Heroes of the Revolution

Who needs the Fourth of July...

When we offer such attractive alternatives...?

I guess Harvard "intellectuals" don't put much stock in trends...

NRA warns firearms dealers of anti-gun survey

“[P]articipating in the survey in any way would give Dr. Wintemute credibility in the eyes of the anti-gun organizations that fund his efforts, which would only increase his chance of obtaining more money for more anti-gun research,” they add. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report revisits out old pal "The Hero of Medicine"--still up to his sneaky...uh..."heroic" tricks.

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Interview: Jay Dobyns on Vince Cefalu
  • Interview: Doug Ritter, Knife Rights
  • Democrat Gunwalker hearings
  • I Left my Rights--in San Francisco
  • Obama press conference
  • An anti-gun bigot
  • Vanderboegh on Gunwalker
  • More as time permits
Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.

Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others.  We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message.  Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a  part of it.

Lineup subject to change without notice.

A Belated Response

Gun rights advocates did not immediately respond to phone calls seeking comment. [More]
Well, you didn't ask me. I don't think you'd like my answer though.

Indy Radio Factor

My appearance on Sean Young's Indy Radio Factor is here, starting at around 28:40.

Here's the main site. Look around.

I always have fun talking with this guy.

Deepest Sympathy

A Manitoba judge who expressed sympathy for a Winnipeg man who bought a handgun to protect himself says the law gives him no choice but to jail him, a move gun advocates say highlights the need for renewed discussion about Canadians’ right to self-defence. [More]
I haven't been this touched since the Walrus wept for the Oysters.

Note all the pathetic government worshipers in comments who endorse the idea of someone else defining their freedom for them.  And what can I say about Adam Bergen?  And still keep it clean?

If you're happy and you know it, clank your chains.

Cummings, Schumer to hold ‘Gunwalker’ show trial against gun rights

And for those who say the suspicion that Gunwalker being exploited to justify more power for ATF and impose more “gun control” on you and me is a baseless right wing conspiracy theory, just what the hell do you think every effort by the regressive left to do just that, right in front of our eyes—from the gungrabber groups to the oath-breaking political whores to the “Authorized Journalist” Fourth Estate/Fifth Column—has been about? Just what the hell do you think tomorrow is going to be about? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary provides more proof of intent--not that it will stop those inclined to press on with lies in the face of it.

This Day in History: June 29

On June 29th, the Impertinent spotted the sloop HMS Harlem and gave chase. The Harlem tried to gain speed by throwing her guns overboard, but to no avail. Then, the Harlem's captain and crew tried to escape by launching a landing boat - but, it overturned and all drowned. [More]

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Murder in a government-controlled gun-free zone
  • Comedy Central's newest underpants gnome
  • Mayors say "Disarm for terrorists!"
  • Saying "No" to elder abuse
  • Brady's eat sour grapes to get that hollow feeling
  • We're the Only Ones driving enough
  • Giving them what they deserve
  • It's not about the bike
  • Strut your stuff
  • Interview: Author Alan Korwin
  • SOF Awards
  • Gunwalking with Vanderboegh

Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.

Lineup subject to change without notice.

Calling out excuse-mongering Jon Stewart and Media Matters on Gunwalker intent

Sorry, fellas—I realize I can’t match you for urbane snark or snotty punk judgmentalism, but that really seems to be the only hand you’re holding. So OK, smart guys, if finding U.S. civilian market weapons at Mexican crime scenes was NOT part of the objective—and then, once the joviality wore off, exploiting that information, then you tell us: How do you go from Phase 1, letting thousands of guns destined for Mexican cartels escape into the wild in the hands of straw purchasers, to Phase 3, bringing down “the big fish”?

How exactly does that work, smart guys? Explain it to us, oh wiser, more progressive ones.

What the HELL happens in Phase 2? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column accepts the call-out from media Underpants Gnomes.

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Did Eminem commit a public "gun crime"?
  • WI politicians protect us from ourselves--by disarming us!
  • Expel Michael Moore from NRA
  • Walked guns turning up in AZ neighborhoods
  • Protected Kurds give up their guns
  • One of those machine guns that don't require paperwork
  • David Hardy interview
  • Writer John Taffin on concealed carry guns
  • Mike Vanderboegh on Gunwalker
Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.

Shocking Breaking Gunwalker News!

The ABC15 Investigators have uncovered new information showing weapons linked to a questionable government strategy are turning up in crimes in Valley neighborhoods. [More]
Not that--hell, we expected that. Still to be determined: How many deaths have happened/will still happen on THIS side of the border, as if we'll ever know.

The shocker is ABC News is reporting on it.

