Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ex-"Only Ones" Elitism Empowerment Act of 2010

They're ditching town on everything else to face angry constituents, so I guess they want to make sure those who've been bought stay bought.

Endorsed by Master Vulcan Chessplayers!

We're the Only Ones with Binding Love Enough

Former BSO deputy convicted of raping handcuffed female prisoner [More]
Was it good for you?

Tea Painters

CBS, Justin Bieber Teaming Up to Paint Tea Party as Domestic Terrorists? [More]
First Time Magazine disapproves and now this. That tears it. I see the error of my ways.

I give up.

I'll conform now.

Young Anointed Justin, not so much...but then, he's doing his part and doesn't have to.

And here's the "conservative" comedy gold:
[O]ne wonders whether Bieber should be more careful about alienating fans - or, more likely, their parents...

Why? Do you think any of those useful idiots will actually be a factor in anything of relevance?

And does anyone know of a reason why boys can't also ensure a good corn harvest?

[Via Michael G]

The Assault Mug Menace

Munich Oktoberfest Sees Rise in Assaults with Beer Glasses [More]
Fortunately, there is an answer...from Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise, naturally...

[Via William T]

A Revived Debate

Some of us aren't interested in debating the point. [Read]


We're the Only Ones Dumbed Down Enough

Ald. Anthony Beale, the Chairman of the City Council Police Committee, suggests the city should eliminate one specific requirement to become a Chicago Police officer in order to increase diversity in the ranks. He says applicants should no longer be required to complete at least two years of college to get on the force.

The reduced education requirement would "level the playing field" for minority applicants, said Beale. [More]
Yeah, what kind of moron would want these guys educated before we set them loose on the populace?

Tell me this doesn't remind you of the "Support Your Local Polece" PSA from "Radio Dinner" (11:43 on side 2)

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Mama Liberty]

Locked and Loaded

Twisted Patriots [More]
With a special guest appearance by Mark Potok.

Need you read more to understand what this is about?  We're extremists. And racists. And anti-government. And dangerous lunatics.

Why some groups let "Authorized Journalists" embed with them and trust opening up to them is beyond me. You think they're not going to do to you exactly what's been done here?

I'll be interested to see Vanderboegh's analysis.

Police crack down on guns to fight crime

What responsible citizen could be against these law and order and safety measures? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some "common sense gun control" measures and wonders what kind of person could possibly oppose them.

Also tune in to some "Bloomberg Bloopers."

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This Day in History: September 30

Date of Trials: Carlisle: September 25, 1778; Roberts: September 30, 1778
Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: Death by hanging [More]

Stop the Flow to Mexico...

Among the topics discussed were the deportation to Mexico of large number of Mexicans citizens who have committed felonies in the United States.

Jose Reyes Ferriz, mayor of Ciudad Juarez, said Mexican border mayors are asking U.S. officials to stem the deportation of convicts to their communities. [More]
We'd rather you kept them and paid for them there.  And, oh, yeah--we also want you to disarm.

All in the interests of amicable relations, comprende?

ST&D* To Stop the Carnage!

Study: Texting and Driving Killed at Least 16,000 in US [More]
We obviously need background checks, licensing, bans on easily concealable "junk phones"...say, did you realize that terrorists can buy cell phones? TARFU!*


[Via William T]

[I included the footnote link for people like me, who have never texted in their lives. My thumbs are too big, my eyes are too bad and I see no reason why I  would want to spell out letters when I can just call someone and say what I want to say. I guess I'm too old, ornery and set in my ways to get the whole phenomenon.]

UPDATE: Ha!  Tell me that doesn't just figure...

[Via Zachary G]

Damn Heller Decision!

Now there's blood on the streets in DC. [Read]

We knew this would happen if you let "law-abiding" citizens keep their homes...

[Via William T]

High Anxiety

Officials in Europe, US on High Alert for Commando-Style Raids... [More]
There's speculation over at The Cliffs...

Wouldn't surprise me none...

