listening."

You're absolutely right. Being despised by the despicable brings a warm glow...

When Ceramic Squirrels Are Outlawed...

Why would anyone need such a thing, anyway? [More]

Between those and assault gnomes...

We're the Only Ones Luck of the Draw Enough

Instead of apologizing, one of the deputies told Guerrero, “You’re lucky I didn’t f--king shoot you.” [More]
Nice of you to put the blame on the victim, Ozzie. It sounds like your trespassers are the ones who were lucky.

A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy

One anti-vivisection activist responded on Facebook."You could die tomorrow. I wouldn't sacrifice my goldfish for you." Another commented: "If you had died as a child, no-one would have given a damn." [More]
It's unhinged maniacs like these I love taunting with my Center for Biological Diversity souvenir.

Baby Daddy

If only they would disarm you and me... [More]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

This Day in History: December 30

Some time the last winter your Excellency was pleased to order a board of officers to revise the former report of the board of officers on the rank of the captains of the Massachusetts line, some of whom thought themselves injured. The board reported to your Excellency; but an approbation or disapprobation of the report, was never expressed—several of the captains remain very uneasy, and I believe there are very apparent grounds for some of them being so. [More]

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Organizing for Action contest rules show inconsistency of progressive principles

And how is someone supposed to prove they are citizens and/or lawful permanent legal residents, anyway? I thought the Obama’s DOJ said requiring proof of that disproportionately violated the civil rights of minorities. [More]
Welcome to the [“progressive”] party, pal. Provided you can produce ID we don’t require of voters (because that would be racist!), and pass a Universal Background Check along with an ideological purity/party loyalty test.

And yeah, I know: What “principles”?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Toby Keith restaurant hypocrisy leaves bad taste in gun owners’ mouths

It's instructive that five years after Keith wowed NRA members, he declared himself a supporter of “the most anti-gun president ever to occupy the Oval Office” in 2008 when he praised Barack Obama, calling him “the best Democratic candidate we've had since Bill Clinton,” and then honored Obama by performing at his 2009 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes there are a lot of self-enriching poseurs out there capitalizing on the gullible thinking they share their principles.

Friday, December 27, 2013

ATF whistleblower website decries disproportionate discrimination complaints

“How disturbing is this?” the CUATF moderator posting under the screen name “Doc Holiday” asked, relating that under “total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of year 2012,” ATF had 1,362, more than 25 percent out of 4,770 employees, compared to less than one percent for both DEA and the FBI. [More]
This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes they went full B. Todd. You never go full B. Todd.

Illinois gun owners on hold for compliance instructions on private sales

Why the information is not available now, and what the reason is for waiting so long to inform the public have not been stated, but suspecting official indifference or even hostility to gun owner concerns would hardly be without precedent, especially since ISP appears to be doing bare minimum and no gun owner outreach is planned. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes grudging, in-your-face foot-dragging by insolent “public servants” who have been allowed to presume that you work for them. In short, they don’t care because they don’t have to.

Disappointing, But Hardly Unexpected

Take a good look.  I'd estimate probably 97% will do what they're told and come up with all kinds of rationalizations for it. [More]

It's a terrible choice to force someone to make. Most will opt for the illusion of temporary safety, as opposed to mass civil disobedience.  It's just the way things are.

The handful who defy are made more vulnerable.  Of course, such radicals are generally chastised by the more pragmatic for making "us" all look bad anyway. Hey, if we don't like the law, we can work democratically to change it, right?

Get used to it, happy few.

[Via bondmen]

Perceived Threat

Encore presentation tonight on ATSNtv's "Stop the Threat" ... [Details]

No Demand for Demanders

Liberal Commercial Talk Radio Disappears in NY, LA, SF in 2014 Only NPR is left. [More
That's no fair! Why, there oughtta be a law!

Funny...my friend Mark Walters keeps adding stations.

Target: Men

The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder [More]
"I wonder if overdiagnosis of ADD and unnecessary use or abuse of these drugs are non-spurious causative factors for shootings?" colleague RH asks.

"And how the 'progressive' public educational establishment is a driving force behind the War on Boys," I offer in return.

A Phishing Scam

Seriously?  You guys really sent me this and expect me to drink the punch?

