Before I do, I want to make it clear: Ryan Horsley did not provide me with these images, nor am I doing this at his request--so any attempt to punish him for actions that are solely my responsibility will be unfounded.
He also had no hand in directing the taking of these pictures--they are the work product and idea of another individual, who, unless I get permission, will remain a confidential source. If anyone in the federal government or courts wishes to challenge my right to do this, bring it on.
Here is a more detailed close-up to assist the public in identifying public employee Young as she performs public functions in public places:

Uh, Miss Young, I think I may have figured out why you're so uh...camera-shy. What I can't figure out though, is if that's a stain going down your back leg, or a shadow...?
You've definitely got brass! I can't wait to see your access logs.
Not really PPC material.
If we can keep her pacing and screaming on her cell she might have a MI or stroke out. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.
Linked! Thanks David! :-)
Keep shining the light and watching the roaches scurry!
Boy talk about a horse's ass! Oops, did I say that out loud? I meant due to her actions not her rather rotund figure... Oh damn, there I said something out loud again...
Well, she said that the camera was scary!
I'm calling a flag on the play here. I'm all for shining a light on their antics and drawing attention to the silly nature of this investigation. But making fun of the lady's appearance doesn't do much to endear people to our cause. Now, they'll focus on how mean we gun nuts are instead of the actual issue at hand.
My $0.02. YMMV
There's definitely that cost of this, Uncle, and that was weighed before I took this course. But don't make the same mistake the antis do: only looking at that side of the ledger.
You really can see no benefit? Because I can think of several.
Uncle, I think her appearance may have a great bearing on her actions.
Bitterness could be what is making her want to destroy this nation and its constitution. This could be what she thinks of as payback for her misfortune when others have been more fortunate.
Trust me, I am about the ugliest man walking, but I never wanted to punish everybody else for it. She just may not feel the same way. In fact, I think that is a very great possibility.
It is also possible that it has no bearing on her demeanor and/or actions against free Americans. She could just be evil and her actions would remain the same even if she were a beauty queen.
Or she could just be your typical BATFU sociopath.
I see no third option. Being in the position she is in she can't claim stupidity or inability to read.(the constitution e.g.)
That should be "I see no fourth option". I guess I can claim inability to count. :)
I suspect she's still a Miss for a reason and it's not because of her appearance. A couple of years ago I went to an ATF seminar on record keeping for dealers. This was just after the John Mohammed serial murders on the east coast. The main speaker was a young, slim, very attractive, black female ATF agent. But, let me tell you this woman was full of hate. Her tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions said she would just as soon kill all of us white, firearm dealing honkies rather than being up on stage speaking. John Ross at his Ross In Range site enlightens this phenomonen quite a bit if you're perceptive enough to see it. Unfortunately, these type of miserable, self haters (usually female)end up in positions of government regulation with way too much power. A decent govt. agency will try to put these types in positions where they can do the least amount of damage. In the case of the ATF, EPA, and other powerful regulatory agencies they are put in positions where they can do the most damage.
Sure, making fun of her obesity is kind of a low blow, but because they will not allow any recording of their actions that would allow an outside objective assessment of their activities, it is all that is left and therefore all that they should expect.
The camera does add -what?- 10 pounds...
I can't see her, there is a Manatee in the way.
A few things come to mind. First off is that a man's wallet in "Miss" Young's back pocket or her ATF ID?
A rule I go by about voting which is, I will never vote for someone who's fat. My reasoning is they have mental issues and can't take care of themselves. So how on earth can they take care of other people to the degree that the job demands. Please understand, I have frends who are over weight which doesn't mean that they are not nice people and great to have as friends. But to willingly allowing one's self to become way over weight knowing that it's a death wish shows some mental derangement of one kind or another. Kind of like, "So what if I'm killing myself with food, it's my life and I'm as normal as everyone else". Yea right!
Whatever motivates her contempt for U.S. citizens, it's her actions that are unforgivable. People like her (only-ones) may be motivated by anything, so her weight is an irrelevant (imho) factor. It is her, and her peers actions that must be monitored, analyzed, and fought. Keep up the good work David!
I disagree that her weight isn't something to be factored in. Healthy minds do not allow themselves to be on death trips by killing themselves with food. A person killing themselves with food has mental issues, no getting around that fact. Abortion is wrong, and a person killing themselves with food is also wrong. Now if you live your life in the "PC" world then I can see where you're coming from.
Miss Young has personal issues by the raw truth that she's killing herself with food. I still wonder why she's unmarried and is carrying a man's wallet in her back pocket. Are these the actions of a normal healthy and sound woman? Not even by a long shot.
The camera does add -what?- 10 pounds...
Geez, exactly how many cameras were on this lady? Five? Six?
Forget the weight issue for a moment. The picture isn't all that in focus, but her hair appears a mess. No professional self respecting female goes about their business in public without being fairly well groomed. Anyone going for a job interview should try to look their best and groom as well as possible. If she interviewed for her position looking like that, who in their right mind would have hired her? I guess no one but the ATF, right?
I think the posting of that picture was in very poor taste.
After all, many good, innocent men could be rendered permanently impotent by viewing that picture.
And besides, her office may be underfunded, and out of toilet paper.
The horror....
Sure is hard to tell, the picture being a little fuzzy and all, but is that the outline of a thong I see?
My eyes! Oh my eyes!
Amerikas finest !!!
Hot damn ...
Both ATF & FBI are shot-through with lard-ass lesbians and their nominally male counterparts. Makes me recall that the Nazis also attracted the same types. See "The Pink Swastika". Also The Hidden Hitler by Lothar Machtan. Even Der Fuhrer was a swish.
Holy crap!
Is that a reddish pimple on top of that blue shirt?
And what is that running down her leg. I can't believe the guys at Red's scared her THAT bad.
Just musing here, guys, and not advocating anything... but can you imagine how cretins like this would react if someone splattered one all over the wall during an audit... from 300 yards outside the store?
The Second Amendment was intended first and foremost to enable the People to overthrow an oppressive government.
Are we there yet?
Tyranny is very brave until it has to look in all directions at all times just to survive. Then it become furtive and cowardly and eventually ceases to be a tyranny.
Keep 'em looking (for the camera!)
Any word on a LIVE internet video feed? That would be the ultimate - citizens watching the actions of the BATF in real time. Let the outrage against these cockroaches and the ridicule of the BATF stooges build in real time. (Damn. No wonder they wanted to ban photography if they're crapping their drawer during a paperwork audit!)
Oh! Don't forget to vote for Ron Paul. (http://ronpaul2008.com) If he's elected, BATF will rapidly find itself reduced, dismantled or ordered (as part of the Executive Branch) to count each other's navels and not to spend any time on the brainless Federal Firearms laws.
I guess it's unrealistic to expect Marxist gun police to look good while they destroy what's left of our freedom. It's getting more like East Germany every day. Or Lower Slobovia.
On the one hand, a lot of buyers would have legitimate fears of being seen on a webcast while making purchases.
OTOH, cameras not under government control keeping an eye on the register and desk might give BATFu@#s pause.
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