"Bill's Law"

Do it for the "Only Ones." [More]

Because we all know what kind of violent criminals have "illegal guns."

Waves of Fear

The number of people wounded or killed by gunfire is up citywide, sending waves of fear through some of New York's most dangerous neighborhoods. [More]
Fortunately, Mayor Bloomberg, with his taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards, remains secure and safe, so that's one fear we don't need to worry about as he waves at the unwashed masses from behind the barricades...

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Evidentiary Enough

Boston police are investigating how possible evidence in a drug investigation disappeared from a home that was secured by officers while investigators waited for a search warrant... [More]
Yeah, is a puzzlement.

[Via Ed M]

Who is NRA giving money to--and why?

So they don't give directly to the anti-gunner--they give to a group that portions out the spoils, and that includes sending money we donate to anti-gunners? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column makes the case for cutting out the middleman.

Also link up to today's Trigger Sports Live!, where we'll be discussing Bloomberg's new gun tracing report.

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This Day in History: September 29

September 29, 1778, Trenton, New Jersey

The Colonial Governor William Livingston and the Council of Safety become aware of the plans but not the destination. They dispatched riders to warn the residents of the coastal communities and informed General Washington of the expected fleet movements.. [More]

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Life of Ease

The Obama administration is pushing to make it easier for the government to tap into internet and e-mail communications. [More]
Well...yeah.  Of course it is.

You haven't got anything to hide, do you?

We're ze Only Ones "T'anking Heaven for Leetle Gehrls" Enough

A North Dakota police chief and former state district judge has been charged with 52 felonies accusing him of molesting and attempting to rape a girl over the course of about five years, authorities said Friday. [More]
Again with the Eternal Question...

And Maurice, your cue...

[Via OFF]

We're the Only Ones Released Enough

A Massachusetts state trooper who is a decorated war hero was released on personal recognizance today after being arraigned on charges that he allegedly drove drunk, crashed his car on a Dorchester street, pointed his gun at a Boston police officer, and later fired his gun into the ceiling of his home. [More]
Well, heck, it's Boston. I'm sure they'd release you and me on our own recognizance under the same circumstances--you know, if we were "Only Ones."

And after all, who has just demonstrated himself to pose no risk? I'm glad both the lede and the video caption tell us what a "hero" this guy is. We have so few of those these days...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Administering Prenatal Care Enough

"During the entry, a female suspect inside the apartment became non-compliant with officers' instructions," Reagan wrote in a news release. "When she attempted to flee out a bedroom window, officers attempted to restrain her. During efforts to prevent her escape, a shot was fired and the woman suffered a minor wound to her upper torso. She fell out the window and received first aid from containment officers stationed at the back of the apartments." [More]
Continuum of care, "Only Ones"-style...

[Via The_Chef]

Shooting Stars

They've got theirs.  When the universe revolves around your navel, that's all that matters. [Read]

This story keeps getting dusted off every few years and presented as news.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Tested Enough

A Justice Department investigation has found that FBI agents, including several supervisors, cheated on an important test covering the bureau's policies for conducting surveillance on Americans. [More]
So that means they passed, right?

[Via alarmrideratl]

We're the Only Ones Providing Security Enough

Three Knox County Sheriff's Office deputies resigned after being caught up in a federal investigation of a drug and gambling operation for which they provided security. [More]
Ready to give up that essential liberty?

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Non-Electrifying Enough

Henry fled on foot and Deputy Purnell gave chase, mistakenly drawing his firearm, instead of his taser, and shooting Henry in the elbow.[More]
Ah, the Johannes Mehserle defense.

Because "Only Ones" are so much better trained and qualified...

[Via Andre C]

We're the Only Ones...

..."Rush Hour" Enough
A Laredo police officer has been convicted in a 2008 undercover drug and weapons case in which prosecutors say loads of cocaine were escorted through rush-hour traffic.
...Infatuated Enough
According to the Kentucky State Police arrest warrant served in April, Thompson allegedly became threatening toward the woman in 2009, making harassing and threatening phone calls to her, many of which were recorded, after an intimate relationship between the two had ended.

