Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's All a Misunderstanding

IOW, the Administration has misrepresented the position of the NFATCA, which I find unsurprising. Leftists and Marxists have always sought to divide their opposition, frequently through the use of false flag operations and disinformation. [More]
My response:
How about you get them to post their original petition that kicked this whole thing off so we can see for ourselves where the disinformation is coming from and how badly they've been misrepresented?
Funny that they haven't done that already, and instead think an after-the-fact statement and  clean-up pledge will suffice.

As an aside, I did get a laugh out of the phrase "collaborative work environment."

‘Gun control’ no solution against criminals with ‘total disregard of life’

“The new criminal we’re seeing, they’re bold, they’re brazen, and they have a total disregard for life,” Cabrera admitted. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes that maybe anti-gun politicians have a point, and perhaps anyone ignorant enough to vote for gungrabbers really is too ignorant to be trusted with a gun.

Friday, August 30, 2013

NFA firearms collectors group initiated ATF gun trust rule change

The rule change itself, the draft continues, was instigated by a petition from the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some enlightened self interest, which is a pretty nice way of saying a group invested in  appreciable assets is stumping for more "gun control" for a reason.

Not That I Want to Make Trouble for Anyone, But...

...with all the militant gun owners out there insisting companies leave states like Colorado and Connecticut, I'm surprised no one has expressed similar sentiments about NRA teaching law enforcement-only classes in those states.

In light of recent edicts, I have a tough time enthusiastically accepting this as being in the best interests of members like me:
[Click to enlarge]
Ah well, I'm sure it's just me.

Skinning the Smoke Wagon

Why does the administration's saber-rattling followed by what's gotta be humiliating back-pedaling over Syria remind me of this scene? [Watch]

Here You Go, Californians

Just in time for more "gun control"... [More]

Hey, maybe he can get a job driving the new bus...

Sign Up

Now. [More]

What, are you afraid that your name is going to end up on some list?

It's Not Our Fault

We were just playing with matches. How were we to know that could start a fire?  [More]

We're the Only Ones Crack Professionals Enough

MPD Officer Left Gun For Drug Debt [More
This guy gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "stimulating career in law enforcement"...

[Via Florida Guy]

"An Honest Mistake"


I don't care about the excuses. This negligence, particularly by this person, is inexcusable.

Texas, huh?

I say she deserves the same treatment as Juan Hinojosa.

And a Splendid Time is Guaranteed for All

With officials from the Judicial Branch demanding that Congress end across the board budget cuts from the sequester, federal judges from the Tenth Circuit start to gather today for a judicial conference at a "five star" Colorado resort that features three golf courses and a "scenic mountain backdrop." [More]
Tenth Circuit, eh?

So while the Reese family continues their interminable waiting for justice, denied their own earned resources on which they can sustain themselves with the basics and defend themselves against two years of persecution, these robed parasites are out there living the high life on our dime without a care in the world.

I never used to sympathize with prankster kids who pulled hotel fire alarms at 3 a.m...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mississippi Supreme Court overturns injunction against House Bill 2

“This Court now finds that the Circuit Judge erred as a matter of law when he found House Bill 2 to be vague and, therefore unconstitutional,” the Supreme Court found. “He also erred when he stated that ‘a reasonable person reading the bill could not discern what the law allows and what it prohibits.’" [More]
This evening’s Gun Rights Examiner brings some happy news from the Magnolia State, where an anti-gun judicial activist has not only been overturned, he’s been exposed for all the world to see as an agenda-driven incompetent.

FFL who sold Lanza gun could face jail for record errors

"Regulatory consequences...? Of course. But criminal? Never. This is a watershed event." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a rule change.  Don't think of it as a penalty enhancement, think of it as a way to further cut off sources.

All for Show

B. Todd Jones received the ceremonial oath–of–office as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) administered by Vice President Joe Biden today, 10 a.m., at the White House. [More]
The key word here is "ceremonial."

Bloomberg "Gun Owners" Storming Over the Ramparts -- Not

What if you spent all kinds of money planning a sneak attack using prop "gun owners" to stump for citizen disarmament and it was a MAJOR FAIL?   [More]

In New Jersey fer cryin' out loud...???

[Via Cemetery's Gun Blob]

Relevant Questions

Will CMP be exempted? [More]

Should it be? Or if they're locked out with the rest of us, will that give them incentive to bring their influence to bear?

