Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Flashing Into View

“So, it’s OK for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women, young little girls—underage—in your spa? Wi Spa condones that, is that what you’re saying?” [More]

What the hell is wrong with people? How is this even an issue?

[Via Mack H]

It Makes Perfect Sense

 “I think they had a set group of people they wanted to pay to show up to testify on the police issues,” said Ken Casaday. “Why do you need to pay people to go to a Zoom meeting… that makes no sense to me.” [More]

Think about it, Ken. 

[Via Steve T

A 'Progressive' Dilemma

 Left-wing militants block car of black transgender Minneapolis City Council VP; won't let it move until their list of demands is signed [More]

Who do we root for?

[Via Jess]

It's Not About Guns

 Explosion of Gun Ownership in Puerto Rico [More]

Wake me when this changes.

[Via Jess]

Floating to the Top

What NJ’s Former “Gun Czar” Doesn’t Want You To Know? [More]

I want to know how come they always call them "czars" instead of "führers."

[Via Jess]

Don't It Always Seem to Go That You Don't Know What You've Got 'til It's Gone?

 Western Washington University to debut ‘Black Affinity Housing’ to create ‘safer space’ [More]

So what was all this about, then?

[Via Michael G]

Protection Projection

 Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open [More]

I'm digesting this. I see a lot of speculation but no indisputable proof of allegations that he is protected because of a relationship with the feds. It could also be no indictment has been forthcoming because those who would like to bring one know they don't have enough to secure a conviction.

I'm probably going to stay out of this since I once wrote for Oath Keepers and considered Stewart a personal friend. I've never discussed why that's no longer the case and don't intend to. 

I hope this is smoke with no fire and I will not add to it. I almost didn't post this because of that. It just makes no sense though. Say what you will about the man, and plenty with grievances have, I cannot believe he would ever not put his oath first.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

A Real Handful

 “You’ve got a handful of white folks who control St. Louis, Missouri,” Rev. Darryl Gray said. “Which makes it hard for progressive measures to take hold in this city.” [More]

Yeah, I can tell.

[Via bondmen]

So It Took a 'Good Guy with a Gun'?

 Midway through NBC Bay Area's interview with Oakland's head of violence prevention Guillermo Cespedes, two robbers interrupted, holding up the crew and Cespedes before a security officer with the news crew pulled out his own firearm and commanded the robbers to leave. [More]

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.  

But it's not supposed to exclusively be an "Only One" with a gun...

[Via bondmen]

Indoctrination without Representation

 Virginia PTA Moves to Dissolve Parent Group After CRT Opponents Won a Majority [More]

Those bellowing "Diversity!" never meant "of thought."

[Via Michael G]

Balancing Out

Panama Warns US: Terrorists Blending With Migrants [More]
Odds are they'll target a Democrat "sanctuary city"...

[Via Wynn A

It's Only Election Fraud When It Happens to Democrats

 Eric Adams Was Right – NYC Board of Elections Admits To 135,000 Vote Overcount [More]

You mean his allegations weren't "baseless"?

Unlike his platform on guns...?

[Via Michael G]

The Blind Men and the Elephant

Chicago rejects Biden's Gun Task Force... "Stay in your Ivory Tower" [Watch]

Not that the locals have a clue. It's always nice to see another setback for the Dotard-in-Chief, but with pleas to not blame the shooters -- instead, blame "the system," and arguments that the solution to high crime areas is to underpolice them, expect demands to infringe on your and my rights to get even more desperate and strident.

[Via Jess]

Spending Spree!

 The money in Biden’s plan was purposely void of strings attached because the game was to shower blue states with money, allowing them to bail out their mismanaged budgets and perpetuate left-wing priorities. Abbott has turned that on its head, instead, using a significant portion of the money given to Texas to help build a border wall in his state. [More]

The real trolling is on the productive sector. Still, as long as there's money to burn I don't suppose even one "pro-gun" Republican governor has spent a dime on what the Founders knew to be "necessary to the security of a free State"...?

[Via Michael G]

Nobody Knows the Trouble He's Seen

 America’s First Black Billionaire Wants His Reparations Check, Now [More]

Nothing racist about BET...

No Offense

We wouldn't want to offend the dignity of some lifetime piece of $h!+ scumbag by using hateful microaggressions, would we? [More]

We're the Only Ones Clean Enough

Williams reportedly responded to the two investigators and said, “I’ve been clean a week” ... he admitted to stealing four firearms from evidence room and taken to his home to make sure someone else didn’t steal them from the evidence room. [More]

So it's not just "one bad apple"?

