Monday, October 31, 2011

You Deserve a Brick Today

I'm sure Rachel Madcow will be condemning this any minute now... [Read]

Remember, Remember the 8th of November...


He's got the "treason and plot" bit down.

Wonder if Leahy's gonna do a preemptive action?

[Via Kurt Hofmann]

We're NOT the Only Ones...

A-yup.  [Read]

Now compare this sheriff to, say, jack-booted "Republican" Lee Baca...

[Via Paul W. Davis]

What's Brown and Smells Like Chris?

Hahahahaha! [Read]

Arnhole, deal with this commie bedwetter please?

Jeez, if that gets this subversive punk's knickers in a wad, wait 'til he gets a load of this:

Thanks Chris. You made my day!

Still laughing here. At you and anyone who takes you seriously.

We're the Only Ones Shrinking Enough

Every 10 days on average so far this year, an NOPD officer or higher-ranking cop either is fired or leaves the force while under investigation, according to records from the department's Public Integrity Bureau. [More]
No doubt just a few bad apples...

Why does Justice Department need to lie on FOIA responses?

Authorizing the administration—any administration—to introduce lies into the FOIA process is a perversion of the intent behind the law, with far deeper implications. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there's enough lying going on from these characters without making authorizing it official.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker'-Part Seven article character limits preclude adding more updates to the initial and subsequently-posted Journalist's Guides to Project Gunwalker. This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning October 23, 2011, and will continue to be updated until maximum file size is reached. It includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners.[More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report continues the chronicle...

JPFO responds to National Jewish Democratic Council Attack

Seeing as how friends are being attacked, I guess it’s confession time. I made them. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes confession is good for the soul.  And being in-your-face with subversives just plain feels good.

Project GunTALKER

I’ll be on two national talk radio programs today with Gunwalker updates:

First, I’ll be joining Tom Gresham on Gun Talk Radio this afternoon at 4:00 pm Eastern.  Click here to find a station near you or click here to listen via the Internet.

Then I’ll be joining Mark Walters on Armed American Radio this evening at 9:00 8:00 pm Eastern [NOTE SCHEDULE CHANGE].  Click here to find a station near you or click here to listen via the Internet.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Documents and recordings give insight into de León's anti-gun agenda

They provide an invaluable record of what transpired and how we can expect future efforts--and not just in California--to be conducted. Readers are encouraged to find the time to listen to them in total. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report gives those of us who could not attend a front row seat.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Alternet Universe Miracle

Alter knows better, so that leaves just one other possibility. [Read]

Just remember, history is written by the victors.

How much evidence of Mexican involvement in ‘Wide Receiver’ is needed?

That certainly looks bad for those maintaining the Bush-era probe was different from the Obama administration’s incarnation.

Case settled? "No evidence"?


Documentation exists, and curiously, Steller even refers to it in his report... [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes if it's not a lack of evidence that keeps an "Authorized Journalist" from complete, truthful and accurate reporting, perhaps its a lack of something else...

This Day in History: October 28

As the Iphegenie will be detained in port ‘till the next Spring Tides – and it is probable that the Division of Ships ordered to the Chesapeak will proceed without her – I have thought it most prudent to embark on board & pilot boat bound to the Fleet – Nothing on my part shall be wanting to deliver your dispatches for Congress [strike-out] [inserted: with the] expedition is necessary in our present circumstances. [More]

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Could Eric and Big Sis Possibly Have to Talk About?

From the Press Secretary, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, via email:
Last night on Fox Business News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight, Chairman Issa and Congressman Gowdy discussed yesterday’s Napolitano Judiciary Committee hearing where she testified that she’s never spoken with Attorney General Holder about Operation Fast and Furious even though one of her own agents, Brian Terry, died as a result of this reckless program.

Watch Issa and Gowdy here

Life's Been Good to Me So Far

Rep. Joe Walsh to Eric Holder: ‘Resign immediately and take responsibility’ for Operation Fast and Furious [More]

I met Walsh at the Gun Rights Policy Conference. I asked him if his Maserati does 185. Alan Korwin snickered and said he knew I was going to say that.

Cordiality established, I still think ousting Holder now is not advisable for reasons I went into here.


I'll bet that got their knickers in a wad. [Read]

The Fabric of Our Culture

I see no reason to purchase it at Jo-Ann's... [Read]

I would think the "gun culture" has more than its share of those who sew. Pass along to those who do that there must be other businesses more deserving...

How Do You Say "Gun-Grabber Talking Points"... Spanish? [Read]

I guess La Opinion decided amplifying Kevin de León''s voice furthers a mutual agenda...

Feelings...Nothing More Than Feelings...

