Thursday, March 31, 2011

Outing FOIDers

Note the word “legally.” The AP demands to make public the names of everyone who has shown a willingness to jump through hoops and comply with the law. That will do nothing to identify criminals, the ones creating all the problems, who just ignore it. So naturally, the anti-gun lobby, the “mainstream” media and opportunistic government officials are all for it, including Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who issued a ruling saying the list must be disclosed. [More]

I see GUNS Magazine posted my July piece to their website while I was on hiatus. I need to train them to tell me when they do this so I can help publicize it.

Share the link?

Obama Administration Caught Arming Mexican Illegal Alien Rebels

"This betrayal at the highest levels of our government is consistent with the other betrayals we have documented across the board," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "The Executive Branch of the federal government has been caught lying about border security, leaving our borders wide open during a time of war, failing to protect states from invasion as required by the US Constitution, and now providing military grade arms to the invaders. We are calling on the Congress today to use all possible remedies including investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, and possible charges of treason." [More]
They asked me to look at it before they published it. Here's my response:
They're not really military grade weapons per se--the AK47s allowed to walk were semiauto variants--militaries use select fire weapons capable of multi-round bursts and/or full auto. It is an important distinction, as the anti-gun media often confuses the public on the difference in order to gin up hysteria for further bans, and the strategy for them doing this, either through ignorance or intent, is one invented and promoted by anti-gun groups.  Besides which, full auto weapons manufactured after 1986 are illegal for civilian ownership, meaning the price of a pre-86 gun is many thousands of dollars, as opposed to hundreds for the semiauto version. Calling an AK clone an "assault rifle" and a Barrett, which many use for just plain fun a "sniper rifle" demonizes the tools.  I know it does not gin up as much hysteria, but you'll alienate knowledgeable gun owners using the same terms the antis and the media employ.  Suggest dropping "assault rifles" and using "semiautomatic", and dropping "sniper" from the Barrett ref.--sure, it can be used for sniping, but so can any accurate rifle.

Negotiation is Over

Fine by me.  Nothing to negotiate with these monsters anyway. [Read]

[Via PMH]

House Oversight Committee spokesman confirms ATF missed Issa deadline

Committee spokesman Seamus Kraft called this correspondent in response to a request made earlier today, and confirmed that "ATF did not meet our request deadline." [More]
Big mistake.

Unlike Grassley, Issa's not caged.

Ex-ATF SAC warns of ‘trap’ and ‘blood bath’ over ‘Project Gunwalker’

This refusal is exactly what some politicians want. If the “failure to cooperate” continues, ATF is in for another blood bath . . . maybe a fatal one this go-around. It could be an effortless task, a simple matter–while appearing logical to most uninformed citizens. Cost-cutting measures, directed at government employees, are a ready-made excuse to lop off heads. In 1992 - ‘93, ATF appeared to eat their own by purging nonconformist with a disastrous reorganization scheme where smoke and mirrors were the management tools of the day. [More]
Yeah, he's talking cost-cutting. The real blood bath comes from ethics-cutting by top management.

We're the Only Ones Who Don't Know Who You Are Enough

Ain't no jackbooted thug like a Philly jackbooted thug. [Listen]

We've been down this path before.

Exercise your rights and you're "looking for problems. Shut the f... up!"

And how dare you record an encounter with your masters, "tough guy"?

Sgt. Daugherty[sp?]--you are a raging, ignorant brownshirt thug, and a disgrace to everything the Republic is supposed to stand for. As are the other gang members who joined in with you to deprive a citizen of his rights while treating him as an inferior to be shouted at like...I was going to say a dog, but I don't know anyone who speaks to theirs in such barbaric, ugly tones.

[Via RT]

Survey SAYS...

...whatever you tell it.

John Longenecker has a special Safer Streets/Liberty News survey.

Click here to participate.

The new Safer Streets/Liberty News is here.

Did Melson make or miss Issa’s Mar. 30 'Gunwalker' deadline?

