Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Gun ‘Buybacks’ Endanger Citizens, Help Crooks and Crooked Officials

“The idea is to cut down on the amount of potential guns that could be stolen during house breaks,” the mayor is quoted as saying. If someone were breaking into their house, would the people he’s appealing to not wish to have the means to protect themselves and their loved ones?  Would Hizzoner? [More]
I just posted this short piece over at AmmoLand.

Texas church bludgeoning shows no place is safe from violence

Whether or not the church in Forest Hill was posted is unclear at this time. What should be crystal clear is the law, particularly if criminal penalties can be applied to those unwittingly violating it, or if it has the consequence of discouraging people from protecting themselves. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that purposeful obscuring of rights creates a clear and present danger that may not be resolved solely with prayer.

Burden of Proof

And if you have evidence that your use of force was justified, it’s the state’s burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn’t. [More
So what we need is a system of guilty until proven innocent? Do you think Emily Bazelon ever listens to herself? And she's a Slate senior editor?

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

"It's going to be really scary," Jennifer Maldonado said. [More]
From the "Peekaboo!" school of thought--the childish notion that if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

Daft as a  hairbrush...

On another note, look at all those on "our side" who have viciously attacked open carriers. Thank goodness we have activists willing to ignore them and press on to normalize and expand the recognition of rights for all of us--even their "pro-gun" detractors.

The Kitchen Loophole

It's hard to determine whether New York style anti-knife laws actually make the streets safer. According to the FBI, knives were used in 13 percent of homicides in 2010. Jan Billeb, the executive director of the American Knife and Tool Institute ("Imagine Your Life Without a Knife"), claims that the overwhelming majority of knife crimes are committed with kitchen knives. [More]
And people on the terror watchlist can get them!  Without background checks! Something must be done!  For the children!

We're the Only Ones Game Enough

Securing the blessings of Liberty 'n all that... [More]

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Demonstrative Enough

Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police. [More]
Why no criminal charges?

Sorry, stupid question...

[Via several of you]

ATSNTV Long Range Shooting

From American Trigger Sports Network:

John Paul of JP Rifles on Long Range Shooting at JP RM3G with Host James B. Towle, NRA Whittington Center, Raton, NM

ATSN TV Host, James B. Towle, discusses long range shooting with John Paul of JP Rifles, host sponsor of the JP Rocky Mountain 3 Gun event in Raton, NM. ATSN sponsors the 10 th Anniversary JP RM3G side match, “The Long Range Challenge” and gets tips before the event. If you are a long range rifle shooter and want to fine tune your precision rifle shots, tune in to this episode!

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

This Day in History: October 31

HMS Ontario was a British warship that sank in a storm in Lake Ontario on October 31, 1780, during the American Revolutionary War. She was a 22-gun snow, and, at 80 feet (24 m) in length, the largest British warship on the Great Lakes at the time. [More]

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's a Shame We Have to Play Things Like This...

...but it looks like they intend to ignore it unless they can't.

Fortunately, by now I'm pretty used to this approach.

Physician Heal Thyself

[I]t is time for everyone to get the AAP message that "the most effective measure to prevent suicide, homicide, and unintentional firearm-related injuries to children and adolescents is the absence of guns from homes and communities." [More

They posted my comment:
(8) David Codrea says:
So, Dr. Ianelli, will you complete one of these forms and let me post it?
Let's see if/how he responds.

[Via Jake S]

24 Mil Muertos

Here's the original story and the Google Translate English version.

You know what would stop this?  Aside from that new form Southwest border gun shops have to fill out and making it illegal for you and me to have semi-automatics...?

Ve're de Only Vones Hog Vild Enough

Police say when a police officer arrived, the boar attacked him and cut his leg before he pulled his gun and killed the animal with "multiple shots." [More]
Everybody else just has to assume their place in the food chain.

[Via William T]

I Got Your Truce Right Here

The NRA could have, and should have, accepted President Obama’s invitation to sit together to discuss gun-rights legislation in 2011. The organization disappointingly refused the invitation for cooperation.[More]
Why? We know what he wants, you stupid Fudd.

The only truce that needs to be called is when those attacking us wish to surrender.  Do you really think the reason we won't "compromise" is because we're worried about protecting NRA salaries? And that the answer is more socialism?

Where do they get these guys?

This Day in History: October 30

"During the engagement Captain Anderson (a brave man and true Whig) was shot down by my side. He cried out - Oh Lord, I'm a dead man; what shall I do? - Adjutant Raiford who was as brave as ever lived, but who stuttered very badly, replied - Gu Gu_d in it l-l-lye close... poor Anderson's woound was mortal -- we were ordered [illegible], set out sentinels, and lay on our arms till morning." [More]

Monday, October 29, 2012

‘Serious inconsistencies’ noted in ATF gun dealer reviews

“We have contacted ATF HQ regarding the inconsistent documenting of violations but to date have received no reply,” he explained. [More]
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the only standard at ATF seems to be the lack of them.