It is my responsibility to make sure that city employees and residents are comfortable and can feel safe in city buildings. All city buildings will be posted with appropriate notices, indicating that it is illegal to carry weapons in city buildings. This will include the city’s bus shelters and transfer points, and park shelters. [More]
"Only Ones" exempted, I presume...?

So naturally, "Your Regressive Voice" considers this act of tyranny "professional, thorough"...

Hit it, Morris...

Mayor ends ‘Occupy Atlanta’ when Second Amendment exercised with First

The irony here is this is an example of the regressive collectivist left eating its own. It’s also an example of how their fear of even a militia of one is enough for them to forgo whatever “political capital” they perceive the protestors give them. They are the only ones (pun intended) “sabotaging the message.” And, unsurprisingly, Reed has no problem allowing those he does not trust with weapons to pay for his bodyguard. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  shows how much government fears just one armed man.  No wonder the thought of millions of us terrifies them so.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

De León Mexican ‘gun flow’ meeting confirms predictions

De León characterized Fast and Furious as “honorable in terms of what they were trying to accomplish,” and then fell back on the administration talking point that it “went awry,” minimizing the nature of the operation and masking complicity of those involved in abetting untold human deaths. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a staged event with a couple of surprising no-shows.

Trigger Sports Live!

Today's show starts at 3:00 pm Eastern.  I'm the last guest up today.  [Watch]


I thought it was Ladd...?  Either way, a self-styled "noble" or an indignant, wrong-headed boy, the attitude is about the same--presumptuous, ignorant and offensive. Although, admittedly, he is an expert on nonsense, just not in a way he presumes. [Read]

Kurt does a great job deconstructing his subversive nonsense here, and pointing out that he and his fellow hive insects oppose nothing less than individual liberty here.

As for the racist aspect of citizen disarmament no longer being applicable, I guess ol' Lair...uh...La...uh...Loon or whatever he's calling himself these days didn't match his talking points with those over at The New York Post, bemoaning opposition to "stop and frisk" in minority neighborhoods...

In fairness to Ladd and his fellow travelers, my guess would be they'd endorse that everywhere...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are Bloomberg’s cops the ‘only ones’ who can be trusted with guns in NYC?

And as for those who would dismiss this as “a few bad apples,” admittedly, out of the 35,000+ full-time and 4,500 auxiliary officers on the force, these few recently-documented reports represent a small percentage.

But then again, just look at what the dishonest citizen disarmament fanatics do to make the case that gun-owning citizens--who jump through all the hoops to carry firearms for self-defense--are a murderous threat because of anecdotal incidents involving an even smaller percentage of the total population of concealed carriers. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary rejects the notion that you and I can't be trusted with a gun because we don't work for the government.

Armed American Radio Broadcast 10-23-2011

Hour 1:
A three hour conversation with Alan Korwin.
Hour 2:
A three hour conversation with Alan Korwin with an update from David Codrea on the breaking ATF-DEA-FBI-Eric Holder fiasco. 
Hour 3:
A three hour conversation with Alan Korwin with an appearance by the NRA’s Rachel Parsons.

Sentiment Management

Brought to us by those who demand to control everything else, so why not this, too?  [Read]

[Via Elliot, h/t Coyote Blog]

We're the Only Ones Demolishing Enough

Almost all of the windows are smashed in, there are holes in the wall, and there’s a layer of tear gas in the air so thick breathing it in makes you cough. [More]
Extreme Home Makeover: Only Ones-style...

[Via Ed D]

A Nurturing Environment

If by "nurturing" you mean treating them like inmates... [Read]

[Via Jeffersonian]

Converting Potential Energy to Kinetic...

Two major radar detector makers are introducing features that automatically share the location of police or photo speed traps or red-light cameras with all others on the system. [More]
Via Michael G, who says:
Makes me wonder if it, or something similar could be used as a source of intelligence? Say automatic x ray detection apps to warn of TSA scanner teams? Location of checkpoints that would let you see if the violations of the Fourth amendment are merely intended for revenue purposes, or are cordoning off an area? And could you home brew something if the government shut down the manufacturers?

The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Last week, former Mexican President Vicente Fox spoke at a Cato forum on the need to legalize the consumption, production and sale of all drugs. [More]
Governments and cartels strongly disagree.

Why is that?

This Day in History: October 25

The more effectually to supply the People of this Commonwealth with the necessary Article of Salt... [More]
Overlook the importance of this vital commodity at your peril.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Number One Warning Sign

Kurt has more...[Read]

...on The Bloody Professor.

What a lunatic.  No wonder the usual gang of idiots at CSGV revere him so.

Will CA Senate ‘committee’ even mention Gunwalker in de León media stunt?

Think they’ll grill him about Gunwalker, and the part his team may have played in arming the very cartels this horse and pony show is pretending it’s interested in addressing?