The warrant also states Thompson allegedly held a gun to the back of the woman’s head while at the dispatch center.
...for the Birds Enough
Lund says he was feeding ducks at the park when officers drew their guns, surrounded him and ordered him to place his hands above his head. Lund said he told police he could not raise his arms because of a disability, but was tackled, handcuffed, thrown to the ground and dragged across concrete.
...Erasing Enough
A police lieutenant was suspended for one day without pay for inadvertently ordering the destruction of thousands of hours of dashboard video sought by the family of one of the two teens killed when a speeding Milford police cruiser slammed into their car.
 [Via FFFW]

We Have Met the Enemy...

In fact, the bill enhances A.T.F. enforcement and oversight powers...[More]
But dealers can get graduated penalties and "willfulness" can factor in, so the trade-off is deemed worth it.

By some.

Others of us have a different idea. Unfortunately, this "compromise" reflects the reality that not enough have the same idea and care enough to do a damn thing about it.

"Profiles in Apathy."

Right, Pogo

[Via Peter K]

The Uneasy Reality

As authorities searched for the assailants in recent stabbings at two area colleges, college officials and security specialists said the attacks underlined the uneasy reality that even secluded campuses are susceptible to violence from outsiders and can reasonably do only so much to prevent it. [More]
Prevent it?

It seems like they do everything in their power to encourage it.

Tell you what, eggheads--don't do us any favors. Don't protect us.

Just stay the hell out of our way while we're protecting ourselves and we'll get along just fine.

What's that? You won't do that?

Well then you'd better get used to more uneasy realities. Because that's the only thing you're guaranteeing.


What's with college students these days?  Don't they know the university prohibits campus violence?

Can't they read?

[Via Ed M]

Report shows Mayors Against (your) Guns desperation to be relevant

It's no accident that the violent crime plague is the worst in cities already under the (illusion of) control of  Bloomberg & Co. Their "solution" is to extend their enlightened rule over the rest of us, who have no problem controlling ourselves and who just want them to leave us alone.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a report that illustrates, more than anything, just how clueless the gungrabbers really are.

Share the link? Will YOU?

Gorillas in the Mist

I guess that sounds more romantic than "hiding under the bed."

Concerned American looks at political capital conservation efforts.

Me, I'm thinking a gorilla hand ashtray would really complement a nice cigar with a glass of fine wine...

An Authoritari...uh...Authoritative Report

Mayors Against Illegal Guns--you know, the group that wants to make them all illegal--has issued a new report that basically looks like a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing--especially when you consider how many of us will basically answer this with "No. Your move."

And they even have an accompanying website.

It would be fun if someone had the programming skills to do an interactive "Follow the Movement of Crime Mayors in America: Click a State" map.

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Family members claim they called police for help Wednesday morning, but when officers arrived, they were treated like criminals and an officer shot and killed their family dog. [More] 
That'll teach 'em!

And my favorite bit of reader comment apologia:
This all boils down to a simple point that you're missing: one cop is worth 4 or 5 civilians and a dog's life isn't worth squat.
[Via M. Terry]

We're the Only Ones Taping You Enough

But don't worry--it's just play acting and that tape will come right off. [Read]

It's like we're not dealing with whole people here...

[Via Harvey]

The American Taliban

Like their reactionary counterparts in the Middle East, the American Taliban fetishize guns and weaponry. [More]
Let's see, knuckle-draggers, extremists, racists, hatriots...and now "Taliban."

That reminds me, I haven't donned a ski mask and sawed anyone's head off on video in a while...

What despicable, evil liars these subversives are.

We're the Only Ones "Whatever--I Do What I Want" Enough

Instead, Police Officer Robert Lane told Bowling he was going to jail because DEA agents “do pretty much whatever they want,” the judge wrote. [More]
As long as we understand those are the rules, well OK then.

Those are the rules.


[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones Got a Basketball Jones Enough

A former Houston police officer has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for stealing $166,400 and trying to steal more than $435,000 in American Red Cross funds for a bogus basketball camp that supposedly was held for children displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. [More]
"Only Ones."

