Friday, September 30, 2011


What does it mean?  Interesting discussion going on here.

I don't view the Constitution as the ultimate possible evolutionary pinnacle of social contracts--more like a starting point that we can't go under, a plateau from which new experiments can be tried.

CleanUpATF speculates on imminent management shakeup

This assessment has also been shared with this correspondent by other sources, some hearing scuttlebutt that a partial realignment of senior executive staff may happen as early as today. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes some packing boxes may be showing up soon on the Fifth Floor...

Making Hay

Not that he'll have anything to do with those who baled it...[Watch]

Ahhh...., I don't think I'd put one on my car...[More]

Sorry, Michael, I like a lot of your stuff but "experience hath shewn" 'n all that, and there are a lot of dangerous maniacs out there...

Readers here may feel differently though, so everybody feel free to disagree with me. I'm just speaking for myself--and yeah, one could argue I'm being inconsistent, but I think one is more likely to provoke an "official" response than the other...

First Person Shooters

"This doesn't make me happy at all," said Vicki Bash, owner of Shooters. "Any time you have people drinking, you never know how their personality is going to change. A real nice guy could come in and then all of the sudden he's drinking a lot and wants to take on everyone in the bar. But this law won't change anything here. Guns are still not allowed.

"My personal opinion is that the police are the only ones who should be carrying guns." [More]
Gee, Vicki, can I be informed like you some day?  I guess if your priorities are "Girls Gone Wild" and Jello shots, perhaps it's a clientele issue...

Although if someone inclined to ignore stupid signs wishes to take advantage of a bunch of disarmed drunks showing each other their tits, I guess maybe the name of Vicky's dive could prove prophetic...

We're the Only Ones Half Off Enough

Peterson is a 14-year veteran who bought a home as part of the federal Officer Next Door Program that allows officers to buy homes at half price to help fight crime in some neighborhoods. [More]
That oughtta federally stimulate home prices! Jeez, why not also offer Buy One Get One Free?

Any guesses on whether the incentive carries with it a legal duty to protect neighbors?

But say, why wouldn't that work if you gave the same deal to gun owners?

Sorry, you're not an "Only One."

[Via Smiley Starfish]

The Snowball Effect

I was enjoying the hate in comments under that Media Matters hit piece on Mike (no surprise there) and two thoughts struck:

1. I'm jealous.

2. If they can call us "teabaggers," which, as with all else they spew is a filthy lie, couldn't we with accuracy call all the Obama love-sharers "snOballers"?

What? "Our" side is supposed to be "above" that?

What do you think the maniacs these useful idiots walk ideological point for have in mind for us if they prevail?

This Day in History: September 30

The declaration of Spain in favour of France has given universal joy to every Whig, while the poor Tory droops like a withering flower under a declining Sun. [More]

Thursday, September 29, 2011

We're the Only Ones Young at Heart Enough

The chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in South Florida has been arrested as part of a child pornography investigation. [More]

Oh, crap--we've got the wrong NAMBLA!

[Via Skip]

And Now a Word About the First National Bank of Kansas

Boycott. [Read]

Incidentally, Mark Muller--you desperately need lessons in safe gun handling and carrying. You're setting a terrible example for those who don't know any better.


Another laboratory for the free exchange of ideas demonstrates tolerance.  Not. [Read]

I can't say I agree with the sentiment of the poster that got all the regressives' knickers wadded. My preference would be to modify  it as follows:
If I ever kill you, you will never even know I was there until you wake up in Hell and they tell you.
CUM ULLA SELLA 'n all that...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

The Key

...the key lies in creating stronger mechanisms of federal oversight... [More]
Well, that certainly tells me everything I need to know.  That and that the damn furriners are behind it.

[Via Mack H]

An "Arsenal"?

Looks more to me like what you'd bring along for a day at the range. [Read]

[Via JL]

The Collectivist Dialectic

Mike Vanderboegh reminds us that a smear job is merely a means to an end. [Read]

The guy really is a damn fine writer.

Chicks with Guns

Cool. And look where it's posted.  [Read]

I wonder if the antis are going to accuse them of owning guns because they have dinky wieners?

Latino media Gunwalker query shows need to bypass elites to ask tough questions

There is, however, a way for gun-owning rights advocates to bypass political and media gatekeepers and elicit a public response that will be impossible to duck without demonstrating for all to see that’s exactly what they are doing. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report suggests an end run play that we can call--if we want to.

This Day in History: September 29

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, from the corn field and with no tent, "slept tolerably well rose early loaded two boats with corn which we had with us and set of down the river about 7 oClock arrived where the Camp was about 2 oClock where we found the Army had left in the morning, here we halted about 2 hours collected some horses and killed a number more likewise sent down a Boat which the Army had left. Marched of from there with a Determination to join the army to night, at the time we arrived at shamung it was Dark however we march'd on thro the Narrows a very Difficult road to pass and arrived at the main Army about 12 oClock at Night which was encamped 3 Mile below shamong" [More]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senate Judiciary Committee staffer corroborates ATF gunwalking purchases

"The Voth letter was not obtained until later and merely corroborates the information already in the ROIs." [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report provides further documentation for a story that's been erroneously called "false."