As for the foreign contingent, do you think anybody will ask them about official police and military corruption in their respective nations?  Or about how near total citizen disarmament of the “law-abiding” is working out for them? Or about military weaponry used by the cartels?  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report dissects the agenda at a domestic and foreign enemies panel that will convene tomorrow in LA.

Invest in Fascism?

Tell me this is a joke... [Read]

And what's with the echoed fembot narration here? It's like promoters intentionally try to sound like a bad imitation of a future adventure movie...I expect to see Arnhole's skeleton  walk through the full body X-ray scanner any second now...

[Via Michael Dean]

Knife Rights News Slice

In this issue:
Knife Rights v. NYC / DA Vance Lawsuit Update
Boston Proposes Anti-Knife Ordinance
Save $5 Attending New York Custom Knife Show
Carry a Knife - Save a Life™
2012 National Knife Law Preemption Campaign
WIN Prizes in our 1st Annual Facebook Jack-O'-Lantern Contest [More]
Because keeping and bearing arms applies to knives as well as guns...

We're the Only Ones Justified Enough

Despite the video, the Police Department ruled Farmer's June 7 death justified, just as it had Sierra's other two shootings this year. [More]
Hey, isn't three a "spate"?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Welcome to the Party, Pal

And remember the name "Fast and Furious" because I predict you'll be hearing a lot about it in the days ahead. [More]
You don't say.

Still, I guess I should be appreciative that it's getting play there...

[Via William T]

Some Canadians

Some Canadians are alarmed that registered firearms users such as Styles have legal access to such weapons, which are considered "civilianized" models of modern military assault rifles.

Although these high-powered rifles are seldom used in crimes in Canada, many gun control advocates want them banned in the name of public safety. [More]
So if they're not a problem for public safety, why would "some Canadians" ban them?
Ryerson University professor Wendy Cukier, one of Canada's most prominent gun-control activists, says the public simply should not have access to guns designed as military weapons.

"Hunting rifles serve a legitimate purpose, and we don't object to people using handguns for target-shooting, but we draw the line on military assault weapons," she said.

"Civilians should not have access to military weapons."

Ah, the self-appointed final arbiter on what's legitimate, and the one who presumes to draw the line for others. Could anything be cukier than than Wendy? Aside from the fools who actually believe her?

This Day in History: October 24

Philadelphia, Oct. 24th, 1779.


I have the honor of informing your Excellency that by Gen'l Washington's letter, dated the 21st Inst., we learn that the Enemy have demolished and evacuated their posts at Stoney, and Verplank's, point and retreated to New York. [More]

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tonight, on Armed American Radio

I'll be on again tonight to discuss the latest Gunwalker developments with host Mark Walters and special guest Alan Korwin.

The show airs from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm Eastern time.  Click here for a station near you, or here to listen via the Internet.

Gunwalker Journalist's Guide Volume Six Update

I just updated it with links from the past week. It's getting pretty close to the file size limit so I'll be starting a Volume Seven in the next week.  In the mean time, if you want to see what Mike Vanderboegh, I or the other Gun Rights Examiners Dave Workman and Kurt Hofmann have done with this evolving story since last update, click here.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to the WoGroll...

...Opposing Views [Read]

Added to the sidebar. A good site to bookmark and consult to see what is being said on both sides...

Administration shill Weiner attempts to pull a fast (and furious) one

In other words, in spite of documented facts, Weiner is expecting the uninformed among us to buy that Fast and Furious was a “bottom up” operation, but that Wide Receiver had “top down” cognizance. And he does it using the time-tested tactics of the regressive left, projecting what they are about onto others, in this case with an obscenely hypocritical call to “rise over politics.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column roasts a Weiner and then discards it as garbage because its rancid.

When You Hear the Sirens, Walk Into the Sphinx

On November 9, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct the first-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) at 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), a test that will last for approximately three minutes. [More]
We'll let you know when it's "All clear."

[Via Tina T]

Speaking of Police States...

Michigan goose-steps to the front of the line.  [Read]

"Social conservatives" who think stuff like this is just fine, even when we see it takes precedence over all rights, as we know it must: Do you truly not see that the "cure" is worse than the disease?

Have You Seen This Man in Tennessee?

Where is a terrorist more apt to be found? [More]
Well, hell, according to Homeland Security, I can answer that.  Put down those Mason jars and step up from the cellar!  And what's this? Subversive literature...?

Vanderboegh asks a question that should be answered:
This clip was sent to me by my son as well as others, all of whom want to know who the guy in the ACU's is standing in the background at 45 seconds into the story. Are we looking at one more violation of posse comitatus? 
This guy:

This Day in History: October 21

October 21, 1779, Henry Laurens was named minister to Holland. The Continental Congress of the United States elects former congressman Henry Laurens minister to Holland on this day in 1779. Laurens' first and most crucial duty as the new minister was to negotiate an alliance with Holland, which he did in 1780. [More]

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Sound Editorial Judgment"

Questioning Obama on Gunwalker is "catnip." [Read]

Ah well, what are a few more dead Mexicans to Tommy Christopher as long as he can be snarky and witty and oh-so-authoritative and lecture us all on how to properly contextualize information?