Chairman Issa wrote a letter to ATF AD Kenneth Melson on Mar. 16 requesting specific information and documentation regarding Project Gunrunner to be provided to his committee "no later than 5:00 pm on March 30, 2011."

Was the information provided by the deadline?

I am seeking a for-the-record quote to share with readers who have been following this story. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks a simple enough question, and wonders why a simple "yes" or "no" is so tough to extract from those who decry stonewalling when it happens to them.

This Day in History: March 31

Our conflict is not likely to cease so soon as every good Man would wish. The measure of iniquity is not yet filled; and unless we can return a little more to first principles, and act a little more upon patriotic ground, I do not know when it will, or, what may be the Issue of the contest. [More]

Malkin discusses 'Project Gunwalker' with Sean Hannity

Malkin followed up this column with an appearance Wednesday evening on the Sean Hannity program on Fox News, and again acknowledged our role. [More]
Video included.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Texas Campus Carry Bill Scheduled for Tomorrow and Holder Stiffs Smith

From Jack Burch, via email:
Just an update on campus carry in Texas. Last Tuesday Senate Bill 354 was heard in the Criminal Justice committee with public comment. After 4.5 hours of public comment the committee left it pending. I called the committee clerk this morning to find out the status of this bill as the committee is scheduled to meet again today. She told me that the bill was not currently scheduled for a vote but felt that it would probably be voted on by the committee on the floor of the Senate by the committee members instead of in the committee chambers. A call to the author of the bill, Senator Wentworth, was fruitless as well as they said they knew nothing. The bill has the support of at least 5 of the 8 committee members at this time so passage is likely. As it progresses I will keep you informed. In the house the bill has been passed out of committee and is currently waiting to go to the floor for a vote by the entire house. I suspect it will wait for the Senate to move forward before it goes to the house floor.

As an update, he just sent me this:

SB354 Texas Campus carry is scheduled for a vote in the Criminal Justice committee tomorrow. No question that it will pass and be heard on the Senate floor. Rumor control has it that one senator will offer a floor amendment to change the bill to require private institutions to allow CHL carry. This senator is against the bill and is trying to bring problems to it on the floor. In any event carry in college buildings looks like a good bet.

On another note, I just got off the phone with Cong. Lamar Smith's office to find out what he is doing as the chair of the Judiciary Committee on Fast & Furious. As you might remember Mr. Smith sent a letter to Eric Holder demanding answers and gave him a deadline of 18 March to answer. To date I have not seen any answers published. To no surprise I got "We are not aware of any reply by Mr. Holder". I contacted our local rep from his office and she stated that she would call and find out what she could. Guess I'm a dumb redneck but it looks like they will not answer until Holder et al are brought in front of a committee and put under oath. Wonder how long it will take to get them there. Adding pressure where possible.

If At First You Don't Succeed...

Since its inception in March 2001, a total 311,859 shell casings have been cataloged. At an estimated cost of $4 million dollars per year, $40 million dollars has been spent on CoBIS over the past decade.

What have taxpayers received for this? Absolutely nothing. Not a single crime has been solved because of it. [More]
So naturally, we need to up the ante with microstamping.

What's the definition of insanity again?

[Via William T]

Safer Streets/Liberty News

John Longenecker asks "what would happen if America saw the repeal of all gun laws?" [More]

‘Pro-gun Democrats’ AWOL from ‘Project Gunwalker’

So then where the hell are the supposedly “pro-gun Democrats”?

Why has not one stepped forward and demanded full and open investigative hearings in both the House and Senate? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary challenges NRA to expend some political capital to do what is necessary.

Regular readers: Take it from one of the guys who made this whole Project Gunwalker story happen--your support in this is absolutely critical. Please contact NRA and please share the link.  Right now.

I hope you don't think either Mike or I have sufficient influence without your being a force multiplier, and if we can't force the Democrat-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee's hand, Chuck Grassley, for all his fine efforts to date, will remain a caged  cat.