Appealing Convictions

Evan Nappen has 'em, and they have served him and his client well. [Read]

This Day in History: September 28

The inclosed extracts contain substantially the most authentic intelligence I have received of the enemy's motions and designs. You will perceive they are making large detachments and that the Southern states are spoken of as a principal object. The particular corps too which are mentioned point that way: They would not separate their grenadiers and light infantry but for some important coup de main; and this I imagine is the manner in which they would proceed against Charlestown: Nor do I see where except with you they can intend to employ their cavalry. But there may be a mistake in this part of the intelligence, from the difficulty of ascertaining corps with precision, and some movements among those which are specified may have occasioned a deception. [More]

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More on GRPC

Rob Reed wrote a real nice piece. I'm grateful and need to learn to put aside being uncomfortable calling attention to anything other than the story.

He took some pictures:

3,000 Words

Alan Gottlieb 'n me...

Charles Heller of JPFO surrounded by extremists...

Alan Korwin lends Otis McDonald an improvised desktop so he could give me an autograph.  I told him the only other man I've ever asked for one from was Clayton Moore back when I was 10.

"Stinking Crackers"...

...are racist! [Read]

Forget the irony. "God" said it, I believe it, that settles it!


...reckless...misguided...foolish...lack of sound judgment...a clear failure of leadership...[More]
That's hardly how I would describe it, but then, what do I know?  Mike and I don't rely on those "ongoing media investigations" to get our information--not that anyone relying on "NRA News" would ever know about that--or about us.

Vol. 6 Update

Hadn't had a chance to update links to the latest Journalist's Guide since the 17th, and it took a full hour.

Check out how much we--and by "we," I include Dave Workman and Kurt Hofmann--have done since then.


The work is being done.  And how. Whether it's being read and shared is beyond my control.

ATF Chief Counsel’s office warned management of Gun Rights Examiner column

"And who were they afraid of? A few -- very few -- dissident ATF agents and lowly gun rights bloggers who, by Internet standards, were hardly noticeable or noticed. Yet, even at this early stage, we were apparently living in their heads rent free, all expenses paid." [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report highlights an acute and comprehensive awareness of danger early on.

That All Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Works"

The buy-back held at a Port Richmond church netted weapons ranging from a Nazi SS officer’s 1939 Luger pistol, to a sawed-off shotgun that appeared to have been fired at least once, a Glock 9mm with armor-piercing “Black Talon Deep Penetrator” bullets and an easy-to-hide pen gun able to discharge a single bullet. [More]
Good grief.

This Day in History: September 27

September 27, 1779 - John Adams is appointed by Congress to negotiate peace with England. [More]

Where Due

The Captain is right--we should have been given links and name credit in the Fox piece--but my biggest beef is with Drudge, who has never given a link to exclusives we have generated even though I always send him the tips. [Read]

Fox interviewed Mike and they may be doing a story on us.

Workman also comments, and also calls out Drudge.

Monday, September 26, 2011

"The Teacher"

Hey man, what's the plan what was that you said? [Read]

Funny how national socialists like to throw the "N" word around.

And what's pretty much becoming a standard practice when it suits their purposes prompted this email to the "Authorized Journalist" who filed the report:

Seems like a fair question to me, but what do I know about such lofty professional matters? We'll see if she responds.

We're the Only Ones Overzealous Enough

My favorite part of this story is actually the comment by disgusting police state apologist "kannemartin":
That traffic officer you want fired has worked tirelessly for years at KPD.
Yeah, and I'm sure she exhibited the same level of competence. Wonder how many innocents she victimized in her tirelessness...

And why the hell don't we know this incompetent disaster's name?

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

This was a total surprise.  I made sure to let all know that Mike Vanderboegh shared in it, as did many folks who, for now, must remain anonymous. 

So was this. Mike got one, too.

Actually, up until about a week ago, the fact that I was on the agenda to "speechify" was a surprise, too.

Thirdpower has a bunch of photos posted, here and here and here.

Dave Workman has a write-up.

The Gun Rights Policy Conference was a pretty cool event--got a chance to network with a lot of folks, meet and re-meet  a lot more, and importantly, participate in several foundational meetings regarding a Gunwalker documentary being undertaken by an established professional, Fleming "Tex" Fuller.  More on that to come. For an indication of what kind of access Tex is capable of getting, watch all four parts of "First Strike."

I'm particularly grateful to Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman. I'm very glad I finally made it to one of these.  What a lot of hard work and expenditures they put into this.

Hard Questions

Here's an easy one:

Why are you still calling this criminal conspiracy "a failed sting"?

Me Bitching Again

Read what Mike had to go through to make our latest story happen. Not just a mental ordeal, but a very real physical one for someone with his health conditions.  No hyperbole, that's the kind of stuff that could kill him.

I throw my hands up that a guy who  had to borrow money for gas to get home has thousands of regular readers, and the vast majority who receive regular value from his contributions seem utterly indifferent to his survival via a voluntary subscription or an occasional donation.

So who's going to fill the void if he cannot continue? 

The "Authorized Journalists" ignoring Gunwalker have T&E accounts and get their flights and hotel rooms and meals paid for--along with nice salaries, as well as broad and deep organizational resources.

