Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Senate confirms Jones to head ATF following Heitkamp delay on cloture

A more likely green light indicator may be the National Rifle Association inexplicably signaling their neutrality and the National Shooting Sports Foundation actually backing the Jones confirmation, removing the danger of political reprisals, at least from the two major national organizations wielding commensurate money and influence. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes "leaders" bound and determined to either betray us outright or to let it happen through deliberate inaction.

Let the excuses about "political capital" begin.

We're the Only Ones Safeguarding Enough

The ruling says that gives police flexibility while safeguarding the rights of lawfully armed individuals. [More]
Abrogating your rights = safeguarding them.

You know, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength...

[Via Bluesgal]

North Carolina Safe Dining Guide

And you can help rate the restaurants, steering gun owners clear of those that should be condemned for defensive health and safety violations! [More]

California Attorney General says feds not exempt from state ‘safe’ handgun law

“You might notice, as did the California’s Attorney General, that federal law enforcement officers are not mentioned in this exception!” Michel pointed out. “The ‘Department of Justice’ referred to in this section is the California Department of Justice, not a federal agency. So the AG’s analysis is correct: federal law enforcement is not exempt from the ‘unsafe handgun’ restriction." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks why she's not doing anything about it if she has probable cause to believe current law is being violated.

We're the Only Ones Uncontesting Enough

A Los Angeles police officer charged in May with luring two young girls to his home pleaded no contest today to sexually molesting one girl and attempting to molest the second child, the District Attorney’s Office announced. [More]
You'll have to forgive me since it's been over half a century since I hung out with girls under 10. What's the dating etiquette again...?

[Via Florida Guy]

Star Jones has a HUGE 'But'

"I support the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. But I'm telling you, the guns, we need to get them out." [More] 
Do these people ever listen to themselves when they talk?

How did one ignoramus get to be a lawyer if she thinks the Constitution grants a right to ammunition? How did the other ignoramus get his own network television show?

Their arguments are the kind I would expect from children. That they're considered authoritative media figures by anyone is simply unfathomable.

[Via Michael G]

The Man from NSA

Remember this guy?

We talked about him here.

He's ba-ack...

And he's our friend and neighbor.

But he'll not get in a shouting match with fools.

Especially the paranoid, arrogant kind.

Does it sound like Bear was shouting?

We're the Only Ones Apoplectic Enough

Police said they arrested Hicks because he failed to follow commands to get out of his vehicle. [More]
As if a severe ischemic stroke is any excuse not to obey.

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Traditional Enough

It's nice to see time-honored standards are still being upheld... [More]

What's in a Name?

TPM called Weiner’s communications director Barbara Morgan to discuss an unrelated story Tuesday and she went off on a curse-filled rant about Nuzzi, describing her as a fame hungry “b**ch” who “sucked” at her job. Morgan also called Nuzzi a “slutbag,” “t**t,” and “c**t” while threatening to sue her. [More]
"Progressive" feminism revealed in all it's Opposite Day splendor, from the party of "women's rights"...

Kind of a double standard from when a "conservative" made the mistake of so characterizing someone demanding government-subsidized birth control for her serial casual couplings...

No wonder authenticated slutbags love Weiner so...

Mr. Toad's Mild Ride

The weenymobile is idling in neutral. [More]

Pathetic. And absolutely unsurprising.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amicus briefs filed supporting AG in Mississippi gun bill injunction case

Friend of the court briefs were filed yesterday in the Mississippi Supreme Court for the case of State of Mississippi v. Robert Shuler Smith supporting the position of state Attorney General Jim Hood. Last week, the attorney general filed an appeal petition and a motion to vacate an injunction by Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Winston Kidd preventing a law clarifying concealed weapons from taking effect. Smith is the Hinds County District Attorney, who along with a handful of legislators and constables, receiving legal prodding and support from the Southern Poverty Law Center, filed the action to block the new law. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes all the legal arguments for why an activist judge and his anti-gun political cronies are either hopelessly incompetent, hopelessly corrupt, or both. They just say it nicer than I do.

Controversial gun activist arrested with 'silencer'

I was held a couple of hours and then taken to the CJC where I was booked and charged with possession of a silencer. [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report brings exclusive commentary from Leonard Embody on his latest arrest, along with video documentation of his initial police encounter and detention.

Journalists play same game with Weiner-lover numbers as they do with guns

78 percent of mercenary floozies responding to a client poll by a ... uh... matchmaker website and “78 percent of young women” are two very different numbers, but the technique of drawing broader generalities from narrower samples is familiar to those who have noticed how Mexican “crime gun” numbers have been fudged by the media over the years to gin up demand for more domestic “gun control.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes that if you make your proposition rewarding enough, you can get some people to swallow anything.

"Legitimate Media"

Look, a "gun" story AP is interested in! [More]

Maybe it'll make their Top Ten!

[Via several of you]

We Get Our News from NBC!

