Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We're the Only Ones Professionally Courteous Enough

If you are a police officer, trooper, court officer, correction officer, telecommunicator, highway patrol, federal agent, or any other type of police (peace) officer either full-time, part-time or retired that has been disrespected or insulted by another police agency (officer) by not receiving some sort of professional courtesy, please email staff (at) with the information.
And if you're a citizen, don't try me, boy.

Unfreakingbelievable. But hey, that's why they're "The Only Ones."

[Via Peter G]


BobG said...

When they do stuff like that, they give a black eye to all of the honest LEOs out there; all they accomplish with that sort of behavior is build up the line where people think of civilians and police as Us and Them, and it damages any trust and respect people have in law enforcement.
Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

My God! What a whining,crying bunch of pussies with a criminal gang mentality.

I suggest that everyone bookmark that website and link to it every time some defender of cop misbehavior pops up his totalitarian little head.

Anonymous said...

The link to the video doesn't work: "they" removed it due to "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

Looks pretty chickensh*t to me. Good link

This is a site for officers getting traffic tickets that ANY normal civilian could get a warning on, verbal or written.

Yet the first "story" they put up is a cop who got a ticket for 84 in a 65. I'm pretty sure most of _us_ would get a ticket for that.

AlanDP said...

How considerate of them to document their own elitism for us.

Zendo Deb said...

This is the little stuff. Horrible that they expect to be above the law, sure, but other stuff is much worse.

This is only one instance of brutality ignored.

The "midnight crew" from Chicago's Area 2 - Jon Burge and Co - may finally be going on trial after 25 years for torturing confessions out of at least 148 people. Some of whom ended up on death row.

The "do what I say or I will invent a reason to arrest you" attitude in the Brett Darrow tape is much more worrying than the whining on this site about traffic tickets.

David Codrea said...

Thanks for the Petrovic lead, ZD--hadn't seen that one yet, but WoG featured the other two examples you cited, plus thousands more in "The Only Ones" Files.

W W Woodward said...

I've been in the criminal justice system since March 1971 and over the last 37 years I've received traffic citations from several officers. Mainly because I don't say anything about being in law enforcement unless the officer asks my occupation, usually after he has already written the citation, and I'm asked to sign the promise to appear.

Most of the time the officer asks why I didn't say anything about being an officer and I reply, "Would it make a difference if I were a plumber?"

We have discretion as to the laws we enforce, but we don't have discretion as to which laws we obey.

Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy getting a ticket, but the only person with whom I can get upset with over a traffic ticket is me.

Officers who think they have carte blanc to disregard traffic laws quite frequently feel they have the privilege to disregard other laws as well.