Issa, Grassley staffers issue second joint Fast and Furious report

To suggest the AG was still blissfully oblivious about the activities of his command at that time and under those circumstances, and remained that way until happening across mainstream news accounts some months later, strains all semblances of credibility, particularly when considered against the since-corroborated reports that had been compiled by free agents, with no official information resources at their disposal, compared to the unlimited network at his. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at the second "book" in a promised trilogy.

We're the Only Ones Protective Enough

Even if we have to send out SWAT to threaten to kill you. [More]

A Non-Envisioned Outcome

Democrats are favored to hold on to the Senate — an outcome few prognosticators envisioned at the beginning of the year. [More]
So why is a "single issue organization" helping ensure that by not considering partisan support for "the most anti-gun president in American history" as a grading factor/endorsement disqualifier?

We're the Only Ones Responsive Enough

Investigators say if the incident had happened earlier in the day, while First Lady Michelle Obama was visiting San Diego, the law enforcement response would likely have been much more severe. [More]
What, they would have just whacked him?

I love the reaction from across the pond in Sarah Brady Paradise:
Cops looking for underage drinkers find massive arsenal in student's trunk containing NINE guns including SNIPER RIFLE
It seems there's a lot more this story doesn't tell us than what it does. This one will be interesting to watch.

[Via several of you]

This Day in History: October 29

After marching about a mile, Hartman in advance spotted an Indian and fired. The Indian fell to the ground and a Tory near him fired at Hartman. He was hit in the shoulder and the air was now filled with smoke and whizzing musket balls. [More]

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Armed American Radio Tonight

The program will be on from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern.  I'll be joining in at 10 for the Roundtable.

Host Mark Walters says he'll be following a Penny Gun Auction live on air, that they'll be doing a Crossbreed holster giveaway, and that listeners can get their name on the list for the giveaway and free bids for the auction before the show by visiting

Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

ATF whistleblower Cefalu calls on Romney to address Fast and Furious gunwalking

“As one of the ATF whistleblowers involved in the Fast and Furious case, we EXPECT President Romney to follow through, support oversight and most importantly consequences and accountability for those responsible for the death of two of our brothers Agents Terry and Zapata AND the 300 innocent Mexican citizens,” Cefalu wrote to the campaign. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive report welcomes an important voice to the exasperating quest to get Romney to back up his fine words with a commitment.

Bracken Broadcasting

Tonight on Kim Wade-No Excuses on 103.9 FM WYAB at 5:00 pm Eastern. Meaning within an hour. They'll be discussing "When the Music Stops."  I'm told those of us not in the Jackson, MS area can listen via live streaming here.

The Hofmann Menace

CSGV is not only trying to get Kurt booted from Examiner, their Facebook fanboys (it sounds like a steam room in there) are reporting him to the FBI. [More]

Former NRA director challenges reliability of candidate grades

What does his recent compilation of data over the last few years tell us? Per Howard, “It tells you that the NRA is protecting anti-gun incumbents, and advancing anti-gun challengers, under cover of phony grades and lies. [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature doesn't mean to start a fight, but it probably will. People need to know this stuff.

Ga. church shooting shows attacker aided by law disarming victims

Since when is it a legitimate and constitutional function of government for legislators to impose their religious convictions on others under force of law, and how is that different from Taliban-imposed Sharia? That's the real issue, and thus one so-called "progressives" refuse to even acknowledge, let alone object to if they are to be consistent with that church/state "wall of separation" they rush to erect every time it suits their agenda. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a crazy evil law victimizing the good and the sane.

It is a Lot Like Stockholm Syndrome.

Kenn Blanchard says what needs to be said. Very well done. [More]

That's a Simple Case, Alright

The guy ignored a restraining order and then a "No Guns" sign, but if a background check had been required, why we'd all be drinkin' that free Bubble Up and eatin' that rainbow stew. [More]

"And, make no mistake," he writes, "this is a conversation the American public wants to have."

Not the ones with the real money, Dan, the ones pushing you to the side, the ones taking over from you...

Missed Out on Any GRE Posts?

Check out Constitution Watch, which has been aggregating links to my stuff along with Workman's and Kurt's. [More]

Shooting Destination Night

Pistol Training at MGM Junior Training Camp, tonight on American Trigger Sports Network...[More]

2A and the Elections

Dave Kopel gives his take based on NRA grades. [Read]

I'm working on a piece now I hope to have posted later today with a somewhat different one.

This Day in History: October 26

The Executive of this State think it expedient, under our present circumstances, that the prisoners of war under the Convention of Saratoga, be removed from their present situation. [More]

Thursday, October 25, 2012

We're the Only Ones Anthropophagic Enough

Gilberto Valle, alleged NYPD "cannibal cop," plotted to kidnap, cook women, authorities say [More]
And what better place to get away with it than "Furious Mike Paradise," where his prime concerns would be if he sauteed them in trans fat-laden oil, used too much salt and washed it all down with a Big Gulp soda...?