We are bringing stories that no one else is.  Elite media still has not said word one about Indiana gunwalking or the chief counsel's email to Melson setting the stage for official whistleblower intimidation...hell, as far as they're concerned, this ain't even a scandal yet--and we'll see if our latest smoking gun reaches outside our limited readerships.

Plain and simple: It will not unless you share the links.

You  personally.

Breaking: Letter implicates ATF in committing straw purchases for Gunwalker

A letter forwarded on Friday by a proven reliable source to Gun Rights Examiner and Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars documents Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management authorizing the sale of firearms, which sources say were intended for delivery to cartel purchasers as part of the “Fast and Furious” / ”Gunwalker” scandal. [More]
Note the time of this post.  That after getting up early to finish the Gun Rights Policy Conference and then drive back home from Chicago--that's because Mike and I realize how important it is to keep giving the media documented stories to ignore.

I'm going to bed.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just One More

GUNS Magazine has posted my latest...[Read]

Time for Just One More

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is offering hundreds of buyouts and early retirement packages to help avoid layoffs or furloughs, a bureau official said on Wednesday. [More]
You don't say...

It for Now

I have a ton of things I'd like to post on, both here and at that other place, but am out of time.  I'm scheduled to do my dancing poodle act on Saturday and have prep work and family matters I must deal with beforehand.

So don't look for comments to be moderated or emails answered--I will take a laptop but have no idea how much time I will find to generate any content, even though I'm busting to get two more columns out asap.

ATF Counsel email to Melson on Gunwalker-Terry murder link preceded intimidation

Examined objectively, Rubenstein admitted guns were purposely allowed to walk, that walking guns to a foreign country must be hidden from the public, and that if the Mexicans found out about it, cooperative law enforcement efforts would be jeopardized. [More]
Another exclusive from Gun Rights Examiner and Sipsey Street Irregulars, evidently because elite media wants us to continue to break new ground while they either ignore or undermine the search for the truth...

Includes copies of the emails.

This Day in History: September 22

Treaty entered into with the Indians of Nova Scotia from Cape Tormentine to the Bay De Chaleurs, September 22nd, 1779 [More]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Issa holds telephone press conference on ‘Gunwalker’ with bloggers

A developing consensus among online reporters following this story: If elite media “Authorized Journalists” can’t be trusted to report on it, a means now exists to bypass the former exclusive gatekeepers and get the word out. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report prescribes a bypass operation.

This Day in History: September 21

The Battle of Baton Rouge was a siege during the American Revolutionary War that was decided on September 21, 1779. Baton Rouge was the second British outpost to fall to Spanish arms during Bernardo de Gálvez's march into British West Florida. [More]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Project Bunwalker

Taxpayers foot bill for Justice Department’s $16 muffins [More]
What, no churros?

"A Little Bit of Hypocrisy"

Not that he's an environmentalcase fraud, but that the gun-grabbing sonofabitch has an armed state trooper assigned to him. [Read]

And it's a lot more than "a little bit."

‘Elite’ media treatment of Gunwalker is scandalous

So does this now make “Gunwalker” a “bonafide scandal,” worthy of notice by our revered opinion-makers, not just mere “Authorized Journalists” but elite ones? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes a barring of the gates to maintain the sanctity of the cloister.

This Day in History: September 20

William Barton, Lieutenant, 1st NJ, "Remained until 4 P. M. in consequence of a detachment being sent down the south of Senakee lake to destroy a town there, and another down the north side Kihuga to destroy a chain of towns, part of which is to proceed to Fort Schuyler, and conduct the baggage of Gen. Clinton's brigade down to headquarters, by way of Albany, when we proceeded and crossed the outlet of the Genesssee [Seneca] lake and encamped at Sunset, having marched 4 miles. At head of the Kihuga is a remarkable salt spring where the Indians all get a supply of salt." [More]

Monday, September 19, 2011

Booger Hook...

Bang bi...uh...switch...[Read]


And an anti-gun idiot at that (isn't that redundant?)

One who signed HCI's "Open Letter to NRA."
"We are not 'gun haters'," they protested...

No, of course not. That's why they want to start a civil war.  They're all about gun safety. For the children.

Like signatory Miss Piggy here.

I wonder how many 12-year-old girls are going to think this is cool behavior.

Or is 12 a little old for this pathetic slag?

Speaking of Increasingly Ridiculous

Actually, what's ridiculous is the insistence that "The operation itself was a failed attempt to take down Mexican cartels." [Read]

Explain how that works?

And we won't have to "try not to laugh." Unlike you regressives, we're concerned with lives lost and lives still at risk, and determining something you obviously fear: the truth.


David Codrea must have a little beanie hat with antenna that pick up on Gunwalker communications. Later, David reported that Gunwalker was making straw-man purchase deliveries to top White House personnel...Once clear of the NSA’s tallest tower, SpoofMeister immediately called David Codrea, and you have the story! [More]
Does anyone have any idea what this person is talking about? I guess I should assume he's pro-gun and it's a humor article? If so, I don't get it...