For the children...

[Via Harvey]

100 Voices

According to Cantor Nathan Lam, the film’s executive producer and a man I have met several times at a neighbor’s home, 90% of American Jews can trace their ancestry to Poland before the mass murdering began. [More]
So why the bloody hell is this even an issue?

The Border WMD Terror

Border agents seized a 50-caliber assault rifle...[More]
You know, one of those bolt-action "assault rifles."  Going to Mexico! Which is why we need to reinstate the ban!

"Authorized Journalists"--is it any wonder we love 'em so?

[Via Jeffersonian]

Will NRA release grades in Reid/Angle race?

Will NRA tell us how they have currently been graded, so we can take that information and "put it in the forefront of [our] decision-making"? How else would we be able to?

And if they do, will they also explain how they derived the grades if asked for details?

How will not doing either "encourage" us? How will taking no position "position [them] to help [our] rights"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks nothing of Chris Cox that his own words don't prime us to expect answers to.

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This Day in History: September 27

Accordingly, on September 27, 1778, Quartermaster Benjamin Hart secured quarters for the six troops of Baylor's Dragoons in six different barns along the Overkill road (in what is now River Vale), while Colonel Baylor made his headquarters at the dwelling of Cornelius A. Haring, about a half mile above a bridge over the Hackensack River. The Dragoons drove some cattle with them and privates in the Third and Fifth Troops were posted as forage guards that night. The remainder of the men bedded down in barns near their unsaddled horses. Although the Overkill Neighborhood was infected with Loyalists, the position seemed sensible and secure, provided the usual precautions against surprise attack were taken. [More]

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bangladesh shooting illustrates futile absurdity of 'gun control'

What, that's not fair? It's not right to judge policy based on isolated incidents?

You mean the demonstrable M.O. of the anti-gunners is wrong?  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column will transport you to a special kind of Paradise...pack your bags--but leave your gun.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Naming Names...

As we (my Wife and I) were travelling through Tennessee, we were stopped by a Tennessee State Trooper (Officer Michael Loftis, Badge #331), because the tinting of the windows on our vehicle was too dark. After checking my license, registration and insurance and verifying that they were up to date, Officer Loftis then asked with no probable cause, if I had any drugs or weapons in the car. [More]
And then guess what happened...

If They Were Only Shooting Themselves...

...I wouldn't mind. [Read]

Mark Hillman is confused about one thing though, but when you consider testimonials like "a true champion of the Second Amendment," an almost-$5K campaign donation and not letting us see see current comparative grades, it's understandable how he could consider that the same as an endorsement...

But it isn't.  Honest.

Speaking of Dead Elephants...

Correspondent W3 sent along some thoughts on an elephant struggling to pull through, and gave me permission to share them here:
The National Republican party’s 2010 Pledge to America.

Pretty words and admirable sentiments, but is everyone in the GOP committed? Or, is this pledge scheduled to expire on November 3rd like the oath to protect and defend the Constitution expires the first time it becomes inconvenient?

Is the GOP committed to repeal all unconstitutional legislation and abolish all bureaus and departments that are unconstitutional?

Is the GOP committed to remind the Supreme Court that it was not established by those who framed the Constitution to interpret the clear words of the Constitution according to the prejudice of individual justices?

Is the GOP committed to remind the president of his limitations as to informal declarations of war and to presidential orders that carry the weight of legislation that only the legislative branch is authorized to pass?

Is the GOP really serious, or does it plan to return to business as usual after November 3rd?

We need to think about this before any of it is taken at face value.

Y'all take care
I went to a local "Tea Party" event a few days back and left in disgust as the career politicians elicited cheers from a well-intentioned but manipulable crowd--when they rattled off the name of a notorious GOP gungrabber, I decided not to embarrass my son by yelling "Bullshit!"

The one guy there who deserved a microphone and a place on the podium was an old man passing out photocopies of his treatise on why we should end the Federal Reserve--and he, of course, was relegated to the role of obscure kook.