ATF to grant ‘Project Gunwalker’ FOIA inquiry ‘in part’

This will have been vetted with intense scrutiny by a Department of Justice that has proven itself artful at withholding information and stonewalling. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report wonders which parts won't be granted.

Share the link?

Lunch with the Girls

Just got my invitation!
Because Lynne and Liz Cheney are such noted Second Amendment authorities.

I guess there's no better use that the kind of dough they're asking for could be put to...

I wonder if they'll be keeping the riff-raff out of the Blog Bash again this year...?

Resistance is Futile!

I always thought that this argument was hogwash. [More]
As opposed to arguments that are unimaginative and cowardly? Or those of a subversive who knows what he's doing?

The ignorance-based arrogance, if that's what it is, is a two-edged sword.

On the one hand, it's to our advantage in a basic Sun-Tzu kind'a way--that is, if he truly doesn't know those he would make his enemy.

On the other hand, if that fear he ridicules and disparages ever loses its restraining power, that will make things a whole lot more dangerous for everyone, because people who don't fear an "or else" take risks they otherwise would not.

An Ounce of Prevention

The plan I am supporting is, in my view, common sense. And it respects the constitutional rights we all share. [More]
No it's not. It's ridiculous.

And no it does not either.

Anything else you care to be wrong about?

Obviously We Need Stronger Gun Laws

The mother told investigators she did not want to press charges against Hachero, because she had recently been accepted to several Ivy League colleges. [More]
Yep. It's not like there's anything else at play here.

I mean, it's not like weakling mothers producing, enabling and virtually guaranteeing amoral entitled little sociopath monsters has anything to do with anything.

Interesting, where the gun is said to have come from...

A Second Amendment Leader

Ross to Lead Second Amendment Task Force
Says Group Will Fight to Protect Second Amendment in Congress [More]

How ya doin' on leading the demand for "Project Gunwalker" investigations, Congressman?


Some leadership here...?

Anti-gun campus cop displays 'Only Ones' elitism

If we’re to follow Sgt. Stucky’s “logic” to its inevitable conclusion, and if we accept that the place for guns is not the classroom, we must also accept that there is no place for guns in any public setting—at least by non-“Only Ones." Because any danger “unofficial” armed adults would pose on campus premises would apply to wherever they are. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report  looks at someone who considers himself just plain better than the rest of us when it comes to keeping and bearing arms.

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This Day in History: March 29

A letter, of 25, from Baron Steuben was read, accompanied with a system of regulations for the infantry of the United States; also, a letter from the Board of War, representing that Baron Steuben, inspector general, has formed a system of exercise and discipline for the infantry of the United States; that the same has been submitted to the inspection of the Commander in Chief, and his remarks thereon and amendments incorporated in the work: that it has been examined with attention by the Board, and is highly approved, as being calculated to produce important advantages to the states; and therefore praying "that it may receive the sanction of Congress, and be committed to the press..." [More]

Bill Poll

S. 436, H.R. 645 and S. 570...[Read]

I'm told:
You can only vote once on each bill and/or view the results and it is anonymous.

We're the Only Ones "Type A-Negative" Enough

There's a pretty long history of bad blood between these two towns.  [More]
It doesn't look like they need much encouragement to spill some of it...


John Richardson may have found one... [Read]

At the very least, he's found a big douche...

Oleg Volk on Andrea Shea King Radio Show

Oleg is scheduled for the top of the hour at 9:10 pm ET.  He'll be on at least until 9:30 pm. 

Click here at the appointed hour.