If someone has their place at the table, how much attention do they pay to the hungry outsiders peering through the banquet hall window?  Anybody seeing cop unions clamoring to let non-"Only Ones" hitch a ride on the national concealed carry bandwagon

And Laugh They Did...

...until they crossed the Macon County line... [More]

Seems no sooner did gun owners get a reason to celebrate when the antis threw up an illegal roadblock.

Grassroots North Carolina tells us about the latest "official" outrage, where the Macon County School board is considering an unlawful gun ban, and what we can do about it.

This is totally me talking, and I hope it doesn't make GRNC wince: Do you realize how lucky you are to have leaders of the caliber of Paul Valone and his colleagues, who take point on this stuff with awareness, energy, knowledge and commitment? If you're a North Carolina gun owner who benefits from their advocacy, and if you don't share this latest alert, take a moment to do what they ask, and then kick a bit into the kitty to help supply the front line troops doing the fighting, how is that any different from being, say, a welfare parasite?

A Great Democracy Does Not Make it Harder to Vote than to Buy an Assault Weapon?

I beg to differ. Sure it does. [More]

But it depends on what the meaning of the term "great democracy" is.

Some of us note subtle differences between mob rule and a system where individual rights are unalienable no matter how many raving collectivists covet them.

Some of us aren't sympathetic to disarming at the demand of the former Gun Nut in Chief, particularly since you now aspire to be First Philanderer.

Oh, and by the way, Slick, how about an unequivocal  "Yes" or "No": 

Is Juanita Broaddrick a liar?


[Via Bluesgal]

Three More from the GREs

I continue to hear complaints from gun owners who loudly refuse to click on Examiner links due to all the obnoxious pop-ups and videos, and all I can say, aside from the way Vanderboegh eloquently put things, is I use Firefox with the Adblock add-on, and am untroubled by such intrusions.  If you are visiting websites and don't have such protection--or worse, don't know how to activate such protection--it's on you to correct that.

You wouldn't venture forth in the real world in Condition White, unarmed and unaware.  Why would you do so in the virtual one?

One last gripe--I get sick and damned tired of hearing how "we" can't get a fair shake in the media, yet this is but one example of an alternative source of information bringing you essential stuff that you don't get from them, and yet asking people to do such a  simple thing as sharing links is like pulling teeth.

Question for you who comment regularly on this site:  What do you do -- on a regular  basis -- to help promote the work that enables this?

How Many More Bloodbaths?

I dunno--how many of us are you willing to have others try to kill to carry out your sick, treasonous fantasy? [More]

Let Me Get This Straight

Domestic gungrabber Adam Smith wants to indiscriminately send full autos to jihadists? [More]

For "Progressives," every day is Opposite Day!

Workman has more.

Breaking Up is Hard to Do?

Not when you enjoy a monopoly of violence! [More]

Our own Dear Leader-worshiping useful idiot celebrities are probably too vacuous and self-absorbed to heed the lesson here.

[Via Jess]

This Day in History: August 29

At the head of Elk you will receive further orders. I need not observe to you the necessity of noting Towns, Villages and remarkable Houses and places but I must desire that you will give me the rough traces of your Survey as you proceed on as I have reasons for desiring to know this as soon as possible. [More]

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bloomberg continues debate-avoiding stealth media events with prop ‘gun owners’

The announcement hardly leaves enough time for gun rights activists hearing about the demonstrations now to mount counter-presences to the events. That is intentional. [More]

This afternoon’s Gun Rights Examiner report asks "What if you held a national conversation on guns and didn’t tell the side that’s FOR them?" And why aren’t you hearing about this from the “real reporters”?

A Marked Improvement

Hey, it's better than him calling for gun dealers to be "snuffed out." [More]

‘Assaulted’ will screen to sold out house tonight in ‘gun control’ capitol

Co-hosted by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, “who’s already declared his candidacy for the 2014 gubernatorial election,” the screening is being held inside the State Capitol, the group says, “to educate members of the Legislature and staff about this historic civil rights struggle.” [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the bloated belly of the beast makes a fine projection screen.

We're the Only Ones Camera Shy Enough

Hey, I thought I just got finished doing a post about cowardly, lying thugs... [More]

Not that this will change the NY Times editors' "Only Ones" advocacy...