UPDATE: Just got this from the author of the piece:
Dear David:
I wrote a spoof on Gunwalker, here, using farce to illustrate the scandal’s features, and mentioned your uncanny success in tracking the twists, turns, and players.  Not sure of meaning re your email; perhaps you are signed up for word alerts and are trying to figure out how you got mentioned on my blog.
While I am emailing back, thank you for your continuing expose’.  I realize that your method is hard work, not magical administration intercepts.
Mike Mollenhour

ATF agents fear new leadership looks like more of same

Deputy AD tells Phoenix field employees Issa/Grassley probe “a political move”? Whistleblower website calls for special prosecutor [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report picks up on some insider clues that the administration still thinks it can get away with murder.

I tend to think they may be right, based on negligible support efforts to spread the word and demand accountability have received from the "someone else can do it/why bother?" community.

This Day in History: September 19

Above and beyond his share of the prize money and cargoes Commodore Whipple received a communication dated September 19, 1779 from the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress, congratulating him on the success of his cruise and urging the speedy preparation of the vessel Providence for another cruise. [More]

Sunday, September 18, 2011

We're the Only Ones Collaterally Damaging Enough

Officers then fired at the suspect, who was not hit. However, two bystanders were hit by the gunfire. [More]
Unfortunately, no armed citizens were present to stop the badged assailants and protect the innocents, San Francisco being what it is.

VA gun owner ‘not guilty’ on brandishing charge-media reporting arrest ignores

Regular readers may recall the story of gun rights activist Paul Henick, arrested for brandishing a firearm in Virginia last November.

Except he didn’t brandish a firearm, he pointed a finger. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column reports something the "Authorized Journalists" haven't--news that a gun advocate who's mug shot they posted is not guilty.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The "S" Word

Right.  Obama's the bestest, most bravest most honest president ever. [Read]

And WaPo is the final arbiter.  "Political scientists" pinpointing "elite opinions" for us said it, I believe it, that settles it.  Say, that oughtta be a bumper sticker or something...

You have to wonder how many "intellectuals" promoting such crap are mere Kool-Aid-swallowing fools, as opposed to evil, manipulating liars...

What's in a Name?

Just had a thought about this...

Don't think of them as "American Family Voices"...

Think of them as the Mike Lux Klan.

All the most "progressive" (not to mention well-heeled) national socialists belong...

I'd love to see that name stick.

Cefalu on Dobbs

We do need to get Lou on board about that "botched operation" terminology...

This Day in History: September 17

On September 17, 1787, forty-two of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention held their final meeting. Only one item of business occupied the agenda that day, to sign the Constitution of the United States of America.[More]

Also, happy birthday to younger feral son Qusay.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Credit Where Due

I linked to this great and outrageously true graphic some time back and just received a request to source the originator.  I've done the standard Google search but it appears everyone posting it got it from somewhere, but who put it together remains a mystery, to me at least.

If you know, please leave a comment and link.


Jeff Knox brings some perspective and actual manufacturing knowledge to the manufactured hysteria. [Read]


If by that they mean unintentionally locked up by design... [Read]

Oh, and look: Rather than admit they're buffoons, they "did something very 21st Century."

Except the principle of historical revisionism for political purposes is actually very 20th Century, and no surprise, mastered by their ideological forebears.

We're the Only Ones Prickly Enough

Mom Says Prickly School Cop Killed Her Son [More]
I saw some teenagers fighting some years back at the bus stop outside elder feral son Uday's preschool as I dropped him off. That's the kind of stuff adults shouldn't tolerate. I simply got out of my car, walked up to them and calmly but firmly told them to stop, which they did. 

It just never occurred to me that I could simply shoot them.  But then, I'm not a trained and prickly professional with a record of serial reprimands.

[Via William T]

Angry citizens arm in defiance of order- no one killed!

The one acting lawlessly here, unsurprisingly, is the government official usurping powers not granted to him. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary applauds a wonderful example of armed civil disobedience.

This Day in History: September 16

On September 16, 1779, the Siege of Savannah began during the American Revolution. [More]

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Speaking of Funny...

Watch. I thought this clip had been taken off the Internet because of all the parodies, so watch it while you still can...

[Via Joe G]

A Billion Here, A Billion There...

Pretty soon you're talking real money. [Read]

Except anybody who believes this was an "error" probably thinks Gunwalker was "a botched sting."

Let's call looting what it is.
Obama is about as interested in “green energy” as he is in girls.
Now that's funny right there.

‘Progressive’ group ramps up attack on Issa

As for Mike Lux rejecting accusations his group’s attack on Issa is politically motivated, he and his board—and those behind the tentacles extending to all of them—are demonstrable agenda-driven political operatives on a mission, and this is but another front in the ideological war—in actuality a cold civil war—they are waging on the freedoms of American families. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report returns fire to repel an attack.

This Day in History: September 15

Major John Burrowes, 5th NJ, "The whole army employed till 11 o'clock destroying corn, ther being the greatest destoyed at this town than any of the former. It is judged that we have burnt and destroyed about Sixty thousand bushel of corn and two or three thousand of beans on this expedition. [More]

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Project GunTALKER

Brett Winterble is guest-hosting the Roger Hedgecock Show tonight, and just asked if I could do a segment tonight at 7:20 pm Eastern/4:20 pm Pacific on Gunwalker.

You bet.

Here's the website where you can listen live.