We're the Only Ones Boning Up on Computers Enough

Honest, honey, I was doing a favor for a friend. And my curiosity got the best of me. [Read]


Safer Streets/Liberty News

John Longenecker talks about vital skills for actual first responders (that would be those of us on the scene during an emergency). [Read]

Origins of ‘Project Gunwalker’ important for media to understand

This is bigger than mere self-interest, although of course that plays a part.  There is a story here about how the establishment media has, for the most part, ignored a scandal that works against their agenda.  There’s a story here about how two mere “bloggers” with virtually no organizational resources or “official” credentials, beat the press at its own game in uncovering a major scoop—a potentially significant indicator for “new media’s” role in the shape of things to come. And there’s a need to ensure that others in the major media outlets at least are aware of who they can talk to if they want to understand the unfolding evolution of this story. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary makes the case for giving credit where it's due. It's a shame the case needs to be made at all.

This Day in History: March 28

WHEREAS certain Persons, stiling themselves Delegates of several of his Majesty’s Colonies in America, having presumed, without his Majesty’s Authority or Consent, to assemble together at Philadelphia in the Months of September and October last, have thought fit, among other unwarrantable Proceedings, to resolve that it will be necessary that another Congress should be held at the same Place on the 10th of May next, unless Redress of certain pretended Greivances be obtained before that Time, and to recommend that all the Colonies in North America should chuse Deputies to attend such Congress, I am commanded by the King, and I do accordingly issue this my Proclamation, to require all Magistrates and other Officers to use their utmost Endeavours to prevent any Such Appointments of Deputies, and to exhort all Persons whatever within this Government to desist from such an unjustifiable Proceeding, so highly displeasing to his Majesty. [More]

Friday, March 18, 2011


I have personal matters to attend to that will preclude updates to The War on Guns and Gun Rights Examiner, probably until the 28th. Please understand that I will not be able to reply to emails, tips, etc. received during this period.

If you are looking for information on "Project Gunwalker," click here for the Journalist's Guide archive of posts made to date since last Dec. 28 and visit Sipsey Street Irregulars for daily updates.

I'm shutting off comments to this blog to reduce the amount of work facing me when I resume.

Jim Bohannon Show explores 'Project Gunwalker' with writers who broke the story

This was a terrific opportunity to share the basic facts behind this huge scandal with a much larger audience, as Bohannon’s program is broadcast over 300 radio stations nationwide. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column links you to the show so you can hear it for yourself.

We Also Do Birthday Parties, Weddings and Bar Mitzvahs

These people are available for talkradio guest booking and they can answer cogently and directly any host or caller question. All liberty non-profit organizations need to consult these experts for their acumen and perspective... [More]
Balloon animals cost extra.

And speaking of talk radio, a reminder:  Tonight, 10:00 pm EST, me 'n Mike, here.

Press continues (sober?) assault on right to keep and bear arms

She even ends her piece with a proof “that drinking impairs judgment.”

Yeah, no kidding. It also impairs vision, does it not? Like claiming that seeing open carriers in Texas, where the practice is illegal, with “shooters on their hips in full view,” is a common occurrence that’s happened in front of her so often she “can’t recall the exact number of times,” and that the sight left her “spellbound and queasy.” [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner column  notes some "Authorized Journalists" might drive a man to drink--if they weren't hogging the bottle for themselves.

Consitutionalists on Guard Against the Nut(meg)s

It hasn't all been easy going, and this legislative session is already turning out bills that could turn ordinary law abiding CT citizens into criminals. [More]
The better to rule you with.

Check out the Connecticut Citizens Defense League's efforts, and make sure any friends you have living there know about them. Unless you think they'd like a magazine ban.

Why there's even a question about the most appropriate nickname is a mystery to me, but nonetheless a sign of the times.

Press Continues Assault

On what?


My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online.


Project Vetwalker?

“It’s a problem we have within the American Legion,” said Groharing, who added he did not know why ATF was involved. [More]
Perhaps because they knew no Legion weapons would be found at crime scenes...?

Can't have that!

[Via Doug Rink]

10 Weapons that Changed the World

This is worth looking at and discussing.  Some choices are obvious and some are arguable--I'm sure we all have our own biases. [Read]

Major point of contention: I don't see any handguns on the list.