Which explains the focus and tone of the comments on a development that should concern everyone ... [More]

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

Mocek says the man who took the camera eventually identified himself as an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. He returned the camera, but Mocek says one of the images on it had been deleted. [More]
They certainly demand their privacy, don't they?  Even (especially) in public.

Look at the way different "services" ganged up and police allowed it to happen.

It's getting to where activists are going to need to wear devices like these for whenever they do anything in public that might attract "law enforcement" attention.

A Political Statement

"This is not a political statement." [More]
...said the judge, making a political statement.

Funny. "Authoritah" doesn't consider David Gregory dangerous for essentially the same "crime."

Yeah, Well You Hanoi Us, Too

Some situations are too dangerous for police intervention. The courts leave that decision to the trained officer in the situation to decide. Meanwhile, ron paul-y nutbags are calling to arm every man, woman, and child and start shooting -- without even safety, practical, or legal training. [More]
Oh, look: A "progressive."

You have to be on DISQUS to reply.

This Day in History: July 30

When your Exellincy made the first Requisition on this State for Five Hundred Militia, you informed us that we should be Relieved by the same Number from Massachusetts. The second Month is now nearly expired, and not more than one Company had arived from that State two Days agone. [More]

Monday, July 29, 2013

Ruling on subway stabbing victim highlights ‘gun control’ Catch-22

It should not go unnoticed that an “ordinary citizen” stands no chance of getting a concealed carry permit in the Big Apple, and that the “Only Ones” sanctioned to have guns in this case hid like cowards to protect themselves, not the disarmed-by-law people paying them under the foolish fiction that the job of the police is to serve and protect. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the false promise slogan doesn't specify who gets served and protected...

We're the Only Ones Dismissed Enough

Oh, sure, I can totally see this outcome had you or I been caught drunk driving with a handgun, can't you? [More]

[Via Carl S]

Judge denies Reese family dismissal and access to seized assets for defense

Judge Brack’s opinion made no mention that relatives and supporters are under no legal burden to continue with financial assistance, nor did he address the likelihood that enough funds can be raised on a sustainable basis to pay for crushing and mounting legal expenses.[More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes orders only a robed tyrant accustomed to ignoring the precepts in the Preamble and all norms of human decency would try to justify. Just incredible. He actually mandated a Blanche DuBois defense. Meaning the Reeses are depending on the kindness of strangers. Meaning they need your help, financially and in spreading the word.

Radio Flyer

The Andy Caldwell Show invited me back today to discuss filthy cyber warfare attacks against freedom activists. My segment will be at 3 p.m. Pacific/6 p.m. Eastern.

If you live around California's Central Coast, you can listen in on AM 1440 KUHL.  If you don't, there's a "Listen Live" link in the station's website banner.

We're the Only Ones Going Along with the Crowd Enough

“I would find it personally distasteful to have to convict and sentence him for doing what every other law enforcement officer in the District of Columbia does and is not prosecuted for.” [More]
But you'd have no problem destroying the guy if he wasn't an "Only One"...?

[Via Bluesgal]

We're the Only Ones Absent Enough

The defendants in Rob MacIver’s red-light ticket case are members of the police department and his town’s administration, but neither of them showed up to the hearing on Friday...The defendants were reportedly found in a coffee shop near the courthouse on Friday during the hearing, so it is unclear why they weren’t able to make the scheduled proceedings. [More]
No contempt of court charges? Could you see one of us pulling that and having the judge basically say he'll just postpone the hearing and hope the defendants show up next time, instead of sending someone out with a bench warrant to arrest us and drag us before the bench?

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Waffling Enough

It turns out the customer...was an off-duty security guard. He was grabbing a bite with an off-duty Atlanta police officer at the time. [More]
So how come it was the "civilian" who responded?
[Via several of you]

Beth Stebner, Authorized Journalist

Landry has been charged with second-degree murder despite citing the state's Castle statutes, which are similar to Florida's Stand Your Ground laws and were used as defense by George Zimmerman in his trial for the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. [More]
No they weren't.  Why did you write that they were?

And then there's this:
Despite invoking the law, Landry was charged with second-degree murder...The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports that Coulter remains in critical condition.
How exactly would that work?

[Via Jess]

Last Night's Armed American Radio Program

From host Mark Walters:
Tonight I traveled to an off-site location (for security reasons) to interview George Zimmerman’s brother Robert and his attorney, Jeff Dowdy. We took to the mobile Crossbreed Holster studios to bring you the Zimmerman perspective…something the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear. Hour 3 I welcomed David Codrea, author Mike Detty, NH State Representative John Hikel and Crossbreed Holster’s Trent Cooper for one heck of a roundtable. I can say that this was one of the most important AAR broadcasts ever. Enjoy.
Please make sure others know about this.

A Lot of Malarkey

[T]he judge proclaimed from the bench that those who support the Second Amendment should be “ashamed”. [More]
More like a lot of Mullarkey...

With Support Like This, Who Needs Opposition?