[Via jumpinjonnydee]

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Second Amendment will be Nullified if ‘Common Use’ is Restricted to ‘Popularity’


That’s the crux—if new developments in weaponry can be denied to We the People, then it’s just a matter of time before the disparity between what the government has and what the people have will be as wide as if we were relegated to Brown Bess muskets and flintlocks against modern infantry. Unless “in common use at the time” is held to mean by soldiers in the field, with real “weapons of war,” as opposed to a sporting arms popularity contest,  the Second Amendment will be nullified as a last-resort defense against foreign and domestic tyranny. [More]

Only proponents of a dystopian future will demand technology render an armed citizenry obsolete.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

 Felon With Gun Passes Out At Stoplight For 2nd Time [More]

That's natural talent if he did it without special training.

The only time I've ever seen a drunk pass out with a gun was at a party 30 years ago, and this Highway Patrolman the hosts called "Supertrooper" was passed out on the couch with his jacket open and  "concealed" pistol visible.

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Having No Truck With Enough

 King told local ABC affiliate KATV news that the truck wouldn't properly shift into park, so Brittain went to the back of the truck with a jug of antifreeze to prop behind a truck's tire so that it wouldn't roll backward and strike Davis' vehicle. That's when Davis fired at Brittain, and according to King, Davis didn't tell him to stop or get on the ground. He just shot him. [More]

So he didn't yell "Freeze!" and take the jug as a sign of disobedience?

[Via Michael G]

Think Globally, Act Locally

“I am calling on all States to stop denying, and start dismantling, racism; to end impunity and build trust; to listen to the voices of people of African descent; and to confront past legacies and deliver redress.” [More]

Maybe they can send over some blue helmets to do what they do best in these situations.

Now That is Some Masterful Blame-Shifting

Arizona's Maricopa County to replace all voting machines after GOP audit [More]

It seems they keep getting the jump on Team Kracken at every turn...

[Via Jess]

Miss Appropriation

 Transgender contestant, a biological male, wins Miss Nevada USA​ [More]

I wonder if his "but" is as huge as last year's national "winner"?

[Via Dave Licht]

UPDATE: As long as we're talking "firsts," have any winners been veterans yet?

We're the Only Ones Polyamorous Enough


Hey, love is love, right?

[Via Jess]

Beach Baby, Beach Baby, Give Me Your Hand, Give Me Something That I Can Dismember

The bear and her three cubs were spotted just feet away from beach-goers at Lake Tahoe [More]

How are people this witless?

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Argumentative Enough

 'What not to say to a cop' video goes viral [More]

It would not surprise me to find these women wearing orange, but by the same token, he could use some tips on keeping communications focused and what not to say to get their backs up.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking Truth to Power

  Working-class white people, Christian white people, are our true allies, not the elites. We can't see that because of the made-for-TV hyper-focus on racial conflict. [More]

This is excellent.

When did Jason Whitlock see the light and have a Road to Damascus epiphany?

[Via bondmen]

Hoist with Their Own Petard

 The website Right Wing Watch–which has called for social media giants to cancel all conservative people, websites, and networks–now finds itself the target of the very cancel culture it promotes. [More]

I'd love to find out what the cause of the schism is. I have no hopes that Google is seeing the light, and instead note that at some point, Bolsheviks decide Mensheviks need to be shown who runs things.

UPDATE: Looks like the purge was premature.

UPDATE: Here, let's purge this hater for the time being!

[Via Michael G]

Fear Factor

 Alito excoriated his colleagues, accusing them of improperly refusing to hear the case for fear of public reaction. [More]

If I had to guess, I'd speculate it's the same reason they refused to hear election challenges-- fear that a truth-based ruling would result in burning cities...

[Via Michael G]

The RMVE Menace!

 If I've got this straight, the feds are getting everybody's bowels in an uproar to gin up demand to make DIY firearms illegal by characterizing them as the weapons of choice for that other narrative standby, racist white terrorists.  [More]

So this is taking care of two birds with one stone...

Whether any of the handful of anecdotal examples they highlighted shaved their beards remains unstated.

That feeling I mentioned yesterday -- that something big is in the air, something horrible that will be used to cast blame and then to act -- is getting stronger. Let's hope I'm just being paranoid.

What Principles Would Those Be?