[Via Kevin Starrett]

We're the Only Ones Trafficking Enough

Phoenix-area officers arrest three of their own suspected in assisting major crime ring [More]
And they're looking into seven more "community heroes...

Parables of Modern Life

More great stuff from Matthew Bracken...really. [Read]

Mr. Popular

“There are so many people in Washington who come and talk to us about the Constitution and the rights that they want kept sacred and that not do anything about them. (sic) That we not change them. That we not amend them,” said Hinojosa. “And I can tell you that — I’m drawing a blank on the Second Amendment, but I think it’s the weapons, isn’t it? The NRA?”

“And especially those machine guns. Why in the hell do we have to have machine guns? And don’t touch that, because NRA will come and put you on the black list,” Hinojosa said. “Well, I didn’t go up there to be Mr. Popular. I went up there to do the right thing. To help our community. To protect them.” [More]
What an utter dolt.

That he gets elected in his district is tyranny of the majority in action.

In a sane world, this would be actionable malpractice for gross incompetence.

[via bondmen]


Mike is being released from the hospital within the hour and will be back posting this afternoon.

No Doubt So They Could Catch the Big Fish

Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists? [More] 
Maybe if we required all FFLs to do multiple long gun reporting...

[Via William T]

The Devil and Daniel Webster

"When you deny high-risk people access to guns, the evidence shows that saves lives," said Daniel W. Webster, director of Hopkins' Center for Gun Policy and Research and the report's lead author. "And when you regulate all gun sales, fewer guns get diverted to criminals." [More
Right Dan. Let's all be like Maryland, which "is among a small number of states that already restrict or prohibit gun ownership among the high-risk groups targeted in the report."

Let's go after folks who haven't been adjudicated prohibited in a control freak orgy.

Let's criminalize these "high risks"--and deny access to little scofflaws like this one. Or how about military veterans who are not yet 21?

Did you know that, according to some with a vested interest in defining things, "if you have answered YES to 'Do you drink alone?' there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic"? So those of you who are single and maybe want to watch the game and have some beer, or enjoy some single malt with a cigar on your own, or have some wine--you'd better not do it alone.

It sounds like if anyone needs to be a prohibited person, it would be the paranoid control fetishist projecting his sickness on everybody else.

ATF whistleblower Cefalu wins stay on termination

“[T]he agency’s removal of Mr. Cefalu on these grounds constituted a violation of his First Amendment right to free speech and, thus, the merit system principle,” the OSC alleged. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes someone who's just begun to fight.

This Day in History: October 25

The government under the new Commonwealth of Massachusetts began on October 25, 1780. [More]

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rediscovered news account sheds light on Fast and Furious deception

What Newell gave no hint of was the involvement of his office in doing its utmost to ensure that would happen, and by the time he opportunistically used the media as his mouthpiece, we know from the Congressional Joint Staff Report on Fast and Furious subtitled “Fueling Cartel Violence,” he was masking his involvement in upping the numbers at the same time he was exploiting gun trafficking as a public relations tool. [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks to the past to define the problems and obstacles, and to the future for the solution--albeit one that just won't work without you, personally, right now in the present.

The Definition of Insanity

Gray said allowing guns on campus would be unnecessary because of the job campus law enforcement already do. [More]
There are actually people who vote for this madness.
“I was academic coordinator to the Razorbacks at one time and never, never felt uncomfortable or afraid on the university campus,” Gray added.
It doesn't occur to her that if she had, it would have been too late? Or that she has no moral claim to make that choice for anyone else?

Pistol Training at MGM Junior Training Camp

From American Trigger Sports Network:
Competition Pistol Training with Randi Rogers & BJ Norris helped sharpen the shooting skills for many Juniors attending the MGM Junior Training Camp in Parma, ID. Field Correspondent, Molly Smith was selected to attend this exclusive group and her experience brings viewers first-hand knowledge and training tips from top shooters.

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

A Public Service Announcement for Furious Mike Paradise Lower East Side Criminals

If you're busted for gun possession this Sunday before 4 p.m., tell them you were taking it to the Rutgers Houses community center on Madison Street, and then have your lawyer ask what method of transport others used to legally get their guns there and argue entrapment. [Read]

The Paper It's Written On

And yet for all the hysteria, the Obama White House has shied away from taking the initiative in gun-control legislation, including worthy efforts to renew the 1994 assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. [More]
I guess nobody at the Canadian-owned Crackron Leakin' Urinal watched the second debate:
Responding to a question from an audience member about reinstating the federal (so-called) “assault weapon“ ban, President Obama acknowledged his desire to resurrect the ban, falsely equating firearms with cosmetic similarities to military firearms as “weapons designed for soldiers [that] don’t belong on our streets,” repeating the standard anti-gunner ploy of conflating automatic weapons with the semi-automatic variants that was originated to confuse the public by the Violence Policy Center. Obama also let slip another target of interest that has long been a goal of gun-banners with his reference to “cheap handguns.”
They've been guilty of that conflation themselves, and unapologetic about it.

