Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We're the Only Ones Demonstrating Department "Ammo Retention" Procedures Enough

The San Francisco rookie police officer who accidentally shot himself to death fired his weapon while displaying for a female friend how officers are taught to avoid having their guns used against them...It apparently was part of a demonstration of the department's "weapons retention" procedures. However,there was still a bullet in the chamber...Some of those at the party apparently were drinking...

Yeah, I always found shooting myself in the neck at parties was one way to really impress the ladies. Just use your gun against yourself first, then no one can use it against you--I gotta admit, it works. And San Francisco's ruling elite want us to believe such as these are "the Only Ones" who should be armed.

And yeah, I know, it's a magazine, and what was in the chamber was a cartridge or a round. But consider what we're dealing with here...

[Via Heartless Libertarian]

Arterial Girl

Madonna is reported to have started injecting herself with vitamins to boost her energy levels.

The singer, who turns 49 on Thursday, is said to have surprised passengers on a recent flight from New York to London by injecting herself with a vitamin shot in her arm.
And she got a hypodermic needle past our highly-trained TSA professionals how?

We're the Only Ones That Kind Enough

"I've got to wonder what kind of moron would Tase an adult holding a baby," said George Kirkham, a former police officer and criminologist at Florida State University. "It doesn't take rocket science to realize the baby is going to fall."

What kind? Meet "David Boling, an off-duty Houston police officer working security at the hospital..."

What is it about "Only Ones" and shooting people holding babies?

[Via Bruce W. Krafft]

The Answer to School Shootings: Increase Number of Soft Targets

In Scotland, a massacre occurred at Dunblane Primary School in 1996, and laws were subsequently changed to control hand guns. In the years since then, I don’t believe there has been a school shooting in Britain.

You don't need to single out schools, Howard, when your entire country is a criminal empowerment zone.

Cradle to Grave

"You have the rest of your lives to make the decisions that will keep you from losing your lives around this bay. Don't put 15 minutes in the hands of our trauma surgeons and expect them to bring you back the life that you squandered."
Showing consequences of bad choices seems like a legitimate effort to help deter violence (while it would have been appropriate if they didn't just focus on guns, but also showed the results of stabbings, blunt force trauma, etc.) Still, I didn't find any calls for more anti-gun legislation, so that's not bad, considering this is from ABC News.

A lot of people visit that site, so it wouldn't hurt if some of you left a comment there.

"Danger Lovers" May Get Their Wish

But even the inventor of AC current wouldn't have foreseen this Flash Gordon style wireless plasma gun, based on the Tesla Coil and built by the danger lovers at RM Cybernetics...

The best part? According to the site, "It is also possible to use butane gas which makes this thing into some kind of flamethrower - plasma gun hybrid."
Let's just hope BATFU doesn't get wind of this, or the "danger lovers" may get more danger to love than they bargained for.

But if they do, here's another device that may keep them at bay:

Macrolying for Microstamping

A proposed state bill requiring all new handguns to be stamped with microscopic identification tags could significantly decrease violence and shut down the illegal gun market if passed, proponents said in a news conference Tuesday.

No it could not either.

Good Lord, are these despicable creatures so incapable of approaching the truth that even the lies they spew need to be whoppers?

That's a stupid question, when Mike "Der" Feuer is involved.

We're the Only Ones Buttary Enough

Montpelier Police Officer Kevin Buttars was charged last night with unnecessary assault by a police officer...

The criminal complaint states Buttars shoved and choked Finley, slammed his head into a wall and possibly forced simulated sodomy on Finley.
You'll note it's a misdemeanor charge--I wonder what it would have been if roles had been reversed--and if there's such a thing as "necessary assault" for non-"Only Ones"?

And why can't I get this song out of my head?

[Via Bruce W. Krafft]

The BATFU Equation

This is the guy whose presence with a camera at Red's Trading Post so intimidated the Heroes of BATFU that they reacted in terror and withdrawal, and so notified the judge.

Surprisingly, I've found that this interaction can be reduced to a simple equation, and if we understand it, it may help us in future encounters. Here's the formula:



Note this also results in the following corollary:

This Day in History: August 15

Brig. Gen. Thomas Sumter got the approval from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates for a secondary effort against the British line of communications between Camden and Charleston. Gates reinforced Sumter's force with 100 Maryland Continentals, 2 guns, and 300 North Carolina militia.