We need the Democrat legislators to stand firm on their principles and not give in to political pressure and vote WRONG. [More]

Good one!

Really? Appeal to the "principles" of Sarah Crawford? Kirk deViere? Shelly Willingham? Do I have to look up more?

Taken for Granted

 “I know [Biden is] incredibly proud to be an American and has great respect for the anthem and all that it represents, especially for our men and women serving in uniform all around the world,” Psaki said. “He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country means recognizing there are moments where we are, as a country, haven’t lived up to our highest ideals. And it means respecting the rights of people granted to them in the Constitution to peacefully protest.” [More]

That is some industrial-grade weasel-wording right there, along with yet another demonstration of imperial arrogance on unalienable rights.

In fairness, Trump didn't get it, either.

Invoking Government Employee Privilege

 Oakes has been urging prosecutors to consider his two decades of service and his lack of a criminal record and cut him a break. [More]

Sorry, pal. Yes, in a just world there would be no charges.

That said, you get "professional courtesy," we all get "professional courtesy."

Plus, be honest, your excuses all sound like total bullshit.

[Via Jess]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

 Virginia Gives Illegal Immigrants In-State Tuition at Public Colleges, Aid for Private Universities [More]

Unlike our "gun rights leaders," even The New York Times knows how this happened.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Round House Kick

Capitol Rotunda Is Example Of ‘Structural Racism’ [More]

Here is a rotunda structurally designed without evil white influence -- except maybe for the tarp.

[Via Michael G]


Imagine what would happen if, instead of the Republican Party moving leftward to placate Democrats, it moved rightward to placate Republicans.    [More]

I imagine mass cancellations and investigations with the way things are going.

[Via Mack H]

Worst Session Ever

It was breathtaking in its sheer, humiliating magnitude.  The damage that has been done to our state can barely be measured. And through it all, the “loyal opposition,” the Republicans, responded with… press releases. [More]

I seem to remember an observation made by a Democrat about situations like this...

Too bad. It would be a lot better for everyone involved if Oregon gun owners would just choose the easy path.

Nothing a Little Bok Choy Won't Fix

 As he talks, he describes the need he has seen in St. Louis, his hometown, the neighborhoods where many children don’t have enough healthy food to eat, and where the nearest fresh vegetable can be miles away. [More]

Yep, and we all remember what Obama said about guns and vegetables.

Funny, how no one wants to talk about life choices.

 [Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Serviced Enough

Roger Golubski wasn’t the only alleged rapist in KCKPD, but DA ‘declined to prosecute’ [More]

Yeah, Back the Blow! I mean, who among us hasn't wanted to force a cuffed crack whore to fellate us at gunpoint? They just have the special training we lack to make the dream come true.


[Via bondmen]

Useful Idiot

 The folks who know political power grows from the barrel of a gun are perfectly happy to help ignoramuses like Gyl Switzer of Texas Gun Sense spread easily disprovable falsehoods. And she, in turn, is happy there are enough dolts dumber than her to let her make a good living pretending to be their leader. [More]

[Via bondmen]

Get Thee Behind Me

 Gun reform isn’t about taking away everyone’s guns, or even the right to own one. But I ask you: even if it was, even if guns were banned tomorrow, why should we be so afraid? If you know and love Jesus and are going to spend eternity in Heaven with him, why does the idea of not having guns anymore scare you so much? [More]

Yeah, just think of all those souls the totalitarians have fast-tracked to meet the Lord!

What a secularly inept and theologically shallow woman. Her experience has taught her nothing.

[Via bondmen]

What's the Holdup Here?

 Action Alert! RKBA Bill Still Waiting - House Bill 2840 STILL Awaiting Senate Action! The legislature has finally sent a budget to the governor but HB 2840 is still awaiting action by the Senate. HB 2840 would remove the requirement that a firearm must be unloaded when secured in a vehicle on school grounds. It would ensure that parents are able to pick-up and drop-off their children without having to stop and unload their firearms before driving onto school grounds, or deviating from their route to park off-campus. [More]

Arizona gun owners: Light a fire under them.

My Kind of Razzmatazz

 Summer of Love: Shootout Featuring Fully Automatic Gunfire on Chicago’s South Side Caught on Video [More]

Everybody seems to have "weapons of war" but the ones the Founders intended...

Forget it, Jake. It's Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

A Huge Fan

The economics professor trending for saying Stalin was ‘a great listener’ is also a huge fan of CRT [More]

Yes, communists love communism. 