They save all their apologia for the administration on Fast and Furious.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

This Day in History: October 24

Two parties from Canada composed of regulars tories Canadians and savages and amounting to about 1000 each have entered their frontiers, the one by the way of lake George, the other by the way of the Oneida lake. [More]

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I've Got Mail

Nice to see NSSF is still using my stuff, this time on the Senate campaign.

Sure wish they'd use it properly.

Technical Difficulties

Mike is undergoing some tests today and asks those of you waiting for more Sipsey Street updates to please stand by.

UPDATE: The signal is back.

Good For Me, But...

Adams served as deputy mayor under Kwame Kilpatrick...[More]
You remember, ol' Mayor Against Guns Kwame...?

[Via Jess]

Intimate Touching Tools

"We touch a lot of people's lives in a lot of intimate ways," Kennedy said. "We really wanted to give citizens tools." [More]
Yes you do and yes you are.

This is obscene.

Hey, shouldn't the address your paycheck gets sent to be a public record?

[Via several of you]

The Ratings Game

Oregon Firearms Federation invites you to play. [Read]

Issa, Grassley demand documents on ATF whistleblower inquisition

Issa and Grassley cited ATF’s failure, after two months, to answer questions about its approval of “double-dipping” by Assistant Director William McMahon, a figure in the Fast and Furious gunwalking operation whom Issa previously had said “lied to Congress, that will probably be referred for criminal prosecution,” and who has been authorized to accept overseas employment from financial giant JPMorgan while still in public employ. 

They then went on to question Jones about an apparently retaliatory internal affairs investigation against John Dodson, the special agent who came forward and put a face to the whistleblowers in the groundbreaking interview by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News. [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature notes the same old in-your-face stonewalling and retaliation will continue unless and until someone with the power puts a stop to it. 

Fast and Furious, Mexico, absent from last night’s foreign policy debate

But the blame for continuing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on Fast and Furious can’t be entirely placed at Schieffer’s feet, particularly as NBC observed, the candidates “debated domestic policy almost as much as they did foreign policy during the third and final presidential debate.” [More
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner debate postmortem looks at another opportunity not so much lost as sealed off.

This Day in History: October 23

To Tyrants, Tyranny is always very dear: they take no delight but in exercising it...[More]

Monday, October 22, 2012

Just So We're Clear

as long as it's NRA gun loving Christian Republicans that keep dying I've no problem with dead Americans...
Comment posted here.

Yeah, I'll be disarming real quick for this vicious, ugly little bairn.

Tonight last chance for Romney to offer debate pledge on Fast and Furious

Why he has not to date is anyone’s guess, as it would certainly not only leave the president with no credible rebuttal but would also be too dramatic of a development for the media to ignore and suppress. If he does not, the only conclusion to be drawn is it’s because he doesn’t want to. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner column tries to find a good reason why Romney and the NRA leadership won't do one simple and vital thing--especially since the alternative is to give up on Fast and Furious.

Gun control laws useless at stopping Wisconsin spa shooter

“As part of the order, Haughton was prohibited from owning a firearm,” the CBS Crimesider report confirms, citing Brookfield Police Chief Dan Tushaus, who “declined to elaborate on the circumstances of whether Haughton had surrendered any weapons prior to Sunday's salon rampage.” [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes paper makes fine targets and sometimes it ensures them.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike.  He got tired of hospital food and ordered out for some Vietnamese summer rolls last night, so he has his appetite back. And because he's suffering from a bit of dyslexia, I read him a quote by Kurt Hofmann so he could write a letter to the editor about this self-confessed exposition of ignorance.

Then he was off to therapy.

All in all, very positive developments. He sounded better too.

Ghosts of War

Very moving. [Read and view]

I'd like to see somebody use the same technique on these pictures, and then ask if it was worth it.

[Via several of you]

Supremely Important

Jeff Knox talks about SCOTUS replacements in the next four years. [Read]

Unfortunately, Mitt's record gives us no guarantees, and remember, this old subversive was a gift from the GOP.

[Via The Captain's Journal]

We're the Only Ones Quid Pro Quo Enough

Police group receives donation from Taser stun-gun maker [More
They scratch our backs, we'll scorch yours.

[Via Jeffersonian]

Yes, Why Allow "Some"?

Why allow some churches to ignore law? [More]

Rekha Basu is at it again. Typical of her bipolar agenda über alles and hypocrisy-be-damned approach, this time she's arguing to enforce laws.  Last time she was arguing for her side to ignore them.

All you really need to know:
Born in India to United Nations parents, Basu grew up internationally and graduated from the United National International School.
There's something I find particularly odious about foreign subversives coming here and taking advantage of freedoms alien to their own culture and expecting us to adapt to their ways.  You could say if she doesn't like it here she can always go back, but the truth is, she likes it here just fine. 

As long as Rekha is all for reining in churches with the IRS leash, what do you think the chances are she'll call for equal scrutiny of, say, Snuffy Pfleger?

