Sunday, April 30, 2017

Academics, Politicians and Journalists Not Greatest Domestic Threat despite LaPierre Assertion

There are over 80 million gun owners. We could have uninfringed RKBA tomorrow, and no one would dare do a damn thing about it.  [More]
He's found a convenient target to direct anger toward -- but while admittedly grave, it's hardly the greatest threat.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Vanderboegh Update

Mike and Rosey in much happier times...
This question came up in my last post about the planned memorial for Mike:
What happened to all the donations sent in for a grave stone?
[Click to view]
Per Rosey:
The monument has been seated since late August.  They had to wait until they could put the death date on it.  I have pictures but I have yet had the courage to go see it in person.  Its seated near a church they had planted there with 2 park benches flanking it. 
Sadly, she now finds herself battling cancer of her own. If you'd like to help, You can send checks, money orders or cash to:

Rosey Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

She's also evidently getting some help bringing the long-awaited "Absolved" into being. I've received some incredibly ugly and ignorant correspondence on that from bitter losers of no consequence, accusing me of knowing about pre-order funds, ignoring the fact that the man was long and painfully dying, unable to sustain focus and never satisfied with the end product. All of that resulted in his stated intentions to finish the book being thwarted time and again.

If any want to argue with that, they can go to hell, and they're not worth my time to acknowledge. My understanding is the "final" was on a thumb drive that cannot be located. How that will be worked around I cannot say, but I stand ready to help with promotion if and when appropriate.

UPDATE: For anonymous cowards who wonder why their comments won't be posted... Go desecrate somebody else's grave.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Society Justice

[T]he hunger strike is "symbolic" and protesters can leave and get food when they can no longer go on. [More]
Talk about commitment! And if it's Yale, they can even afford to have it catered.

What a debasing of the word "hunger."

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Flooding Enough

Police flood Alabama Capitol, ask lawmakers to keep concealed carry permit requirement [More]
So they admit to being oath breakers?

And they're still employed?

Natural(ized) Rights

And I think the questioning today makes it chillingly clear that the government's position, in this case, would subject all naturalized Americans to potential denaturalization at the hands of an aggressive prosecutor. [More]
If that's the case, would it have any bearing on how they should answer Form 4473 question A.12.c. to stay truthful, or would they need to be convicted first?

And how should they -- and others it applies to -- answer A.6, assuming former AG Lynch was giving a legal opinion?

[Via Mack H]

And Remember, with 'Progressives,' Every Day is Opposite Day

 It now appears that West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who ran as a pro-life candidate and still calls himself pro-life, is following the party line. He is voting in favor of abortion and has posed for a picture holding an "I Stand with Planned Parenthood" sign. [More]
So that means when he say's he's "pro-gun"... ?

[Via Tom Skoch]

Something Must Be Done!

Richmond-area felon caught before with firearms allegedly caught again [More]
There oughtta be a law!

[Via Mack H]

After Action Report

Stewart Rhodes and John Karriman note the Berkeley event went smoothly. [More]

It's Ann Coulter's loss that she did not go. I think that will follow her.

UPDATE: Stewart talks to The Los Angeles Times.

Fun Times in Cleveland Again

Appeals court bans Cleveland gun registry, regulations [More]
Kudos for your legal victory, OFCC.

I guess Action Jackson and the Council will need to find something else to redirect attention away from their miserable incompetence.

At least we're not Detroit.

We're the Only Ones 'For the Children' Enough

“This is what happens when guns get into the hands of youth,” he said. [More]
Really? You'd rather have seen all those kids dead than armed, "Only One" Perez?

You don't think it might be ... I dunno ... something else, you statist dope?

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Catty Enough

The conditioning must be damn near complete for someone to call this in.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Warning Enough

As part of the section on the use of deadly force, the consensus was that warning shots should be considered by police when they are in a situation warranting the use of deadly force. [More]
Between that and "shoot to wound" proposals, we ought to see all kinds of opportunities for unintended consequences...