“I just don’t think alcohol and guns go together,” said Glenn Keefer, managing partner of the restaurant and a supporter of the Second Amendment. [More]
Uh...Glenn? I've got somebody here who'd like a word with you...

If you'd like to have a word with Quee...uh...Keefer, you can fill out his website's contact form or say hello on Facebook.

The Acquittal Loophole

Not guilty?  We'll just change the law and fix that little oversight... [More]

But the Zimmerman case had nothing to do with "Stand Your Ground," you say?

Shhhh. We know that.  But shut up. You're going to spoil a good meme.

Patrick R. Linsey certainly has packed every innuendo he could into this little exercise in conflation, right down to making sure he got a money quote about racial bias and another raising the possibility of not allowing neighborhood watch volunteers to carry firearms.  He even managed to introduce "White Hispanic" into the mix and gin up some sympathy for not prosecuting "teens" for crimes "to prevent disproportionate affect or prosecution."

We're the Only Ones Beaning Enough

The 95-year-old resident of a Park Forest senior living community who died after a Friday confrontation with police was killed by the bean-bag rounds police fired at him... [More]
Say, isn't that the same firepower we deploy Border Patrol officers to fight armed drug runners with?

[Via several of you]

Teenage Wasteland

I wonder when we're going to start hearing complaints that "teen" is being used by white privilege-enjoying corporate media as a racist codeword?  [More]

Did I mention Maryland is a "may issue" state?

They're Ba...ack!

Buckeye Firearms Association's website, that is. [More


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Robert Zimmerman to tell family side of story on relocated AAR tonight

Armed American Radio will broadcast tonight's interview with Robert Zimmerman, brother of George Zimmerman, from an undisclosed location, host Mark Walters told Gun Rights Examiner this morning. Producers felt conducting the interview at the Crossbreed Holster Studio in Atlanta could pose security concerns following threats against the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer and his family, Walters confirmed. [More
It's a shame such measures are considered necessary, but it is definitely the prudent and responsible thing to do. The interview will take place in the 8 p.m. (Eastern) segment.

Me, I'm going to stand my ground -- or more accurately sit on my porch -- when I call into the show, probably some time after 9 p.m. Eastern.

"The NSA does NOT spy on Americans!"

From a comment left by "dbervin" under this post:
The NSA cares about the rights of Americans...The NSA cares about the Constitution of the United States.
Please go and read his entire comment.  If you wish to respond, now uses Disqus to do that.

I do have some questions for Mr. Ervin that are independent of the Snowden debate: 

How can you know what you claim unless you are employed by NSA in a top slot?  If so, how long have you worked there, what is your position, and what is your security clearance level to convince us you have visibility on what decisions are made at the top and coordinated with the administration and other departments/agencies?  If you're not situated near the top, with top secret clearances and a need to know about such things, how can you know you're in the loop and thus presume to give any assurances?

Assuming such decisions are classified, wouldn't your telling everyone what is and is not looked at, if true, actually be of interest to true enemies and thus harmful to the "mission" and to national security?

Here's the thing though -- I see from a past comment over at The Captain's Journal, Ervin claims "I work indirectly for a US organization."  Whether that means he has the visibility and clearances to be making definitive proclamations is unknown, but leading with that statement means he is claiming special inside baseball knowledge beyond the ken of us mundanes.

I've seen he's also been posting NSA apologia all over the place--at WRSA and Cold Fury and other places... so he's obviously a man with a mission, self-appointed or otherwise.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Three from NRA

Before I knock off for the day, I wanted to get these video links posted:
NRA News Commentators Ep. 18 "Home Security" Featuring Dom Raso
In "Home Security" former US Navy SEAL takes issue with anyone who thinks they know what's best for everyone else. Watch the episode at the link below and watch more from Dom and the other commentators on NRA News at 

NRA Women Presented by Smith & Wesson 
The month's Armed & Fabulous Profile "Leading the Pack" features Diana Award-winning Suzie Brewster. In addition to helping introduce the shooting sports to thousands of women through the Washington Women's Shooting Club, Suzie also serves as Co-Chair of the NRA Women's Leadership Forum. Watch here inspiring story at the link below and check out more Armed & Fabulous profiles on the NRA Women's Channel at 

NRA Women Presented by Smith & Wesson 
Before you head to the range this weekend, be sure and watch this week's Tips and Tactics tutorial featuring competitive shooter and instructor Kim Heath. This week, Kim talks about AR-15 Bolt Cycling. Watch more tips from Kim and other noteworthy women on the NRA Women's Channel at

Today's Five-Minute Activism

GOA needs our help to stop "Amnesty Lite." [More]

And yes, it certainly does have bearing on that "single issue."

I never ask anyone to do that which I will not:

Please take a moment to do this and to spread the word.

We're the Only Ones Dark Enough

Police officers responding to a burglary alarm call went to the wrong house because of poor lighting and fatally shot an armed homeowner, according to a search warrant affidavit released Wednesday. [More]

Read more here:
Quick--somebody tell Christine Lewis...

[Via Mack H]

Why Would You Need More Than Seven Rounds?