I oughtta hook him up with Franky Samora.

I swear, the Stupid Party is doing it's best to totally blow the tremendous opportunities presented by overreaching "progressives."

Except they're pretty much all that way by design, aren't they?

Welcome a New Sponsor

Note the BulletSafe banner in the sidebar.  By way of disclosure, I get a commission if you use my link to buy from them, so order a dozen today.

Pรณg Mo Thรณin

While spreading Toys for Totalitarians cheer, Mike tells the governor of Maryland to...well, let this Irish fellow here explain to those of you who don't understand Gaelic:

I guess I shouldn't have referred to "spreading cheer" in relation to that. Anyway, now that we've got that out of the way, read Mike's missive.

And oh, look: An "Authorized Journalist" has noticed.

Glad to see at least one trying to catch up, although I did have to ask her what the hell she was talking about:
Mike also has some comments about her coverage.

UPDATE: Cuomo gets his. How do you say "Pรณg Mo Thรณin" in Italian?

We're in the Money

High hats and Arrowed collars, white spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime, for a wonderful time [More]

SAF is puttin' on the Ritz, courtesy of Mike McGinn and his Seattle elitists.

Not really. Every dime is needed to continue with groundbreaking legal actions and more.  And this will come in handy.

This Day in History: December 27

Enclosed is an account of their present force in New York and its dependencies, handed to me by a person who I believe is well informed. [More]

Thursday, December 26, 2013

News outlets ignore correction notices for misreporting on ‘submachinegun'

That several of the major media players in this instance have been informed of this development, yet have chosen to ignore such information, goes beyond laziness and/or deliberate indifference to accuracy. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report once more documents the “mainstream media” doesn’t give a damn about the truth when it comes to guns or anything else the "progressives" are scheming to take control of.

Conflicting Opinions

What do tyrants and their "swarms of officers" care if their "flawed laws and interpretations" are  putting good people at risk of having their lives destroyed? [More]

Hell, they probably get off on it.

When Buckeyballs are Outlawed...

How do people protect their kids from freedom-choking "progressives"?  By the "logic" used to ban some of these, gravel ought to be illegal.  [More]

I'm just waiting for someone from CPSC to declare handgun ammunition a choking hazard.

The Way Things Oughtta be

But what's this "take law into own hands" nonsense? [More]

Who owns it if not the people who paid for it?

Be interesting to see if any significant difference in crime results...

We're the Only Ones Offering Enough


Perhaps the "seller" can be greeted with a camera crew.  Be interesting to see if the person posting this will get back with me and direct me to some specific ads.

This Day in History: December 26

I beg your Excely to have Cloathing forwarded to enable me to send the Convalesans, to their Regts and the desabled to the invald Corps, likwis will your Exy be pleased to have some Money send On, that the Officers who were left with me, may [trans]port the Convalescens... [More]
Odd are, our Christmas was a lot nicer than theirs.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vanderboegh defies anti-gun governors with ‘Toys for Totalitarians’

“If they are willing to tear up the law and the Constitution to enforce their will upon anyone they choose, and they are, then it is past time -- for me at least -- to worry overmuch about whether something is ‘legal’ as the domestic enemies of the Constitution define that term." [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes some Christmas “gifts” that are sure to enrage…

Feliz Navidad

Police found 14 sniper or assault rifles at the scene... [More]
Hey, maybe we can trace 'em to American gun shops and use that to stump for more domestic disarmament!

[Via everrest]

The Crisis Today

Oath Keepers reminds us of a famous missive from another time of crisis. [More]

If you've never read this, stop what you're doing now and rectify that.  If you have, but not recently, there is no better time for a refresher than right now.

A Symbolic Show

It's like we've been trapped in some dark, absurdist comedy and it's slowly starting to dawn that the joke is, it's intended to be a tragedy. [More]

UPDATE: You don't say...

We're the Only Ones All Washed Up Enough

Securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity... [More]

New York. It figures.

The Best Back Door Money Can Buy

NSA Paid a Huge Security Firm $10 Million to Keep Encryption Weak [More
And remember, "they" hate us because we're free!