[Via William T]

More Dots to Connect

Earlier this year, according to Schmidt, the NRA approached USCCA to talk about partnering to create a program that looks a lot like what the larger group is now marketing as Carry Guard. Schmidt said he walked an NRA representative through how USCCA’s coverage works. But then he never heard anything more from the NRA about the plan — until he got the letter disinviting him from the convention in Atlanta. [More]
That's in line with information I had when I wrote my first piece on this but did not elaborate on. It's not uncommon to have more raw "intel" than is disclosed in a story due to different levels of corroboration for different elements. There is more on what was done to Second Call Defense as well that has not been made public -- yet.

I hope people at the Annual Meeting give NRA an earful.

The Data is Conclusive

Democrat dominance is a deadly public health issue:
Something must be done!  For the children!

Like the One Percent using the Two Percent to disarm the Three Percent...?

Alien: Contradiction

Ridley Scott: Aliens exist and they will come for us ... He said: "Nothing scares me. I have a 9mm (pistol). [More]
So naturally, being an Opposite Day alien "progressive," he acts as apologist and historical revisionist for current invaders and enjoys a freedom his Brit "homeworld," and those plotting the cultural terraforming there and here, will not allow.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fake News Feed

Google, in its role as arbiter of what qualifies for its news feed, has decided that my exclusive on the federal judge declaring the New Jersey stun gun ban unconstitutional because it violates the Second Amendment, is not newsworthy.

As with my exclusive on the state AG making that admission, look for news feed presence on this latest development once Big Boy Media "reports" on it a few days later.

California ‘Catch-22’ on ‘Assault Weapons’ Evokes Fundamental Question for Gun Owners

Assembly Bill 1135 and Senate Bill 880 became effective Jan. 1 of this year and part of the new law requires those who have assault weapons to register them by Jan. 1 2018,” CBS 13 Sacramento reports. “But the website to do so isn’t working.” [More]
What's a little in-your-face entrapment among "friends"?

Amerikaners for Final Solutions

Looks like Gun-Grabby Gabby and the Oath-Breakers want to say "Thank you for your service," Opposite Day "progressive"-style.

[Via Rough and Ready]

Sounds Like a Job for Weinstein and Streep

Why is there no stream of gripping films about the thousands of troubled Americans with easy access to guns who can lethally act out their darkest grievances on family and society day after day? [More]
Because every time they come up with an anti-gun movie, it bombs at the box office?

Hey, whatever happened to this project, anyway?

Francis X. Clines almost pops out his Rapex in his latest hissy fit.

[Via Michael G]

Speak Now, and Forever Hold Your Piece

We fight peacefully in the political arena, in the courts, and in the shrinking marketplace of ideas while we can, but we must also be ready to fight in the streets when those punky puffboys try to shut us up. No quarter, no compromise, no surrender – we fight and win, or they shut us up forever. [More]
A point of contention is referring to tyrannophiles as "liberals."

[Via Sam Adams 1776]

Transparency, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style

When Stuckey asked who was paying him, several event leaders, who called themselves “marshals,” told him to stop asking questions and tried to bar him from streaming the protest on Facebook Live. [More]
Follow the money. And remember the legal phrase "knew or should have known" for damage accountability.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Bidened Enough

That’s when Plummer fired a single-shot through the front window in hopes to scare away who he assumed were burglars. [More]
Jeeze, if you can't take the advice of the head of Obama's "gun violence" task force, whose advice can you take?

And yeah, it makes a useful verb. Come to think of it, so would "chelseaed."

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Expediting Enough

Three retired NYPD officers were among five people arrested as part of the ongoing probe into members of the department expediting gun permits for cash. [More]
I understand they plan on using the Jojo Krako defense:
Who's infringin'?We're expeditin'.
[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Less Shocking Enough

Police use of Tasers has dropped in Virginia — in some cases dramatically — in the year since a federal appeals court decision essentially “rewrote policy for every department” in the state, a nationally recognized expert on stun guns and police use of force says. [More]
And what about police shootings? Sorry, "Precise statistics on the number of killings by police in Virginia are not available" and Fairfax PD "has decided unilaterally to stop reporting the data to state police."

Another perk of being "Only Ones," I suppose.