New Eminem video continues entertainment industry’s ugly portrayal of guns

No, what strikes me as curious about this piece—aside from the profound hypocrisy of the music industry when it comes to guns—is the gun itself used in the video: Is it real or is it a prop? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column makes note of a bad rap.

This Day in History: June 27

There is a man on York Island living on or near the North River, of the name of George Higday who I am told hath given signal proofs of his attachment to us, & at the same time stands well with the enemy. -- If upon inquiry this is found to be the case (and much caution should be used in investigating the matter, as well as on his own account as on that of Higday) he will be a fit instrument to convey intelligence to me while I am on the west side of the North River, as he is enterprising and connected with people in Bergen County who will assist in forming a chain to me, in any manner they shall agree on. [More]

Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

  • Attack of the Underpants Gnomes!
  • Headlines
  • Kwame, How I Love Ya, How I love Ya, My Dear Old Kwame!
  • SAF sues NYC
  • Aloha, Only Ones!
  • Howard Hughes' Gun
  • Oathkeepers: Stewart Rhodes Interview
  • Bedside Gun Rack
  • Best Gunwalker Cartoon: Chris Muir Interview

Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."

Archives are here.  It looks like they're going to post by the week and replace the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

‘Day by Day’ does best Gunwalker cartoon yet!

Chris Muir, who produces the popular webcomic Day by Day, features a "Project Gunwalker" storyline in today's strip—hands-down the most on-target and brilliant skewering I’ve seen to date... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary says forget the news and read the Sunday funnies. You'll learn more about what's really happening that way.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Four

Examiner.com article character limits preclude adding more updates to the Journalist's Guide to Project Gunwalker. This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning June 20, 2011. It includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners. [Read]
Scroll down the left sidebar on this blog for click-through graphics that link to all the guides.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Castle Doctrine, UK-style...[Read]

This just says it all: 
“I don’t want to be drawn into a detailed debate about the law. That is not my job”.

Cefalu on Fox Tonight

From CleanUpATF:
Who: ATF Special Agent Vince Cefalu
What: Appearing on Fox's National Cable Television Program America's Nightly Scoreboard
When: TODAY! 6:05 eastern / 3:05 pacific
Where: Nationwide on your television.
Why: Because ATF retaliated against Cefalu for blowing the whistle in the face of  Congressional warnings and DOJ representatives stating that this never happens
How: Because ATF management does not care what anyone says, tells them to do or the law states
Background information: Breaking: ATF heeds Issa's 'no retaliation' warning by...retaliating

Don't Think of It as "Tone Deaf"

Think of it as "Morality Challenged." [Read]

Mr. Lennon
?  Matter of fact, why not open this link in a separate tab and have it playing in the background while you read the above post?

Resistance Radio: Join the Resistance!

Speaking of guns and racism, my special guest today will be Rev. Kenn Blanchard, the “Black Man with a Gun.” Tune in to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance, this morning at 7:00 Pacific/10:00 Eastern and all points around and in between on NBC 1260/96.1, Scottsdale, or just go to NBC1260.com and click "Listen Live."

And for weekend listeners, check out tomorrow’s schedule for encores. Plus, they are now posting program MP3s to download every night by 6:00 pm Pacific/10:00 pm Eastern. Click on the WarOnGuns logo at the above link.

Top Chi-Town cop invokes Orwellian definition of racism to disarm citizenry

“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy,” McCarthy continued, “Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, across this country, that are killing black and brown children.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary connects those dots and concludes yeah, he is. Either that or...

Breaking: ATF heeds Issa's 'no retaliation' warning by...retaliating

This appears to be in direct contradiction of assurances Darrell Issa received from ATF which he reminded Deputy Director William Hoover of in his June 21 letter. This, along with the stonewalling Issa's Committee has received demonstrates that the Administration's Justice Department is determined to continue to defy, resist and obstruct the Congress in performing its lawful oversight responsibilities. [More]
Of course you realize this means war.

Resistance Radio: Join the Resistance!

On today’s The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance radio show:
  • Issa to ATF: Don’t retaliate against whistleblowers!
  • Gun violence in Bloomberg Paradise
  • “The Daily Show” does Gunwalker
  • Illinois holds out on concealed carry
  • Oppose the Cover-up Protection Act
  • The Only Ones meet Authorized Journalists!
  • Puppies not guns? Don’t ASK
  • Al Capone’s gun
  • Inteview with John Longenecker, on a virtual book tour
  • VA BB guns and my boyhood in Iran
  • Bond, James Bond:  Shaken, not stirred by guns
Join us tomorrow on NBC 1260, at 7:00 AM Pacific/10:00 AM Eastern when my special guest will be “Black Man with a Gun” Rev. Kenn Blanchard. You can Listen Live or access archived shows at your convenience, and also listen to encore presentations on Saturday.

