Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Carrie Dann Reporting

With many citizens convinced of their right under the constitution to keep and bear arms...
What, you mean like people who believe in ghosts or UFOs? This makes it sound debatable.

And here's some new information:
But the semi-automatic ammunition used in one of the weapons would have been illegal under an assault weapons ban that expired in 2004...
Which ammo? It can't be the .22LR for the Walther P22, so you must mean the 9mm rounds used in the Glock 19?

I think you meant "magazine," Carrie, but being an "Authorized Journalist" we'll give you a pass, and even put your name in the hat for the next award. And you did know that pre-ban magazines were still being bought and sold, didn't you?

Still, there's plenty of useful stuff here, particularly as it pertains to my favorite Lightworker, particularly when useful idiots like Gregg or Scotty or any of these subversive tools, tell us what a great pal he is to "sportsmen."

For instance: The quote about the 19-round "clip" that "you shouldn't be hunting with"; or gun "zoning laws"; and particularly his voting against a self-defense consideration following the Hale DeMar case. All that and more...

The point being, it helps to be able to refer to NBC as a source rather than NRA, at least as far as defusing "gun lobby talking points" charges.

[Via HZ]

We're the Only Ones Litigious Enough

A police weapons specialist who shot himself in the hand is suing the PSNI...

His legal team is arguing that a...second person should have been present...
Why? So he wouldn't have been the "Only One" shot?

What's the difference between "gun expert" Peter Woods and a shameless parasite looking for a payday to cover his incompetence?

Dang. I hate it when I forget the punch line.

[Via Sharp as a Marble]

We're the Only Ones Safely Storing Enough

A sheriff’s report stated the thief entered the home of Lorain police Detective Ralph Gonzalez through an unlocked rear door and stole three bottles of liquor, the gun and a brown leather holster.
The "Only Ones" loophole... maybe we ought to be demanding it be closed by turning in their guns at the end of the shift...?

Maybe that card should be played the next time some urban cop spokesman demands more "gun control."

Keep Parks Safe from Loaded Guns

And if someone brings one anyway, we hardy men at The Virginian-Pilot will know just what to do:

What magic must one believe in to say what's happened in the past will predict the future? Based on that, I bet the chances of their newsroom going up in flames are far fewer than the odds of its editorial board sporting these. So why the sprinklers, extinguishers and alarms?

[Via Mack H]

What's in a Name?

Neel Kashkari, the Treasury's assistant secretary for international affairs, was selected Monday to be the interim head of Treasury's new Office of Financial Stability.
Or as W-3 says in his email to me:
Kash kari (Pronounced ? maybe - "Cash&Carry") - after "Kneeling" - you might notice.

A more appropriate name for the head of the government's "take the money and run" scheme could not have been dreamed up by Stephen King or Ian Fleming.

If it weren't so tragic it might be funny.

We Know What You Did Last Summer

Federal, state and local cops are huddling together in domestic intelligence dens around the nation to fuse anti-terror information and tips in ways they never have before, and they want the American people to know about it -- sort of.
You know, just in case they need to impose martial law or something...

I like their acknowledgment that "the kinds of threats we have today...are borderless."

Set 'em up. Knock 'em down.

[Via Ron W]

The Ratings Game

If you are an NRA member, you should consider contacting them and asking how a freedom hating militant like Burdick does not get an "F" and Gordon Smith who promised to vote to renew Bill Clinton's gun ban gets an "A-" Meanwhile, anti-gun Attorney General candidate John Kroger is unrated, and vocally pro-gun candidate Jim Leuenberger is ignored.
Some have been calling for reforms for years--only to be ignored.

But just because Fairfax doesn't want to address it doesn't mean we shouldn't stop pressing them. Their credibility is not the fault of those who want them to actually have some. We are not responsible for their reputation. They are.

And the institutionalized deal-making and arrogance seem to be getting worse, not better.

Oh look. Yet another...

[Via Jeffersonian]

We're the Only Ones Triangulating Enough

An apparent love triangle among three police officers erupted in violence last week, landing two of them in court Monday, officials said.
If I can't be the "Only One" you love, then no one will be!

[Via Lane]

Another Conspiracy Theory...

...except this time, it's been recorded on C-SPAN and revealed on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Martial law. Pre-election scare tactics? Anybody think plans aren't in place for when certain conditions are met?

Who knows if the current series of events will be the ones that trigger a suspension of what was supposed to make America different. If not this disaster, we face others threats of equal if not greater danger. And many are but a meal or two away from no food and water.

The fact that martial law is being discussed in the Congress should give everyone pause--as much as we'd like to deny or at least ignore the unique dangers of our time.

As an aside, knowing what he knows, it's telling that Brad Sherman is a moron on guns. I remember some years back he was challenged by Babylon 5 actor, Jerry Doyle, who lost in a landslide. I emailed Doyle at the time asking his position on RKBA, and his support for it was too tepid and fraught with "reasonable restrictions" to warrant getting behind.

[Via Ron W]

UPDATE: I'm told in "Comments" this refers to "Congressional Martial Law," basically a way to pass all kinds of stuff into law that our representatives won't have a chance to understand before voting. That seems just as dangerous--more insidious and something that will be said and done before "We the People" will even know what happened. That said, Sherman's claim was that "a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America [emphasis added] if we voted 'No.'" He did not say "congressional martial law."

As I originally asked: "Pre-election scare tactics?" Who knows?

It's incumbent on Mr. Sherman, who made the charge, to explain himself--including letting his constituents and the rest of us know who told him exactly what.

Who will help me ask him?

On Civil Disobedience

I submit to you the premise that should Barack Obama be elected President of the United States along with a Democratic majority in Congress, the nation will witness civil disobedience on a scale that would make the Viet Nam era pale in comparison.
You mean that doesn't just work if you're on the political left...?

This Day in History: October 7

After refusing to provision a British ship, Bristol, Rhode Island, is bombarded and burned. Townspeople eventually surrender 40 sheep.