We're the Only Ones with Possibilities Enough

Determinations regarding training or possible disciplining of the involved officers will be made at that time. [More]
Well, then, I'm satisfied. How about you?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

A burglar who had already been jailed for breaking into a woman's house four years ago returned to rape her in a revenge attack after he was freed. [More
Why didn't she use karate?

One-Trick Pony

We've seen that act and weren't impressed the first time.  I agree with Bob: No need to give the attention-seeking fool any more of what he obviously craves. [More]

This Day in History: December 24

I have receiv’d a long Letter from Messrs. Neufville, the Purport of which is, that they are willing for their Parts to deliver the Goods to you but that they cannot controul the other Owners of the Ships, who have a Right by the Laws and Customs of Holland to detain the Goods for the Damage done by Capt. Gillon’s refusing to sign the Charterparties, &c and hoping that I will not on Acct of the Conduct of the other Owners, refuse to pay the Bills, especially as such a Refusal would be derogatory to the Honour of the United States &c. [More]

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Beginning (and End?) of a Beautiful Friendship

I just got this email the other day from my new "friend" Sara Armstrong, RNC:

My reply:

It seems a reasonable question to me, but she hasn't written back -- maybe she doesn't want to be friends anymore...?

We're the Only Ones Not Passing the Smell Test Enough

How the hell is an 85% failure rate probable cause for searching someone? [More]

And how many "successes" are really due to subtle hand cues?

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Armored Enough

The occupying force proudly shows off its new toy that, according to the chief, "provides a high capability of protection for our officers and the community." [More]

Well, for the officers, anyway...

[Via Florida Guy]

Elementary, My Dear Watson

We don't even need to invoke a favorite quote. The only "impossible" you have to eliminate is the argument of the antis. What remains is not only probable, it's what's evident. [More]

Deadline fast approaching for new Connecticut gun ban/registration edict

That raises a key question for gun owners opting for obedience: If an order is later given to surrender your registered firearms, will you also obey that? After all, the same justification and reasons can be given for doing that as are being given now, and the compulsion to obey would actually be stronger -- the “authorities” will now have conveniently coerced lists which you provided to assist them in identifying you, where you are, and what you have. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column notes time’s up. What will you do?

Selective Outrage

See, if "hate speech" is directed against gun owners, it's not news. [More]

Kalashnikov Dead

One hell of a designer... [More]

Listen to CBS blame the AK for "kill[ing] more people than any other firearm in the world."

Herschel has more.

Armed American Radio Redux

From host Mark Walters:
NJ carjacking murder commentary, CT Carry.org’s Rich Burgess, David Codrea, Rob Pincus talks staying safe from predators during busy holiday season and George Hill talks guns, gear and Phil Robertson.
UPDATE: Today's GRE covers more of Rich's message for Connecticut gun owners.

A Funny Thing Happens...

...when people are given enough information to actually understand the issue... [More]

And the Winner Is...

Newsbusters has some Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist awards... [More]

[Via Michael G]

Confidentially Yours

It appears to be a step in the right direction. [More]

Now the work needs to be done to keep the presumptuous bastards from getting your names in the first damn place. But the "groups" can't do it alone. Every gun owner must do his or her part and help in ways they can.

I think less of those who won't than I do of the antis.

UPDATE: Anthony Martin shares his observations.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Mike is out delivering presents to the less ethical among us as part of his Toys for Totalitarians program... [More]

One Thing You Can't Hide

Only the ethically challenged and morally disabled would want to harm the physically more vulnerable. [More] 

This give me an idea. I'm not ready to flesh it out yet, but it's based on combining this with the story about the African farmer and the leopard.

For the time being, take it away, Mr. Lennon...

Arrested Development

Workman weighed in on the New Jersey carjacking. [More]


The group, which McDevitt said includes a diversity of opinions, has met in private with advocates on both sides of the gun access debate, mental health practitioners and researchers, school officials and police chiefs from rural, suburban and urban areas. [More]
Really? They've met with someone from the "shall not be infringed" side? I must have missed that part.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Burlington, they've "yielded results."

Sorry, fellas. The "Authorized Journalists" covered for this miserable failure as much as they could without becoming obvious laughingstocks themselves.

I guess there'll never be a need to go "through every Middlesex village and farm for the country folk to be up and to arm" anymore.  Besides, they're probably all at Wegman's.