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Mr Morris supports the family’s petition, and believes it should be no longer acceptable to have a shotgun, without having good reason.

He said: “It is difficult for many people to comprehend why someone would need access to firearms in a domestic setting where there is little need for immediate access to a weapon. [More]
There's a lesson for us here: Whatever they get, it's never enough. Which is why they must resort to the Alynsky's Rule 5 whenever the "slippery slope" is mentioned.

Gimme that Old Time Religion

I thought the pentagram was supposed to be inverted. [Read]

As long as we're on a "coexist" theme (and every time I see someone with that stupid bumper sticker, the letters somehow morph into "Useful Idiot"), here's my favorite.

We're the Only Ones Under the Influence Enough

A Cleveland Police Officer arrested for drunk driving in Summit County. [More]
Was she armed?  Let's take a moment for a little recent history lesson, shall we?
The OSHP has specifically asked that the provision that made it illegal for them to drive drunk, with a gun, be removed from HB347 before they would drop their opposition.

Yeah, essentially to you and me being armed while sober.

I'm just not up enough on that nuanced exemption and the way they write these damn things to know if the objection was sustained. Anybody?

This Day in History: October 22

I have this morning received certain information of the arrival of a hostile fleet in our bay, of about sixty sail. The debarkation of some light-horse, in the neighborhood of Portsmouth, seems to indicate that as the first scene of action. [More]

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Armed American Radio Tonight

I'll be joining host Mark Walters tonight at 10 pm Eastern in the Roundtable.  Also on the program beginning at 8: Georgia attorney John Monroe will be discussing the church gun ban case petitioned to the Supreme Court and author John Higgs will be talking about his book "Dealing with Danger."

Click here to find a station or to listen via live streaming.

Madonna Denver stage stunt shows hypocrisy and worse on guns

“The Immaterial Girl’ had the gall to sign the HCI letter after her private security force shot an intruder on her estate grounds,” the article related. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering notes the latest bit of exhibitionist nonsense from an elitist with the finest private armed security money can buy, albeit they're not much use against the spirits of the vengeful feathered dead...

Yeah. You'll just have to read it.

Friday, October 19, 2012

CNN ‘imprecise’ and worse in criticism of Romney Fast and Furious response

The reason such obviously agenda-driven apologia is particularly inexcusable in this story, aside from being generally indecent on a human level and professionally a violation of basic canons of journalism, is that breaking the Fast and Furious story into the “mainstream media” could have been CNN’s scoop, and they blew it through arrogance. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes it's more satisfying to go through the damned gatekeepers instead of around them.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. The chronic hiccup medications they've given him, along with other drugs in his system, caused a bad drop in blood pressure, so they're still trying to figure out the right mix. There's nothing really new to report--he's having trouble getting internet connectivity in the hospital.

He got his first "Get Well" card today at the hospital and that pleased him, and I sent him some magazines as a respite from basic cable hell. He's flailing along, battered but unbowed and determined to continue--that he still finds humor is a real testament--I'm not sure I wouldn't be wallowing in self-pity bearing his cross. This is where character and strength really show, and I'm proud this man considers we are friends and, in his words paraphrasing this great poem, "war correspondents where ignorant armies clash by night."

The Finest Election Money Can Buy

Am I ever glad John McCain helped pass "bipartisan campaign finance reform"! What a difference that has made! [Read]

A Colorful Solution

So here’s an idea: Cities worried about open weapons should require loaded gun-carriers to use holsters the public can clearly see. I’m thinking holsters dyed in blaze orange or fluorescent yellow. [More]
I guess Dave Helling here never learned the key lesson from Tropic Thunder.

Why Didn't You Say So in the First Place?

Black Women Murdered by Men Most Often Die by Gunfire, Usually by Someone They Know [More]
Now that you've explained it that way, I finally see why the common sense solution is to disarm me.

The Vichy Viewpoint

Kalashnikovs, the Soviet-designed rifles that became the basic killing tool of armies and militants around the globe, are making a new conquest: the United States. [More
From AFP? Nice to see the socialist French weigh in.

Don't you people have someone to surrender to?  Yeah, I know, that's not fair to all the French, but for "Les Journalistes Autorisés," it's probably a pretty safe bet.

Actually, aside from the headline and hysterical lede, it's not that bad an article--if you look hard enough, you'll even find they're not writing about full-autos.

And There Was War in Heaven

“If you think about it, the president, as I remember, said he wants more conversation. Well, we’ve been saying this for quite a while now. We don’t need more talk. [More]

And Dan Gross worked so hard on creating that "We need to have a national conversation on guns" slogan...

Easy Child Access to Gun Results in Home Shooting

The antis, no doubt, wish things had worked out differently.  Especially Colin.  [Read]

[Via W3]

The Most Second-Amendment Friendly State?