We're the Only Ones Failing the Grade Enough

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam. [More] 
It's NatLamp's Frank Rizzo bit come to life (side 2 at 11:43).

Yeah, I'm sure these "Only Ones" will be a lot more trustworthy than you and me--depending on what they're to be trusted to do.

It's not as stupid as first glance might suggest. There's an intelligence behind doing this.  An evil intelligence, but an intelligence nonetheless.

Safer Streets/Liberty News

John Longenecker reveals the best asset for disaster management. [Read]

License to Kill

You know what we need for gun owners?

State-issued licenses!

You know, like we do for bus drivers.

Of Course You Realize This Means War

Operation Gun Walker: An Act of War Against Mexico...

What if I told you that the Obama Administration’s Justice Department authorized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (the “ATF”) to rig gun background checks so gun runners could “walk” guns into Mexico after clearing an instant background check at various gun stores in the U.S.? [More]
I'd say you don't quite have it right.  The background checks performed as designed. You folks writing about this story would do well to go to primary sources.

For instance, it's "Project Gunwalker," not "Operation Gun Walker."

I should know.

As for this being an act of war,  yeah, we've been making that observation from early on--Len Savage first raised that point in an email exchange back when our efforts were just getting started.

Still, it's nice to see "conservatives" finally noticing and spreading the story. As Mike would say, "Welcome to the party, pal!"

The Jojo Krako Defense

The Washington Post liberally borrowed and duplicated material from the Arizona Republic earlier this March... a Post reporter lifted a couple paragraphs...a review of the reporter concluded there were no other examples of plagiarism. [More]

Even though the unnamed reporter (Sari Horwitz!) did it in two articles?

Some of you may remember "A Piece of the Action."

Who's plagiarizin'?

We're borrowin'.

That must be why she apologized and has been suspended?

It's the same Pulitzer Prize winner who teamed up with the guy who figures Mike and I, who broke the story he was feeding off of, were not worth mentioning by name.

The canons of "Authorized Journalism"!

I wonder how much of their anti-gun hit piece series was pl...uh...borrowed from the Brady Playbook?

Darrell Issa enters ‘Project Gunwalker’ fray

"As we get to the truth, we’re going to hold those who lied to us early on accountable." [More]
Huge fricking news. Worth not dragging my exhausted carcass to the sack for and staying up to pound this out.

I hope some will appreciate the continuing efforts and find the link worth sharing.

Two more invitation requests for Obama’s ‘common ground’ gun summit

There is another interest group not acknowledged by Justice that will nonetheless play a role in the administration of any “common ground” agreements that are reached, and two self-identified members of that group happen to be the same—what did James V. Grimaldi of The Washington Post call us?— “Anti-ATF bloggers sympathetic to the militia movement [who] picked up the allegations late last year, dubbing the scandal ‘Project Gunwalker’ and alleging ATF agents let guns ‘walk’ to boost the numbers of U.S. weapons recovered in Mexico.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column forgoes common rules of etiquette.

We ain't in this to be polite.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

CCRKBA asks Obama for invitation to gun summit that NRA rejected

Demonstrating that the “gun lobby” is not the monolith the media often portrays it to be, Alan Gottlieb of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms announced his organization “would be eager to talk with the White House, especially about the ‘Project Gunrunner’ and ‘Fast and Furious’ scandals, where federal agents helped facilitate gun sales to suspected gunrunners.” [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner report includes an opportunity for you to participate in giving a gun group the chance to publicly confront the administration on "Project Gunwalker".

Surely regulars here would like to see that happen?  Why not share the link so that others can do so too?

Safer Streets/Liberty News

Longenecker looks at elitists. That plus I look at a loophole, Bob Parks looks at a slacker and Gerald Valentino looks at a launch. [Read]

Massacring the Norm

Paul Gallant, Alan Chwick and Joanne D. Eisen show how it's up to us to keep that from happening. [Read]

I'm an Untrustworthy Head Case

So you must be one too!

