Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We're the Only Ones Surprising Enough

So the Calgary Crown prosecutors office decided to stay the prosecution of Cst. Aubrey Zalaski for Tasering a jaywalker.

What a surprise.

One of the biggest obstacles in the mission to ensure that police are held accountable when they commit criminal assaults on citizens is often the Crown Prosecutors Office. [More]
Unaccountable "Only Ones."

"What a surprise," indeed.

David Hamel tells me the letter writer is the attorney:
whose intervention resulted in the Prosecution mysteriously and without explanation, dropping ALL the charges against me, after Tom began asking hard questions and seeking disclosure relating to my surveillance by the police.

Three Out of Four "Gun Criminals" Agree...

Sarah Brady Paradise is the place to be. [More]

Not that I'm complaining...

[Via Featherless Biped]

Nothing to Fear

"We've seen an increase of some 40% of arrests since we've been using this technology.

"I'm very confident that we're using it properly and responsibly, and that innocent people have nothing to fear from the way we use it." [More]
In other words, everyone you snare is guilty, Chief Constable?

"Nothing to fear."

See, that's the problem.

And I mean that in a "V" kind of way.

We're the Only Ones Having Our Way with You Enough

A former Florida Highway Patrol trooper accused of coercing a woman into sex is scheduled to be released after posting bond, a Palm Beach County Jail spokeswoman said. [More]
I think we've already established your body is here for the use of the "Only Ones." Why would one not think she was his to do with as he saw fit?

There Will Be Blood

A word of caution before you head out for the long Memorial Day weekend: It's also No-Refusal Weekend. Which means? Well, if Dallas police pull suspect you're drinking and driving, you'll be stuck with a butterfly needle attached to a vacuum-packed container, and two vials' worth of your blood will taken and tested. And, no, you can't refuse the test; hence the name...[More]
What they are telling you is it is NOT your body your choice. They can and will penetrate you and transfer bodily fluids. Make no mistake--just because it's a needle in your arm vs. something else in your something else doesn't make it any less an act of rape, which we're told is about dominance, power and control, not about sex.

They are telling you they can mount you and take you any time they want.

Y'know what, Chief Kunkle? Keep it up.

At some point, someone will figure out they can refuse the test, and that vampires can be destroyed.


When Leftists Collide

Suicide Net Must Blend in With Golden Gate's Design [More]
Y'know, that channel the bridge spans is a navigable waterway and thus subject to federal controls.

Forget appearances. I wonder if anyone has done an environmental impact study?

But it is nice to know California is so flush with money these days they can afford stuff like this...

Setting the Stage

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to completely eliminate the state’s welfare program for families, medical insurance for low-income children and Cal Grants cash assistance to college and university students. [More]
Arnhole may just be there for Judgment Day.

[Via Chris Horton]

Terror Plot Averted!

Without the assistance of the agent who entrapped them, they would never have dreamed of committing political violence, nor would they have had the slightest idea about where to acquire plastic explosives or a Stinger missile. That didn't stop prosecutors from acting as if they'd captured Osama bin Laden himself. [More]
What this tells us is they're on the prowl to set people up and they're hungry for headlines.

Let's be careful out there.

No Regrets?

He also recalls the angry voices of people who gathered outside the pharmacy Tuesday night, shouting that he was a racist who unnecessarily took a life of the Seeworth Academy charter school student, Antwun Parker. [More]
Right, young Antwun brought none of this on himself (nice characterization, by the way, "Authorized Journalists"--calling hims a "charter school student" sounds so much nicer than what his actions defined him as).

Now as for the "no regrets" part--that has yet to be established, Mr. Ersland.

The police are not your friends. The prosecutors are not your friends. The media are not your friends. People need to learn to just zip it and not say a word that hasn't been vetted through their attorney.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Become a judge or prosecutor...[More]

Gosh, I wonder why this is happening?

Of course, I also wonder how they define "harassing communications"?

But when the U.S. Marshal's Service gets involved, nothing surprises me.

I see Vanderboegh has more.

Dare We Close the DC Assassin Loophole?

D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles said presidential and other motorcades will be exposed to high-powered arms fire if the District’s gun laws are stripped out by Congress. [More]
Because apparently the Heller decision made shooting politicians legal or something. And the only thing that's held the snipers back so far has been the DC gun ban.

Besides, who would be presumptuous enough to think protecting your life is anywhere near as important as protecting the masters' lives?

[Via Jeffersonian]

Speaking of Government Tax and Spend Cheats

Watson paid pittance for taxes on 'nonexistent' Detroit house [More]
Right--she just didn't know and never thought to ask. Hey, at least she's in touch with what a struggle it is for her constituents to make ends meet, because she's been feeling their pain all this time, right?

We have no shortage of domestic parasites. I don't want anyone to think I'm unfairly singling out the Brits.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Embarrassing disclosures about the vast expenses claims of MPs amount to a "McCarthy-style witch-hunt" that risks driving politicians to suicide, a Conservative MP said on Friday. [More]
So it's not that they're a bunch of lying thieves--it's exposing them as lying thieves is the new McCarthyism.

Y'know, it might help if you opened a separate window and had this playing in the background while you read the rest of the article.

And, oh, look--further "embarrassment":

But instead of solving the problem, they tried to keep it secret because coming clean would have embarrassed the Government and reduced its tax take from homeowners.

I don't suppose posting this might induce a few more of you parasites to do the right thing...?

When Single-Slice Pizza is Outlawed...

...only outlaws will have single-slice pizza. [More]

Good grief.

I'd suggest sending a "Hey, moron" email to D.C. Councilman Jim Graham, but figure any electorate ignorant enough to reward this control freak with power over their lives will be impervious to reason, so what would he care? But holy smokes, look at the staff a freakin' councilman has reporting to him. Talk about paring government to the bone!

As an aside, and I truly don't mean to alienate readers by stereotyping, but something about a grown man wearing a bow tie is kind'a Jimmy Olsen unsettling, if you ask me...

As another aside, I can't help but make a crack about "assault pepperoni" vs. "patrol pepperoni"...

[Via Anonymous]

All in Favor of German 'Gun Control,' Raise Your Right Hand

And what is that procedure? Well, it involves an authorized dealer being the only one who "carries out the locking and unlocking procedure." It involves the "Trustlock Center...log[ging] the locking and unlocking procedures and manag[ing] passwords and lists of authorized users." And this is all overseen by an entity cryptically referred to as "The agency," which "monitors the locking of weapons and manages the procedures."

No potential for abuse or a disconnect anywhere in the chain, is there? I mean, who wouldn't want to trust their lives to a device that interferes with a tool's primary function and depends on multiple layers of approvals and monitoring? [More]

More profiteering by those who don't have enough free market demand for their products...what do we call that...a public/private partnership...?

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: May 26

The Enemy have withdrawn (I am informed) their Men from Bonam Town and Piscataway and marched them into Brunswick, whether for Offence or defence, I know not; but I believe the latter, as they have discovered a pretty considerable stir among our Men this few days past. [More]