Clinton was the guy who popularized "It's the economy, stupid!"

They love it when we pick up that meme--it becomes an "If they can get you asking the wrong questions" opportunity for those who rely on misdirection.

It's the Constitution. Limit the government to delegated powers and forbid usurpation where not authorized, and the economy will work itself out.

That's just the beachhead, by the way, not the end game. Who knows what bold experiments in Liberty would yield productive results if only allowed to be conducted without being co-opted or forbidden by the coercion and control crowd?

As things stand, I see a whole lotta teajackin' going on.

Slaughter on the Tea Party Express

Look what was on the tracks and in the way... [Read]

Hey, Concerned American needed some new dead elephant pictures anyway...

Still, Sir Topham Hatt is gonna be pissed...

[Via Ed M]

Another Mayor Against Guns

No wonder. [Read]

He must think we're like him.

[Via Ed M]

Foreign Enemies

They're not all domestic. And we haven't yet paid the full price for all that "cheap" merchandise. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Stripping Down to the Raw Truth Enough

18 women claim Brooklyn cop Charles Derosalia illegally strip-searched them...but he's calling them all lying druggies. [More]
Who to believe...18 "lying druggies" or a New York "Only One."

Is a puzzlement.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones "We'll Put the Light Out For You" Enough

Deputy in town for firearms training accidentally fires weapon in hotel room [More]

You know, "The .40 caliber Glock Model 22 semi-automatic went off."

Those Lee Paige Specials have a tendency to do that on their own...

Lewiston Police conducted an investigation and determined the accident was not reckless discharge of a firearm, which is a crime.
Well thank goodness for that!  Still, I have to wonder just what the hell does qualify as a "reckless discharge of a firearm" in Lewiston, and if who you work for has any bearing in the determination? What do you think they'd have decided had it been the hapless shower-taker firing into the "Only One's" room? 

And why can't I get Mitzi Gaynor out of my head?

[Via FFFW]

Plotting the Course

"Who Erik was and the picture they are portraying do not mesh," said Lisa Mayo-DeRiso, a family friend.  [More]
Of course not.  What did William Casey recommend?  Blame the dead guy?
But simmering questions about whether Scott's death will receive a fair examination at the coroner's inquest have stirred debate about a review process that has excused every Las Vegas police slaying but one in 34 years.
See, the process is designed to produce standard outcomes.  Things go so much smoother that way.

As an aside, the original tip went to a Las Vegas Review story--I'm not sending traffic their way any more.  This minor blog, of and by itself, will not make a difference--but cumulatively, if others adopt the same resolution (and I know some have already publicly taken the lead), perhaps we can express our displeasure in a way they will understand.

Oh good--I just had a best-laid-plans moment and wondered if the Reno Gazette-Journal was on "the list"--it's not.

[Via Texas Shooter]

Should EMTs be required to put themselves in the line of fire?

What? There's still a shooter on the loose, police have not secured the area, and Stokes expects emergency medical technicians to put themselves in harm's way, potentially increasing target opportunities and the number of victims to include themselves?

Apparently...uh...yeah. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an anti-gun councilman who demands others put themselves in harm's way.

Also get a recap on yesterday's DISCLOSE vote and take a JPFO survey.

Share the link?

We're the Only Ones Charging Enough

Charging private citizens seems to be a growing trend by public police forces, apparently to cover their budget shortfalls. [More]
No thanks--I'm not in the market for those services today, and in truth, I'm kind of a do-it-yourselfer. If I need you though, I know where to call.

[Via Mark P]

A Walk in the Park

Residents will soon be sipping beer during events and carrying concealed weapons in Hillsborough County parks. [More]
At the same time?

Not that I necessarily see that as a problem--I have guns and alcohol accessible at home and it's never been a problem for me or for anyone around me--so I don't know why changing the setting I'm in should matter, or induce me to abandon self control, or become irresponsible or violent....