‘Castaway’ inmate asks reps to investigate Florida ‘gunwalking’ allegations

Hugh Crumpler III, the federal inmate incarcerated at a facility in Lexington, KY, for illegal firearms sales, has written letters to Rep. Gus Bilirakis and Sen. Marco Rubio requesting they look into “Operation Castaway,” an investigation the Justice Department has characterized as an anti-gun trafficking operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives’ Tampa Field Division. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report posts some open letters.

Department of Pre-Speech

Join Attack Wire—and help stop the attacks on the President before they start. [More]
And how exactly is that possible, unless the intent is to just launch smear campaigns against an enemy's list?

Oh. That must explain this. (Nice logo sending a message that "gun violence" is funny as long as it happens to Americans holding traditional patriotic values...)

And what about if the "attacks" are "founded"?

Regressives. Enemies of humankind since...forever.

Open Notice to All Gangbangers in the Vicinity of Staten Island

If you get caught with an "illegal" firearm on Saturday before 4:00 p.m., tell your public defender to argue you were bringing it into the "buy back" and they did not make clear that carrying "a gun in your waste band" (Authorized Journalists!) was illegal because they said "please," meaning it was more of a request. [Read]

Thank you, Ray Kelly for protecting us from the pink gun menace.And Councilwoman Debi Rose: "A bold step..."? Do you actually listen to yourself?  If you're truly that clueless, it makes me wonder about what's being encouraged to vote on Staten Island these days.

Child Gun Deaths Just Waiting to Happen

I can see how the "Only Ones" could mistake these little savages for midget crack dealers... [Watch]

Better to just emasculate them with conditioned fear--and if they start acting up, well, that's why we have approved drugs.

Do it for the children.

[Via Mack H]

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

...blogger David Codrea...[More]
As opposed to "David Holthouse is a Media Matters' investigative journalist..."

Well excuuuse me...Still, I'll see your smear jobs and raise you "Project Gunwalker."

So far, the comment I left is still being "moderated."Can extremists do that?

UPDATE: Guess my comment didn't make the cut. Gee, "progressives" won't "tolerate" dissent. Who'da thunk?

We're the Only Ones Lost Enough

Cape Town - The police force admitted on Tuesday that a lack of discipline and weapon control was "worrying", after it came to light that police had "lost" 20 429 weapons since April 2004. [More]
Bull. Anybody who doesn't believe the corrupt mfs stole and sold them is a fool.

Just like anybody who believes in the whole concept of "The Only Ones."

Demand Republican presidential contenders take a stand on ‘Gunwalker’

These people are desperate to set themselves apart from the pack. Let’s make them earn our support. Don’t let them skate over this issue or weasel-word their way out of unequivocally addressing it. Promise them you will make known what they say—and as importantly—what they don’t say. Is there really anything more dangerous to the Republic—and to our individual liberty—than government enforcers who act lawlessly with impunity?

If you think about it in those terms, this is one of the most important issues facing us, and yet candidates for the most powerful office in the world are being allowed to ignore it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary asks some important questions of the leading contenders and a crucial one of you: Will you help make this happen?

This Day in History: September 13

[A]Corporal of the name of Calhoun, who came Vollenteerly with me, was mortally wounded and Died the next day: the Indians pirsued 1/4 of a Mile, but without success; we being Unarmed was obleeged to Run; marched this Day 8 miles To an Indian Town by the Name Gessauraloughin, half a mile from the chief indian Town; an Indian was scalped by a Rifleman; the Genl Corse this day West. [More]

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thunderbawl Redux

So guns are cool 'n all when you have a movie to plug. [Watch]

When you don't,  they lose their appeal.
"It is said that a total ban on handguns, including .22s, would take away innocent pleasure from thousands of people," Connery announced. "Is that more or less pleasure than watching your child grow up?"
I guess it makes sense if you prefer your Bond girls shaken, not stirred:

[Via Say Uncle]

A Conditioned Response

Hoplophobia, that is...[Watch]

Scare 'em early and scare 'em often.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

As proves to be the case so often, the comments are more revealing than the story. [Read]:
It is high time these devices were classified as firearms and only allowed to people who had a good and proper reason for them, with heavy penalties for improper possession. Otherwise they will soon get into the hands of people who will abuse them and use them as dangerous weapons.

- Geoff, Chichester; UK, 08/9/2011 17:37
You go Geoff. That's the problem with you lot. You're just too bloody free to make your own choices.

Trust us with a battery-powered light? Are you daft?
Please sir, I want some more.

Chains. I can still wiggle me pinkies.

We're the Only Ones Ghost Busters Enough

In June, the New Orleans Police Department received a federal grant that provides overtime pay to officers who help enforce seatbelt laws. Police salaries being what they are, the grant drew the attention of many officers, including one Glenn Gross.

Gross apparently issued the 215 tickets to "phantom motorists" in three months since the grant funds were awarded. Details of how he accomplished that feat haven't been released, but since he works in the department's information technology division... [More]
Ah yes--the federalization of "law enforcement"--and what's this "police salaries being what they are"...?

Care to factor in benefits and pension, and that you can retire younger than practically anyone in the private sector?  And since when is that an excuse, except among those who advocate "To each according to his need"?

We're the Only Ones Directing Enough

Or not. [Read]

But don't you try it.