This Day in History: December 23

I could wish to receive some directions from Your Excellency relative to these unhappy Men, or that I might be Authorized and enabled to furnish them with some Assistance, as many of them are almost naked and have not a blanket to lay on.[More]

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tonight on Armed American Radio

I'll be joining host Mark Walters at 8:30 pm Eastern along with Rich Burgess of Connecticut Carry to talk about the penalties for not complying with the state's registration scheme.

Rob Pincus will join the program in the second hour, and George "Mad Ogre" Hill will be featured in hour three.

The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.  You can also watch the studio feed at IRF News, courtesy of producer Sean "Seanto" Young.

Piers Morgan shows as much contempt for First Amendment as he does for Second

You are free to pick and support your side or to ignore the whole sorry mess.

In Morgan’s fascist world, that choice would be taken from you. Let’s prove that together. [More]
What else we would expect from someone with such a demonstrable Stalinist bent? Good thing he’s so adept at karate!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Foiled carjacking shows different outcome potentials when gun owners have choice

The question here is who has the moral authority to tell another human being they do not have a right to defend themselves? [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column tells "A Tale of Two Carjackings." Guess which one has a happy ending…?

A "Progressive" Paradox

Note the same ones who say gun owners are responsible for the reactions of hoplophobes would never say that gays are responsible for the reactions of homophobes. [More]

Maybe it's not a paradox at all... maybe it's just more "progressive" Opposite Day hypocrisy...

'The Gun Went Off" is No Longer Enough

Now, it actually instigates and controls the behavior! [More]

Cloistered eggheads said it, I believe it, that settles it.


Herschel also shares observations on some other recent stories.

We're the Only Ones in for a Bumpy Ride Enough

Nice knee ya got there...shame if something happened to it... [More]

Oh, looky...
Ah well, it's probably a smooth road...

Putting Words in His Mouth

After all, isn't it the job of "Authorized Journalists" to make our leaders look good? [More]

[Via cydl]

"Safe Passage"

WTF, can't people read signs? [More]

Any other illusions we can shatter for you this morning? 

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Chris C]

Statement from CCDL in re Registration Deadline

Groton, CT- December 20th, 2013

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state's largest grass roots 2nd Amendment rights group) Is reminding the gun owning public that the deadline for registration and declaration of certain firearms and magazines is fast approaching. 

CCDL President Scott Wilson stated the following: " Many People are still not aware of the law itself, or the actual date of implementation (January 1st). While CCDL wholeheartedly believes that this law is unconstitutional, we want to make sure that law abiding gun owners do not become felons on January 1st".

"Of particular concern is the fact that many handgun magazines as well as semi-automatic rifle magazines with a capacity of greater than ten rounds were sold standard along with guns prior to April 4th. These magazines with more than 10 round capability must be declared. Registration of newly re-defined assault weapons must be registered by the deadline as well.

The CCDL President also stated: "Until Public Act 13-3 is resolved in the Federal Courts, this is sadly the law for now. I sincerely hope that no, unaware, law abiding person(s) receive a prison sentence, being made an example of, by the State".

"This law could potentially ruin the lives of entire families. People that had absolutely nothing to do with what happened in Sandy Hook last December".  

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is helping lead to legal the challenge of the new law along with other plaintiffs. Oral arguments will be heard in Federal court this coming January 30th in Hartford. More information may be found at www.ccdl.us 
I like that on their website, they phrased it "If you wish to be in compliance you can find all of the forms needed here."

I like it because it acknowledges there is a choice.

I can't tell anyone else what to do. I can only point to what I did, which some, no doubt, will dismiss as foolishness followed by extreme luck, but which I would counter was only because everyone didn't do it.

I will ask one question though, to those of you complying:  If an order is later given to surrender your registered firearms, will you also obey that?

Fighting Back

Tonight on ATSNtv's "Stop the Threat"... [Details]

"Common Sense Gun Laws"

It's a damn shame, when our so-called "pro-gun Republicans" adopt the terminology of the antis to justify their betrayals.

What the hell is "common sense" about ceding a beachhead to an enemy that will then use it to launch the next attack?