[Via Florida Guy]

Captain Marvell

“I’m sorry, please don’t kill me, I don’t know why I did that, I’m high you know, I just wanna go home." [More]
What a sniveling coward you are, Marvell, when you lose the upper hand.
At first, Weaver said he merely removed the stun gun from his pocket to look at it and the man shot him. He later confessed to the attack, records show.
And a liar.

I'm glad to see some of the content of this character ended up on the sidewalk. I'm not surrendering a thing to jackals like this. Or to those who "represent" them.

I'm also glad to see the man who defended himself was circumspect with details of his personal response on the 911 call.

[Via Florida Guy]

Why Grandma, What a Big Mouth You Have!

The better to lie to you, my dear! [More]

Little old women who are really ravenous wolves ... where have I heard that story before...?

Oh, Do They Now...?

ATF talks gun registration with dealers [More]
I'd be interested to find out more about this.

A Sly Move

“I was honored to be a part of this initial exchange of ideas,” said James, whose prepared remarks attributed Kansas City’s youth violence problem to poverty, lack of educational attainment and access to guns. [More]
What, they don't have public schools in Kansas City?

They don't have entry level jobs someone can succeed in and work up from?

Yeah, the solution to "homicides ... traced to a 13-square-mile segment of the 319-square-mile city" is obviously to disarm you and me.

[Via bondmen]

Read more here:

Read more here: [More]

Breaking News

Harvard Study: No Correlation Between Gun Control and Less Violent Crime [More]
A lot of people have been sending me the link to this "new" study.

Which leads us to a fair question ...

Gunwalker Milestones

There's something missing from the timeline. [More]

But what?

Actually, there's a hell of a lot more missing from it than that.

Funny. The story could have been CNN's, except their producer came off like an arrogant horse's ass who was doing me a favor and insisted I spoon feed him confidential names. He was really put off when a lowly #justablogger told him the focus of his earlier coverage on a personnel dispute was interesting, but hardly the story.

The Los Angeles Times blew it, too. The only "real reporter" willing to actually listen and investigate on her own was ... well, you know the story.

We're the Only Ones Incredible Enough

“Officer Ballinger is not a credible witness. Judge Oldfield is being polite when she refuses to call him a liar,” Jonson said. “He’s simply not credible.” [More]
Well if that's the case and she really was too fat to do the nasty in the back seat with a female attorney who argued in her court and that she then took into her home, and the cop really is a liar lacking credibility as a witness, shouldn't he be charged with perjury, and shouldn't every case he's ever testified in now be up for review?

Somebody's lying and that can't be tolerated, especially considering their respective positions and the conduct they'd demand from the rest of us. Let's take this all the way.

Why We Need a Permanent Head of ATF

So he can demonstrate his judgement by going full B. Todd and appointing the guy who was in charge of this to head up the Phoenix division that ran Fast and Furious, of course... [More]

Standing Up to Bigots

If the endorsed prohibition in Newtown were against a certain gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation, the public would be outraged, and rightfully so! [More]
Bill Stevens tells me "this is also going to be in the weekly print edition of the Newtown Bee this Friday, and I have a RTC meeting tomorrow night with Llodra... should be interesting!"

Interesting indeed:
Llodra, a Republican, earned a standing ovation when President Barack Obama came to town, and he applauded her by name at his visit to Newtown earlier this month. She has made four trips to Washington, D.C., to talk about gun control, while back home she was organizing conversations about the fate of the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Connecticut "Republicans" embracing "progressive" ignorance and hate would do well to heed a change in the wind.

This Day in History: August 28

I am much pleased that our Friend General Greene has been able to restore our broken affairs in the Carolinas. I must confess his success has been far beyond my most Sanguine expectations. I wish ardently that the great New England States would exert them selves once more to give you an army to Chastize those Boasters that speake such bigg swelling Words in New Yorke. [More]

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Documentary to show ‘Second Amendment in crosshairs’

Gun rights advocates who see a value in countering the well-funded media efforts of control zealots like Michael Bloomberg, the constant barrage of anti-gun sentiment promulgated by so-called “news,” and the mindless cheer-leading of Hollywood numbskulls that serve only to egg on a fan base that values being entertained over being free have a chance to put their money where their mouth is. As of moments ago, the “Infringed” Kickstarter page went live and is now open to receive contributions to help make this important project a reality. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report asks gun owners who complain of unfair mass media treatment what it's worth to them to counter such messages.