[Via Mack H]

I Hate to Say I Told You So

For decades, gun rights were a somewhat tricky subject for Democrats running in what used to be a red state, but demographic shifts and the voting power of populous Northern Virginia has allowed Democrats to make calls for tighter gun restrictions a key part of their platform, even if it means risking the ire of the politically powerful gun-rights group headquartered in Fairfax. In the 2013 governor’s race, the NRA donated $500,000 to Republican Ken Cuccinelli, who lost to McAuliffe. [More]
Thank goodness that "demographic shift" has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

[Via Mack H]

To Hear or Not to Hear

That is the question. [More]

The answer will tell us much.

If I had to dust off the old crystal ball, I'd guess they will, but the ruling will be such to allow states to determine their own "shall issue" criteria; that will preclude federally-mandated reciprocity; and a challenge to that will go unheard.

And yeah, it's just me guessing.

[Via Greg K]

Crimes Against Collectivism

Apparently repealing Obamacare could violate international law [More]
But enslaving us to pay for it does not?

Not Quite a Rousing Victory

First Bundy ranch trial ends in mistrial, few convictions; judge criticized for rulings [More]
And eight of the convictions were against a CI?

This Navarro character reminds me of another judge.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Training Exclusively Enough

A Rocky River police officer was taken to the hospital Monday afternoon after being shot in the leg at a shooting range ... only used by law enforcement for training. [More]
I can't begin to tell you how many times that's happened to me under much less controlled circumstances.

[Via Tom Skoch]

Upon this Crock

Instead, Cardinal Wuerl, Pope Francis and other hierarchs who should know better reiterate politically correct anti-gun propaganda.  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops even wants to criminalize civilian handgun possession. [More]
What better place to infiltrate?

Feet of Clay

Ronald Reagan: ‘Those Who Seek to Inflict Harm Are Not Fazed by Gun Control Laws’ [More]
Then why was he so bent on inflicting them, and why does the "pro-gun" establishment continue perpetuating an unsustainable myth?

I thought the great strength of "our side" was supposed to be the truth...?

This'll Be the Longest Jump Yet!

This event will feature 93 people lying on the grassy ground at Woodruff to represent what organizers say are the number of people who die daily in the U.S. from gun violence. [More]
I wonder if the Evel Knievel costume still fits...

My Kind of Razzmatazz

Chicago passes 1,000 gunshot victims for the year, pace of violence close to 2016 [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Keith B]

In Other News, Water is Wet

With more gun store thefts, owners arm themselves [More]
They're not already?

[Via bondmen]

Zap to Jog

Can a slight charge of electricity improve an ailing memory? [More]
Now that it looks like changes are a-comin' in Joisey, maybe doctors there can answer that question.

[Via Florida Guy]  

We're the Only Ones Groping Enough

Naturally, Sheriff Jeff Hobby is standing by this rights violation on a massive scale, noting that as long as a school administrator was present, the search of the children was legal. [More]
Except now that he's seeing negative consequences, he's throwing his deputy under the bus.

And hiding:
[Via William T]

Dipping Their Toes in the Pool

Clark County Shooting Complex offers program for women [More]
Don Turner & Co. prep them for deeper waters.

It's Still On

Join us for an afternoon of FREE SPEECH in America. We won’t let the bad guys win. [More]
Her lack of acknowledgment and absence will be an indicator of what Ann is really made of.

Thanks for Your Vote. Now Go Away Until Next Time.

Since voters have given the GOP a veto-proof majority, three elections in a row, you might expect the Republicans to use the power we’ve vested in them to push the principles of a free republic; to fight for the recognition and protection of long-eroding gun rights, for example. Unfortunately, if you expected this you would be disappointed. Republicans have gone squishy on gun rights, and you’ll probably be perplexed by their excuse. [More]
Not so much perplexed as revolted by RINOs. I wonder how many of those POS's campaigned on their creds as "staunch defenders of the Second Amendment"...?

But based on election results, nothing will change until one of the Quislings is targeted and made an example of. And then the next one. If the bastards won't do their damn job out of principle, make them do it out of fear.

The problem is, that means getting involved and actually doing something.  I wonder how many gun owners there are in North Carolina and how many are members of GRNC, or ever do squat ...?

