Tuesday, August 31, 2010

GRE Round Up for August 31

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:
You're helping encourage all these fine folks' efforts by visiting their sites and passing along their links, right?

We're the Only Ones Serial Enough

Police Sergeant Had Secret Life as Serial Rapist
Decorated Cop and Devoted Husband, Jeffrey Pelo, Sentenced to Over 400 Years in Prison [More]
I don't get it--this happened in Illinois?

Why the hell didn't his victims just:
1. Vomit
2. Surrender
3. Scream (while poking with "a rat tail comb") or
4. Pull the covers over their heads?

With all these options, he still got away with it?

[Via William T]

The Pledge of Polyphemus

Because you have pleased me, I will eat you last.

But eat you I will...

When Only Ones Collide

An NYPD cop whose wife called 911 for help against a gang of thugs says he was brutally beaten by baton-wielding fellow officers who stormed his Queens home. [More]
I'm confused--which one was the gang of thugs again?

And how do you figure out which ones get to lift a finger and which don't...?

[Via Ed M]

Why won't NRA give proper credit in McDonald case?

I felt it necessary to go over those credentials to establish that we're not talking about someone with an axe to grind or any agenda other than to advance the right to keep and bear arms. Overall, NRA has had no stronger supporter over the years. For him to characterize NRA's credit-claiming as a "stunt" is no small matter. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders why some continually refuse to give credit where it's due.

Will you help spread the word by sharing this link?

We're the Only Ones "For the Children" Enough

She is charged with firing a gun in her home in January. The shot went through a window toward children who were playing in the front yard. [More]
Two DUI convictions, lying to incriminate with the most foul of accusations...what a classy lady.

No wonder the Sheriff and all the California antis think people like her are the "Only Ones" who should be trusted to go about bearing arms.

Note to "fiance": Run, you moron, now, while you still can with no legal claims, and before the accusations against you start up.

[Via Blake S]

We're the Only Ones Having Seizures Enough

According to an order filed by Judge Robert Foster Jr. in court last week, there is no evidence that the money seized was related to any criminal activity or that the clinic was operating illegally. [More]
God forbid the government should allow people to obtain pain relief.

[Via Ed M]

This Day in History: August 31

This skirmish was later known as the action at Indian Field or Indian Bridge. [More]

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Tale of Two Leaders

No wonder ol' Pooty-Poot thinks he can get away with whatever he damn well feels like on the world stage. I can't tell from the photo if there's a little thumb bell on the Obamacycle.

I wish someone with proper PhotoShop skills would turn this rough draft idea into a finished product:

UPDATE: Mayor Joel Stoner offers this:

We're the Only Ones Cut Back Enough

Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes [More]
Gee, we're scaling down in my neck of the woods, too.

That's not necessarily a bad development for those of us under no illusions about the police protecting us. For others...

I'd like to think there will be an uptick in freedom, but experience hath shewn they'll likely focus on revenue generation activities at the expense of public safety--plus, the public employee union mentality means they'll have even crappier attitudes.

[Via Jeffersonian]

A Matter of Perception

The rural community hopes a killer is found so they can once again feel safe. [More]
Time was, a rural community would mobilize and, you know, be safe.

[Via William T]

"Who Will Help Me Clean the Kitchen?" asked the Little Red Hen.

Remember this guy?

The one who needed help planting the seed, and threshing the wheat and milling the flour and baking the bread?

He's looking for a few people who won't say "Not I."

Otherwise, he'll have to pay for it all himself, too.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

‘Boozy Britain’ grapples with bottle [More]
That's what happens to people who've lost all self-respect.

Not that we don't have our share on this side...

[Via Ed M]

No, You Can't Have One

Your parents at the state of Massachusetts say you're not responsible enough, and if you disobey, you're gonna get in trouble. [Read]


Because we said so.

Now be quiet. Subjects should be seen and not heard.

[Via Ed M]

NAACP armed defense endorsement is inconsistent with group's anti-gun stance

The thing is, in spite of all the hostile noise, I'm just not seeing why this is a race issue. Why does it matter what color either man was?

And the other thing is, it's interesting how the NAACP comes out in favor of armed defense when there is a race issue to exploit. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a situation that is not black and white, no matter how much some would like us to believe that it is.

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Rigid Resistance

Mayor Sam Adams' plan for new Portland gun laws could face stiff opposition [More]
Please--don't use that term when talking about Mayor Sam...

And this I like, from poor-minding-her-own-business-being-personally-pilloried-by-gun-bullies Ginny Burdick:
"The fundamental problem we have in Salem is the extremist end of the spectrum in the gun-owning community dominates the debate. They look bigger than they are because they're so loud."
Yeah--the media acts like such an amplifier for us. Fortunately, we don't need to be any bigger than, say, three percent...