Conn. gun rights group rejects ‘lockstep’ GOP gubernatorial candidate Boucher

“Very simply, gun owners have had it with these lawmakers." [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes some activists who are refusing to be used, and who are putting turncoat Republicans on notice.

Another Public/Private Partnership

Hey, what's wrong with a little common sense press control? [More]

The Suppressor of Record

Because the Times is the nation’s “newspaper of record,” and you are unquestionably the nation’s leading reporter of stories... [More]
Yeah, they've done such a bang-up job on "Gunwalker."

[Via Michael G]

Asignación de Datos

This illustrates one of the main ways government creates a national demand for enhanced militarized policing and "gun control," and public/private partnership mouthpieces like award-winning plagiarist Sari Horwitz are right there to cheer them on. [More]

We're the Only Ones Roughing It Enough

"Alcohol is suspected," Whitmore said. "This is gross negligence." [More]
Really Steve? It's not more than that?

Is that what you'd be telling the papers about me if I'd shot a gun to scare off feral pigs invading my campsite?  Would your colleague Wes Simmons be dismissing it all with a chuckle?

Yeah, these state-sanctioned gang thugs are the "Only Ones" we can trust to carry guns, right California?  Right, L.A. Times?

[Via Random Generic Guy]

The Thug Report

Interesting website.  That body count table ought to be a widget. [More]

A culture that allows this cannot long survive.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Informed Enough

"Our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation," Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub said on Monday. [More]

Yeah, just give 'em what they want.  Even if what they want is you.

If Shorty had given them what they deserve, the young worthies would be the latest martyrs to exploit and stir up rage for.

A Public/Private Partnership

Interesting. Try to call Hillary, get a call back from the head of Google's main squeeze. [More]

And remember: Don't be evil!

[Via Russ H]

It's a MAD House! A MAAAD HOUSE!!!

As in "Mapping Arms Data"... [More]

Just think what we can do with this once we have universal registration! 

Technology, of course, can be used or abused.  In the hands of globalist bedwetters it will tell one story, but this tool actually has some cool potentials someone who knows the right information to collect -- say a John Lott or a Gary Kleck -- could no doubt make productive use of.

The site being reported on takes a bit of time to load and is not supported by IE, so they say to use Firefox or Chrome. I have no idea how or if it works with stuff like Tor or not.

[Via Lou S]

Murderers for Gun Control

Boy, you can sure tell a lot about people from the company they keep. [More]

Kurt just found the second one in a week.

I think Bloomberg needs to bankroll a "Criminals Demand a Plan" group...

This Day in History: August 27

The Whig commanders called out the names of leading Patriot commanders and ordered their forces to attack from different locations, while in reality the same sixty men attacked again. The Whigs continued the deception, convincing many Loyalists that they were under attack by nearly 1,000 men, and causing chaos within the Tory militia. [More]

Monday, August 26, 2013

Last Night on Armed American Radio

Live from the Crossbreed Holster Studios at Tampa Florida’s Talk 860 WGUL and Sarasota’s News Talk 930 WLSS. The Bullet Hole Gun Shop, owner and FFL holder Fran Misantone, Robert Zimmerman talks brother George visiting Kel-Tec plant, Author of The Cornered Cat and co-author of Marks first Book Lessons from Armed America,trainer and expert, Kathy Jackson, David Codrea, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill, private security expert, Scott Currie.
Charles Heller of JPFO also showed up in Hour 3.

More on Oath Keepers

"Militialaw's" reply comment deserves a wider read than just leaving it buried under an old post. [More]

I have further rebuttal points I could make, but I just don't have the time to tear into this right now. Oh, what the hell.

I am not one who thinks we are going to vote or sue our way out, so we're not that far apart on that assessment.  I keep going through the motions because I believe the more people we can get to go through the process and see no that relief is allowed will prove valuable.

[UPDATE PARAGRAPH: Plus, every once in a while we manage to advance or at least repel. Note the success of a critical mass relying on the old ways to keep anything from passing on the national level after Newtown -- so far. I was privy to some discussions with some industry insiders and they were convinced we would have to give up something, because Congress couldn't just do nothing. I was part of a small group that insisted we will not be scapegoated and no compromises would be quietly accepted.]

I see assertions like "OK are the only ones who have a chance of succeeding," and phrases like "crossing the Rubicon," and can't respond with knowledge because I don't think anyone knows what the catalyst event is going to be, what the individual tripwires to result in a series of cascading reactions will be, and what other factors will come to play.  And just as whatever unfolds will bring an individual decision to you and me, so will it happen with individual Oath Keepers.  