And why go out with zero? [More]

There's another object lesson here for those who think "compromise" is the answer: What do you suppose would have happened had she thrown a piece of meat to them?

[Via vintovka]

Grizzly CADams

"The barrel split along both sides and the receiver split along the top," the video says, "but it did fire the round." [More
Sorry, now we're just getting ridiculous, and I don't just mean my embarrassingly cheesy title pun.

[Via John B]

We're the Only Ones Traumatized Enough

The former police officer who pepper-sprayed students during an Occupy protest at the University of California, Davis is appealing for worker's compensation, claiming he suffered psychiatric injury from the 2011 confrontation. [More]
Makes my eyes tear up just thinking about it... 

[Via Florida Guy]

We're the Only Ones Planting Enough

What evil scum. [Watch]

And the cops are absolutely responsible for what their lickspittle does on their behalf.

That said, I think they're equal opportunity scum, and this has nothing to do with race.

[Via Florida Guy]


I know some of you will just dismiss this as "Alex Jones," but they link to a real solicitation. [More]

Thinks maybe these are destined for Syrian jihadists?

[Via Rog C]

Malos DIAS

Jeff Knox reports on BATFU's latest confiscation program. [More]

Enemies of freedom activists ramp up cyber warfare and hate

Make no mistake: We are up against malevolent enemies, and the use of that word is not hyperbole. Like true totalitarians, they will try to smear us, to insult us and to shut us down. They will try to eradicate our thought from the public forum of ideas, protestations about having a “national conversation on guns” or any other issue notwithstanding. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there is no peace to be made with those whose goal is to destroy us.

The Non Sequitur Kings

I can't be sure, but I think what they're trying to say is if we would only pass "common sense gun laws" against "Stand Your Ground" and for universal registration, we wouldn't have any more suicides. All I know is they  invoked Trayvon Martin's name and then brought up Newtown to prove their point, whatever it is.  [More]
Funny. Nothing about Japan or cops.

Oh wait: The Courier-Journal is "a Gannett company."

I knew there had to be a logical explanation.


Vengeful Aim......vindictively pressing for recall...[More
Well if self-defense is vigilantism, I guess political self-defense also must be frowned upon.

This Day in History: July 26

The cannon you heard was announcing the arrival of Lord Cornwallis at Portsmouth. I was below Suffolk yesterday and find the British have no post this side Suffolk. The Lt. Infantry, Rangers, 43rd and 76th Regts embarked and yesterday was in Hampton road no doubt bound to New York. A strong garrison will doubtless be kept at Portsmouth and I believe the balance of the Enemy's force will maneuvre up the bay, unless they should be called to the South. [More]

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Taking Nita Down

Kurt encourages an indignant legislative aide to have a foot-stamping fit of hyperbole. [More]

Professor Plum with the Word Processor in the Statehouse... murder on the Constitution and hasn't got a clue. [More]

Evidently, concealed carry permits and "Stand Your Ground" laws are responsible for Columbine and Newtown.  I'm not sure how he makes the connection, but he does cite USA Today as an authority...

This Day in History: July 25

Fayette has had a severe brush with Cornwallis. He lost an hundred and odd Men Killed, wounded and Missing, and two Pieces of Cannon—in all probability the Enemy’s loss in Men was not less. [More]

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This Is My Shocked Face

[T]he DOJ’s interpretation of who is a “member[] of the news media” is dramatically narrower than the definition provided in the Privacy Protection Act and effectively excludes bloggers and freelancers from protection. [More]
Imagine that!


[Via Jake S]

Smells Like...Victory

Despite opposition by the North Carolina Sheriffs' Association and equivocation by members of Republican leadership, House Bill 937 ("Amend Various Firearms Laws") today passed from conference committee and was approved by both the NC House and Senate and represents the most sweeping gain for gun rights in North Carolina history. [More
 Grassroots North Carolina now needs help for the next phase.

What kind of help?

Hey, I put links in these things for a reason...

[Via Harry L]


It's not like they have anything else they could be focusing on. [More]

Matter of fact, with their stunningly unprecedented levels of corruption and incompetence, maybe we want them diverted to distractions where they can have no real impact.

[Via Florida Guy] 

Automatic Self-Incrimination

Investigators sent the Lancer's computer — better known as a black box — to the vehicle's manufacturer in California in order to track Flores' actions before the fatal collision. Data from the black box helped police determine that Flores had been speeding, Blagg said. Police had been “anxious to make an arrest” and did so quickly after an indictment was issued. [More]
Hey, after all, aren't we told "driving is a privilege"?

And the Truth Shall Set You Free

Which explains why the Buckeye Firearms Association site is now down as they are weathering a particularly vicious attack:
BFA is under attack from an unknown outside entity. The website is down and communications systems are non-functional.

Here's what we know so far ...
If you've tried to visit our website today, you know it's not there any more. At some time this morning, it came under attack from an outside source.