Why does Summa Health System censor Internet access to gun info?

The Web site is classified as weapons. Visits to this site do not conform to the Internet Policy defined by Summa Health Care Management. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes an unhealthy policy.

This Day in History: October 20

The bearer Wm. Lee Esqr. a native of Virginia, was, to my knowledge, sent young to England for his education; & returning to his Estate in that Commonwealth with ample testimonials thereof to me, is at full liberty to pursue his journey.

Go: Washington
West point Octr. 20th. 1779] [More]

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What does Obama mean by ‘held accountable’?

“Screwed up”...?

Gee, that fits right in with “botched operation.”

It was all just a mistake, you see, “bad judgment”—committed by low-level bunglers in a “bottom-up” operation. And that fits right in with the Administration’s top-down talking points being propagated by their political and media apologists. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary explains how a con game works.

That'll Stop It!

You know, another law... [Read]

Maybe we also ought to install these at ATF Field Division offices--just to be sure:

When Frozen Armadillos are Outlawed...

And it was one of those assault armadillos, not the legitimate sporting kind allowed by common sense armadillo control laws (that the paranoid armadillo lobby tells us is some kind of slippery slope to ban them altogether) so we can feel safe--for the children... [Read]

What did I miss?

[Via Steve T]

Dying for 32

The Human Target admits the only thing that saved him was "luck"-- a condition he would impose on the rest of us under force of state arms. [Read and watch]

Congrats to Yih-Chau Chang for introducing some balance.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

If you live in the area, be aware and be prepared. [Read]

What a shame. The poor animals never asked for this.

But neither did we, and it is what it is.

[Via OFCC email alert]

Critical: Defend Sen Russell Pearce from recall election. Donate, volunteer, forward‏

From Russ Howard, via email:
Russell Pearce is the Arizona Senator you've heard about, author of Arizona's "controversial" law to help identify and deport illegal aliens.  The open border national suicide crowd has qualified a gravely serious November 8 recall election against Pearce.  Regardless of which state you reside in, every loyal American citizen must act immediately and generously to help him defeat it or the consequences will be dire.  If you don't know who Pearce is, the pro-invasion media will make sure you and every other America knows his name if he loses the recall in a couple weeks.  If you don't realize that Pearce is not America's highest profile champion of immigration sanity, you will if he loses the recall.

This is the technique Californians Against Corruption and Citizens Against Corruption used against anti-gun Senate President David Roberti.  In 1994 after years of planning, organization and struggle, CAC qualified a recall election against Roberti.  It was the first legislative recall to qualify in California since 1914 -- after more than 100 failed qualification attempts over the intervening 80 years.  Though Roberti did not succumb directly to the recall, he was forced to outspend CAC 100 to 1 to do it, breaking his campaign piggy bank and with it a significant portion of the state Democratic Party's warchest.  It cost a number of Democrats their seats due to Roberti spending campaign money that should've been distributed to other Democrats, permanently wrecked Roberti's career as an elected politician, completely stopped gun control schemes in California for several years, and sent a powerful message nationwide that gun rights are not worth infringing.

If Russell Pearce is recalled, the chance of recovering the USA from invasion and "reconquista" may be doomed.  We will have to accept the coup d'etat and eat amnesty after amnesty as legislators and candidates abandon the issue and pander to the invasion lobby.  Where the hell are NumbersUSA and the other immigration sanity groups on this?  Why haven't they activated their national lists for donations and volunteers?  Instead they're dead silent, despite the fact that any citizen in any state can donate to any candidate in any other state, and volunteer for phone calling.

If Russell Pearce is recalled, the only hope is to retaliate with recalls against vulnerable invasion lobby waterboys, but it may be too late.  FYI, I have no connection to the Pearce campaign other than donating an hour ago and writing you this note.

If you're like me, you're tired, you have a limited budget, you already donated to other campaigns, and you have many other demands on your time.  Still, I can't urge you enough to donate and volunteer anyway, and spread the word to anyone else you think will do the same.  I know it may seem exaggerated to write this, but here goes:  The future of the USA, or lack thereof, may ride on this election.  If you don't see that now, I hope you don't have to see it on Nov 8.

Pearce, fyi, was a leader in getting Constitutional Carry passed in AZ, as well as championing the right to keep and bear arms in public buildings.

We demand politicians do the right thing, even if it means risking their careers.  When they do, and they're predictably attacked for it with everything the left can muster, do we expect them to stand alone?