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Citing its support for gun control, Concordia shoots down student NRA club [More]
And there's no shortage of fruits. They're such useful idiots when it comes to cultural terraforming that George Soros' Open Society Foundations is helping fund their "progressive" subversion.

A New Word


Definition of CHELSEA

1 :  an award that is conferred or bestowed for the purpose of ingratiating oneself to an opportunistic and narcissist beneficiary of inherited influence but no personal achievement.

2 :  a trophy, medallion, plaque or other physical object commemorating the award.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wiped Out

All I had time to do here today was post on my NJ stun gun piece before I had to leave for a family funeral. I'm back now but it's already evening. I was late to bed due to the visitation and early to rise due to the exclusive, and I need to decompress. If anybody's looking for me, I'll be on the back porch with a beer and a cigar watching "Bosch."

Judge Confirms NJ Stun Gun Ban Violates 2nd Amendment, Orders Enforcement Halt

“The Second Amendment guarantees individuals a fundamental right to keep and bear arms for self-defense … Further, ‘the Second Amendment extends prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.’” [More]
Now we get to see how the "lawmakers" respond.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

BART Swarm Invasion Shows Mandated Helplessness Invites Attacks

The passengers weren’t in much of a position to do anything but be victimized, thanks in no small part to the Bay Area Rapid Transit’s “no guns” policies, combined with the utter refusal of regional “Only Ones” to approve “may issue” (meaning “probably won’t unless you’re connected) concealed carry permits. That's all enabled by the overwhelmingly dominant “progressive” mindset of a constituency that demands defenselessness for citizens and “sanctuary” for everyone else. [More]
Based on the way they vote, that’s the way most riders want it.

Swift Kick in the But

Yes, Currin is what David Codrea refers to as a “big but” supporter of the Second Amendment; “Of course I support the Second Amendment, BUT …” [More]
That's the surest way to determine you're dealing with a lying ass.

[Via Mike M]

Because They're On the Clock and Have Nothing Better to Do

Besides, if you're a parasite, it not only beats working, you also get paid to be a vindictive prick and exert power over people. [More]

[Via Michael G]

A Familiar Voice

Eerie tech promises to copy anyone’s voice from just 1 minute of audio [More]
On the one hand, I've been anticipating such a development as the final step needed once CGI is perfected to eliminate the need for "movie stars."

On the other hand, a scam some piece of crap tried on my Mom a few years back, and to one of her friends a few months back, comes to mind.
[Via Len Savage]

Brace Yourselves

PRESS RELEASE: SB Tactical™ Announces Reversal of ATF Open Letter on the Use of SB Tactical Pistol Stabilizing Braces® [More]
Here's the letter.

Pretty amazing, how a government tasked "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" can so arbitrarily set up rules with which they can destroy us -- and then just pull an Emily Litella when entrenched bureaucrats decide a prolonged battle won't serve their interests under the new administration.

[Via Joshua S]

Color Coded

I'd be more impressed with how black lives matter if Red there wore that jacket on Crip turf.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Overlapping Enough

Plenty of slop in the trough and you people are worried about table manners...? [More]

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Fake News...

The most destructive kind of "journalism" is the "authorized" kind... [More]

The Guardian of Reality

Wikipedia founder to fight fake news with new Wikitribune site [More]
Here's a test you can do for yourself:

Find the names of, or any cites from, the guys who broke this story and pushed it into the attention of the public, Congress and the media.

Now square that with this.

You'll forgive me if there are other ventures I would rather help crowdfund.

We're the Only Ones at Capacity Enough

Frankly, while magazine capacity might be an issue for members of law enforcement, it is not much of one for the legally armed citizen. Research into actual gunfights involving the armed citizen seldom shows more ammunition is needed beyond what’s in their concealed-carry revolver. Unlike the Walter Mitty-esque fantasy warriors, the armed citizen does not fight pitched battles with the trusty handgun. He or she uses it as an exit ticket, and it is just amazing what five or six rounds of quality defensive ammunition, accurately placed, can do to change the mindset and actions of a miscreant bent on mayhem. [More]
Frankly, you're pretty obnoxious and judgmental, presuming one size fits all for all potential situations. And tell us about all you exalted "Only Ones" and your well-placed shots again. We're the Walter Mittys living in a fantasy world and you, why, you're community heroes!