And Stalin was. A great listener...

So Much for Expert Advice

Woman Arrested After Shooting Ex-Boyfriend Through Her Bedroom Door [More]


[Via Michael G]

Right on Cue

 Massachusetts gunman who killed two left ‘white supremacist rhetoric’... Two people of color killed in Boston suburb of Winthrop ... DA: deceased suspect wrote ‘antisemitic and racist statements’ [More]

How convenient for the narrative. 

"A Ph.D and no criminal history" is certainly odd. The perp being such an enigma certainly gets the old spider-sense tingling.

Anybody else get the feeling we're all being set up for something big?

Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse

 The court also said the sale was legal despite Kelley's Colorado ID. The US Gun Control Act required the retailer to comply with Colorado laws, but the court said it only applies to firearms, not the magazine. [More]

Which makes me wonder why the judges who let such a meritless case go forward haven't been removed...

As for the Air Force's role, it's funny how that "small cadre" keeps sticking its nose in things...

Monumental Case

 ‘What happened to ‘it’s just property’?’ NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is finally prepared to crack down on vandalism of statues [More]

15,000 cameras and we're to believe in white supremacist agitators in Brooklyn on a known communist's say-so?

[Via Michael G]

All a Misunderstanding

Joe Biden misunderstands the Second Amendment [More]


But those at whose pleasure he serves understand it perfectly.

We're the Only Ones Unboxing Enough

 A federal judge has ordered the FBI to halt its attempted forfeiture of the contents of 369 safe deposit boxes after finding that law enforcement has provided "no factual basis" for the seizures. [More]

They need more than "Because it is there"...?

I still want to know where I can get one of those Leatherman tools...

[Via Michael G]

The Denial of Information Act

 The ATF’s Failure to Produce Public Records Keeps the Gun Industry in the Shadows - Fulfilling even basic FOIA requests can take months or years. Sometimes the agency ignores them altogether. [More]

Speaking as part of the small cadre's tangled web, all I can really say is "Tell me about it." Especially since after years of trying we still don't know what State under Hillary knew about Gunwalker.

The Trace teaming up with USA Today: Talk about your wretched hive of scum and villainy!

I see they quote the guy who tried an initial dodge by saying I'm not an "authorized journalist"...

[Via DDS]

Mission Accomplished!

 LAID TO WASTE Taliban seizes a THIRD of Afghanistan in blitz offensive after US wastes nearly $1TRILLION in ‘pointless’ 20-year war [More]

Sorry, but the C-I-C is busy planning to subdue easier targets.

A Matter of Priorites

 City holds Juneteenth and gay pride celebrations after canceling July Fourth celebration [More]

Great excuse! Tell me they didn't have time to replan -- if they really wanted to.

Progressive. Experienced. Transparent.

And, naturally, it's all going down in a Bloomberg city!

Something Must Be Done!

8-year-old shot during drive-by shooting while at a family gathering, police say [More]

Now you tell me with a straight face that red flag laws closing boyfriend and hater loopholes, universal background checks, waiting periods, and an "assault weapons" ban would have made absolutely no difference here.

Because you can never have too many "huge successes"...



They hate you. They hate reality. They hate God. They hate themselves.

A Friend in Need

The Federal Abuse of Gun Collector Albert Kwan [More]

We talked about this a few days back -- or at least I did, sharing a link to a fundraising page and a link to WarOnGuns archives showing how this man was persecuted by make-it-up-as-they-go-along tormenters with unlimited resources.

I'd like to call attention to Albert's plight to gun groups with resources of their own and get this man some help, but based on results, one of the things I especially suck at is motivating others to take action.

I don't have an answer for how else to help a brother in arms. Maybe you do.

Because the message I'm receiving, after all the "Profiles in Apathy" and especially after seeing how many gun owners didn't lift a finger in Mike Vanderboegh's darkest hour -- is if we fall, me or you, we're on our own. 

A Plan Comes Together

 City officials in Denver, Colorado have totally surrendered to Antifa®. They’re allowing “law” abiding citizens to be attacked right out in the open.  [More]

And with the governor signing the preemption-killing bill, they can make sure the prey can't protect itself, either.

[Via Jess]

The Company She Keeps

Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison [More]

For the children...