As Russ asks, donate, volunteer, forward...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

When assault compost aerators are outlawed, only outlaws will have assault compost aerators. [Read]

Actually, that could make one hell of a weapon.  So many everyday objects can. If Mr. Vincent truly was threatening people with it, they would have been justified in repelling him with superior ones.

At least morally, as opposed to "legally"...

[Via Steve T]


It can take years. [Watch]

One thing the regressives never seem to discuss: what happens to their kind when they're no longer useful...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We're the Only Ones Unrelated Enough

The two incidents are not components of a 'continuing course of negligent conduct.'...[More]
That's exactly what I say every time my negligence with a firearm injures someone.

Besides, it was hectic the first time. And dimly lit the second.

He's still more trustworthy and better qualified than you or me.  At least that's what some would have us believe...

[Via Kevin Starrett]

A Botched Operation

Jerry Seper's conclusion-reaching process...[Read]

What was Phase 2 again, Jerr?

Unintended Consequences

What?  You don't like our handguns?

Well, OK, but these seem a bit like overkill for the occasion.  Still, if you insist...

LAPD weapons theft shows inexcusable negligence, at minimum

Because Chief Beck would have us believe he and those he commands are the “Only Ones” Angelinos can trust with guns...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at another example of where presuming some are better than the rest of us leads.

A Gun Free Zone

For "operational safety reasons," you see...  [Read]

It always bemuses me to see similar rules posted at gun shows.

They're all anal about liability and don't stop to think they give credence to the notion that gun control works.
[Via Les K]


Well, here's another place that evidently doesn't want our business. [Read]

And as far as the corporate flack weasel-wording that "Our KOA kampgrounds are independently owned and operated and do set their own rates and policies. The kampgrounds also make their own regulations with regard to what is allowed on their property as well as what is not allowed," that is absolute bull.

An independent KOA operator would not be allowed to keep the brand name if he decided to make his facility segregated. Or post Satanic symbols or swastikas.  Or...

If corporate would rather do the cowardly thing and pass the buck than respect our rights, the hell with them as well as with their idiot affiliates.

Pass the word on to all gun owners.

This Day in History: October 18

William McKendry, Lieutenant, 6th MA, "This day the troops were ordered to be Barrackd in town, those that had no tents to cover them--Capt. Daniel Lane this day was dischargd. from the Continental Army By Genl. Sullivan at Easton." [More]

Monday, October 17, 2011

FFLGuard Provides Service to Educate and Support Class III Enthusiasts

This innovative legal service plan option deals exclusively with products sold under the National Firearms Act (“NFA-LSP”), and will strengthen compliance levels of FFLGuard client operations while promoting retail sales of NFA products by delivering additional legal support to clients who engage in these transactions. [More]
Those who have skin in this game need to know how to keep it whole.

The War on Property

This is why I don't give the damn government an inch in its war on (some) drugs. [Read]

[Via Skip]

Gunwalker Shirt Update

From Sean Sorrentino, via email:
The third run of Gunwalker T-Shirts is going to close on Wednesday, 19 October. I will have shirts in hand on Monday the 24th. Those of you that ordered during this run will receive your shirts by next Friday, the 28th.
Those of you that ordered in the First of Second run of shirts, you have a chance to order more now. You've worn the shirt already, so you've had friends and neighbors tell you how cool it is. Forward this email to them so that they have a chance to get a shirt too. The enterprising among you might want to purchase some shirts to sell to your friends. 12 shirts is still free shipping.
I plan to take some extra shirts to the next gun show and sell them for $20 each. There's nothing stopping you from doing the same. People who order 24 shirts or more qualify for special pricing. Email me for details.
Sean D Sorrentino.

Sean D Sorrentino


What Holder and administration apologists expect us to believe about Gunwalker

Here’s what else he and those he shills for are asking us to believe:

No crime has been committed.  For that matter, no violations of regulations or policies have been committed, either.  Even by those in the Phoenix office. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary shows just how much disbelief must be suspended to accept the lies.

This Day in History: October 17

October 17, 1779 - General George Washington sets up winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey. His army suffers another brutal winter which results in death, disease, low morale, and at least one attempted mutiny. [More]

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Project GunTALKER

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chicago cop: Get a gun, know how to use it

I'm not in the least afraid of a gun in the hands of an honest, competent citizen. That citizen and his gun could make my job a lot easier. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column brings back a needed voice from the past...another issue of GUNS Magazine from 50 years ago, online and free.

Explosive Breaking News

"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalker" scandal [More]
You don't say...?

And make sure you read the seven-page slideshow letter.  To my knowledge, no "Authorized Journalists" have posted a copy of it, and it's part of the narrative the public needs to know.

Friday, October 14, 2011

"This is What Democracy Looks Like"

"These are ordinary Americans..."  [Watch]
Here's Jan Schakowsky's record on citizen disarmament.