Except if you're not an "Only One," you're just not competent enough to be trusted, and to suggest otherwise is extremist.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Bloody 25-hour span takes the lives of 4 New Yorkers, police say [More]
Mayor Bloomberg's taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards report hizzonor was never in any danger.

Thank goodness!

[Via Harvey]

Just Giving Them What They Want

Robbers shoot penniless victim in Akron [More]
Any questions?

Going with the Flow

Not really related to anything here except I came across this while looking for a synonym for the word "mum"...anyway, I don't think I'll be taking the kids any time soon, although I do kind of wonder about the gift shop souvenirs... [Read]

"miami dade polices"

miami dade polices please help our young people from dieing ever day get on ya job help stop the violes in the comments and in the street let clean up the street bye takeing back our guns [fifth comment here]
Alrighty then.

This Day in History: August 30

Almost all of St. Philip’s communicants turned out at Mazyck’s pasture on Sunday morning, August 30, 1778, to witness the settling of a score between the generals. [More]

Saturday, August 28, 2010

NRA: No endorsement for Reid AND Angle?

Gun owners and NRA members should demand NRA-PVF take a position in this race--their entire reason for existence is to produce political victory.

It's their damn job. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column tries to make sense of a "Winning Team" strategy that looks remarkably like hiding under the bed and hoping no one finds them.

Good grief.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

EPA Rejects Lead Ban Petition

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

I'll bet somebody dressed Lisa down but good.

GRE Round Up for August 27

Here are the latest offerings from my fellow GREs:

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
Race-based riots underscore the need for personal protection on the Iowa State Fairgrounds

Liston Matthew/Knoxville:
Harry Reid

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Five years later, no accountability for post-Katrina gun grab

Read and support these guys, will you? Share their links?

Also make these other Liberty-oriented Examiners regular stops:

An Incomplete Announcement

NRA-PVF announced today that it will not be endorsing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for re-election in the 2010 U.S. Senate race in Nevada. [More]
So what's stopping them from endorsing Sharron Angle?

Enough with the chess games already.

Do the right damn thing.


He didn't see the people stranded in New Orleans that Friday as enemies who needed to be neutralized but as Americans who needed rescue. Honore did not come in firing. Not only that, he thought it important to avoid the appearance that waging war was his desire. His soldiers have their trigger fingers ready, but video footage shows Honore ordering them to lower their guns and cussing at those slow to obey. They were there to save people, not shoot them. [More]
OK, fine, but the question in my mind is, what would he have ordered had those people been armed for self-protection?

Who would he have restrained at the bridge, and how?

[Via Matt S]

I Never Ask Anyone to Do Something...

...I'm not willing to do myself.

[Click image to enlarge]

This, to my mind, is the way you talk to these people. If enough of us did, we wouldn't have a problem.

We're the Only Ones Urban Cowboy Enough

Boise police reports say Love was riding a mechanical bull at Dirty Little Roddy's at 6th and Main streets just before midnight when a bar employee saw Love had a handgun. [More]
No, we won't tell you what we did about it because he's been exemplary for all these years and just made one bad decision...

Now if you did it, well, sure, we could tell you then what would happen...

Hell, Buddy Love here just might be the one to take you down for it, and you just might get to see a dirty little roddy up close while in our custody.

No bull.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Giving You Guidelines Enough

Most of the incidents have involved people walking home from MBTA stations between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., and were committed by men in their early 20s. [More]
Man, the ol' Patriot Ledger is sure pushing that profiling envelope, aren't they?

And it's not like MBTA passengers stand much of a chance against muggers. Not being "Only Ones" n' all, who can carry more than a whistle...

It does seem their safety list is missing a few tips, you know, common sense stuff like they tell you to do in Illinois like:

1. Vomit
2. Surrender
3. Scream (while poking with "a rat tail comb")
4. Pull the covers over your head.

[Via Ed M]

They Never Asked MY Opinion

How many times have you heard about supposed public sentiment and had that reaction?

Now your opinion is being asked for. And with more than just loaded questions that steer your response options to designed conclusions. From Jesse Mathewson:
[O]ver the next few weeks I hope to publish many interviews with numerous people from various backgrounds specifically looking at the idea of freedom. If you or anyone you know would like to be interviewed please send me an email at jesse.mathewson@autpaxautbellum.net and label it (Freedom Interview) everyone is receiving the exact same interview, the questions are open ended and allow for your ideas to be put down. Once received I will ensure that outside of grammatical and spelling changes the interviews remain unchanged, again thank you to my readers and feel free to share this!
Yes, do.