Nothing like letting the self-admitted crazies decide what restraints to put on the sane--which, when you think about it, is a core tenet of "progressivism."

Can you imagine having such a negative self-awareness that you don't even trust yourself with a tool? And then expecting anyone who's not similarly defective to give serious credence to your ravings?

Is Charlie Sheen a menace to society?

So based on the say-so of someone with strong emotional, legal and financial interests, the state can remove not just property, but a basic liberty? Without having to prove anything? And registration enables them to do that, at least to people who have shown an inclination to obey the law? And they require, according to a Sheen Tweet “50 cops” to do it? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes a high-profile act of citizen disarmament and asks if what is being done in the name of the people truly serves their interests.

This Day in History: March 15

On March 15, 1779, he was given command of a new militia regiment, a position he neither accepted nor declined. [More]

Monday, March 14, 2011

That's All, Folks...

...for today.

I've got other commitments that take precedence over this. Sorry, I won't even be able to respond to emails.

Please take the time you would have spent here to share today's GRE link.

Obama’s latest ‘gun control’ proposal will not close ‘Gunwalker loophole’

Because guess who else passed those mandatory background checks the president is stumping for here?

Jaime Avila.

And Otilio Osario. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary urges the president to "Close the Gunwalker Loophole. "

This Day in History: March 14

An essential part of the plan is to give them their freedom with their muskets. This will secure their fidelity, animate their courage, and I believe will have a good influence upon those who remain, by opening a door to their emancipation. This circumstance, I confess, has no small weight in inducing me to wish the success of the project; for the dictates of humanity and true policy equally interest me in favour of this unfortunate class of men. [More]

A Bloomberg Counterpart

Mayors for Illegal Guns!  [Read]

Although you know Furious Mike and his coterie are, too.  They get so much press and power from the issue.


I note Paul Helmke still will not demand Congressional investigations. [Watch]

Nope--the answer is to further restrict the innocent and further empower the guilty.

You know he doesn't really buy into that (could he possibly?), and so have to ask yourself what kind of idiot zealot truly believes the crap he's spouting, and if they do, just what the hell is wrong with them?

We're the Only Ones Young at...uh...Heart Enough

A former Crescent City police officer admitted to a judge Tuesday that he was a pedophile and molested hundreds of children. [More]
Man that's a lot of...I always get the dating etiquette for these stories confused...Big Kids Meals or Happy Meals...?

[Via Ron W]

Will press ask president about ‘Project Gunwalker’?

My question isn’t for the president—it’s for the press: Are any of you going to have the guts to ask him about this major unfolding scandal for his administration? And if not, why the hell not? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks "Who will question the questioners?"

Also meet a new GRE and tune in for more Project Guntalker.

Share the link?

This Day in History: March 11

On this day in 1779, in the middle of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress formed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps’ initial mission, which continues to this day, was to help plan, design and prepare environmental and structural facilities for the fighting forces. Comprising civilian workers, members of the American Continental Army and French officers, the Corps played a key role in battles at Bunker Hill, Saratoga and Yorktown. [More]

Mexican politician calls for extradition of ATF 'Gunwalkers'

"Moreover, the point intended to encourage the federal Executive to request the extradition of U.S. agents who executed the program, for having committed the crime of trafficking in arms against the Mexican government..." [More]
Things just got a lot more interesting in a story that appears to have no end to the twists...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Project Guntalker

Dave Workman writes:
I'll be on Cam & Company tonight at 11:20 eastern/8:20 Pacific

We're the Only Ones Tripping the Light Fantastic Enough

DA Issues Report on the Eurie Stamps Raid: Cop Who Killed Unarmed, 68-Year-Man Tripped, Accidentally Fired His Gun [More]
Which, in a way, proves the stumbling "Only One" is way more experienced than you or me at this sort of thing...

Making the Grade

If anyone has time, could you look this over and let us know in comments what you think?