You and your comment fanboy "BigFoot" reminds me of the loudmouthed know-it-alls who are fixtures at the types of gun stores that drive away both the new, who feel bullied, and the discriminating, who won't stand for it.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Another NRA Carry Guard Competitor Dropped as Annual Meeting Exhibitor

The withholding of exhibit space stands in contrast to one of the prime reasons for attending the NRA Annual Meeting, the opportunity for gun owners to immerse themselves in an unrivaled gathering of gun industry competitors (comparable to the SHOT Show, which limits attendance to industry professionals and media). Companies gather under one roof at the most highly attended open-to-the-public firearms-related event of the year, each offering their unique brands and services, providing attendees with near-overwhelming selections and choices. Artificially limiting what is allowed to be presented — and by whom — limits NRA member choices. [More]
Oh and it's a hollow feelin' when
It comes down to dealin' friends
It never ends...

Or it should be.

Allahu Akboar

Three Islamic State jihadis have reportedly been killed by rampaging wild boars near Iraqi farmland. The three Islamic State militants were cut down by the feral boar known to inhabit Kirkuk in the the al-Rashad region, a local news site claims. They attacked the militants and left three killed, Iraqi News reports. [More]
While this sounds like the type of hoax story you'd read on The Onion, a spokesman for the boars confirmed the kills:

[Via Michael G]

Don't We Have a Moral Responsibility... blow up The Boulder Daily Camera and eliminate Andrew O’Connor? [More]

Or to at least acknowledge the equivalency of that statement?

[Via Michael G]

Another Lunatic Heard From...

“After Trump was elected, I spent days just weeping,” explained the professor. [More]
Now there's a male role model for ya.

I don't know what's creepier -- that statement, the painting or the "artists" obvious fanboy lust for an actor, who, by the way, represents an Opposite Day "progressive" Captain Anti-America perfectly...

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Fauxnly Ones Preventing Loss Enough

“They are not police officers. They are given limited police authority,” Quinn said. “They’re not supposed to take them off mall premises, not unless they’re given some authority other than what they’re given by their license, no.” [More]
So would you call that a reversal of "snatch and grab"?

[Via bondmen]

It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It

King, co-host of "CBS This Morning," went on a star-studded vacation with the former president and first lady, Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen, and her best friend Oprah Winfrey on billionaire David Geffin's 138-meter luxury yacht, called the Rising Sun. [More]
Not that this would ever affect her objectivity...

Appeasement with 'Honor'?

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday the United States would honor a controversial refugee deal with Australia, under which the United States would resettle up to 1,250 asylum seekers, a deal President Donald Trump had described as "dumb". [More]

We're the Only Ones Persuasive Enough

“Randazzo held a position with the sole purpose to serve and protect the people of this city. Instead, he targeted certain women, persuaded them to sexually abuse their children and had them send him pictures and videos of the acts,” said Special Agent-in-Charge Melendez. [More]
If you want to know why he got to carry a gun in New York City and you don't, here's proof positive ordinary people like you and me just don't have the experience that makes a professsional so special -- or the connections to so many Demanding Moms.

Speaking of Fake News

Isn't diagnosing without examination and testing malpractice that ought to result in license revocation? [More]

And isn't this entire "story" journalistic malpractice?

Gearing Up

With names like "National Socialist Alliance," it's tough to see how Antifa commies don't have a point screaming "Nazi!" but that seems more like rivalry over brand dominance than anything else.  [More]

The significant thing to notice here is they're advising followers about "stand your ground" and open carry.

We've noted such movement before. This thing looks like it has potential to go all kinds of sideways...

We're the Only Ones Toilet-Trained Enough

A federal air marshal on a transatlantic flight left her loaded service weapon in the airplane’s bathroom, where it was discovered by a passenger who gave it to a crew member before it was returned to the federal agent, CNN has learned. [More]
I think I've figured out one reason why you and I can't carry in the UK, in transit and in New York City while Wipeolina here can -- we have absolutely no experience with  this kind of thing, so it's best left to the professionals.