Considering what, Ray Nagin and Eddie Compass pulled off a few years back, that's pretty remarkable. [Read

You Just Put Your Lips Together and Blow

And then get ready for them to try and destroy you. [Read]

The real story would be if we could find a fed agency that's not rotten with waste, abuse, corruption and fraud.

"Mismanagement of weapons" is such a forgiving euphemism, don't you think?

[Via Jess]

This Day in History: October 19

The Battle of Klock's Field, also called the Battle of Failing's Orchard; and occasionally as the Battle of Nellis Flatts, was an encounter between Albany County, New York militia and a British-supported expedition of Indians and Loyalists led by Lieutenant Colonel Sir John Johnson and Captain Joseph Brant. [More]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

GOA Radio

I'll be joining Bill Frady again tonight at 7:00 pm Eastern to talk about the Romney-Gunwalker nexus and whatever else comes up. [Listen]

NSSF could use Gun Rights Examiner for more than anti-Obama mailers

As “the trade association for the firearms industry [with] a membership of more than 7,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers,” NSSF making a simple announcement would have a great and wide-reaching effect, would not cost them a cent, as opposed to what they must have spent on this mailer to reach a niche audience, and might even spur the mighty National Rifle Association to lead the charge. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes if you're going to go to the trouble of quoting a guy, you might as well listen to what he has to say. 

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. He's been going through physical rehab, basically "push/pull" exercises, but nowhere near ready for balance therapy yet.

He's still waiting for information on that sourced scoop I mentioned yesterday and in the meantime has resumed working on "Absolved." Based on a brief post he made yesterday, he's got his work cut out for him, but in reality, work is his best therapy.

Speaking of rehab, another project he wants to get in shape to tackle is trying to fix up an old beat-up Yugoslavian SKS he owns, and he's interested in hearing from any of you with knowledge and experience you can share with him on that.  Aside from by email, which as his friend I'm still trying to discourage, (along with still asking you not to post comments to Sipsey Street that he'll feel obligated to moderate), you can mail him stuff the old-fashioned way, but note he's been moved to Room 1111 at Trinity Medical Center (800 Montclair Road Birmingham, AL 35213).

In addition to well-wishing cards (and very helpful, especially at this time, voluntary subscriptions/donations) he'd really appreciate if some of us would send him gun magazines we've read and have no more use for.

It's Now or Never


Or, they could just do this, it would have a greater effect and generate tons of publicity, and it wouldn't cost a dime.

Why won't they? As they say, "it's now or never," and it's not like Wayne hasn't been out there acting like he really cares.

A Snitch in Time

I seem to recall posting on this or something very similar some time back but can't find it now--what a great way to get rid of gang rivals, and profitable to boot! [Watch]

It's not like being an an utterly incompetent boob isn't something Booker routinely demonstrates...

[Via cycjec]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Police use Taser on blind man after stick mistaken for sword [More]
The way things are going over there, I have a feeling they'll get a crack at the real thing before too long.

[Via William T]

Importing the Sword Hunt

In November 1993, the Hattoris met President Bill Clinton in Washington, handing him part of some 1.7 million Japanese signatures calling for stricter gun control in the United States and asking the president to resolutely back their cause. [More]
Because that always has worked so well in serving certain interests over there...

A Simpler Commitment

Middle and high school students will sign a voluntary pledge promising among other things that they will never take a gun to school. Elementary students will make a simpler commitment. [More] 
 Thank goodness that's finally been resolved!

Owning the Night

Ready or not, coming soon, to a neighborhood near you? [Read]

[Via Kevin Starrett]

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike.  He's hanging in there.  He's got some exciting exclusive new Gunwalker information that will be a real scoop if it pans out, meaning essentially, from his hospital bed, the guy is doing more than most of the "mainstream media" combined.

In the Excitement?

Finally, I know that in the excitement of helping us reach our goal (Thank you again!), several of you made pledges that haven’t been met. [More]
Not cool. No one sent over from here, I trust.

A Family Affair

From American Trigger Sports Network:
Jerry Miculek and Family Compete at P Rocky Mountain 3 Gun at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM

Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)

2:00pm PST
5:00pm EST

10:00pm PST

Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST

NRA endorsement of Georgia Democrat contradicts group’s dire Obama stance

Barrow has endorsed Barack Obama, the man NRA says gun owners must “go all in” to defeat, and the man who in last night’s debate endorsed a new ban on semi-automatics and implied support for another one on “cheap handguns.” It is curious that helping gun-grabbers attain power enabling them to attack the right to keep and bear arms is not a factor in NRA’s endorsement, particularly since they are the first ones to remind their members that the future composition of the Supreme Court, and the potential that those court cases Barrow supported could be overturned, rides in the balance. [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report asks if the enemy of our enemy is our friend, what does that make the friend of our enemy?