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Firmly Supporting Enough

 Dupuis claims he’s a firm supporter of the Second Amendment, but feels that he can’t do his job without sovereign immunity protecting him from civil lawsuits when he goes beyond what he’s legally allowed to do. [More]

So is he also "a firm supporter" of the First Amendment -- until you talk back -- and the Fourth Amendment -- until you force his guys to hand-signal the dog to give them "probable cause" to search your trunk -- and the Fifth Amendment -- until you clam up -- and...?

[Via Jess]

Making the Grade

 Despite Surge In Gun Violence, Democratic Lawmakers In N.J. Ignore Murphy’s Call For More Gun Control [More]

Is it possible some are realizing that if they keep pushing, their part in the fraud will be undeniable?

And if their A-rated "gun safety laws" are so "commonsense," what's with the "surge"? 

What's the definition of "insanity" again...?

We're the Only Ones Droning On Enough

 Appeals Court Rules Aerial Police Tracking of Citizens Violates Fourth Amendment - Baltimore kept tabs on citizens' movement across 90 percent of the city, without a warrant, to investigate crimes. [More]

For all the good it's done...

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Exempt Enough

 Want Better Policing? Make It Easier To Fire Bad Cops. Realtors, contractors, and insurance agents who engage in bad behavior can be stripped of their licenses. Police officers, on the other hand, rarely get fired. [More]

That depends on what they're being accused of...

[Via Mack H]

Come On In. Make Yourself at Home!

  Three people were killed and five seriously injured in a knife attack in southern Germany on Friday by a 24-year-old Somali immigrant, described by officials as having been placed under compulsory psychiatric treatment in recent days... according to one witness, the suspect had called "Allahu akbar", an Arabic phrase meaning "God is great" and often associated with acts of Islamist terrorism before starting his spree.  [More]

I guess none of these guys had a Waffenschein...?

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

Friday, June 25, 2021

Honor Among Thieves

 Defendants who assist police or show remorse for crimes could benefit from new Va. sentencing guidelines [More]

Ladies and gentlemen, the musical stylings of Miss Brenda Lee...

I'll bet every damn one of them is sorry they were caught. As for selling out others, if there's something in it for them that overrides "Snitches get ditches," sure.

I mean, who needs custodians?

[Via Mack H]

Spider & the Fly

 The Evils of Communism Know No Bounds [More]

Here's the latest news from the Anticommunism Action Team.

A Public/Private Partnership

 Soros gun-ban group has key role in Biden ‘crime’ plan [More]

Is it OK to post this? Don't "progressives" tell us criticizing that "former" Nazi informant is anti-Semitic...?

[Via Michael G]

Deliver Them from Evil

 Amazon delivery contractors quit Portland routes, citing ‘unsafe’ work expectations [More]

And I thought Cleveland was bad.

[Via Michael G]

MailChumps Fling More Feces

Mailchimp Suspends The Babylon Bee for 'Harmful Information' [More]

At least The Bee was given a reason, unlike VCDL.

Good on Dillon for telling them they were fired.

[Via Michael G]

GOOD 'Conversion Therapy'

Deprogramming of January 6 Defendants Is Underway [More]

Paving the way for more happy endings...

[Via Michael G]

Read His Lips

Did a Real Republican Emerge from This Deep State Family [More]

Right ...

And remember the Alamo.

Let me guess: Trump embracing him is more 3-D chess? Or is he really that poor a judge of allies?

[Via Jess]

A Loose Cannon

 It has been legal to own a cannon since the founding of the United States. [More]

Now ease up on the guy. Joe probably just meant to say you should fire it off the balcony or through your door.

Not that it would do any good against F-15s and nukes...

We're the Only Ones Cashed Out Enough

 Wilburn’s attorney, Jimmy Turk of Radford, said Tuesday that the money that went missing was cash that was forfeited during criminal cases over several years. Turk said that Wilburn’s position was that poor record-keeping, not theft or other misappropriation, led to some of the cash not being able to be accounted for. [More]

That's good enough for me. I mean, what possible incentive could he have to not be completely forthright?

[Via Michael G]

This Land was Made for You and Me

 After Promising To Stop Land Seizures, the Biden Administration Just Stole This Family's Property for a Border Wall [More]

No question there are eminent domain abuses.

Wait 'til you see those grow exponentially if the "free minds" at Reason continue to pretend that an open border and "pathway to citizenship" won't make that inevitable.

[Via Henry Bowman]

We're the Only Ones Searching Enough

 This Cop Conducted 3 Warrantless Searches in Under 3 Years. He Gets To Keep His Job. [More]

Hey, if you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, right?