South of the Border, Down Mexico Way...

From an anonymous but historically-reliable source:
See the following and watch the videos:


This battle between the Gulf Cartel and the Zeta's occurred approximately 1/2 of a mile south of the border and the area can bee seen using Google Maps- enter:

Laureles, Ernesto Zedillo, Reynosa, México

You will see to the immediate west a road oriented North/South named Presa de Las Adjuntas. From the north intersection of Tiburcio Garza Zamora, south to Brasil (on the west) to Sauce (on the east) streets the main blockades and battles occurred. There were other blockades and battles, but not as coordinated in the use of vehicles to stop traffic. There is little detailed information regarding body count or wounded that I have been able to acquire and will not speculate. The battle DID cover 8-12 blocks and included the use 30-40 vehicles as barriers, cover, and concealment.

The newspaper in McAllen, Texas, right across from Reynosa, Mexico is still doing it's level best to keep as much information from the public as possible and this is the extent of it's reporting:


Heard on the local talk radio station there yesterday morning an American businessman who stated that the workers at the "maquila" (factory) he was at had to take cover in a safe that is designed to withstand a .50 even though the front doors and glass had been hit, no one was seriously injured and yes, there was full-auto involved.

Things down along the river ARE severely escalating and can be seen by reading The Monitor's recent headlines over the past month.
All together now:

Damned American gun shows! Damned expired "assault weapons" ban!


From David Olofson, via email and reposted here with permission:
I will be leaving Green Bay on the 3rd of September. My release date is not until the 5th, but because it is on a weekend they will be processing me out on the last working day instead. It should be a nice weekend with the wife and kids before having to spend a few weeks putting stuff back in some semblance of order. The problems we have endured are fare from over, but we should be able to make the best of a bad situation not just for ourselves, but for everyone else.

My access to the net until I leave is very limited. I will be on just twice more. Once home, and after I get my computer in good running order I will have better communication, and be able to actually spend some time on the phone. I look forward to a lifestyle that is not quite so sedate...

My best to all and hope to talk to you soon.
Can somebody give me a moral answer to why this man and his loved ones were forced to endure all this...?

Tell EPA to reject lead ammo ban

Legalistic arguments aside, the answer from the gun owner community must be a resounding and defiant "No!" [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks gun owners to get the lead out and tell EPA they will not be getting the lead out.

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This Day in History: August 27

Muster Roll of Capt. Randall's Company in His Majesty's Loyal American Regiment Commanded by Colonel Beverly Robinson, August 27, 1778 [More]

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's Only Common Sense

Machetes used in armed robberies not uncommon, police say [More]
I guess making an armed response a common response by the commoners will not become commonplace in Massachusetts, with all its "common sense gun laws"...?

[Via Ed M]

No Limit

Nonetheless, Alabama officials say the number is actually zero since the state does not define an acceptable dosing level. “No such thing as an overdose,” said James L. McNees, director of the Alabama Office of Radiation Control. [More]
So that explains how Joe Reiss can sound so confident...?

[Via David Hamel]

Reframing the Question

Who Would Oppose Closing the Gun Show Loophole? [More]
See, I would ask it a different way...something along the lines of:

"How many deaths are you willing to rack up with your demand to eliminate private sales through the use of force?"

I think that's probably a more accurate representation of what we could expect to see happen.

Why these people who claim to be against it are so willing to use the state to initiate "gun violence" and bend us to their will is something only they can answer.

Dark Passage

Mexican officials investigating the death of 72 people found murdered at a ranch in the north of the country say they were migrants trying to reach the United States. [More]
What, no "path to citizenship" and "free" hospital care over there...?

The Crux of the Problem

It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers. [More]
All together now:

Damned American gun shows...Damned expired Assault Weapons ban...

[Via Harvey]

Hospital Gun Policy Explained

A man who was hurt in a car crash but was misidentified as a cancer patient claims security guards at Prince George's Hospital beat him up when he tried to leave the hospital to avoid chest surgery he didn't need - "to have a potentially cancerous mass removed from his chest." He adds that one guard repeatedly called him "bitch" as he roughed him up. [More]

That must be why Prince George's Hospital wants to "change attitudes about guns and violence."

Otherwise, somebody might end up having to get surgery they do need...

"Shock Mentor," meet "Hydra-Shok Mentor"...

[Via M. Terry]

Denounce Portland Mayor Sam Adams, not Oregon Firearms Federation

What is it, a projection thing, where those who can't--or won't control themselves assume the rest of us must possess the same defects in character and self-control? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column administers a fist...uh...fisking.

Also find out about a sentencing for a collector, watch a rerun featuring some movie stars, and find out how to tune in to my West Coast radio appearance later today.

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