Georgia church gun ban challenge goes to Supreme Court

“GCO now seeks to have the nation’s highest court review the decision,” the post continued. “In the appeal, GCO asserts that the First Amendment’s ‘free exercise’ clause prohibits states from banning activities in churches when such activities generally are permitted elsewhere in the state.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a gaping hole in that "wall of separation" we hear so much about when it suits the purposes of those who would erect it around us.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

The compulsion to set that Sun on the British Empire is strong. [Read]

They're on automatic pilot now, and don't even need their government to do it for/to them. Wait 'til their Sharia overlords-in-waiting start handing out the other kind of magazines to under-14-year-olds. 

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Not Giving a Sh*t

Does anyone give one about "conservative" Fox News token Bolshevik Sally Kohn? [Read]

What a stupid, offensive woman.

We're the Only Ones Parading Enough

Members of the city's police union are planning a fundraiser for a lieutenant who is being fired for punching a woman at a parade, an encounter caught on video. [More] 
Yeah, it's just the evil top brass who are against us. The rank and file are our pals.

Isn't that how the mantra goes?

[Via Kevin Starrett]

Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts of Northport

As long as they can't see the gun, everybody's safe, right? [Read]

Daft as a hairbrush, all right. You did remember to bring a towel to wrap around your head...?

Big Tent Consensus Building

Just like Republicans in general, the guy seems bound and determined to push the elephants out to make room for jackasses who have no intention of entering . [Read]

[Via Scott J]

This Day in History: October 17

On October 17, 1780, a force of approximately 800 loyalists and Native Americans under Sir John Johnson and Mohawk Capt. Joseph Brant raided the valley and briefly attacked the fort before proceeding north toward the Mohawk Valley. A cannonball hole can still be seen in a cornice at the rear of the building. [More]

Romney blows debate opportunity on Fast and Furious

What he failed to do, totally quashing any building excitement that he’d raised by broaching the subject, was to challenge Obama on executive privilege the president has extended to documents subpoenaed by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that the Eric Holder Justice Department has refused to turn over. The Republican candidate did not challenge the president on his reasons for issuing that order, nor did he pledge to revoke it or to promise cooperation with Congress should he be elected. [More]
This special late night Gun Rights Examiner report looks at an opportunity lost.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Question About the NRA-PVF Site

I logged in, but it's not letting me look at ratings in any other state race--only Ohio.  I haven't noticed that limitation before.  When I get to the map and select another state, it makes me log in again and then returns me to Ohio. Anybody else notice this, and is there a workaround?

Why they just don't make the information--including their archives--publicly available is something I've never understood.  Maybe they're hoping we won't hold the duds against them.

Holder asking court to bow out on Fast and Furious leaves solution up to Romney

What that means is, the only hope those demanding truth and consequences for Fast and Furious will have is if Mitt Romney defeats Obama. Unfortunately, even that will give no guarantee, because the GOP challenger has thus far played coy on the matter, paying lip service along the lines of South Park’s Mr. Mackey (“Gunwalker’s bad, m’kay”), but revealing absolutely nothing about what he will do if given the power to make a difference in the way an executive branch abomination that has left hundreds of dead human beings in its wake is treated. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes we basically have one chance left--assuming the fix isn't already in.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. Nothing new to report except he says his stuttering has improved and he's waiting for the doctors to share their latest thoughts with him, so no word on whether a release is imminent or how long they intend to keep him.

It's a Debate Party!

So if someone with bad intentions had shown up, would he have been as uselessly helpless as last time? [More]

We're the Only Ones Socially Networking Enough

The Dallas Morning News reports that her friend, George Pickens, 34, was upset about the officer’s testimony and found his photograph on Facebook while researching him online. [More]
So the secret "Only One" has a Facebook account but if you tell anyone, that's your fault?

Who is he? I'd like to "share" his page.

We Are the 95%

Thinking about that, I actually wish it were true. What's this "permit" crap? [Read]

[Via William T]

There's No Subversive Like an Old Subversive

Maybe you have a constitutional right to have a cellphone with a pre-dialed 911 at your bedside. That might provide you a little better protection than a gun which you're not used to using. [APPLAUSE] [Watch]
Yeah, unlike your orcs. Who'da thunk Nazgûl wore bow-ties under their black robes...?

That inane and unqualified opinion presented as expert simply because of who is saying it occurs around 36 + minutes into this video. 

I love Dan Gross at the beginning claiming "Brady...has always been the voice of the American people..."

This is a long video, but it's important to watch it so you know what the enemy's designs are, and the lawyer group announced by Jonathan Lowy is one to be on guard against. It's also critically important to understand the "legal" rationale someone like Stevens uses  to allow his fanaticism to trump his oath.  Understand reversing Heller and McDonald are just "first step" goals. Howling of paranoia notwithstanding, these traitors, who would have us believe banning handguns in the home is "common sense"  and "reasonable" and a "compelling state interest," want and intend to settle for nothing less than absolute, unchallengeable power.

The thing to remember, with special significance to keep in mind with what we're being told about November: Stevens was a gift from the Republicans.

UPDATE: Kurt weighs in.

"The Man"

"One year later, a man contacted her on Facebook, threatening to send around the picture of her topless...Then the man created a Facebook profile, using her uncensored photo as his profile picture."  [More]
First of all, that's no man. Why don't they identify the SOB?