[Via Mack H]

Small Comfort

I will never forget the ultimate sacrifice that he gave. [More]

And it doesn't occur to anyone there that it didn't have to be?

[Via Mack H]

Despised by the Despicable

Bedford County church's QAnon event and upcoming militia 'muster' stoke questions [More]

Meaning it's time to do a hit piece and kick the Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule into high gear. It's actually an impotent weapon if you look at the motivations and character of the ones pointing and laughing, and with Dan Casey, it never ends.

Just because a government bent on a violence monopoly deliberately ignores its duty doesn't mean free citizens abdicate their rights to freely associate, peaceably assemble, to keep and bear arms, and to engage in teaching/learning activities.

[Via Mack H]

Impact in 3...2...1...

With all of the plans and personnel in place, the puppet masters behind the scenes, with a befuddled fall guy at the helm, intend to accelerate toward the big wreck.  [More]

Alright now, everybody, get in crash positions!

Close But No Cigar

 Forty-Eight Senators Urge ATF to Withdraw Pistol Brace Ban Rule [More]

I thought the Republicans had 50 seats...?

So will a similar result be what we can expect with Chipman? 

National Heroes Neutralize White Supremacist Domestic Terror Threat!

 A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism. His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter ... He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. [More]

I guess I shouldn't judge the arresting officers until I've goose-stepped a mile in their jackboots.

[Via Michael G]

Fox Appoints Self Henhouse Guardian

 Pelosi Will Establish Select Committee of Democrats to Investigate Capitol Hill Riot [More]

I'm sure the DSM will breathlessly headline every smear.

[Via Michael G]

The Lone Star League

 And, the state has some non-Texas allies. [More]

As for "Will it work?": Not if the Democrats have their way. Funny, how "home rule" works with those who mean to rule your home.

Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

Close Enough for Government Work


The CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System appears as reliably authoritative as it is easy to use, meaning it's a mess. I can't give you a direct link to this because you have to go to the CDCWONDER site (and what a wonder it is) and click "I agree" before you can get into the Data Search function. 

Anyway, it's nice to know that part of the COVID/"vaccine" death tally involves a one-year-old who committed suicide with a gun!

[Via Laocoön]

DailyDefense Redux

Mark and David Codrea rip the airwaves and break some news you won’t hear anywhere else. Promise. [Listen]

That would be about the intervenor motion in New York's action against NRA, and the Secret Service affidavit about the Hunter Biden gun story.

You can also watch the proceedings on Facebook OpsLens.

I've got to figure out where Mark gets that "Bad Ass" title from. Neither White Privilege nor Humphrie the carni-pig ever feared me in the least.

Full Petal Jacket

 Sorry, Cy, but my comments policy saying "Keep it on topic" is right up front on the submission form. That and I don't put all the work into this to give parasites free advertising. 

I do find it telling that the first thing I see on your site's Facebook page is an ad for a "Michael Jackson Jacket for Kids."


Shocking: "The View" Host Has A Change Of Heart About Guns [More]

What's shocking about it? A lot of leftists like guns-- for themselves.

Rationalizing her need is due to "white supremacy" (Thanks, Christopher Wray, you hatemonger!) and ignoring who's really behind "the increase in violence against black people" tells me not to look at this useful corporate media idiot as any kind of ally.

Unless she has a change of mind, she's in the other camp.


 “WE ARE NOT IGNORANT! We also call for  first degree murder charges and that this killer cop’s pension be forfeited!” [More]

That's funny. You SOUND ignorant.

[Via Jess]

For the Children

Canada: 751 unmarked graves found at residential school ... Between 1863 and 1998, more than 150,000 indigenous children were taken from their families and placed in these schools throughout Canada. [More]

And guess what made it all possible!

It created the North-West Mounted Police (the ancestor of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police), and tried to disarm the Indians (who were not considered full British subjects). 

There goes another childhood hero.

It really does look like they initially had the proper attitude on an armed citizenry before the violence monopolists managed to swindle everyone out of their birthrights, eh?

[Via Jess]

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Secret Service Affidavit Denies Involvement in Hunter Biden Lost Gun Investigation


That response either ends the inquiry or potentially opens the door to something much larger. [More]

If they really weren't involved, and they say under penalty of perjury that they weren't, a couple of questions need to be asked: Who were those guys? Or alternatively, who set everybody up on this and why?