Join the Resistance! Tell a friend?

‘A Tale of Two Pharmacies’ shows danger of giving attackers what they want

I wonder if corporate risk management departments ever factor in a liability for the results of policies prohibiting armed defense? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at two different outcomes...no wait, make that three...

Also: Watch Trigger Sports Recorded, view Gunwalker Cartoons and Join the Resistance!

This Day in History: June 23

John Adams added some clarification in his Diary on June 23, 1779 when he revealed that the Virginia Declaration of Rights "made by Mr. Mason" had been published in Philadelphia before he, Franklin and Jefferson prepared the Declaration of Independence, and that Pennsylvania copied it "almost verbatim." [More]

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Issa to ATF's Hoover: There will be no retaliation against whistleblowers

"The Committee relies on whistleblowers to conduct unvarnished and thorough oversight," Issa explained. "During a meeting on May 5, 2011, you assured my staff that ATF leadership would see to it that witnesses would not suffer for choosing to have communications with our staff. "[More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a letter no one should have to send.  That Issa felt compelled to should tell us all we need to know.

Resistance Radio for June 22

My special guest today will be Dr. John Lott, economist, scholar and author of “More Guns, Less Crime.” Also find out how to “friend” the Taliban, find out why Democrats are not at all pleased with Obama, and watch some piranhas devour each other while Mike Vanderboegh pushes a lapdog into the feeding frenzy.

Join me this morning at 7:00 AM Pacific/10:00 AM Eastern and all points around and in between on “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance” NBC1260 Scottsdale, or from your computer at NBC1260.com, where you can also click on the WoG graphic to download previous shows (updated each day at 6:00 PM Pacific).

Also note: I’ve posted the Saturday “encore” schedule here.

UPDATE: Those of you who noticed Mike V. did not appear as announced, no worries--he was stuck in a traffic jam in a lousy cell reception area.  I had to ad-lib and hope my substitute baton-twirling act worked. It was either that or the dancing poodles.

‘Paper of record’ should recognize hypocrisy better than most

It’s not liberal bias? And the mighty “Authorized Journalists” at The New York Times can find nothing new to report, but a couple of mere “bloggers” can come up with fresh finds on an almost-daily basis? But they somehow have the resources to jump on the gun control bandwagon—even though it’s not a scoop and every regressive rag and network out there is parroting the talking points from the Brady Campaign and the new Feinstein/Schumer/Whitehouse report?

Another damn lie. This is my shocked face. Talk about hypocrisy locked and loaded. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes there are lies, damned lies, and The New York Times.

Help correct the [paper of] record by sharing the link?

This Day in History: June 22

The act of the General Assembly passed on June 22, 1779, which established the Virginia Land Office, also provided for the awarding of bounty lands for specified Revolutionary War military service. The purpose of the bounty land system was to encourage longer military service. In order to qualify for bounty land, a soldier or sailor had to serve at least three (3) years continuously in the State or Continental Line or State Navy. Militia service did not count. The process of obtaining bounty lands was lengthy, and, in many cases, land speculators acquired the right to the land from the veteran or his heirs. [More]

We're the Only Ones Electrifying Enough

That'll teach him to...uh, what exactly did he do that merited death? [Read]

Here's another account. And another.

I love all the lies. Of course they did nothing wrong, this was standard protocol.

You got a problem with that?

Resistance Radio Debuts Encore and Archived 'War on Guns' Programs

This just in—here’s the encore schedule:
  • SAT-6AM-MONDAY SHOW (the only encore in the morning—the others are evening programs)

You can hear them at 160 AM/96.1 FM if you're in the Scottsdale area, or from the NBC1260.com website by clicking "Listen Live."

Plus, they are starting to post program MP3s to download every night by 6:00 pm Pacific/10:00 pm Eastern. Click on the WarOnGuns logo under my picture.  I see yesterday’s show is up.

We're the Only Ones "Everybody's Doing It" Enough

Sgt. Marrier stated that it was common practice and that ‘everyone' does it... [More]
The more than marrier? (Sorry) 

I haven't heard an excuse this lame since I used "Billy's Mom let's him do it!" on my Mom.  Who thinks that worked?

No, everyone doesn't do it. Just the "Only Ones."

Although to be fair, I'm sure they would arrange for anyone they caught doing it to get free meals in lockup.

[Via  Brian F]

Bad Day at BlackRock?

Whose Paranoid wonders what PR software has to do with things... [More]

Today's GRE

In a hurry prepping for show--no time for full post--go here.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cain’s ‘in your face message’ still does not face gun questions

I hope no one from your campaign thinks you’ve been misrepresented here, Mr. Cain. Not only did I acknowledge the opinion that we needed to cut you some slack because you “slipped up a bit,” I actually sent you a series of questions that would leave no room for anyone to misrepresent your position on guns. I gave your campaign a chance to be nontraditional, to address sensitive subjects, to be atypical and to enter the belly of the beast. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner column notes asking a candidate specific questions about their positions on fundamental rights should produce answers, not anger.