So naturally, she's the darling of these subversive domestic enemies.

A promise from the "occupiers":
"This is just Phase One."

Here's Phase Two:

Perhaps the ongoing cold civil war that most in the Republic have failed to notice is about to heat up...?

‘Hiding in plain sight’—How did Obama know about ‘Gunwalker’ before Holder?

Vanderboegh is not the only one who missed the obvious. Even more embarrassing, Gun Rights Examiner reported “Holder revelations contradict Obama’s ‘Gunwalker’ assertions” on October 4, referencing the same video King “discovered,” but failed to notice and note the date of the president’s interview. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report admits that forests sometimes become obscured by trees.  Still, isn't it interesting, that in order to believe the Administration, we would need to believe Obama knew Holder didn't know when Holder didn't know yet.

This Day in History: October 14

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, "Here we got a few more waggons almost sufficient to carry all they baggage Marched to day 11 oClock thro a middling good settled Country, Crossed the Blue Mountain encamped at Allens tavern 7 Miles from Brinkers Mills about 3 oClock Here an officer from each Regt. was ordered to attend at Head Qrs. after taking the minds of the officers of their Regts. concerning the high prices of Articles whether they would give it or no, after a Consultation of an hour or two they came to this resolution that they would not Purchase of any tavern keeper any liquor or provision while on the march to Head Quarters Sickness Excepted--Orders came out for the soldiers & officers to be as Clean as possible to march into Eastown." [More]

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Manufactured Crisis?

Anticipating the Fast and Furious subpoena, walls closing in around him, Holder-Obama sprung a surprise–Iran plans an attack on American soil! [More]
I don't know what actual evidence proponents of this have, but I'm so damned jaded by official monsters who use human lives to advance their agenda that no perversion would surprise me.

Giving the Finger

See a common factor?

Yep--they're all dictating megalomaniacs.

Rest in Peace, Patriot

Threeper and Oath Keeper Dennis Carl Hendricks, Sr. [Read]

We last corresponded in early September, when he let me know he was pursuing Mike's "second front" with Lamar Smith.

‘The Bloody Professor’ spawns sequels—in more ways than one

"But Vann doesn’t stop there. He recounts his own history with guns, contemplating a school shooting." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes a creepy reason why a self-contradicting "gun control" advocate might prefer a disarmed citizenry.

This Day in History: October 13

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, "Marched this morning 9 oClock those fresh waggons helped on the baggage midling well, in marching about 5 Mile came to Larnards tavern it being the beginning of the settlement of a Christian Country, which appeared to me very strange here, we halted in a field 1 1/2 hours to refresh. [More]

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Heady Bouquet...

...with the woody flavor of a Pinot Chio* [Read]

Looks like the other line didn't sell as well as expected...

*Stolen shamelessly from BOP-Bee

Good Question

[I]f those cartel members had killed the Saudi Ambassador with guns they acquired via Fast and Furious, would Holder be an accomplice to that murder? [More]
How could he be? He tells us he didn't know anything about it...

Oversight Committee subpoenas Holder

The following press release was just received by Gun Rights Examiner via an email from Becca Glover Watkins, Press Secretary, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. It is reproduced here in its entirety... [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report presents a declaration of war.

Third Time's a Charm

Back due to popular demand in a third production run...[Read]

If you don't get yours now, you may regret it when you can't get one.

Also see:

This Day in History: October 12

Moore's house, October 12, 1779: Such officers of the line whose duty it is to act on foot in time of an engagement and who are not already provided with Espontoons are to use their utmost exertions to get them, and it is expected from commanding officers of Corps that they will use every means in their power to complete them with bayonets; In a word, they will take care that their corps are in the most perfect order for actual service. [More]

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goin' Mobile

Sure makes me wanna give up my car and rely on gun-free public transit... [Watch]

Professor offers ‘creative’ solution to campus shootings

They’ll have to group together to fight the NRA and push for gun control, including the elimination of all handguns, since handguns are made to kill people. [More]
Well, alrighty then.

Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary laments the state of higher education. Still, if these idiots are the best the antis can throw at us...

Fox Guards Henhouse

Jeff Knox shows how B. Todd Jones isn't exactly his own man.  By a long shot.  [Read]

That's some good dot-connecting there.