If at First You Don't Succeed...

The last gun amnesty in Samoa was 2006. [More]
And it worked so well we're doing it again!

We're the Only Ones Who Know What's Good for You Enough

The next day he was required to visit the Vice Principal's office where a uniformed cop was waiting there to give him the third degree. The administration claimed the drink violated the no-drugs-and-alcohol policy. The officer wrongly told the child that Kombucha was illegal and dangerous to mix with medicines or antibiotics - then asked him if and what medications he was taking. [More]
As we all know, police undergo rigorous nutrition counseling  training as well, in addition to all their other magic qualifications and skills.

That's a nice Catch-22 the public schools have imposed: Compel attendance and then require surrender of rights. It's not like an institution designed to indoctrinate inmates has any incentive to encourage thoughts of freedom.

[Via Bad Cyborg]

This Day in History: October 16

At dawn on October 16, 1780, a war party of 270 Canadian Mohawks and Abenakis, led by British officer Lt. Houghton quietly moved into Royalton, a settlement of 20 to 25 cabins spread along both sides of the White River and its First Branch. [More]

Monday, October 15, 2012

Spouse of slain victim seeks disarmament law to prevent future shootings

For Wilson to solicit signatures for a petition that if enacted into state law will do none of what he promises, and will instead victimize innocent people and strip them of their rights without due process, in spite of his demonstrably false pledge to the contrary, is, candidly, dishonest and delusional. He may as well be proposing the forced disarmament of lottery winners and promising similar results. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a destructive way of dealing with grief.

Vanderboegh Medical Update

Just got off the phone with Mike. Despite an earlier hope, they still haven't really brought the hiccups under control. He says if it isn't one thing it's another, and when I asked him what they're talking about doing next he said "Rehab."

He did a brief post inquiring about how the Birmingham Gun Show went, and I always like to see him interested and engaged--he says he's bored out of his skull and is having trouble establishing internet connectivity in the hospital.

No Easy Out

Not letting the president get off too easily, Yo asked Obama the hard-hitting question about...[More]
Now that's journalism!

Listen to Last Night's "Armed American Radio"

Last night's Armed American Radio with host Mark Walters featured guests Alan Korwin of and Rev. Kenn Blanchard (Black Man with a Gun).  I joined in the third hour "Roundtable" along with George "Mad Ogre" Hill:

The Other Side

[T]here’s another side to the story of the Black Panthers, one that involved feeding breakfast to poor children...[More]
You know, just like Alphonse used to do...

[Via  1NCCCH]

Loyalty Rewards

In the days that followed, Jeff was overcome with grief. He called ATF’s peer support contact in the evening who said she couldn’t speak and would call him back.

Jeff never received a return call. He later learned that she was at a bar drinking with other agents. [More]
I've never been a big believer in "grief counseling" and it certainly is evident this guy had many other severe issues requiring a much stronger intervention, if fixable at all.  I just can't wrap my head around how someone could leave his children to deal and grow up with this, which probably reflects my good fortune more than anything else. 

That said, this does provide an object lesson for those of you who are enthusiastic parts of the machine: You don't think they really care about you, do you? And won't serve you up in a second if that's what they find expedient and advantageous...?


Stand Your Ground laws reverse a centuries-old legal tenet...[More]

Oh, go bleat somewhere else, anti-gun male. And if you're going to wear one of these things, stop popping it out in front of people and playing with it.

Natural law's a bit older than that, and fight or flight is a reaction best left to the one being threatened according to his or her mindset and level of preparedness, rather than some effete regressive getting the vapors over the fact that some of us realize bolting like a rabbit activates the chase instinct in predators on the hunt.

"Stand your ground" really only raises one question, which would weigh heavily in the mind of potential aggressors in a sane society, one that promoted the right and the means of individual self-defense:

Do I feel lucky?

The Shape of Things to Come

If the stampeding herd thinks this is scary, wait 'til they're pursued by more than spoiled punks who have more than vandalism on their minds. [More

Coming soon, to a "progressive" stronghold near you...

We're the Only Ones Brightening Up Your Child's Day Enough

A 12-year-old girl suffered burns to one side of her body when a flash grenade went off next to her as a police SWAT team raided a West End home Tuesday morning. [More]
In a way, they're lucky they raided the wrong house. I imagine a flash bang going off in a real meth lab would have really brightened everyone's day.

This is wrong in so many ways.

If you want to shake your head, read their mission statement.

[Via several of you]

This Day in History: October 15

Our militia from the western counties are now on their march to join you. They are fond of the kind of service in which Colonel Morgan is generally engaged, and are made very happy by being informed you intend to put them under him. Such as pass by this place, take muskets in their hands. Those from the,southern counties, beyond the Blue Ridge, were advised to carry their rifles. For those who carry neither rifles nor muskets, as well as for our eighteen months men, we shall send on arms as soon as wagons can be procured. [More]