I believe the OK mission is valuable for setting up a pool of potential allies who will, in some way and due to some reason, result in some worthy allies and some worthy leaders.  I believe that is worth encouraging. Those are beliefs. Sorry, it's the best I've got, and I haven't met the man who can give better.

What I know is that Stewart Rhodes is a man of integrity. I don't agree with him on everything, and I don't agree with every decision he's made, and I'm sure he would say the same thing about me. And I also understand there are considerations that apply to an organization that do not apply to free agents like me, and I accept that, even if I don't always like the results.  But I've been  with the guy on several occasions, he's been my house guest on several others, and I'll tell you right now I would have no problem trusting him to have my back.

We're the Only Ones Resourceful Enough

Because "Resource Officers" are the "only ones" who should have guns in schools, right? [More]

Yeah, right-- the gun discharged.

Alas, Brave New Babylon

WRSA has the latest from Matt Bracken. [More]

Comment critics notwithstanding, I really have nothing but superlatives for the way this man writes, and the knowledge and intelligence he draws from to do it. I've been in awe since the first "Enemies" book.  It figures establishment publishers won't touch him.

If I ever have the dough, and fat chance of that, there are several essential contemporary writers I would be honored to bestow grants on so they could do what they do worry-free.  Bracken would be at the top of my list.

Pyrrhic Victory

Even if she does beat it, what effect will it have on depleting her political warchest? [More]

Because that's how gun activists ended the political career of former CA Senate President Pro Tem David Roberti after the guy shoved through the first semi-auto ban.

Recalls can be wonderful that way--and who cares what it costs the state?

Bipolar poll respondents who say they're against the new gun edicts and also against the recalls need to get their heads out of their hindquarters.

[Via Jess]

Expedited Return

I'll go you one better, sheriff  --unless the guy is arrested, he shouldn't have his guns taken at all.  And if he's charged but considered safe enough to release on bail to await trial, he ought to have his guns handed to him when you set him loose, and keep them pending conviction and incarceration.  [More]

If it's a matter of you need to keep the gun he used as evidence for an investigation, and if the guy doesn't have something suitable to replace it with, your department ought to be required to provide him with a loaner.

Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. It is that simple.

[Via Bluesgal]

A Chi-Town "Toy"

Cool set of wheels! [More]

How much does it weigh and what's the height of the bridge? I'm trying to figure me out some newtons here...


We're the Only Ones Doubling Down Enough

Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. [More]

I'm sorry, but I  just wouldn't give this guy a third shot. Not as an insurer, not as a club officer, and not as a student.  I know some people swear by the guy and say he's the ginchiest, but two NDs hitting students and you're out.

And no, I don't care if the first incident was decades ago.  Time to retire.

Nice to see at least the "real reporter" figured out he was cop at the time of the first incident, although the ... uh ... only one I know reporting that he still  maintains active duty status is me.  I can't help but wonder if there would be charges were he not in cozy with the local constabulary.

I wonder how many of the "progressive" commentators making insulting posts about gun owners adhere to an "Only Ones" worldview...?

[Via several of you]

It Only Sounds Good to the Ignorant

That's what the antis are counting on. [Watch]

Incidentally, this is another way of approaching the same question I almost got arrested for asking back in '96, and that eventually led to my adoption of the term "Authorized Journalists."

Another Senseless Gun Death

Why, oh why couldn't it have been a knife death instead, like "Demand a Plan" policies would have guaranteed? [More]

[Via Florida Guy]

No Doubt Safer Than Asbestos and Thalidomide

The US Department of Homeland Security has expressed interest in giving non-lethal offensive capabilities to drones used by its Customs and Border Protection service. Any such move is bound to be contentious, and tagging might prove more acceptable to US public opinion. Drones could also use smart tagging during riots so that the people involved can be identified and later arrested. [More]
So if they use this powdered nanocrystal aerosol domestically and indiscriminately, as in "riots" (itself often a subjective term when those who have peaceably assembled get attacked by force initiators who will brook no lack of deference to "authoritah"),where the wind could evidently carry it to more than just the principals involved, and people breathe it in, what studies/clinical trials have been conducted to ascertain the long-term effects of such particles becoming embedded in lung tissue, etc., what were the methodologies used, were they published and peer-reviewed, etc.?