Because you're not an "Only One."

We'd much rather you all die in car crashes.  Besides, do you have any idea how much intensive professional training it takes? Have you seen what those teenagers guiding you on where to park at special events and amusement parks have to go through?

[Via Mack H]

And Remember...

"They" hate us because we're free! [Read]

[Via Skip]

Department of Justice responds to FOIA follow-up on Grassley Gunwalker briefing

Finally, thank you for advising me of my right to pursue resolution in federal district court if I am dissatisfied with your action on my appeal. If that should happen, please be advised it would also be my intent to continue to provide public exposure of this pursuit, as well as to advise my elected representatives of the prolonged efforts I have made to date and the responses I have received. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a stone wall still in place, albeit with some cracks showing due to continued erosion. 

This Day in History: September 12

French forces under the command of Admiral Charles Henri D'Estaing land at Beaulieu, a plantation south of Savannah. [More]

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tonight--Armed American Radio

Mike Vanderboegh and I will be joining host Mark Walters at 9:00 pm Eastern to talk about the latest Gunwalker developments.  Click here for a station in your area and click here to listen live over the Internet.

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Six article character limits preclude adding more updates to the initial and subsequently-posted Journalist's Guides to Project Gunwalker. This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning September 9, 2011, and will continue to be updated until file size limitations necessitate a new volume. It includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners.[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner entry continues with the definitive catalog of the work Mike Vanderboegh and I have done on this story. It includes links to previous volumes.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Speaking of Marxists...

No, I'm not talking about the wretched Jane Fonda or her monstrous ghost paramour who never was. [Read]

I'm talking about twisted psycho Mike in "Comments," and not for his insane championing of  "Christ"/Che nor for his advocacy of all things commie.  What catches my interest are these two little glimpses into that diseased organ he call his brain that let these two fervent desires slip through:

You right-wingers truly are pathetic ... I wish Obama really would send you to a gulag, as you are the festering boils on societies a$shole.

And here:
I'm a Marxist - and when the revolution comes to America ... I can't wait to "meet" you :o)
Why wait?

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Council Members Jumaane D. Williams and Fernando Cabrera will serve as Co-Chairs of the taskforce. The Council’s taskforce will work with academic experts, law enforcement and community based groups across the five boroughs to examine the root causes of gun violence, locate resources to combat gun violence and develop additional ways of tackling the problem across the city. [More]
So they're renouncing Marxism? And embracing the Bill of Rights?

Who Let The Guns Walk? - Enemy At The Gates

The details are as obscure as Charles Schumer’s soul. But the basics of Project Gunwalker are clear. [More]
Claire Wolfe gives an excellent summary. Requires registration.

Taking the Administration Line

Reuters and others.  The ones who aren't just ignoring it altogether . [Read]

Barr continues to be wrong on ATF leadership and more

It’s not the first time Barr has been spectacularly wrong.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the elephant in the room is nowhere near as dangerous as the RINOs and LINOs.

This Day in History: September 9

William Barton, Lieutenant, 1st NJ, "Proceeded one mile through a very thick swamp, when we came to some upland, which appeared to have been cleared, and was grown up with Indian grass and some ash bushes, over which we travelled for two or three miles, when we again entered a swamp, which we travelled through for five miles and halted on a piece of high ground for the night. This morning a detachment was sent down to Tioga consisting of fifty men, who were to escort all the sick , invalids, &c. and likewise all the horses that were not able to carry packs. Thirty odd were nevertheless left at this place that could not be got farther." [More]

Thursday, September 08, 2011

See, Here's the Thing...

Hostage-taking justifies a lethal force response. [Read]

Say, the "progressives" may just have given us the answer to why we need "assault clips"...

We're the Only Ones "Sauce for the Goose" Enough

627:5 Physical Force in Law Enforcement. –
II. A law enforcement officer is not justified in using deadly force on another to defend himself/herself or a third person from deadly force by another if the officer knows that he or she and the third person can, with complete safety:

(a) Retreat from the encounter, except that the officer is not required to retreat if he or she is within the officer's police station building or its curtilage and was not the initial aggressor. [More]
Mmmm. Gander sauce.

Holder’s qualified ‘Gunwalker’ denial withers under examination

Let’s explore what it means for Holder and “upper levels of the Justice Department” not to have known about what he dismisses as “this thing,” although we’ll have to suspend what’s been documented to date about Assistant Attorney General (and direct report to Holder) Lanny Breuer, and National Security Council Director of North American Affairs Kevin O'Reilly (as well as the President’s role as a statutory attendee of NSC meetings). [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary shreds a press pass.  Not the one given to the "Authorized Journalists"--the one they give to the administration.

This Day in History: September 8

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, "This morning came out orders that the men was to remain here all Day & for the men to clean their pieces likewise for all the sick lame &c to return to Tyoga properly officered; aft. 10 oClock Major Parr with the Rifle Corps & the Cohoun was going up the lake to a little town called Kushay to Destroy it. [More]

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A Sipsey Street Exclusive

Whatever you do, don't kick the tires of the Weeniemobile... [Read]

Mainstream media ignores Indiana ‘Gunwalker’ story

In a development that parallels the earliest efforts to bring the “Project Gunwalker” story itself to the public’s attention despite media apathy...once more so-called “new media” has established itself as the leader in breaking news the majors, with editors, reporting staff and travel and expense budgets, can or will not. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report demonstrates why I'm constantly harassing regular readers to share the links. If we don't do it, do you think The Washington Post or MSNBC will give us honest accounts?