Ah well, it's not like our so-called "gun rights leaders" didn't signal they'd give you a pass on a planned preemptive surrender.

But I won't.

That's "COD"rea

Thanks for the mention, but there's only one "r"...It's hard enough to get the news feeds to notice me, and besides, c'mon--you guys are supposed to be "real reporters." [More]

See, here's the thing about some of the assumptions in this article:

I'm going to wait for some of the legal experts to comment on the rest of it.

Speaking of which, NRA filed its comment and it looks like ATF is going to hold its final action until June.

This Day in History: December 20

On 20 December 1781 the Council and General Assembly passed an Act (Chap. V, Laws of 1781, p. 6) by which the state legislature was granted means to provide restitution for damages suffered by New Jersey citizens at the hands of British forces, the Continental Army, or New Jersey militia and the militias of neighboring states. [More]

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Not an Option?

He might be surprised what options the right incentives open up. [More]

[Via cydl]

We're the Only Ones Punished Enough

"He has given his life to the community," Owens said in court. "I'm not sure how much more punishment is actually appropriate." [More]
Maybe you could find instances where someone without a badge has "accidentally" shot a cop and that would give you a pretty good benchmark...

[Via William T]

Write What You Know

The lead character is Early "Trip" Thibodeaux, described as "the nation’s most powerful gun-rights advocate and the de facto CEO of the gun industry." [More
That right there shows they're operating on a false premise, and one the antis are desperate to promulgate.

What I want to know is which names from within the gun rights activist and shooting communities are they going to retain as consultants to ensure character portrayals have a basis in something other than "progressive" representations of how they view us?

Or don't you need to do that if your intent is just to do a smear job?

[Via Michael G]

Welcome to the WoGroll...

...Best IWG Holster Guide... [More]

I just did a major cleanup of the sidebar link list a few weeks back but just had to remove three blogs that have gone inactive since then...if they've relocated, they haven't notified me.

Call for independent counsel better late than never but false premise continues

“[E]xpecting a truly independent [counsel] to be appointed by a department that is up to its neck in stonewalling and cover-up, by a president whose own role and interests are appropriate for scrutiny, is at best problematic, and at worst a recipe for ensuring those responsible for ‘Project Gunwalker’ are never held accountable for actions that have resulted in human deaths on both sides of the border," this column explained in October, 2011 ... What is needed is to reenact authorization for [an independent counsel], and to maintain such powers under the coequal branch of government comprised of our elected representatives,” the column concluded. “Permanently. Anything less would make the entire investigative effort suspect.” [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report says “Welcome to the party pals, but put a lid on that ‘botched’ stuff.”

Because We're Special and Immune

And "Never again" is just a slogan... [More]

Kapo Foxman said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Or not.

Journey to Nowhere

In a lot of places, folks won’t respond by trying to match your passive-aggressive cleverness with a tweet. They’ll knock you on your ass. [More]
Yeah, we know that about most of you guys, the shallowness, the narcissism, the effete smugness, and the provincial ignorance. But your "personal odyssey" reads more like a script for one of the more trivial and predictable Tom Hanks movies. All that's missing is the lip lock with Meg Ryan at the end as the music takes over, the camera moves up and away, and the credits start to scroll. 

You still, evidently, think it's all about you and your reactions to different environments and stimuli.

I found this comment from reader "JR48" to be the most true, insightful and worthwhile thing out of the whole four pages, reproduced here because I can't get the link to work correctly:
You still don't get it. The greatest hope of the average Joe for political journalists is not that they find their Kentucky, but that they remember the history of their profession.

Journalists were supposed to be part of the checks on tyrannical governance, to report the truth, not to be a part of the story. It was never about 'you' or 'I', it was about being a voice for the people. And someone who would be really good at that, would naturally end up being a hero. It's the place where journalism is a calling, not a stepping stone towards being part of the corrupt nature of the system. Where nests are feathered and the point is lost.

When or if you ever discover what you really were supposed to be doing in DC, then we can have a conversation. I applaud your attempts, but you've only just started your journey.