Would it be measured in parts per million? Per billion?

I mean, if there's a chance my government is going to spray me or mine or anybody else with this, I want to make sure somebody actually knows what exposure levels have been determined safe.

Maybe Voxtel's George M. Williams Jr. could conduct some trials where he has his two children breathe in various levels of his magic dust, and then get back to us in a decade or two... 

Oh, and I hate to bring this up, but if a federal judge was going to require an environmental impact study on concealed carry before allowing guns in national parks, just imagine what  stuff might do to condors, spotted owls, delta smelt and Delphi Sands Flower-Loving Flies...

Oh, and I hate to bring this up right now, but what if it gets into the water supply...?

[Via Florida Guy]

I Have a Delusion

"... the color of one's skin remains a license to ... murder with no regard for the content of one's character," he said, calling for "stand your ground" self-defense laws to be repealed in states where they have been enacted. [More]
 Among some, there's no doubt about it.

If any sick, cowardly animal in any skin tries this with me or mine, and if the content of his character ends up all over the sidewalk, well, all occupations have inherent risks.

I had a chance to watch some of the DC festivities on CSPAN. I was horrified.The central theme: If you're not a white-blaming collectivist, you're a racist.

I think a lot of good people are getting pretty sick of it all. Especially when the results of "home rule" are so apparent for all to see.

We're the Only Ones Disregarding Enough

It's tough to know the truth of this incident, but not tough at all to see a tremendous conflict if such a "stand down" call is allowed, one that really illustrates the danger of "Only Ones" exemptions. [More]

If her call ends up being deemed unjustified, there are legal consequences. 

I don't suppose they'd be willing to extend that "call off" authority to all of us...?

Caffeinated Propaganda

The media blares an AstroTurf stunt all over the place, and of course it's a dud. [More]

But most won't know that, and reality won't stop the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists from blaring it all over the place next time. And the next.

A message needs to be implanted in the public consciousness.

That, of course, is why Dianne Feinstein and others are calling for "common sense press control."

Under such exclusions, Mike and I could have gone to jail over this.  Talk about chilling whistleblowers. Not to mention us lowly "Unauthorized Journalists."

Sergio and Julio

I was sent this petition link on Facebook.  Two teens were busted in Mexico for drugs in the car. Their families want to free them.

Typically I am leery of such, as the story given can often be one-sided, and decided to do some checking.

Turns out the father bought the van from a government auction -- it had been seized in a drug raid and police had found drugs in it. Even our government, according to Professor Jonathan Turley, "has admitted the likely error on their part and written a letter to the Mexican police that "Torres Duarte could have had the cocaine without knowing when he was arrested driving the car in Mexico.”

The petition is gaining support, and I certainly encourage that, but I also think there's something else that could be effective at getting official attention to ensure the facts of this troubling case get adequate public scrutiny, and that if an injustice has been done that it be made right.

I just sent the following to the Mexican Embassy in Washington:

That's tough for older eyes to read, so here's the text of my message:
Please give this your full attention:

The facts of this troubling case need to be openly examined, and if there is a reasonable doubt that these boys have been wrongly convicted, your government must set things right. In the absence of that, I will be contacting my representative and asking that Congress use its authority to defund economic assistance programs to your country, and will be urging others to do the same.

With over 138,000 supporters having signed a petition at this writing (, it's not difficult to see how widespread grassroots support for this idea could create a bipartisan demand that Congress could not ignore.
Yeah, I know, I'm against the foreign aid  as a matter of legitimacy and principle, too, but VLLA SELLA 'n all that.

The bottom line is, particularly if airing the facts shows the kids were railroaded, this could gin up popular support for Republicans with the Hispanic electorate that wouldn't involve caving on illegal immigration.  And yeah, I also know that the GOP establishment is probably too unimaginative, corrupt and dumb to show principled leadership on anything, but just maybe if enough of us contact the Mexican ambassador, it will shake something loose.

What have you go to lose, two minutes?

Regnat Populus

And being rulers, the decision to carry arms as they please is theirs. [More]

Anti-gun pol considers concealed carry after home break-in

Howze is a doctrinaire Detroit Democrat. When she had a chance to expand authorized concealed carry locales to protect against mass shooters, she voted “Nay.” [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a conversion on the road to Damascus of sorts, right about where it intersects with 8 Mile Rd.