Hell, I could have a couple stiff drinks right now, and then a couple more, and access my choice of potentially lethal objects--if I wanted to.

What's to stop me, except myself?

Hell of a thing, freedom. It's not perfect. Its benefits come with costs. Without responsibility, problems can arise.

It sure beats the hell out of the alternative though, doesn't it?

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones...

...Getting to the Heart of the Matter Enough
Man arrested after lawmen mistake heart medicine for cocaine
...Who Have Always Relied on the Kindness of Strangers Enough
Former Minneapolis Police Officer Pleads Guilty to Five Armed Robberies
...Standing United Behind Bill Enough
Cozzi is serving a 40-month sentence in federal prison. The Chicago police officer was caught on tape beating a man named Randle Miles in 2005.

Miles was handcuffed and shackled to a wheelchair.
...What's All this Racket? Enough
Former Lee County Sheriff E.J. Melvin has been indicted on 47 new charges, including racketeering and money laundering, and prosecutors said Wednesday the allegations represent more layers of a complex drug conspiracy case.
And they're all just so much better and trustworthy than you and I in oh, so many ways....

[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones Rising to the Level Enough

St. Petersburg police Sgt. Paula Melanson told Manatee investigators that White's behavior "rose to the level of a criminal violation and the only reason he was not arrested was because he was a deputy sheriff." [More]
You know, a two-tiered justice system. The St. Peterburg police just admitted it's official policy.

You, we do our best to ruin your life. After the beating and tasing and who knows where this could lead?

Us? Professional courtesy.

[Via FFFW]

We're the Former Only Ones Degreed Enough

Patton, who is charged with second-degree murder and is being held in the Fairfax jail without bond, is a former Alexandria City sheriff's deputy. [More]
He brought plastic ties to bind his victims and it's only second degree? That doesn't show premeditation?

[Via Jeffersonian]


Perhaps dissenting justices would be more sympathetic to the right of self-defense if they had a burglar downstairs in their homes. [More]

I'd love to know how to get a burglar into one of their homes to find out.

Still, coming from a California college professor, what a welcome and refreshing viewpoint to come across! Wish I'd had guys like this teaching--by the early Seventies, the faculty was already pretty much thoroughly commie-infiltrated.


Amazing how just two idiot subversives can ruin an entire country's whole day--and more. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Off the Cuff Enough

The parents of a teenager say an off-duty San Jose policeman showed up at their home and handcuffed their son for having sex with the officer's 14-year-old stepdaughter. [More]
And they just let him?

And to add insult to injury, the boy is charged, but the "Only One"-connected girl is not? And only after a complaint was reported to internal affairs?

Make sure you read the comments, just to understand the mindset of those who think jackboots are fashionable.

[Via Harvey]

Ignorance is Bliss

Retired Army Sgt. Steven Kropf apparently flashed his military identification card on Monday and drove onto the post carrying a revolver he used to kill one woman and seriously injure another, officials said Tuesday. [More]
Here it comes:
Generally speaking, people are not supposed to carry loaded private weapons on post, an official said.
That would be the generals speaking.

The same policy that worked so well at Ft. Hood, you see... But that's not what it's about, we're told:
It's about making sure that we have resilient systems in place where we can react and respond and take care of our Soldiers, family members and civilians here on post."
React and respond. After you're dead.

How "resilient."

[Via Harvey]

Helping Hands

Wadsworth police say a gun-carrying couple helped them catch a man who was allegedly beating his girlfriend in a parking lot in front of her two small children. [More]
Let's see, he's 18, sweetie has two kids already, they're not married...

The armed rescuers didn't know that, but still, at most I might have yelled at him to stop and said I was calling the cops. I don't know that I would have drawn on him, with the level of follow-up commitment that requires, unless he decided to turn his aggression against me and I deemed him a credible threat that warranted lethal force to stop.

And I ain't saying I'd necessarily hang around afterward, either.