It's Automatic as Far as "Authorized Journalists" are Concerned

“The gunman...shot himself in the head with an automatic rifle at the restaurant. He was taken to a hospital where he died three hours later.”—ABC News
“The suspected shooter, reportedly using an automatic weapon…”—
“A man with an automatic rifle opened fire at an IHOP restaurant in Nevada's capital on Tuesday”—MSNBC
Anybody wanna bet?
The cops have doubts, if the "Authorized Journalists" do not:
Officials were analyzing the assault rifle to determine whether it is automatic or semi-automatic.
Does the window damage look consistent with "automatic"?
Ah well, I guess it serves a higher purpose...

Congressman refutes claim that right to arms as check on tyranny is obsolete

And there’s a lot more than the “Know Your Lawmakers” feature. This issue devotes its cover to the passing of Gary Cooper, reflecting a different era and different attitudes from Hollywood “A-listers” than we are subjected to today. There’s also a great piece on Cole Younger, tips from the legendary Elmer Keith, “Crossfire” letters, an exclusive report on the gap in small arms development and production to counter the Iron Curtain “brush wars” strategy… [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks through a window to a not-so-distant past.

This Day in History: September 7

The current of intelligence from New York makes the late reinforcement under Arburthnot amount to about 3000 troops principally recruits and rather in an unhealthy situation. [More]

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Gunwalker Timeline

I know what a PITA it is to try and keep the Journalist Guides updated--I can't imagine trying to compile a timeline that involves as many sources as Rinos and Rats just did...[Read]

No Measures Could Have Stopped It?

Yale officials say there's no basis for the lawsuit and no additional security measures could have prevented the killing. [More]
I can think of one that would have at least provided a chance...

I'd forgotten how "enlightening" some of the comments were.

The Cornyn Cornhole

From a reader:
Cornyn response (as received) to my gunwalker comments of several weeks ago.  Regret that since my original was on the stupid web form I do not have backup as to my remarks which had all to do with gunwalker, related investigations and suggestion that Cornyn actively engage since he had just made some public comment about the situation and nothing to do with dealer records referenced here in par. 3.  It is indeed too late to work within a corrupt system.

Why he arrived at that conclusion:
Dear Mr.xxxx:

Thank you for contacting me about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. I appreciate having the benefits of your comments on this matter.

It is essential to safeguard the law-abiding citizen's constitutional right to own and use firearms designed for legitimate purposes such as hunting, target shooting, collecting, and self-protection. Restricting this right runs counter to the intent of our Founding Fathers, who expressly guaranteed that citizens would retain the right to keep and bear arms.

As you know, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) serves as a law enforcement and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Justice to prevent the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, and ensure that firearms retailers abide by all federal laws regarding the sale and record-keeping of firearms. I believe Congress must exercise strict oversight of the ATF and its policies to ensure that law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights are not infringed.

As a former Texas Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General, I have firsthand knowledge of crime-fighting policies that work, and I believe that citizens' Second Amendment rights should not be restricted because of the actions of criminals. Rather, we must respect the rights of law-abiding citizens and focus our attention on the source of violent crime: criminals who use firearms to commit crimes. I believe that strictly enforcing the law and meting out longer sentences for career criminals and those who use firearms when committing crimes will reduce crime more effectively than gun or equipment bans, which primarily serve to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens.

I appreciate the opportunity to represent Texans in the United States Senate, and you may be certain that I will continue working with my colleagues to monitor the activities of the ATF and protect our Second Amendment rights. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

United States Senator

Yeah, right.

So, John, what are you actually going to DO about it?

Just as an fyi, I always save a copy of what I post in those forms, and generally screenshots to prove it.

We're the Only Ones Bi-Furious Enough

Officer in transgender shooting had prior alcohol run-ins [More]
Where are the Pink Pistols when you really need them?

Oh, that's right--Washington DC--"Only Ones"--and "a 20-year veteran" at that--never mind...

"Home rule,"  Eleanor Holmes Norton-style...I guess that's what the "progressives" want...

We're the Only Ones Decisive Enough

On May 6 last year, when she tried to end the relationship, Buttel allegedly wrote: "No, I decide." [More]
That's what constant reinforcement that their function is to control us does.

A Matter of Focus

'I know you'd like to focus on language - that's not what the American people are focused on," Wasserman-Schultz told "Fox and Friends" Tuesday. "The American people are focused on job creation." [More]
Actually, some will probably focus on domestic enemies.

Good for Me But Not for Thee...

Michael Moore: I needed round-the-clock protection from navy SEAL team [More]
Well thank goodness this progressive champion of the little people could afford it!

Federal LEO advocacy group charges retaliation for Gunwalker testimony

Project Bombwalker? Were grenade/IED components allowed to ‘walk’ to cartels? [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report reveals some ... uh ... explosive new charges. Vanderboegh and I have been sitting on this one since last Friday waiting for announcements to be made.