This is so much bigger than individual players, the politicians du jour or the political posturing of the day. This is about a fundamental tenant of how this country was supposed to work. Go to where the story is, follow it to the end of the road, tell the truth, and you could be a beacon of light of redemption for all that is oh so very wrong. You want to know what the people want? They want THAT and they can't get it. And it's absolutely the reason why they hate the media, despise politicians and despair at what their country has become.
[Via Dan Gifford]

This Day in History: December 19

Whereas by the act of General assembly for establishing a board of Auditors the said board was authorized to allow pensions and sums in gross to a certain extent to officers and souldiers of the army or navy raised by act of general assembly and disabled in the service and to the widows of those slain or dying therein, which allowances having been made in paper currency have by the depreciation of that become inadequate to the benevolent purposes of the said act: Be it therefore enacted by the General assembly that all such allowances made or to be made shall be paiable in specie, the Auditors taking care that they be properly reduced where in consideration of such depreciation they shall have been made larger than they be when to be paid in specie. [More]

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chief dismisses ‘silly debate’ over media machine gun conflation

The anti-gunners don’t get to start and perpetuate such confusion and then have their apologists dismiss arguments pointing out their deception as “silly.” They’d like to, but when they try, the dishonest tactic should be exposed. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes if the antis don't want to get into silly arguments, they shouldn't start and perpetuate them.

We're the Only Ones Able-Bodied Enough

On October 24, the Houston Police Department announced the results of its yearlong investigation into the shooting death of Brian Claunch, a mentally ill double amputee killed by an officer last September after refusing to drop a pen. HPD cleared the officer, Matthew Marin, of any wrongdoing. [More]
Apparently because they couldn't prove he knew it was wrong...

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Clairvoyant Enough

I see cold, dead hands... [More]

Oh, and you might want to put off buying that 40-pound bag of dog food...

[Via Florida Guy]

Ho, Ho, Ho...

Trends: Americans buying guns as Christmas gifts [More]
Anthony Martin notes a "surefire" way to avoid regifting.

And Doug Rink reminds us that sometimes, we shouldn't want to ring out the old and ring in the new.

Stop the Threat: Fighting Back

From American Trigger Sports Network Television...
In this week's crime reenactment: Home invasion, one of the most rapidly growing crimes in our neighborhoods, is not unstoppable...unless you are not prepared.

Hosted by James B. Towle with Special Guests: Don Clark, Kathy Jackson, Mark MacYoung
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: NEW Channel 393 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST Fridays 1:00am EST
Also catch past episodes of "Stop the Threat" and other programming on ATSN's You Tube channel.

Running the Asylum

"It's not so much a safety issue. It's a social conflict issue," said Frank Jenks, a natural resource specialist with Interior's Bureau of Land Management, which oversees 245 million acres. He adds that urbanites "freak out" when they hear shooting on public lands. [More]
 Ah, hoplophobes. So in other words, public policy is going to be dictated by the mentally ill?

Home Rule

Wallowa County became the nation's latest jurisdiction to pass a Second Amendment preservation ordinance, a victory for local gun rights activists who argued the measure was urgently needed to counteract the overreach of proposed gun controls in the post-Newtown era. [More
This looks like it here.
Oh, and "Gaelic Thunder"...?  Go hide under the bed and try not to wet yourself.

[Via Kevin Starrett]

We're the Only Ones Silent Enough

Well, I'd say the "legitimate media" has done its job.  So I guess it's not in Chief Magnus's interests to answer a reasonable question.

Its not like  he hasn't been directly and personally asked.  A couple times now:
All I can figure is he doesn't want to answer, and has no intention of doing so unless the issue is forced to where he can't ignore it.

Why do you suppose that is?

UPDATE:  Chief dismisses ‘silly debate’ over media machine gun conflation

Small Arms Survey plans January seminar in Geneva

What is immediately noticeable is a total absence of anyone even remotely sympathetic to an individual and uninfringed right to keep and bear arms having a position of influence in the seminar. [More]
This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes an invitation and recommends the proper wording for the RSVP.

MAIG Hatewatch

Bloomberg & Co. still proudly list their affiliation with this hater.

SPLC doesn't have anything to say about a proven racist controlling a city either.  Oh, they've reported on a [David] Gordon Jenkins alright, but that one's a "white supremacist."  Black ones are evidently OK.

Ain't that right, all you f-n crackers?

