Thursday, March 13, 2008


I just got off the phone with Len Savage.

Lou Dobbs Tonight is featuring him in two segments. Per show producer Chris Murphey:
We will possibly split this story into a two part event…either way we’ll be running something tonight in the show…airs 7P-8p EST on CNN…unsure of the hit time for this piece, but expect it in the first half-hour.

So it may be one segment tonight and another segment tomorrow. Anyway, plan on watching this, or else program your recorder if you can't. Expect legal and technical issues to be explored that you have not seen on "mainstream" television before. At this point, we have every reason to believe the coverage will be fair and comprehensive.

Please take a moment right now and spread the word--to other blogs and to your gun owner friends.

A Republican Wipe Out

You might want to get this going separately (right click, select "Open in New Window")while you read this--just to set the mood).
A proposed law currently making its way through the Florida legislature might help you with what can be an embarrassing problem. Here's the bottom line, the bill would be a mandate that all eating establishment must have enough toilet paper when you go into the restroom.

...State Senator Victor Crist, a Republican from Tampa, felt the problem was so important, a law must be passed to protect the backsides of anyone in Florida.
What is it with tight-a** Republicans and their idiotic repressive edicts lately?

Don't these morons know the only thing supposedly distinguishing them from democrats is...uh...crap like this? The market can't handle this without The Law coming down from On High? But I guess by now we've seen so many of them abuse the Constitution like toilet paper that nothing should surprise us anymore.

Not that I'm calling for it, but the thought just struck: It'd be funny if somebody TP'd this a**wipe's house, wouldn't it? That enough toilet paper for ya there, Victor?

Is The "Individual Right' Theory in Heller vs. DC a Bad Idea?

Our latest Talkin' to America interview with Edwin Vieira, Jr. author and attorney, will give you a different perspective on the Heller case.

Go and give it a listen.

I hear what the guy is saying, but I just don't see how focusing on the militia clause as the guarantee to keep arms can then be employed as a guarantee to bear them outside of being mustered.

I sure wish somebody a lot more educated than I'll ever be about these things would address the legal contentions raised.

[Via Ron W]

Take the Jack LeMoult Challenge

After my father died, friends advised my seventy-year-old mother to get a gun for protection. My brothers and I insisted that she not do so. I told her that if she got a gun, the only thing she would accomplish would be to enable an intruder to take the gun away from her and shoot her with it. I am sure that this would apply to millions of Americans who think that having a gun would provide them with some kind of security. It would do no such thing.

Tell you what, Jack--if you like, I will get a trained and responsible 70-year-old female gun owner, an audience and some cameras, and you can come and show everyone how you can disarm her and use her gun against her.

Don't worry, for the purposes of this demonstration, where you simulate being that home intruder you wrote about, we'll only use Airsoft guns and give you goggles. Because if we were using a real gun, we'd have to get you one of these.

What say we make it interesting: Say, $10,000 if you can do what you say, or you pay me if you can't?

Come on, Jack--I'll put my money where my mouth is. Will you?

We're the Only Ones Rated Enough

MacEntyre tells us not to worry about being down. Apparently there is no shortage of police abuse sites (I told you I don't go looking for this stuff):

Communities United Against Police Brutality
October 22nd Coalition
Prison Planet Cop Watch
Refuse & Resist!
Yahoo! Directory: Police Brutality
and one we've talked about before, The Squealing Crybabies who deem not receiving "professional courtesies" an "insult."

Boy, some of these sites make "The Only Ones Files" look like testimonials. No doubt some are suspect just based on blatant leanings, but what the hell--that's what free speech is about, and the credibility they receive should be focused on whether or not the information they convey is true.

We're the Only Ones 42 Going on 43 Enough

A former Pennsylvania state trooper tipped off pimps who ran a child prostitution ring in exchange for money and sex, federal prosecutors said today in announcing charges against him.
Hitlerjugend Rolf--your cue:
You wait little girl
On an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on

Your life little girl
is an empty page
that men will want to write on...

I'm an "Only One"
Now a lonely one
I-I took ca-are of you...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

We're the Only Ones Extinguishing Enough

Fire extinguishers may be removed from blocks of flats across Britain after they were deemed dangerous by buildings risk assessors at two blocks on the South Coast.

Many residents regard the distinctive red extinguishers as the first response to fire, giving vital time until professional firefighters arrive.

But a review of two residential blocks in Bournemouth has raised concerns that householders could delay their escape to tackle a blaze. There is also concern that the use of extinguishers by untrained people could add to the danger.
In other words, "We're the 'Only Ones' professional enough to pull the pin, aim the nozzle and squeeze the grip, and to know when to say 'the hell with it' and hightail it out of there."

They must really think people are dumb. Perhaps if the majority put up with this nonsense without demanding and receiving heads, they're not that far off the mark.

[Via Illspirit]

We're the Only Ones Diagnosing Enough

Mark Brannon, whose family says he blacked out as he was driving, allegedly told the deputy he was sick and in need of medical help. But instead of getting medical assistance, Brannon -- who does take pain medication -- was arrested for DUI.
Seems to me if a man says he's sick, the correct first response is to get medical help--especially if the breath test comes back negative.

If the guy was endangering the public because he was drugged up while driving there are ways of dealing with that--but not before getting his condition treated--which you'd think would be necessary if you wanted to prove that anyway.

But what do I know--it's not like I'm a qualified professional like a doctor or an "Only One."

[Via Vinnie]

Fifty Cal Alert

The antis are soiling their panties and trying to perform a partial birth abortion on a range. A Keyboard and a .45 has the details, including a link to a petition.

My message when I signed:

Save the range.

Newbies foul their nests in the states where they live and then try to impose the same foolishness in the places they fled to.

If they have a problem with disclosure, the correct action is to sue the realtor who they allege conned them and see if the courts agree.

Typical anti-gun liberals--punishing the people who didn't do it.

Save the range.
Just be careful afterward on the petition site--it directs you to a Paypal donation page.

You don't--and shouldn't have to be--a .50 owner to support this action. Let's all hang together on this.

UPDATE: Jed cautions that Triggerfinger has concerns that only signatures, not sentiments will count, and this will be used against us. The way around that is for the Fifty Cal people, who got this ball rolling, to print out a hard copy of the comments, and get it to the County officials being petitioned.

The Injured Party

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has lashed out at his opponents and the news media in the aftermath of the scandal over his exchange of sexy test messages with a former top aide.
They say the best defense is a strong offense, and brother is this thug offensive--along with everyone who supports him based on his brand of self-serving bigotry.

If they had an ounce of self respect as men, both he and Eliot would have knelt down and taken a tantō to their abdomens before subjecting their wives and children to public humiliation. Of course, if they'd had an ounce of honor in the first place, they wouldn't need to.

NRA on Red's

Among them--and certainly the most outspoken, through owner Ryan Horsley’s widely read blog on the Internet--is Red’s Trading Post in Twin Falls, Idaho. Red’s has been a family business since 1936, which makes it Idaho’s oldest gun store. After giving Red’s a clean bill of health in a 2000 inspection, BATFE found record-keeping errors in 2005, and began proceedings to revoke Red’s federal firearms license (FFL) in 2006.
Ryan's plight gets some wider exposure.

This Day in History: March 13

Agreeable to the Opinion of the Council, I shall detach the Rifle Regiment to morrow under the Command of Brigadier General Sullivan with orders to repair to New York, with all possible expedition, which will be succeeded the day after by the other five in one Brigade, they being all that it was thought advisable to send from hence until the Enemy shall have quitted the Town.