  • Our IT guy says it's a "denial of service" or DoS attack. This is not the ordinary "hack" attack that we've experienced many times in the past. A DoS attack involves using significant resources to bombard a server to temporarily or permanently disrupt service.
  • This attack took out our websites, both Buckeye Firearms Association and Buckeye Firearms Foundation.
  • Our email communication services also went down. Leaders are located all over the state of Ohio, so we've had to set up a temporary alternate email list to stay in touch as we work through this issue.
  • This attack was so overwhelming, it took down the entire company that hosts our website. Thousands of IP addresses have been caught up in the digital bloodshed.  
  • Shortly after all the company servers went down, their power went down. And our IT guy says his cell phone service vanished.
We don't yet know where this attack came from, but we find it hard to believe that it is a coincidence that it's happening at the very moment a story went national about raising funds to enable George Zimmerman to purchase a new firearm after Eric Holder and the DOJ decided to prevent him from getting his personal property back.

We've received threats, hate male, and angry late night phone calls. We're sending you this message to let you know what's going on just in case they take out more of our resources and we are unable to communicate with you.

REST ASSURED: We are working on getting our website back up. And the work goes on to push pro-gun legislation, meet with law makers, and defend the Second Amendment. We may communicate online, but our strength has always been in our vast grassroots and our personal relationships with your representatives in government.

The check to Zimmerman is being sent to him as you read this. We collected $25,000 from our recent gun raffle. Our events and teacher training classes are moving forward. We CANNOT be stopped by technological temper tantrums like this.

We're posting updates on our Facebook page as we know more. You can visit it here:

Marketing & Communications Director
[Via Mike H]

Oath Keepers campaign supports Snowden, whistleblowers

“If we wake up enough Americans, especially in the military, it is possible to have an American counterpart to what happened in East Germany in 1989 when the East German military refused to crack down on the peaceful protesters, and without the support of the Army, the Communist Party and the Stasi secret police were done,” Rhodes recalled. [More] 
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a series of targeted messages that could end up with some targeted messengers...

Unintended Consequences

Looks like "buybacks" have run into a snag in Colorado thanks to their new "laws"...[More]

 Nelson? You had something to say?

[Via cydl]

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery...

...Ignorance is Strength. [More]

To save you, we must kill you.

Remember: For "progressives," every day is "Opposite Day."

A Public/Private Partnership

Convenient set of "coincidences," wouldn't you say...? [More]

Funny, how I don't see any of these revelations in "legitimate media."

Zimmerman brother to present family perspective on AAR

“Unlike the mainstream media who continue to drag George Zimmerman and his family through hell and put their lives in danger, Armed American Radio will offer a forum for the Zimmermans to tell the real story in a non-confrontational atmosphere,” Walters explained. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report announces a conversation that will allow for a human side that doesn't fit the media-manufactured caricature to factor into the mix.

We're the Only Ones Ecstatic Enough

And they say he was a "model officer"... [More]

I'd make an "Eddie Casales" crack, but that would be too obscure even for this blog...

[Via Tom S]

Meanwhile, Over in Big Sky Country...

The Magical Misery Tour is dying to take you away... [More]

Sounds like those insensitive Westboro Baptists are getting ready to spoil the solemnities again...

And Remember...

..."They" hate us because we're free! [More]

I'm just going to rip off Andrea Shea King's entire introduction to this that she posted on Facebook:

Discussing the Anthony Weiner sickness and his and Huma's determination to continue his campaign for the NYC mayorship, I suspect -- nay, I BELIEVE that they have been made a promise from the same powerful handlers who are in control of Obama, most of our Senate, and at least two thirds -- likely more -- of our so-called Representatives in the House.

The handlers -- whoever they are and I'll leave you to speculate on that -- have selected Weiner to put in place to continue the Marxist policies of the current mayor, Bloomberg. Weiner is a broken, sexually addicted human, as lusting for power as he is for self-pornography and exhibitionist impulses. He can be controlled. The masters know his weaknesses, his "tells". Like a pimp feeding his hookers dope to "keep them sweet", the masters feed their minions with whatever it will take to "keep them sweet", (doing their bidding).

It's the same strategy being used with the doper homosexual Obama and his beard Moochelle, who has her own visions of self grandeur and a bitter and deep sense of entitlement. They are and will continue to be well "compensated" for trading in whatever soul they have with the "perks" that come with pushing forward the "greater cause". Fellow travelers, they are where they've been placed by their masters through Machiavellian and clever use of every tool available (think Google algorithms, social media, psychology of the masses, media manipulation, ballot/voter fraud, intimidation, blackmail, extortion, and oh so much more) to get the job done. What job? A new world order and all that that entails.

Huma, as we know, is Muslim and closely connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma fits into and is part of the plan. Whatever she and her miserably sick, sexually addicted freak of a husband have been promised is worth more to her than the indignities she is publicly suffering. And let's not forget that Islamic / Muslim women taught to put up with whatever their husband's proclivities are. Couple that with Hillary's whispered promise that all will be worth it in the end... and well, it's not hard to get the picture.