I heard about it during a radio interview and it seems like a pretty good idea.  But Gunwalker calls and I don't know when I'll get time to give this site a test drive.

Of Course You Realize This Means War

I know we non-Marxists are the ones being told to tone down the rhetoric, but bring it on. [Read]

Did Anyone Know Anything About This?

Why not?

I see opposition, but I don't recall seeing an alert.  Of course, I've been pretty busy of late...

[Via Michael G]

Holder says ‘gunwalking wrong’

He guesses that's the term? Like this is all new to him?

...Left unsaid is whether stonewalling when people reporting to him have done it is wrong or acceptable. Perhaps we're meant to guess. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report guesses what the Attorney General is up to.

Also tune in to two more interviews and see what objects are in motion up in Oregon.

Project Gunblogger

I've been so busy with "Project Gunwalker" I haven't had time to acknowledge some folks who are doing outstanding work helping spread the story. Here are a few links I encourage you to read and share:
Deem it self-serving if you like, but it's nice to know that some recognize how this came into being, even if  the "Authorized Journalists" clambering onto the bus we built find it not worth acknowledging.

A Journalist's Guide to 'Project Gunwalker-Part Two article character limits preclude adding more updates to the Journalists' Guide to Project Gunwalker. This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning with March 9, 2011. It includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners. [More]
I guess we're producing more information than they can handle. So this was my workaround.

House Judiciary Committee Republicans want answers from Holder on Gunwalker

“Republicans Want Answers on ATF Gun Trafficking Program,” a news release on the website of Rep. Lamar Smith proclaims. [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an extremely significant development. Any bets on whether Eric Holder meets the Mar. 18 deadline or stonewalls?

What...? No takers...?

Also catch up on some easy listening.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

NRA calls for Gunwalker investigations

NRA’s leadership in this effort, and the participation of its membership in supporting this call are essential. Adding their powerful voice to calls from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Gun Owners of America to hold Senate and House hearings increase the likelihood of this happening  to near certainty. [More]
This is good.

NRA News Interviews Grassley

From Dave Workman:
Great. Now if they'll just put out an alert and get their members to start demanding hearings--including in the House--I'll stop harassing them over this.

Ah, look:
NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox Calls for Expedited Hearings into BATFE Investigative Tactics
Mike has his own way of welcoming them.

Napolitano: "I Know Him Not"

"Did you sign off on this operation, and if so, when?" Grassley asked.

"No," said Napolitano, "this is within the Justice Department."  [More]

Man, the cock didn't even have to crow, did it?

[Via Jim N]

Project Gunwalker ‘becoming a major scandal’

It’s past time mainstream “authorized journalists” stopped parroting the line ATF would like them to follow—certainly Project Gunrunner had catching big players as a goal, but the directed way the specific walking operation devolved leads to a conclusion the mainstream press has yet to explore: that elements within ATF intended guns to be found exactly for the reasons reported by Vanderboegh and me, to score some media success stories, to justify expansion of ATF power and authority, and to help gin up public demand for more “gun control” laws, such as a renewed “assault weapons” ban prematurely floated by Eric Holder two years ago. The anti-gun coalition has been using the Mexican crime gun canard ever since to try and build political support for just such an attempt, resorting to—you guessed it—padding statistics to do it. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the story just keeps growing. But it needs a bit of steering to make sure it grows in the right direction.

Has “Project Gunrunner” Become “Project Gunwalker”?

Editor’s Note: Due to the timely nature of David Codrea’s “Rights Watch” column we have decided to begin running it here on the website first. The stories below will also run in the print edition of GUNS in June and July, respectively. Be sure to check back and read “Rights Watch” here first—while it’s hot. [More]
The magazine has noticed the story picking up steam and decided not to wait for it to hit the newsstands.