White Extremists

I'm actually surprised these guys haven't been officially listed yet on SPLC's "Hate Watch" page... [More]

UPDATE: Kurt has lots more.

Photo Finish

If they beat it, is there a trophy or something? [More]

If only they would complete their job of disarming the "law-abiding" ... why, that'd be one for the record books!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tonight on Armed American Radio

Host Mark Walters will be broadcasting tonight from WGUL Talk 860 in Tampa.  He tells me his guests tonight will include author, blogger and trainer Kathy Jackson, reps from The Bullet Hole gun shop, and private security expert Scott Currie.  I'll be joining in during the third hour.

The show airs from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. Go to the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the proceedings on producer Sean "Seanto" Young's Indy Radio Factor live studio feed.

Friday, August 23, 2013

If You See Something, Say Something

Read and watch this and seethe.  [More]

Note the naive little girl at the end who is relieved if something like this happens, the "heroes" will save  her. Just like government--create a threat and then provide the rescue--it's one of the oldest tricks in the book. It figures this whole thing was engineered by the parasite class.

Thing is, there's no lawful way I know of that people can be taken hostage in a terror situation without their knowledge that it's all kabuki and their consent to participate.

As such, and since it appears very real crimes have been committed, I figure the best way to bring those responsible to account --and to keep this nonsense from happening again-- is to report it to the proper authorities.  Isn't that what we're told we must do, instead of being "vigilantes" and taking the law into our own hands?

So I reported the crime to the FBI:

If your eyes are like mine, you won't be able to read this even if you click on it and enlarge it, so here is the text I sent them:

I wish to report a multiple kidnapping/hostage-taking situation that includes assault, battery and conspiracy, not to mention reckless endangerment.  All the evidence with leads to parties involved in the conspiracy has been video-recorded and you can view it here:    

I know of no legitimate statutory authority under which school and police officials could lawfully subject minor citizens to such treatment without knowledge and consent, and as such, the perpetrators’ motives notwithstanding, the act of displaying a weapon, taking them hostage, binding their wrists and subjecting them to terror are criminal acts that demand prosecution. Furthermore, as Ohio is a "shall issue" concealed carry state, a citizen could very well have seen this and attempted to intervene, creating a potentially lethal situation.  You are now on notice that very real terror crimes are suspected of having been committed by these boneheads. The evidence is before you and I intend to inform others that you have been notified.  I call on you to investigate this incident and, if no lawful reasons exist to sanction children being taken hostage without their knowledge or consent, I call on you to arrest and prosecute all perpetrators and co-conspirators.

Me, they'll just ignore.  Hell, they may even threaten me under the Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1001 fines and imprisonment warning they make against "false information," but since this is true, and since it appears the SWAT team and school administrators really did engage in terrorism, I don't see how.

So in the interests of making enough noise that it can't be ignored, care to join me?

UPDATE: An evident comment from the police chief says it's all a big misunderstanding and the kids were informed.

I still don't know what the hell he means by:
Unfortunately, some of the information released to the media portrayed this as an event in which police and school officials took advantage of innocent children who had no idea that this was a mock incident.  
That tells me it was not a media error, and that they were going on information released to them by the LEOs.

Troy confirms Weis not on team as another controversy emerges

“Our immediate actions today re-affirm our commitment to the fundamental individual right to bear arms,” she concluded. [More]
Today's last (I hope) Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes you no sooner get done cleaning one mess than you find another one that's even worse.

ATF advances executive gun controls with proposed trust rule change

That no violent crime-reducing justification has been advanced pointing to gun trusts as a problem shows this move to be about the Obama administration flexing its executive action muscles. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there's more than one way to skin us of our rights.

UPDATE: See addendum from Joshua Prince.

Fundraiser to be held tomorrow for oath-keeping Florida sheriff

As a result, Finch is facing felony charges with no income with which he can support his family, which includes two special needs children, or to defend himself, a situation Gun Rights Examiner readers will recognize as the same tactic the government is using to break down the defenses of the Reese family. [More]

Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report addresses a frequent criticism/complaint I hear about Oath Keepers supposedly not interposing themselves in situations where their decisions can make a difference – here is one who did, and he’s being hung out to dry. Now it’s time for those critics to step forward and interpose themselves into this situation -- provided they’re not just a bunch of all-talk hypocrites who demand others do what they will not.