All of this is part of the master plan -- putting in place (i.e. into power) those who can be controlled by their masters. And make no mistake -- Wiener, as well as Obama, and Clinton before them -- have their masters.

Hillary and Bill are high up in the pecking order. They are the capo de capo, trusted lieutenants of the masters. They've proven time and again they can be counted on to further the agenda. They've been tested. Affairs, lesbianism, alcoholism, his sexual addiction and superego, Benghazi... I could go on for days just recounting the f-ups of his administration. Both of them are dangerously broken people with bonafides.

The Bush family are part of it too. It all makes sense now why "W" wouldn't and hasn't said a peep -- when he was being lambasted for going to war, when he "Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’", and when Obama pushed through stimulus, Obamacare, the NSA surveillance...

IT WAS PART OF THE PLAN. And he knew it. was beholden to it. Kept his mouth shut. He delivered us into the mess in the Middle East, spending our resources and treasure to enmire us in a hopeless situation, laying the groundwork for his successor to further enmire us in the fetid quicksand of the Arab world. I leave it to you to figure out why -- but here's a hint: petrodollars.

In Justin Raimondo's piece (linked below), he writes about the surveillance state that is surely the most magnificent move of the masters, the one that will keep us penned in as surely as the Jews were in the Warsaw ghettos.

"Of all the key aspects of an authoritarian regime, secrecy is the most vital in effecting the transition from relative freedom to a full-fledged police state. As the foundations of the liberal democratic order are eaten away by political termites operating in the dark, the democratic polity retains its traditional republican form – but is hollow at its center. That’s why the prescient Garet Garrett called the rising statist trend in the United States a "revolution within the form" – superficially, our old republic appears intact, but the old meanings of such concepts as "democracy" and "the rule of law" have been turned on their heads. Beneath the surface, the tyrant lurks, waiting for his moment…."

The only thing left -- the one so many -- like David Codrea and Kurt Hoffman and Mike Vanderbeogh -- are fighting mightily to prevent -- is the confiscation of our only means of protection against these masters. Guns. Once that is accomplished, game over.

Gang, we are being taken over by the masters. Wiener, Obama, and Company, are simply the soulless puppets emplaced by whatever means necessary to ensure that the takeover reaches its final objective.

Justin Raimondo's piece "Is America a Free Country?" is a MUST read.

There's a Lesson to be Learned Here...

But what...? [More]

Hey, they're not redefining "spate" again on us, are they?

An Important Tool

Well, in Dick Durbin's case, "self-important" would be more accurate... [More]

As for his bill that he promises will "reduce gun violence," I'd like to see some sort of reality-based way of validating by how know, something more substantial than telling us about CSI being "one of the hottest shows on television."

A Bit o' the Blarney

Irish transplant and Columbia University adjunct journalism professor (and Clinton confidante) Niall O'Dowd says Islam "gets a bad rap in the west."   [More]

I wonder why.

Oh, and Liam Neeson ... nahhh, who cares?

Of course O'Dowd also says "When everyone in the media tells you the George Zimmerman acquittal had nothing to do with race don’t believe a word of it."

First of all, what media would that be?

But he's right you know, just not for the reasons he'd have us believe.  Of course Obama and Holder and Sharpton and Jackson and the eager corps of Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists have made the case (as opposed to the acquittal) all about race.

Like the very term "progressive," every day is "Opposite Day" for such wormtongues.

I wonder if the Republicans will be stupid enough to believe he has their best interests in mind when he urges Peter King to run for president, and calls Marco Rubio a "GOP braveheart."

It's That "And for Other Purposes" Part That Bothers Me...

That and their definition of "crime"... [More]

 I note there's no text posted yet. But gosh, with all those high-profile anti-gun Democrats sponsoring it, do we really need to read any more?

The Idiot's Foreign Policy?

Considering the havoc that a mere 2,000 Fast and Furious guns caused in Mexico, what exactly will come of shipping anti-tank weapons to the same sort of Islamist militias who launched a full blown assault on the American mission in Benghazi? [More]
The title assumes those setting and implementing "foreign policy" are guided by the Preamble...because if you look at things from a different perspective, idiocy does not appear to be the best explanation.

[Via Andrea Shea King]

This Day in History: July 24

With the warmest zeal for the service of my King and country, I am conscious that my judgment is liable to error. [More]

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Truth in Comedy

This is just so right, it's unbelievable it came out of Hollywood.

[Via Ed D]

Danger is My Business

Weiner allegedly used the pseudonym “Carlos Danger” in the conversations, the Web site reported. [More]

And to think that this lying pervert and this lying pervert don't trust -- and want to control -- us.

Ammo Import Question

I received the following email request and confess I'm at a loss in terms for directing my correspondent where to look:
I am doing a research project about the current administration's policies regarding the importation of ammunition during the current shortage. 