I see a lot of gunnies cheering this as a victory for lawful CCW. I don't mean to be Eeyore here, but I'm thinking the couple is damn lucky they didn't shoot this kid. Back to the situation broken up here, I'm not sure the girl won't want him back, and the dynamics of the choices fueling that sick situation are a hell of a thing to risk your freedom over.

Be a hell of a thing to have the person you think you're saving end up testifying against you in a criminal court and suing you in a civil one.

[Via lots of you]

Senate voting on DISCLOSE Act

What can you do?

Go to the U.S. Senate website and use the "Find Your Senators" tool in the upper-right corner of the page.

Call your senators NOW. [Read]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks you to make a couple of phone calls. Be curious to see how many who claim they're ready to fight a rebellion can be persuaded to take a significantly less involved action...

Also discuss the rap sheets of some of my favorite gungrabbers.

Share the link? (Also a significantly less involved action...)

This Day in History: September 23

Appraisal of a gun lost by Joseph Cadanes Hogeland when he was taken prisoner "at the Liberty Pole" on September 23, 1778. [More]

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

The childish political thought of the Tea Party [More]
See, the left uses words like "extremists" and "hatriots."

The Bush/Dole/CFR Neocon Right flack writing for the left-leaning Establishment media uses "childish."

I wish I could see through the fraud, but I guess I'm not mature enough.

Ultimately, this sheltered, privileged child has no idea, does he?


Tea Party, NRA and GOP to Gain 623 State Level Seats in November [Read]
Interesting. I'll be even more interested in a post-election analysis.

Richard Hamblen's Blog

Discussing The Right To Keep And Bear Arms [More]
Everybody here knows about this guy, right?

Another Child Shooting Tragedy

If only there had not been a gun in the home... [Read]

[Via Ed M]

Man with a Gun!

Woman with hoplophobia! [Read]

"Only Ones" with authoritah!

More here. And here.

[Via Jeffersonian]

We're the Only Ones Unrequited Enough

Cop, Two Dispatchers Fired for Faking Crime Scene in Effort to Reunite Lovers [More]
Good grief. It's like a bad sitcom.

And naturally, the "suspect" was "a black male."

[Via William T]

Today's Esperanto Lesson

UN: Rich must not cut aid to poor to balance budget [More]
Translation: The global government requires forced wealth transfers to prop up corrupt and tyrannical regimes.

"Broward School District affirms gun policy for toys"

We discussed one such incident the other day. The Sun Sentinel tells us another child has run afoul of the Broward County School Board over a toy gun.

They say their hands are tied because of stat law, but here's the thing:
[T]he district's policy distinguishes between a Class A weapon, including "Firearms — any kind of gun," tear gas and explosives — and Class B weapons, including toys, knives, chains or razor blades. She said the toy gun was a Class B weapon and not a firearm, which state law describes as weapons that "expel a projectile by the action of an explosive."

The penalty for Class A weapons: a one-year expulsion; for Class B: a 10-day suspension.
Well that's very different. And the official reaction?
"The way to avoid all of this is, don't bring what you think is a toy and we think is a projectile."
Why do "officials" get away with such arrogance?

Because they can.

We're the Only Ones Uncooperative Enough

Haynes was uncooperative at the scene of the shooting, refusing to give a statement or explain what had happened, according to the sheriff's office incident report...When asked again what had happened, Haynes repeats, "A kid suffered a gunshot wound to his hand." [More]

You know, the gun went off...

It says he's "not technically an undercover officer."

It sounds like he's not technically much of anything.

We're the Only Ones Injured on the Job Enough

Ex-trooper convicted in double fatal crash wants money for his injuries [More]
The sisters probably brought it on themselves and then tried to play the victim--it's not like non-"Only Ones" haven't tried that scam before...

[Via Jeffersonian]

Why are some gun owners afraid of permitless concealed carry?

Politics, we are told, as if majority opinion is the final determinant of liberty, is the art of the possible. What envelope the safe-players have pushed to know what's truly possible remains unsaid. Can you imagine where we'd be if our history was one of avoiding risks? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column tries to push some buttons in order to push some envelopes.

Also join a discussion about official criminals for gun control.

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