View from The Porch Hound

It's always nice to discover other people who get it. [Read]

Bob Barr Continues to Erode Whatever Credibility He Has Left

I can't tell if it's because he's truly ignorant or because he has an agenda. [Read]

Incomplete Coverage

RadioShowNotes remarks not everyone is carrying their share of the load. [Read]

A Mickey Mouse Decision

Disney continues its betrayal of Walt's legacy. [Read]

This Day in History: October 11

On October 9, 1779, during a cavalry charge, while probing for a weak point in the British lines at the battle of Savannah, Pulaski was mortally wounded by a grapeshot. He was carried from the field of battle by several comrades, including Colonel John C. Cooper. He was wounded in the groin and was taken aboard the privateer merchant brigantine Wasp. Two days later, on October 11, 1779, he died of wounds without regaining consciousness. [More]

Monday, October 10, 2011

For the Children

The better to subjugate you with, my dear...[Read]


Would someone please explain to Uncle Nick what it was his life was ripped from him for--especially when he was only a few years past childhood himself?

If they're going to squander the sacrifice and demand from the tyrants what could not be taken, why make it?

What is it with Weiners?

"Rise over politics." [More]

You regressives are such shameless liars.

First, check out what someone in the know has to say about this--and remember, he's talked to committee investigators, so if he's lying, you'd better believe they'll go after him.

Second, hey you di...uh...Weiner...if you used to be spokesman for the Oversight Committte, maybe you'd like to explain why they ignored pleas to investigate CleanUpATF corruption and abuse allegations back when they would have discovered Gunwalker in its infancy.
Brian Terry would still be alive if Weiner and the rest of these evil dicks had done their jobs and risen over politics.

Issa responds to Holder: 'You own Fast and Furious'

Documents discovered through the course of the investigation, however, have proved each and every one of these claims advanced by the Department to be untrue.  It appears your latest defense has reached a new low.  [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report...just read it for yourself.

What's Brown and Stinks?

This piece of tyrannical crap. [Read]

What's pathetic is I've been consistently warning Californians against him, and some of the "pro-gun leadership" there have publicly dismissed that as because I and others "don’t understand CA politics, or because they have non-gun-related political axes to grind."

I won't be surprised when I see that "pragmatic" group scapegoat the open carriers for provoking this new edict--as if a right that can't be exercised is something to aspire to.

And you wanna know what stinks just as badly as what the governor just dropped?

"Sportsmen for Jerry Brown."

[Via Dan B]

Part 3

In which Hillary does the Mexican hat dance... [Read]

Global gun control report relied on deceptive statistics

The lies in the GBAV crumble under the probing touch of Gallant, Chwick and Eisen... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes figures lie and liars figure...

Also find an Appleseed event this month near you.


They've posted their October schedule... [Read]

This Day in History: October 10

Erkuries Beatty, Lieutenant, 4th PA, "The Genl. beat this morning 8 oClock could get no waggons to carry our baggage therefore had to break up our Chests & Carry our baggage on Pack horses The Army did not march till 3 oClock in the Afternoon when the set of for Eastown the Army was very much Detained on Account of getting on the Ammunition Waggons and some of the General & Field pfficers had to Carry their baggage as the horses was very weak and the road Exceeding bad up a very long hill good many waggons left behind and the baggage taken out and Put on Pack horses, a little after Dark got on the top of the hill about 4 Mile from Wyoming where we Encamped on very stony ground and the Army very much Scattered" [More]

Project GunTALKER

I'll be on Peter Boyles' show at 9:00 am Eastern.

There's a "Listen live" link in the top left of his website...

UPDATE:  They have the archive up already.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Issa to issue new subpoena to determine senior official Gunwalker involvement

Darrell Issa: “We want to know, what did they know and when did they know it. But more importantly, we have to understand at what level did the authorization really come." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at the next move (includes video)...

Saturday, October 08, 2011

It’s not a question of guns and weed not mixing

“OK, David, so you just finished a joint and you’re on your way to the range, right?” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary expands on my new GUNS Magazine column and this past week's Trigger Sports Live! interview.

Reefer Madness

Medical marijuana may be controversial, with some claiming it’s just a way for potheads to game the system and others swearing it’s indispensable in managing the agony of cancer, but regardless, affected states have lawfully enacted their statutes. [More]
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch column...

Friday, October 07, 2011

‘Wide Receiver’ CI: ‘It had nothing to do with Bush or even DOJ’

"The truth is that the first two AUSA's assigned to this case declined to prosecute it because ATF, ASAC, SAC and above, lied to him and told him that the guns were being followed on the other side of the border." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report takes on the latest bit of misdirection by the administration and its elite media co-conspirators.

Project GunTALKER

I'll be on High Caliber Radio today at 2:20 pm Eastern.  Click here and then on "Listen Live."

Good Idea

Folks, it is time to dog Obama's ass in public about the Gunwalker cover-up. Any and every Threeper, Second Amendment activist, Tea Partier, and unaffiliated patriot who can get a piece of cardboard and a magic marker ought to line the bus route and the speech venues of Obama with signs that say "Holder lied and people died!" or whatever other sentiment you wish convey related to the Gunwalker Plot. [More]
And don't forget to wear your shirt.