As I understand it while there is a potential supply of ammunition from foreign manufacturers. However, the government has blocked (or severely reduced) the importation of ammunition from overseas. Some vendors may even have large amounts of goods (ammunition) siting in bonded warehouses being blocked from importation. The millions of dollars in high demand merchandise could be helping boost the economy and refill the depleted coffers of the government (state and federal) via taxes generated by sales.

However, I am having difficulty finding supporting documentation outside the classroom. Could you help me confirm this? Further how could I find the public records of the those shipments in customs warehouses?

If anyone has any relevant knowledge abut this, please educate us all in "Comments."

Channeling Ron Paul

Looks like we'll be getting the chance to soon. [More]

[Via Sandy D]

Dayton woman shoots home invader with handgun

There are several valuable lessons people can learn from this -- assuming they want to. [More]

Follow the Money

And so the statists are fighting back, this time with an economic attack. Defense Distributed was recently informed that JP Morgan Chase had unilaterally and without warning (or explanation) terminated their account, as had PayPal. [More]
Funny--isn't JP Morgan the same outfit that has the exclusive credit card deal with ATF and that had a sweetheart deal with a "Gunwalker" bigwig?

All with the approval of the Chief Counsel's office?

Nah, I'm sure there can't be any connection-- otherwise, the intrepid "Authorized Journalists" would have pointed these  "coincidences" out and you wouldn't be learning about them from a mere and obscure  #justablogger.

The Incredible Shrinking Coalition

If it ends like the movie, he'll dwindle away into nothingness. [More]

Me, I'm rooting for the spider.

[Via John B]

Connecticut gun group opposes anti-gun GOP candidate for governor

For someone whose legislative actions dropped him from an NRA “A+” rating in 200 to an “F” in 2010, with an eight percent key vote record in 2012, there is no appreciable difference between Republican McKinney and Democrat Malloy anyway. CCDL is taking the lead to show gun owners -- in Connecticut and everywhere else -- that coordinated activists can force change, and that their demands can define a standard office holders must adhere to -- if not out of principle then out of a basic political survival instinct. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report shows how an action in Connecticut can establish a template gun owners can use in contestable elections nationwide.

"Gun Violence" Avoided

Too bad. [More]

On the plus side, by not shooting the assailant, the victim won't be hounded as a racist.

I have a dream, that those who defend themselves will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

[Via Florida Guy]  

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I'm surprised Heidi Yewman didn't just leave her gun on the ground at a playground to "prove" the "point" she's been trying to make with her pointless public exercise in ignorance, irresponsibility and irrationality. [More]

Can't We All Get Along?

"I don't really know how credible the threats are," Johnson said. "The cowards are just leaving messages on my answering machine." [More]
Maybe the calls would stop if Man of God here would stop telling everyone your offer was "inciting racism."

We're the Only Ones "Your Money or Your Life" Enough

Two people in the car were released without charges, but officers kept the money, saying a police dog indicated drug residue on the cash. [More]
Gee, you don't say.

One Hell of a Birthday Present

Anybody have any constructive ideas/specific industry practice insights on what Mike can do about this?

This Day in History: July 23

Resolved, That the said extract of General Washington's letter, together with a letter from the superintendant of finance to the committee on the subject, be referred to the Board of War; who are directed to confer with the superintendant of finance and the cloathier, and make the best contracts in their power for procuring cloathing for the army. [More]
Also, unto us this day a child was born...Happy birthday, youngster.

Law enforcement overkill,arrogance displayed in wrong apartment raid

The contention of Marshal Matt Wiggins, that “We were clearly the police. She can't say she didn't know,” notwithstanding, The War on Guns Blog has documented many instances of criminal home invasions done under the guise of being law enforcement raids. A companion category to its “Only Ones” files (dispelling the myth that police are the only ones who can be trusted with guns) titled “Fauxnly Ones” provides numerous examples from news accounts over the years. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the real ones hardly seem any better than the fakes...

More Thoughts on the Reese Case

Tea Party Patriots of Luna County (one of my primary "go-to" sources to be informed and understand what's going on in this case) dissects the government's appeal of Judge Brack's decision to grant a new trial. [More]

Tailor Made

Raynhard gets a new uniform. [More]

Oh, man whoever did that Fauxtoshop is gonna really really be disapproved of now...

"Godwin's Law!" 

They scream that to protect themselves.

Besides, everybody knows National Socialists weren't really national least that's what all the national socialists want us to believe...

Last Night on Armed American Radio

Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Executive Director of the Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt along with David Codrea and George Hill, calls emails and more!
You can also watch Producer Sean "Seanto" Young's studio feed at

A Creature of Great Cunning

"A creature of great cunning and energy, quite devoid of any moral or mammalian scruple." I can think of no better description of collectivism and its penchant to stack up bodies on the altars of its lies. [More]
It must be if it can delude human beings into castrating their own thoughts in order to be eaten last.

And the Number One Mistake Made By FFLs Is...

Chris Chiafullo of FFLGuard notes what goeth before destruction... [More]

You Say You Want a Revolution?