[Via Sweet Baboo]

Vanderboegh to Be Remembered at LaGrange

[Click to enlarge]
Per RoseyVanderboegh, via email:
The LaGrange Historical Society putting on a memorial service for Mike.  At this service, Mike's ashes will be buried on the mountain.
Further information is here. And here's the map.

Friday, April 21, 2017

NRA Boots USCCA from Annual Meeting as It Launches Competitive Insurance Products

That said, enough clues exist to speculate that banishing USCCA may have something to do with NRA recently launching very similar insurance products competing with those offered by USCCA. [More]
Join us-- that is, unless we won't let you.

British Terror Survival Tips Ignore What to Actually Do During Attack

The message here is we can’t stop such an attack, we can do nothing when one is in progress, and the best we can hope for is to do what we can to keep victims from bleeding out before the ambulances arrive. [More]
Because to do anything more would make them ammosexuals and xenophobes.

Why Did 'Progressives' Push Through Antitrust Laws Again?

Google is a monopoly — and it's crushing the internet [More]
It  also removed my Virginia Tech AmmoLand article from its news feed. Ah well -- knowing me, it was probably "fake news" anyway.

Tip of the Iceberg

The National Rifle Association Disinvites US Concealed Carry Association from Annual Meeting and Exhibits [More]
You can bet there's more to this story. I'm listening to AAR right now to hear if Mark Walters is elaborating on reasons why.

The Road to Hell is Paved with 'Progressive' Intentions

De Blasio Backs Plan to Lift Base Price of Pack of Cigarettes to $13 [More]
What, you mean give "New York City’s dangerous, multimillion-dollar cigarette black market" street gangs even more incentive to use whatever means necessary to enforce and expand their turf?

Excellent plan for ensuring more GunviolenceTM!

And he can continue to blame that "iron pipeline"!

And have idiots reelect him!

[Via Mack H]

Our Absurdity is Our Strength

If you’re a violent criminal in Northern California, Santa Clara District Attorney Jeff Rosen has your back. Rosen has implemented a new office policy requiring prosecutors to “plead down” violent felony cases that may lead to a criminal being deported. [More]
So much for equal protection  -- I wonder how many citizens he has not extended such consideration to?

It may not do any good, but what do good, patriotic Americans living in California have to lose by taking a few moments to file a state bar complaint? At the very least, you will call some attention to "official" subversion, and who knows what could come from that?

[Via Michael G]

We Can't Have That

You know, connecting dots from politicians enabling Islamist "migration" to terror committed by Islamist "migrants"... [More]

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Furious Enough

"A lot of people who are right to carry people try to say I'm anti-second amendment ..." [More]
No, you're the one saying that.

From My Cold Dead Legal Challenge

Like it or not, the Courts have the final say whether you have gun rights or not. [More]
What a crock of preemptively-surrendering defeatist scheiße.

That kind of thinking right there negates the entire purpose of the Second Amendment.  No wonder it's coming from the same rice bowl interests that publicly disparage "I will not comply" activists as "extremists."

Absolutely, we need to be doing what we can now if there's any chance such efforts can help resolve or stall things without lethal risk, devastation and terrible sacrifice. But if and when that doesn't work what will our "leaders" urge us to do? Turn 'em all in, Mr. and Mrs. America?


I'd have a lot more faith in their Judicial Accountability Project if I'd seen these folks put some actual due diligence into the most important nomination in recent times. That and if they weren't actively subverting RKBA with other actions that will guarantee legislative and judicial defeats in the years ahead if not reversed starting now.

We're the Only Ones Catching Our Breath Enough

Breathalyzer officer fired after showing up for work drunk... [More]
Hey, if you want a job done right, give it to someone with experience.  Besides, he just wanted to stagger home at the end of his shift.

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Exempted Enough

Funny -- I don't see any category I would qualify for ... how about you? [More]

Perhaps it's just an oversight...?

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them

Spurious Lenin quote aside, that's exactly what this Antifa credit card knife evokes. [More]

I believe I've seen these things  offered as swag by gun groups. They are Iain Sinclair designs, but the number of counterfeits makes assumptions unfair.

It would be interesting to identify companies profiting from doing business with anti-capitalists, and the decision-makers behind that.

[Via bondmen]