Splitting the Vote

 The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday split along party lines over whether to advance the nomination of gun control advocate David Chipman ... [More]

So now it's up to the full Senate.

You can watch that here. Note @37.10 in, Chuck Grassley says:

"Aside from Mr. Chipman, ATF has also failed to fully respond to my and Senator Johnson's oversight requests regarding the October 2018 Hunter Biden firearms incident. That's when Hunter Biden's gun was discarded near a school. In response, ATF used the Freedom of Information Act to shield... as a shield to not produce records."

What FOIA action would that be? Is anyone else filing them on this?

And this @$$hole either never heard of rules with the effect of laws, or has and doesn't want people to know about that. 

Daily Defense

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I Know You Are But What Am I?

 Democrats — Not Republicans — Are The Radicals To Worry About: Here’s The Proof [More]

It's a combination of projection and gaslighting, both tactics congenital liars excel at.

[Via Michael G]

Just to be Consistent...

 The Feds can’t compel states to enforce restrictions on guns or immigrants [More]

Funny, how "the newsraper of record" favors that in one case and disparages it in another.

And I would argue that activating "the militia of the several states" to repel an invasion is absolutely consistent with the Founders' intent. 

Because Who Doesn't Enjoy a Good Forced Confession?

In a major development in the MAGA riot investigation, a member of the far-right Oath Keepers pled guilty on two of six charges against him. There are reportedly 15 other members involved. The first January 6th rioter has also been sentenced. [Watch]

Low-hanging fruit now trying to save their own skins will be increasingly broken and exploited to conflate and smear anyone challenging November's results.

[Via Jess]

A Few Sandwiches Short of a Picnic

 Short Take: The New Rules of Thumb - Trigger Warning: You can’t say trigger warning anymore. [More]

Or "picnic."

Are you going to tell the Teddy Bears or should I?

[Via Michael G]

One Step at a Time

 Biden Democrats: Want The Failed Australian Gun Ban Plan [More]

Because we've got to get to the Chinese gun ban plan in increments.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Friendly-Firing Enough

Good Samaritan who died in Arvada shooting was shot by police, according to sources [More]

Just like Garry McCarthy trained...

I'm with Rick Blaine on this one.

[Via bondmen]

Unoriginal Thinking

Ignoring Constitutional restraints and just assuming whatever powers and enacting whatever edicts you want is the very definition of totalitarianism. [More]

No wonder she wants us disarmed.

[Via Jess]

Bombover Country

 "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government," Biden said. "If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons." [More]

Talk about a situation rich in target opportunities!

You have to wonder what sort of cowards or traitors wouldn't resist maniacal totalitarians who would do this.

And The Bee has a point.

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE-- This post wins (language caution):

Talking to Themselves

 Former NRA President Tricked Into Giving Fake Commencement Speech by Anti-Gun Group (Video) - They should have run a background check first [More]

Yeah, that's pretty damn dumb. I do what I can to check out people who contact me and want something. I'm not claiming to be immune, but a little due diligence helps minimize embarrassing set-ups. 

In their defense, I can see where people who don't set out to deliberately defraud others just don't think that way. It says much about character when "our" side comes to the table with facts and the grabbers' only goal is to deceive, humiliate, and destroy.

[Via several of you]

Alien Nation

 Democrats’ Plan to Turn Illegal Aliens Into Voters - Biden’s border crisis and voting “reform” bills endanger the votes of American citizens. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!

I see one writer on AmmoLand who disagrees with me is recommending NRA devote resources to translate its stuff into Spanish. I'm actually not against that idea and note Bloomberg is doing it.

My argument is that even if they do, it will be a drop in the bucket compared to other media inputs the foreign nationals receive on political issues. They'll be bringing a squirt gun to a blazing inferno.

And what do they do if, say, Univision rejects their ad spots while its "news reports" continue to editorialize and its programming continues to condition for disarmament? That and don't expect the "fact-checker" cancel forces out there to give social media messaging a fair shake. 

And don't forget all the other imported foreign cultures with alien attitudes that will need convincing.

By all means, try, just don't hang your hat on that and say it's settled without first coming up with an informed estimate on how much money would have to be spent and credible data to show probable percentage points the opinion needle would be moved by that. 

My guess is if NRA spent its entire budget "we" would still lose in those demographics by a landslide. Putting a bandaid on a cancer patient and ignoring the real treatments needed means the prognosis will be terminal. 

[Via Mack H]