Standing Room Only

There's a new 9th and10th Amendment ruling from SCOTUSHere's the decision.

CliffsNotes version as I understand it after a fast scan:  A woman tried to get revenge on cheating hubby's preggers f-buddy by putting "caustic" chemicals (household items?) on sweetieskank's mailbox and door handles, causing minor burns on her "old fashioned" delivery system (if you don't watch South Park, forget it).  This apparently violated US Code, the particular section of which was written to implement an international treaty/convention on chemical weapons development, production, use and stockpiling.  You know, something to keep Saddam from gassing Kurds and the FBI from...never mind...

Anyway, Woman Scorned challenged that on 10A grounds and the lower courts told her she had no standing and now the Supremes unanimously say she does.

Did I get it right?

And if so, what does that bode for this?

[Via several of you]

Excellence in Broadcasting

I understand Rush Limbaugh opened today with Gunwalker.

As I've noted before, that's great. Someone with his reach can really get the word out.

There is one bit of information that two separate people have told me: They were under the impression he implied he originated the term "Gunwalker."  If that's the case, I need to correct my wrong assumption, because I've been telling people I did.

Easy enough to explain--it's probably a pretty common reaction that a lot of people would independently derive.  Still...

RUSH:  That's what we called it back on March 4th.  We came up with our own name for it: Operation Gun Runner or Gun Walker. 

A Metaphor for Governance

John Longenecker says game shows are. [Read]

Personally, I'd have picked "Terrible Tyrants" for $400, Alex.

And I'd like to call them all down to play another round of "Catch It and You Keep It!" (7:08 on Side One)


It's not a partisan issue.  [Read]

Anyone who says it is is either a deluded zealot or an evil, shameless liar.

After reading this subversive drivel, I vote for hyperprevarication.

We're the Only Ones Just Happening Enough

"If we hadn't gone, it would have been negligent," he said. "These things happen." [More]
True. If you hadn't gone it would have been.

But that's no excuse to allow your vicious beasts to attack a citizen before determining if he's really a threat. And that goes double for your damn dog.

[Via Michael R]

Resistance Radio for June 20

We'll be joined this morning by Dave Workman, Senior Editor of Gun Week, author and columnist, and he'll tell us about the Second Amendment Foundation's groundbreaking lawsuits and their upcoming "Gun Rights Policy Conference. " Also in the show hear about an armed defense, meet a biased mainstream reporter (is there any other kind?), watch an anti-gun pol duck and cover, and get the latest on "Project Gunwalker" with Mike Vanderboegh.

Plus there's a lot more. Tune in to The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance, this morning at 7:00 Pacific/10:00 Eastern and all points around and in between on NBC 1260/96.1, Scottsdale, or just go to NBC1260.com and click "Listen Live."

Report on Melson ouster further boosts confidential source credibility

This story does not come as a surprise to some of us working with our own sources. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes that sometimes it pays to be cautious, even if it means someone else gets the scoop.

Share the link?

This Day in History: June 20

Townsend had a good reason to be in Manhattan, and was readily able to provide Washington with good naval intelligence because of his job as a mercantile clerk. Townsend and Woodhull distinguished their dispatches by adding the phrase "Senior" and "Junior" to their dispatches. Townsend began sending reports on June 20, 1779. [More]

Resistance Radio for June 17

The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance airs this morning on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM Scottsdale, AZ at 7:00 a.m. Pacific/10:00 a.m. Eastern and all points around and in-between. On today’s program:
  • Is 2A check on tyranny obsolete?
  • Pirate attack on US soil!
  • Anti-hunting zealots dealt setback in Congress
  • Candidate for Congress wants to repeal Second Amendment
  • Special guest Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America—he had a front row seat at this week’s Gunwalker hearings, and he’ll be telling us what he observed.
  • Mike Vanderboegh is back to discuss Gunwalker and more.
Click here to listen live. I'm still working with them to get archives up on the site.

Is the Second Amendment check against tyranny obsolete?

There are those among us who would decry the right to keep and bear arms as being the product of a different era, as being outdated, no longer relevant, and an actual detriment to life, liberty and happiness in our modern era of "enlightenment." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary scolds an ignorant "Authorized Journalist" for berating a better man.


I hope he doesn't make a habit out of taking early morning canoe trips.

I wonder if he's let his bosses know there's an envelope secreted away somewhere to be opened in case he can't...?