This Day in History: December 18

Indeed the Men of Influence must form the Manners of the People. They can operate more towards cultivating the Principles and fixing the Habits of Virtue, than all the Force of Laws. [More]

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

So Much for that "Wall of Separation"

So if they're going to open their doors for services based on political beliefs, and keep out members of the public who don't share in the collectivist faith, why should they enjoy tax exempt status? [More]

Being a sole protestor shows leadership. Hat's off for that. And he showed perfect media presence and control.

Being more immature, I'd have been tempted to do a Charles Laughton impersonation, just to screw with' em.

Burlington Updates

The latest from VFSC:
  • VFSC Burlington Report #9
  • Appeal to Mayor Weinberger
If you're a Vermont gun owner, I'm sure you've told all your gun owner friends about this, right?

And that you appreciate all the hard work and long hours being done by volunteers who have their own lives to live, and kicked in to help in order to show your appreciation and support?

Thank You, Captain Obvious

Hickenlooper: New Gun Laws Had No Impact on Arapahoe HS Shooting [More]
None of them will, moron.

All they do is enable and guarantee more.

Which means "progressives" will insist on expanding restrictions.

[Via cydl]


Survey shows nearly two dozen Ohio schools authorize carrying of guns to improve kids' safety [More]
It's a beginning.

If You Didn't Want to Get Raped...

...you shouldn't have worn such provocative clothes. [More]

Isn't that what they're saying?

[Via Michael G]

How Can You Tell Steve Lindley is Lying?

Read the last line and see for yourself. [More]

Oh, and as for the gun owner who whines otherwise, sorry, but you do have a choice.  You always have a choice.

It won't affect you personally because you abide by all the laws? Seriously?

You keep believing that and keep making excuses. And keep on abiding, no matter what they impose next.

We seek not your counsel nor your arms.

[Via Dave Licht]

It's Payback Time

Too bad it didn't come out of McGinn's pocket. [More]

We're the Only Ones Surpassing Enough

Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq War [More]
Funny, how "monopoly of violence" fetishists are so quiet about this... for now.

It's not that they don't want to disarm you LEOS, have rules requiring you to check out your weapons at the start of an assigned shift and check them back in at the end of it-- it's just if they let you know that'll be coming once they've secured other objectives, you might balk at helping them get there.

The thing is, you guys who will apparently follow any order and not break the code of silence, you who abuse your authority, you whose highest priority is to make it home at the end of your shift and to hell if the people you're falsely presumed to protect and serve do, haven't exactly been making any friends.

One note of caution about the way things are presented on the linked site:  I don't accept on blind faith that 5,000 were "murdered" by the police. I'd have to see that explained before assuming that none of those were legitimate DGUs against bad and dangerous freelance predators.  That said, I'd love to see a credible breakdown, and have no doubt just from stories posted here that many (most?) are ruled justifiable and consistent with department protocols just because they can be.

[Via Jeremy H]

A Compelling Argument

But I’ve always suspected the guys bragging about their big guns are compensating for a lack of size elsewhere. [More
 Gee, Jeff, we've never heard that before.  Man, you sure are original and clever!

"Locked and loaded with fear," Jeff? Projecting, are we?

That this is the level of editorial argument offered in The Toledo Blade should hardly be surprising. They've got nothing else, so they have to set loose the trolls and hope incendiary responses might heat up flagging interest in unhinged gatekeeper govsuck media.

Oh look, they're also upset about guns being used in the new GI Joe movie.  Seriously. These guys are like a South Park episode.

[Via Gerald S]

It Ain't Over 'til it's Over

But if today's Sales Update email from the Civilian Marksmanship Program is an indication, manufacturers remain stretched and consumer demand remains strong... [More]
It's almost like there's a determined minority out there or something...

We're the Only Ones Accident-Prone Enough

"I really believe that until today when we advised him what happened, I really believe he had no idea he was the one that fired the shot," Lavender said. [More
Seriously? That doesn't make things even more inexcusable?

Hey, I wonder if she'd shot him if she'd be on paid leave...

Nothin' Says Lovin'...

...like someone in the oven. [More]

Ain't that right, Mr.Nobel Peace Prize winner...?

I wonder why he wants those guys to have guns but not us.

Even Yul doesn't get it.