Seeking Financial Advice

Does this ever happen without devolving into chaos and war? [Read]

I guess if it's really the "worst in history," there's no precedent to go by...?

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

Police: Brazen Teenage Gang Robbing Straphangers During Rush Hour
Armed With Box Cutters And At Least 1 Gun, 17-20-Year-Olds Causing Havoc [More]
If only we could have national standards for disarming you and me...and "home rule" until we can stop up all the "loopholes"...

Right You Are, Mr. Mencken

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats."  [Read]

Thursday, October 06, 2011

ATF ‘shakeup’: Meet the new bosses. Same as the old bosses…

What does the Chief Counsel's office have to say about part-timer Jones running the show and making sweeping reforms?[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes all the "shakeup" did was move some pieces around on the table.

A Botched Operation

Intent: The difference between Wide Receiver and Gunwalker... [More]

This Day in History: October 6

Major John Burrowes, 5th NJ, "The weather continues rainy and very disagreeable, but not to hinder our march. Leave Wyalusing at half after eight o'clock. On this days march we leave about 60 horses that were not able to come on. we leave them in the different pastures to recruit, so as they may be brought down in eight or ten days. Heretofore we have killed all that gave out, in number about 200 and lost as many more." [More]

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

"An Interesting Exercise in Cognitive Dissonance"

Kevin Starrett attempts to impart a higher education amidst the hysteria. [Read]

Special counsel for Gunwalker must be truly independent

While an independent counsel is needed, expecting a truly independent one to be appointed by a department that is up to its neck in stonewalling and cover-up, by a president whose own role and interests are appropriate for scrutiny, is at best problematic, and at worst a recipe for ensuring those responsible for “Project Gunwalker” are never held accountable for actions that have resulted in human deaths on both sides of the border. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report cautions against settling for second best.

This Day in History: October 5

William Barton, Lieutenant, 1st NJ, "The morning continues cloudy; orders for the whole army to go down in boats and on horseback; I came on a horse as far as Wyalusing and staid the night; this day killed a great number of horses." [More]

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Good Question

So When Is Eric Holder Indicted? [Read]
Wrong answer:
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, was sending a letter to President Obama on Tuesday arguing that Holder cannot investigate himself, and requesting the president instruct the Department of Justice to appoint a special counsel.
This Justice Department is in it up to its ears.

Re-up the damn Independent Counsel Act and leave it there for occasions such as this. Otherwise, why shouldn't we believe the fix is in?

[Via Concerned American]

Holder revelations contradict Obama’s ‘Gunwalker’ assertions

Did the president believe what he was saying when he said it?

Did Holder lie to his boss as well as to the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform?

Or might we have probable cause to doubt the implausible assertions coming from the Chief Executive? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it's not just the Attorney General who appears to have a truth problem.

This Day in History: October 4

The riot, which began on October 4, 1779, after the British Army had abandoned the City of Philadelphia. Lawyer and Congressman James Wilson (1742-1798) had successfully defended at trial 23 people from property seizure and exile by the radical government of Pennsylvania. On October fourth, "A mob whipped up by liquor and the writings and speeches of Joseph Reed, President of Pennsylvania's Supreme Executive Council, marched on Congressman Wilson's home at Third and Walnut Streets. Wilson and 35 of his colleagues barricaded themselves in his home, later nicknamed Fort Wilson. In the fighting that ensued, six died, and 17 to 19 were wounded. [More]

Monday, October 03, 2011

Holder Lied, People Died

The man perjured himself in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. That is an impeachable offense and a prosecutable offense. [More]

Now This Kind of Stuff Just Pisses Me Off

I don't say it because it's rude.  Don''t tell me I can't say it but someone else can.  Especially for such a bullshit reason.  [Read]

So naturally the vapid ignoramus calling for double standards thinks the earth is flat and Christians predated the Greeks.

And naturally, that's what it takes to be an award winner and an influence on millions of useful idiots who eat this crap up.

Gee, I wonder what  regular viewers "think" about guns...?

Michelle, My Belle

Sont des armes qui vont très bien ensemble...[Read]

[Via Concerned American]

Can DOJ eliminate ATF?

But no sourced information has been received by this correspondent regarding outright elimination of the Bureau. And while others report they have received such information, there is one other important consideration that must be factored in:

Appropriations language. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner reports notes such a change would require an act of Congress.

This Day in History: October 3

Plan of the Ambuscade at East Chester [October 3, 1779] [More]

Sunday, October 02, 2011

"David and Goliath"

Nice writeup. [Read]

Thank you.  Thank you very much.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Gun Rights Radio Network posts GRPC videos

They are long, as they captured the entire program of speakers--making  this an invaluable asset allowing those who could not make it to Chicago to attend a virtual GRPC. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column links to videos that will let you watch and listen to all the speakers as your time permits.