Killer App

I wonder when some subversive political nitwit is going to introduce a bill demanding we do this with--what would we call them, iGuns? [Read]

Patrol Rifles

Words have meaning and power, and can be used especially insidiously when the intent is to prompt opinions from people who don’t even know they’re being manipulated—and that can include naive journalists. [More]
Or ones who damn well know better.

My latest Guns Magazine "Rights Watch" column is up.

As is the complete digital edition.

Wide Receivers

That cramming caused the antennae to be folded, reducing the effective range of the tags. [More]
That and the smugglers being followed knowing it, and running around until the surveillance planes run out of gas...

I can just hear the dialog during RFID installation:
Why you...
[Via No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money]

I Resemble That Remark

Walrus Hunting on Trigger Sports Live...? [Read]

I mean, here it is Noon and I haven't even had breakfast yet, and I'm getting ready to do several hours of physical labor via yard work and...

Y'know, up until around age 30, I couldn't get past 175 Lbs. to save my life...when I was a lifeguard the summer after high school, I used to wear my windbreaker on duty because I was so damn skinny.

Ah well, as we say up here on the ice floes, "Goo-goo-goo-joob!"

We're the Ones "We Don't Need No Warrants" Enough

We aint got no warrants.
We don't need no warrants.
I don't have to show you any stinking warrants? [Watch]
Seems I've heard that dialog before...Anyway, looks like standard protocol to me, so the fault must lie elsewhere.

What mistake did the mother make?  Anyone?

[Via Fat White Man]

Resistance Radio

The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance airs this morning on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM Scottsdale, AZ at 7:00 a.m. Pacific/10:00 a.m. Eastern and all points around and in-between. On today’s program:
  • More Quigley Down Under
  • Who knows more about guns than Authorized Journalists?
  • Guess who was jovial about walked guns endangering lives?
  • Guest Jeff Knox-Firearms Coalition
  • Gunwalker update with Mike Vanderboegh
Click here to listen live. I'm still working with them to get archives up on the site.

UPDATE: This comment was just left on my Facebook page for those of you who understand such things:
"I have been listening to War On Guns radio on my Android phone with TuneIn. They have free players for iPhone, Palm WebOS, Android, Windows Phone, Roku, and more. Shortcut to NBC 1260 on the TuneIn site: http://www.facebook.com/l/545c4/tunein.com/radio/KBSZ-1260-s31867/"
Another UPDATE:
"I also listen to War On Guns radio on Linux. I open gnome-mplayer and select Open Location and use http://www.facebook.com/l/545c4/hab-svc1029.hydracdn.com/ROCKNR5496 which is the URL from the 1260 web page Listen Live link. I do have the w32codecs package installed, so you might make sure you do, if it doesn't play the stream for you."
Some people make me feel so old.

Anti-gun congressman: Gunwalker shows need to give ATF more power

Well, I guess anyone who represents people who on average are so stupid they continually vote for him and give him power to con them out of their rights might be conditioned to think that way. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows a subversive punk for what he is.

Also watch a re-run and listen live.

Share the link?

This Day in History: June 16

Fearful of being caught between General Moultrie’s militia and Lincoln's army General Prevost fortified a position at Stono Ferry. On June 16th, he withdrew most of his troops by boats to Savannah leaving behind a regiment of Hessians, a battalion of Scots, and a Tory regiment of 900 men. [More]

So Does This Mean...

...Clayton gets his money back? [Read]

Maybe what he ought to do is sue them for a million dollars, to include pain and suffering, and then settle for, say, twice what he was forced to pay them.

But hurry, before all the other victims get the same idea.

Play by Play

Whose Paranoid offers colorful color commentary on the Gunwalker hearing. [Read]

I've been wrapped around the axle, so haven't even seen a minute's worth.

Here's something that concerns the hell out of me and I've asked for an explanation:

Issa just gave DOJ and ATF an out via redaction.

Are these hearings now a sham Representative Issa?

The Left Eating Their Own

I love it. Gloria Allred going after Weiner is just terrific news. [Read]

I have no idea what he did to warrant a lawsuit, but what the hell--he's been a parasite enabler serving others up as host his entire career.  Couldn't happen to a nicer degenerate.

Go Ahead

Make my day. [Read]

You repeal mine.  We'll see how that works before we bother anyone else.

A Matter of Some Urgency

A proposed ordinance governing firearms sales that Oakley city officials thought was already on the books generated a lengthy debate Tuesday as council members wrestled with what to do about a gun dealer who has been operating out of his home. [Read]
I don't suppose just leaving him the hell alone was an option?

Oh, hell no:
The urgency ordinance requires would-be dealers to shell out $3,807 for a conditional use permit...
Any questions?

[Via Dave Licht]

Reasonable and Justified

You know, SOP and compliant with department protocol. [Read]

Any questions?