Bureau of Prisons explains Fincher denial day after wife's burial

The absolutely nonviolent "nature" of his "offense" was defiance of their unconstitutional rules--and that is something they will not tolerate--no matter how well behaved their captive has been, and even if he is scheduled to be released in less than a year. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary decodes a personal message intended for all of us.

This Day in History: September 6

William Barton, Lieutenant, 1st NJ, "I was sent out with a detachment under Maj. Hollinshead, for the purpose of collecting, horses, cattle, &c., many of them having strayed the night before, on account of which the army was detained until 2 P. M. when we proceeded three miles, land continuing rich and fertil as before; encamped in the woods near the lake. Here a great plenty of pea vines, which our horses and cattle feed on. This day have intelligence that the garrison at Powles Hook was surprised and taken." [More]

Monday, September 05, 2011

Exclusive Report: Documents indicate ATF, FBI allowed Indiana ‘crime gun’ sales

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has acknowledged an Indiana dealer’s cooperation in conducting straw purchases at the direction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  Exclusive documents obtained by Gun Rights Examiner show the dealer cooperated with ATF by selling guns to straw purchasers, and that bureau management later asserted these guns were being traced to crimes. [More]
Today's special Gun Rights Examiner report provides documentation that the government was aware that guns authorized for straw purchases were being traced to crime scenes.

Expect it to be buried and not even acknowledged by any major news sources or government officials unless you take it on yourself to send the link to news outlets and to your representatives, and urge your friends to do the same.

Friday, September 02, 2011

What's a Little Evidence Amidst Denials?

The emails indicate three White House officials were briefed on gun trafficking efforts that included Fast and Furious. [More]
Schultz? Your cue...?

On My Honor

Say, we need more people like that here! [Read]

It would teach us tolerance for cultural differences!

"Vote Freedom First!"

And you'll get judges like Rosemary Collyer... [Read]

Ain't that right, Carroll?

You Mean the "Oopsie--Our Bad"...?

Keep asking questions about bungled gun sting  [Read]

OK, here's an easy one: How come--in spite of all the evidence that there was never any capability nor intention to track guns once they crossed the Mexican border--the Detroit News and other "official" media outlets still refer to the Project Gunwalker conspiracy as a "bungled" or "failed operation"?

And that perennial favorite, "botched"...

This Day in History: September 2

Major John Burrowes, 5th NJ, "One of the soldiers found at this place this morning an old squaw in a bunch of bushes, she not being able to go off with them, was hid there to be safe. She is the greatest picture of old age I ever saw. The General sent for her, she was carried to his marque. The poor old creature was just ready to die with fear, thinking she was to be killed..." [More]

Thursday, September 01, 2011

ATF emails and Assistant US Attorney memo point to official Gunwalker cover-up

Especially relevant to prior reports in this column: Much of the correspondence focuses on straw purchasing suspect Jaime Avila, and a memorandum from AUSA Hurley to his then-boss, just-resigned U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, specifically opens detailing Avila's connection to the guns found at the Brian Terry murder scene. Burke, regular readers will recall, filed a motion with the court in the Avila case to deny victim status to Agent Terry's parents citing lack of a link between Avila's straw purchases and their son's murder. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report shows how "law enforcement" officials immediately tried to mask the connection between their gunwalking and the death of a Border Patrol agent.


"GOP Insiders" for Obama

That's what they'll get if they try to foist that "assault weapon-banning" Mitthead on us. [Read]

Even if they do want to diminish unalienable rights as a trivial "social issue."

The Stupid Party. Validating Carroll Quigley, forever...

Conservative Action Alert

I'd just like to say that Mike, I and others could have never done this, this, this, this or this had it not been for Tony Adkins and his $175 fax blasts. I can't tell you how rewarding it is to see those efforts finally pay off.

Hello, ATF...?

I'd like to report a straw purchase... [Read]

What...? Go ahead with it...? Everything's under control...?

All in the Family

I can't think of anybody in mine who would try to kill me if I didn't do what they wanted... [Read]

There Oughtta be a Law!

"Captive hunting for both native wildlife and exotic wildlife should be illegal," says the Humane Society's Casey Pheiffer. [More]

And if identical principles were invoked, why would slaughtering captive domesticated animals be permitted in Casey's world?

"Only in America"

Wouldn’t it be better to have local values and standards reflected in local rules? Isn’t home rule usually the best way to go? [More]
So let me get this straight--you're advocating elimination of all federal and state gun laws...?

Fincher services today

Thank you for all your help. Dad will not be released because there is no way to get him out of prison. There is not enough time. I want to thank you all for all your efforts. Thank you, Fincher Family [More]
I'll have more to say on this later. Now is not the time.

The National Spotlight

The last time Boundary County ended up in the national spotlight happened to be this little incident... [More]
Yep. It's only too bad this little incident didn't also make the national spotlight.

[Via Michael G]

Lipstick on a Pig?

"We used a little rouge so everybody would be safe." [More]
And you couldn't have used that with David Koresh or Randy Weaver?

Words Have Meaning

"Botched gun sting"

Whose interests are served by this terminology?

Are yours served by standing by and letting it happen without challenge?

This Day in History: September1

Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789