I'll be rejoining Jim and Trav on "The Revolution" today at Noon Eastern, when I'm told we'll be "talking about 2nd Amendment, Gun Issues, Stand Your Ground and much more." [More]

If You Can't Trust Eric and Lanny, Who CAN You Trust?

What, you mean they're frauds on top of everything else...? [More]


[Via Robert F]


The Special Forces Association has something to say about  the Second Amendment. [More]

Funny. They don't seem to agree with CSGV or Bloomberg or the Bradys or Feinstein and Schumer or...

I wonder if there's a broader extrapolation we could take away from this story...?

[Via Maximus]

Champions of Social Justice

Nice to see these noted victims of discrimination and white privilege weigh in... [More]

"Progressive" Logic

Yeah, she meant it as a compliment. [More]

Every day is "Opposite Day" for these loons, isn't it?

And if you're a member of the club, you get an automatic pass.

Just Talk

The Norwalk police had called Mr. Doutel prior to arriving at his home under the false pretenses of ‘just wanting to talk to him’. Mr Doutel had replied that they had no need to come to his home unless they had an arrest warrant in hand. Officer Jared Zwickler and fellow officers arrived at the home, ordering Mr. Doutel out of his home and then marching past the handcuffed Mr. Doutel into his home to search for firearms. [More]
Connecticut Carry brings us the latest developments on an ongoing case.

No, That's Not the Only Question

“There is no question that the time to prepare for sea level rise is now... We will definitely see 7 feet of sea level rise -- the only question is when,” Josh Willis, a scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told [More]
Another question might be "Shouldn't you be working on jet propulsion systems or something?"

Jeez, and we wonder why we don't already have that 2001 double-wheel space station and permanent moon base by now.

Too busy putting those tax credits to work shuttling George Takei to address the troops on diversity leadership at the invitation of Goddard’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Advisory Council, I guess, because, you know, being an actor who played a TV spaceman 40 years earlier makes one an authority and everything...

This is the perfect arena for the private sector to demonstrate what it can do -- if it can attract investors and resist subsidies, and if the government doesn't attach too many chains for bold ventures to lift off.

"Whoever Shot this Dirt Bag Ought to Get a Medal"

Not according to those who want people to believe Castle Doctrine is a "license to murder" and "vigilante gun violence"... [More

A Fearful Little Bigot

Funny. The only one who fits that description here is Tim Dickinson.  [More]

Considering how absolutely unfounded the charge is, along with the legal jeopardy he's currently in with the Obama/Holder DoJ, I hope Zimmerman's attorneys sue Rolling Stone for libel.

This Day in History: July 22

They disrupted services at the meetinghouse on July 22, 1781, captured Dr. Mather and 26 other men, and transported them across the Sound. Dr. Mather with 26 of his parishioners suffered 5 months in British prisons in New York City before those who survived their confinement were exchanged and returned to their homes. [More]

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Remote gun locator and shutoff poses predicted threat to gun rights

The danger is if that visibility and the choices offered can also give "unprecedented control" to someone other than the gun owner, and that could include hackers as well as government/law enforcement agents. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes tyranny can be a real turn-off.

Armed American Radio Tonight

Guests joining host Mark Walters in tonight's broadcast will include SAF's/CCRKBA's Alan Gottlieb, GOA's Larry Pratt, conservative radio talker Doug Allen, George "Mad Ogre" Hill and yours truly.

The program airs from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern.  I'll be coming on in the second hour.

Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.

Producer Sean "Seanto" Young also has it set up so you can watch the live studio feed.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

ATF requests public comments on firearm application form

Acknowledging that questions such as “What part of “shall not be infringed’ don’t you understand?” and “Where in the Constitution do you or Congress presume to get the authority to enforce any kind of ‘gun control’?” would be valid comments from the perspective of founding intent, Gun Rights Examiner nonetheless feels compelled to pass this information along to inform readers of this development, and to give those whose activities are impacted -- admittedly a relatively small (but important) segment of gun owners -- a heads-up to voice their concerns. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a minor form change. That a form even exists is something we need to work on.

Well Reasoned

And right. [More]

Naturally. Look who wrote it.

Examiner Comments

For those who haven't noticed, you no longer need a Facebook account to comment on Examiner articles (although I still think those who resist "social media" are squandering resources, ceding an important communications tool and giving an advantage to the grabbers).

Regardless, comments are now handled via Disqus.

National Geographic gun expose instead exposes journalistic bias

The “investigators” have to create the illusion that their intrepid reporter is descending into the belly of the underworld, because that’s how the can manipulate low-information viewers to “feel” the way they want them to about private sales -- nasty, dangerous criminal interactions, that no one prudent or respectable would want anything to do with. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks who will expose the exposers--if not us?

A Prohibited Person

Hey, enforce existing gun laws, right? [More]

Or what's the other one?  "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime"...?

Journey to Nowhere

I guess "shall not be infringed" has hidden travel qualifiers. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]  

UPDATE: I recalled after I posted this that Steve D. Jones addressed this here and here.

Which I guess means there's gonna be a fight?