We're the Only Ones Unnatural Enough

Charles Mark Sloan, a patrol captain with the Pender County Sheriff's Office, was arrested last night in Wilmington and charged with crimes against nature and solicitation for prostitution, according to New Hanover County jail officials. [More]
Not having ever dealt with the trade, I'm still not clear: Was he offering to pay or be paid?

And not to go too far off track, but wouldn't infringing on unalienable rights be more of a crime against nature than whatever act of degeneracy this guy is alleged to have committed?

[Via Portly Pirate]

That is the Question

How did we allow ourselves to travel so far down the road to a police state? [More]
And the thing is, it's totally within "our" power to remedy. It always has been.

[Via Skip]

Anti-gunners counterattack on Gunwalker by blaming gun laws, smearing Issa

Ever eager for talking points to support the narrative their agenda demands, the "Authorized Journalists" who have been absent from any presence in the Gunwalker scandal have been quick to latch onto this “authoritative” treasure trove.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at coordinated enemy action.

This Day in History: June 15

Daring and aggressive, Wayne quickly rose in responsibilities and commands. He quickly gained the nickname "Mad Anthony" for his audacity and outbursts of temper. In a brilliantly planned and executed attack on June 15, 1779, his 1300 men captured the British fort and garrison at Stony Point in the Hudson Highlands of New York. [More]

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Safer Streets Detour

I've been so wrapped around the axle I neglected to link up to Longenecker's latest yesterday. [Read]

‘Deliberate false denial’ discredits Brady gun ownership claims

Why would you think it anyone’s business, particularly a stranger’s?  Is the number and types of guns you own information that a prudent person would provide to an anonymous solicitor?

Might anything go wrong with that? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column solicits your opinion.

Also get directed to the latest Gunwalker updates, find out what Oregon Democrats have against domestic violence victims, listen to Vanderboegh and me tonight, and...gotta go get ready for my modest venture. You can listen live at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.

This Day in History: June 14

Erkuries Beatty,Lieutenant, 4th PA, Schenectady, "Showers of rain almost all day embarked in our boats at 2 o'Clock, proceeded up the river, very strong water, went 3 mile up when we encamped on the shore." [More]

A Good Search?

Reader "Archer" told me about this fundraising search engine. [Read]

I probably won't have time to look into it further for some time, so present it here for feedback/assessment if anybody has something to say--particularly if based on experience rather than conjecture.

Hey, Hey, DOJ

How many guns did you walk today? [More]

Western Rifle Shooters Association attends the Good O' Boy Goat Rodeo.

Did someone say "goat"?

Armed American Radio Gunwalker Segment

I see they've posted last night's interview with Mark Walters.  I was on in Hour Two, along with USCCA's "Self Defense Shield."  Click here to listen.

Also click on respective links for Hours One ("the concealed carry lifestyle") and Three (the Roundtable).

Don't Think of It as a Privacy Violation

Think of it as "leeway." [More]

You want to be safe, don't you?

Pretty sweet deal where you can give yourself power.  What could go wrong?

We're the Only Ones Not Having a Cow Enough

The cow made it home safely and, at last check, was eating grass. [More]
Hell, it's lucky they didn't turn it over to this guy.

Or this one.

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Personable Enough

The cop said he was speaking "not as a police officer, but as a person." [More]

But that doesn't mean you can respond to him not as an "Only One" but as a sociopathic authoritarian thug punk who deserves to get his ass kicked...

[Via William T]

The Keys to the Kingdom

Cedar Falls Demands Keys to All Commercial Properties (Including Rental Homes and Apartments) to Be Placed in Lock Boxes That City Employees Can Access [More]
Are these guys on board with that?

How about BATFU?

Why not ask them?

[Via Jeet]

Without the Express Written Consent of Major League Baseball

MLB warning teams about Chicago violence [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

I've reached the point where I can muster no sympathy for anyone who would vote for a Richard Daley or a Rahm Emmanuel...

Would Founders be ‘horrified’ by today’s firearms technology?

What this meant, in modern gungrabber language, was "the authorities were outgunned"! Thank goodness. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary exposes a modern lie with ancient technology.

Also link up to today's Gunwalker hearings and listen to the premiere of War on Guns Radio.

This Day in History: June 13

In case the enemy march against West point, the inclosed is a general disposition for the army, which is to be varied according to circumstances and the particular movements of the enemy. [More]

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily morning drive time show to return fire in ‘War on Guns’

Hosted by long-time magazine/Internet columnist and gun rights activist David Codrea, “The War on Guns” will give Scottsdale/Greater Phoenix metro-area listeners regular updates and analyses on the stories of the day, using a mix of breaking headlines, commentary and interviews. Emerging legislative threats will be explored, as well as setbacks and victories in the continuing struggle to guard against Second Amendment infringements.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report reveals what I've been working on behind the scenes.  The equipment checks out, we've got some cool bumps and sweeps and we launch tomorrow morning just as Darrell Issa's prepping for Monday's Gunwalker hearing.  There's an NBC 1260 link at the end of the column and they have a "Listen Live" feature on their site.