Caught in the Act Redux

ATSNtv's new "Stop the Threat" episode plays again tonight. [Details]

Mike the Hero

You keep believing that, Yoav Gonen. [More]

Yet the very numbers presented show Bloomberg's position losing by a landslide among the general population.

"Authorized Journalists": Is it any wonder we love them so?

Secret Power

If only more good people realized we all have it... [More]

Ayoob on Zimmerman

Liston Matthews has compiled links to Mas Ayoob's trial observations. [More]

A Taxing Proposition

Hey, someone's gotta pay for what you had no part it -- might as well be you. [More]

Ulterior Motives

While advocates of the bans like to claim that there are good, lead-free alternatives readily available, the truth is that these projectiles, along with being expensive and often hard to find, could be declared illegal under existing federal law. [More]
The antis, of course, know that.

Jeff Knox also makes a great point about Civil War battlefields.

This Day in History: August 23

On the moment of my arrival here to day, was surprised to find the demand of teams encreased to eighty, in which it is said your Excellency acquiessed. This will totally put it out of our power to draw forage from below the lines to form the magazines mentioned in my instructions, or to perform the ordinary duties of teams in this army. I submit to your Excellency whether it is not more than probable that the enemy will in the course of the campaign make some movements which may require my speedy removal to oppose them. How humiliating must it be to me, at such an instant, perhaps with the clamors of a country, to be fixed in a camp unable to move, when the force your Excellency has honored me with is much more than sufficient for the defence of Westpoint? [More]

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Get Shorty

The cowardly savages did. [More]

Too bad he wasn't equipped to stand his ground. And kill them.

Then the racist misogynist hive insects at CSGV could make another lying video.

UPDATE: Workman weighs in.

Murderer for ‘gun control’ highlights evil absurdity of citizen disarmament

“Engulfed in an orgy of violence, my last month of freedom was chaos,” Lennon reveals. “Home invasions, robberies, murder -- at the center of it all were guns. [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report is hardly surprised to find a convicted murderer coming down squarely on the side of “progressives”  when it comes to Second Amendment infringements.

A Conditioned Response

Chris Woodard examines the effects of apathy and ignorance. [More]

Gun Crazy

I never have understood why some in the pro-gun camp give Winkler the time of day, let alone invite him to address their gatherings. [More]

We're the Only Ones Helpful Enough

While being dragged, Ruiz’s head struck each step on the way down. His head hit the steps so hard a witness reported hearing the blows and says she cried because “that’s not right, to hurt nobody like that.” [More]
Who is this police state apologist newsreader who looks sincerely and dolefully at the camera at the end of the segment and says "Tough call, a split-second decision as well"...?

[Via M. Terry]

Preparing Young Minds for Their Proper Role

Principal Dana Carter at Calimesa Elementary School had reportedly instituted the policy, which called for students at various times of the school day to kneel down on one knee and wait for the principal or another administrator to dismiss them, as a safety measure. [More]

WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive video.

Man, I sure hope for ol' Dana's sake he didn't do this to any Muslim kids...can you imagine what they'd do if they found out he compelled blasphemy?

[Via Kurt]

How to Protect Yourself from Bear Attacks

There's the Fox & Friends way... [Watch]

And there's the way that works.

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

A national socialist is calling "extreme right-wing" bloggers Nazis. [More]


We're the Only Ones Unprofessional Enough

Four DeKalb County Sheriff's Office employees are facing punishment after they were found to have acted unprofessionally during an arrest. [More]
Oh, I don't know.

As professional stormtroopers, they were top notch. Except they got caught, necessitating administrative public penance kabuki:
"I will tell you I was very appalled by what I heard. It is not what I expect from my deputies," said Brown. 

Don't worry, Sheriff. I'm sure they were just a few bad app...uh... a "rogue subset"...

We all know DeKalb is de place for devoted deputies.

[Via Bluesgal]

Casting Call

From Jennifer Cruz:
I am happy to say that I am working on a project with a TV producer to create a pilot for a docu-series. I'm looking for true stories of mothers who have killed to protect their families. If you have a story or know of anyone who does please contact me. You can send me a message on Facebook or contact me via email at jenniferlcruzAThotmailDOTcom . I ask that you will all share this around and help me get these stories quickly. I know that they are out there, but they are also sometimes hard to find. However, with all of your help I know we can get this pilot into a series to show countless people that guns really do save lives. 
My only caveat would be to always consult your lawyer before making public statements related to such serious legal matters.