It's an exciting opportunity I'm going to try my best to make succeed.

The Non-Glitzy Safer Streets Newsletter and Commentary

John Longenecker talks about decentralization, cutbacks, trust and sovereignty. He does not talk about Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and Pippa Middleton.

I just didn't want anyone disappointed when they click here.

I Get Such a Kick...

...seeing the MSM use the term "Gunwalker" in their headlines. [Read]

It doesn't look like they've posted the video from "The Early Show" yet...

Sending a Signal

"This sends a signal to those who would violently attack the press in the United States that they will not get away with it," Smyth said. [More]
What would have sent a better signal is if one or more of the victims had pulled their own gun and plugged their moron attacker.

But then again, this was California, and "Authorized Journalists" aren't exactly as a group sympathetic to the idea...

Some People Shouldn't Have Guns

No argument here--I've long maintained that.

In Russell Little's case, he took care of that for us:
Authorities in Indiana say a man played a game of Russian roulette with his dog - and lost.

And lest Josh Sugarmann have an Itoldyousogasm, let's balance the scales:
On-duty NYPD cop Philip Chlanda kills himself on city street after Facebook dispute with girlfriend

The Weiner Poll

The trick is giving these Eloi the Morlock government they deserve and leaving the rest of us the hell alone. [Read]

Setting Priorities, "Authorized Journalist"-Style

They have the resources to devote to this crap, but Gunwalker?

No scoop there.

What did the "reporter" in that second link claim?
It's not liberal bias...
I tend to agree.  It's outright subversion, some of it directed by evil squirming brains who actually know better, but much of it just abetted by zealous useful idiots who fancy themselves sophisticated and progressive.

"His Holiness"

I consider myself a Marxist...[More]
Then I consider you an enemy.

NOTE: The USA Today link has gone funky--perhaps Drudge overwhelmed them.  You can get the gist of this story here.

Boardwalk Empire

The NYPD is investigating a wild shooting on the crowded boardwalk in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, Thursday evening that killed one person and injured four others. [More]
In Furious Mike Paradise...?

We're the Only Ones Braced Enough

Chicago Police Brace for 'Flash Mob' Attacks [More]
As for the people those mobs will get to first?

Forget it, Jake, it's Chi-Town.

We're the Only Ones Sticking Up for Our Crew Enough

A former NYPD officer was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison today for robbing drug gangs and holding children at gunpoint as a part of violent stickup crew that operated along the East Coast. [More]
This is my shocked face. And then, of course, there's this:
Jorge Arbaje-Diaz, 33, admitted that he wore his official police uniform and badge, wielding his service pistol during some of the stick-ups...
Huh. How are we to know the good guys from the bad guys?
Good thing this happened in Furious Mike Paradise, where they take measures to make sure that "untrammeled, unlimited, unchecked greed" really is unchecked.

Do you get the feeling that some people are trying to start something, or do they really go through life with a sense of oblivious immunity that they can get away with anything?

Do you think they're right to feel that way?

Open letter to Herman Cain on the right to keep and bear arms

If you’re sticking with what you affirmed to Wolf Blitzer—and you did tell him “yes” three times after he gave you a chance to clarify things—that’s something we deserve to know.  If, on the other hand, you “simply misfired in response to Blitzer’s flurry of questions," as some apologists suggest, here’s an opportunity to tell gun-owning voters exactly where you stand—that is, if you’ll take your time and answer these questions unequivocally and with forethought...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks a rising "conservative" star  if he really agrees with the Brady Campaign's position of "home rule" on citizen disarmament.

This Day in History: June 10

I have the Honour of your Letter from Paris of the fifth of this Month, in which you inform me that by Advices from America, your Ennemies are determined to impeach your Attachment to our Country and her Cause, and in which you request my Opinion on that Point from the Knowledge I have had of your Conduct, while We acted together in Commission.[More]

Panic Mode

Good. When people panic, they make mistakes. And they talk. [Read]


U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., has set up a faceoff with Barack Obama's U.S. Justice Department over the agency's refusal to respond to demands from Congress for information about federal Operation Fast and Furious that apparently maneuvered dangerous weapons into the hands of Mexican drug lords. [Read]

With color commentary from...uh...well, you'll know him when you hear him.

Thought I posted this yesterday and just found it still in "drafts."

Close, But No Cigar

An arsenal found in Mexico included at least five assault rifles that U.S authorities trace to a federal operation gone badly awry, according to government documents.

The discovery appears to confirm for the first time fears cited by Republican lawmakers that a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation called Fast and Furious failed to stop guns from ending up with drug gangs in Mexico. [More]
I was guilty of using "gone awry" myself early on.

And it's not really that they "failed to stop" the guns, is it?

Second ‘Gunwalker’ hearing to ‘examine tragic consequences of Fast and Furious'

“The reckless decisions of ATF and Justice Department officials in Operation Fast and Furious have devastated lives and put fear into communities on both sides of the border,” Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) explained. “By exploring this Justice Department sanctioned program, we can better understand the flawed process surrounding the genesis and implementation of an operation that put guns into the hands of criminals.” [More]
    He's going to have Grassley testify. And relatives of Brian Terry. And Dodson.

    I just got this alert from the Oversight Committee press secretary via email, and it certainly warranted an immediate reaction via a second Gun Rights Examiner column today.

    Hopefully, you'll agree this news warrants spreading, and will do so by sharing the link.

    Police continue to dispel myth they are ‘only ones’ trusted enough to bear arms

    These apples didn’t spoil overnight.  And as I said, I have thousands upon thousands of examples amassed over the years, many of them corroborating that misbehavior has been either widespread or widely tolerated, and that those who were not engaging in it looked the other way and kept quiet about it. [More]
    Today's Gun Rights Examiner column challenges Josh Sugarmann to see whose [list] is longer.

    This Day in History: June 9

    A detachment of five hundred men from the Virginia and Maryland divisions, with three days provision and their blankets unincumbered with any other baggage, to march tomorrow morning at four o'clock to relieve the detachment under Colonel Stewart...[More]

    Will Holder Hold Preemptive Press Conference Before Hearings?

    I'm ordinarily loathe to pass on unverified reports, but this whole Gunwalker mess started exactly that way, and the track record for corroboration has been pretty good so far.

    With that as caveat, a little bird told me that the title question is one worth asking.

    I've actually heard more intriguing speculation, but at this point let's just see if anything comes of this. 

    We're the Only Ones with Sweet Jobs Enough

    Felon, fired cop land sweet school jobs in Cicero and Berwyn district [More]
    And their "official" patron?
    Pesek, board president of Morton High School District 201, had ties to a major drug dealer and an Outlaw motorcycle gang member.

    Hey, "These are valued people who have served the district well and served the community well."

    Seems like they're serving themselves pretty well, too.

    Sticker Shock

     Boy, if they freak out over "2" decals, what must they think of the "III's"? [Read]

    And they really expect us to believe the Baltimore Police Department issues "intelligence bulletins"? 

    Hey, they're just listening to the advice of Waco Jim and his Southern Preposterous Lie Center handlers...

    [Via Jeffersonian]

    Come and Take It

    A reminder to those of a globalist bent. [Read]

    Ah, the good ol' UN...

    I'm on an email list where I just received a warning about the implications of Missouri v Holland, which stated:
    "No doubt the great body of private relations usually fall within the control of the State, but a treaty may override its power."
    Yeah, that's what the plan is.

    Ultimately, the sentiment represented by that Texas flag--how much of it there is and how strong the resolution of those who hold it--is going to decide whether those who would impose disarmament by international treaty on us will triumph, or whether we who would defy and resist will send them howling into the darkness.

    I vote for number 2, but then again, I can't even get sunshine patriots to send emails, forward links or toss a few buck Mike's way. I can't even begin to count how many have opined that all our work on Gunwalker has been futile--like any of the naysayers ever predicted things would get as far as they have.  Just the kind of companions I want to share a trench with to buck up the old morale before any shots have been fired!

    Maybe we should have just kept our mouths shut, and talked about things that are safe, pragmatic, entertaining and fun!

    Seeing how much like pulling teeth it is to get some to lift a finger and do something easy kind'a makes me wonder  at times who's up for real sacrifices and risks...

    California politicians reveal total hypocrisy on ‘gun control’

    Perhaps any population that would willingly turn over power to such heavy-handed, self-serving hypocrites is, as a whole, too ignorant to be treated like informed adults…? [More]
    Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at some elite Californians, watches Ferris Bueller's Day (Almost) Offed, prepares for a faceoff and notices some off-target flak in the Pacific Northwest.

    This Day in History: June 8

    State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, June 8, 1779. : Whereas it appears that an agreement was made between the four New-England states ... to keep up a certain number of men in the state of Rhode-Island, so long as the enemy kept in force there ... resolved, that eight hundred men, non-commissioned officers included, in addition to those ordered to be raised to be under the command of Colonel Jacobs, be raised to serve ... in the following manner ... [More]