Mexican government calls for ‘working group’ to examine gun-walking charges

Congressman Humberto Trevino has estimated the toll of “Project Gunwalker” guns linked to injuries or deaths to date at 150, although his authoritative source for making that claim has, as yet, not been publicly disclosed. Still, with the totality of guns allowed to cross the border and the duration of such operations in question due to stonewalling and deception, the probability that these firearms have been and will continue to be used in crimes of violence on both sides of the border remains high. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a price in blood and a proposed U.S.-Mexico group grope that further drops this mess into Hillary's lap. If you were Holder, would you want to be sitting there?

Also: Read a magazine article before it hits the stands and then walk those guns over to the talk show circuit.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Two links, hot off the keyboard:

Grassley asks for independent investigation of ATF

CBS: ‘Documents point to ATF gun running since 2008’

And the hits just keep on coming.

Share these links. And join us in banging pots and pans to get every representative to add their name to calls for an investigation and every media outlet to make this their headline story.

Safer Streets/Liberty News

John Longenecker has a few talk radio tips and some action assignments for those willing to help out. [Read]

Gunwalker? Nope, No Gunwalker Here...

These people are worse than useless. They're collaborators. [Read]

Beyond Gunwalker

T.L. Davis says we need to pay attention to the implications...[Read]

Stop Traver

Tell your senator to vote "No"...[More]

Yeah, but first tell him to ask him some tough questions.  Hell, depending on who your senator is, you may want to dare him to have those hearings.

But telling members that wouldn't fit in with the leadership plan, would it?

Let me guess--something about "political capital"...?

Some ‘illegal’ U.S. guns being used to defend Mexican lives

Mexico is a perfect real-world laboratory for looking at what happens when the gungrabbers get their wish list fulfilled, and anti-gun policies are enacted at a societal level—the old adage that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns (aside from the military and police, that is, the “Only Ones”)—proves out. Which leaves citizens who simply wish to protect themselves the terrible consequences of breaking the law and facing life-destroying penalties...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes all guns "flowing" south aren't necessarily "bad".

Also get used to a new term and turn on that radio.

White House pleads ignorance to ‘Project Gunwalker’

Watch the exchange in the sidebar video player. And help raise the president’s awareness level if so inclined. That is if you believe the most powerful and one of the best-informed men on the planet is truly in the dark about a major scandal being reported on network news concerning his administration. [More]
This story now officially reaches all the way up to the White House.  The next time asked, they won't be able to claim they don't know.

We're the Only Ones Triumvirate Enough

A Danville police officer was arrested Friday on suspicion of drug and gun offenses, becoming the third law enforcement official in a month held in the widening investigation of a Contra Costa County drug task force chief and a high-profile private investigator, law enforcement officials said. [More]
I guess depending on who you talk to, they represent either a few bad apples or else a spate...

[Via Dave Licht]

We're the Only Ones Unretentive Enough

Police believe the gun fell out of an officer's holster during a foot chase of a suspect... [More]
If this could happen to a highly-trained officer, isn't it time we admitted guns are just too dangerous for you and me? And until such time as someone invents a device to keep this from happening, we can expect such tragedies-in-the-making to continue.

[Via ma0]

That's ONE Way to Find Out...

I'd venture many of us are aware of this.

Perhaps this is a good way to find out who probably can't resist before setting up an "interview"?

Ask Chuck Grassley

Guess who's now my new e-BFF?
And yes, of course I know it's not really him but a staffer. Still, we can find out some good information.

Like this:

How about it, those of you who are social media-savvy?

A Beverly Lawmaker

Great idea there, State Rep. Bill Cunningham (D-Chicago), you dolt. [Read]

Create a whole new class of "prohibited persons" based on the say-so of academics and administraitors.

Hell, why not include Democrat party and SEIU officials among those authorized to point and scream "Witch!" too?

Congressional Marxists Think Gunwalker...

...a great reason to speed up citizen disarmament. [Read]

Make no mistake: Those "spearheading" this are domestic enemies. Literally.

There can be no peace with them. They will not allow it.

We're the Only Ones Approaching the Bench Enough

NC bill would allow prosecutors to carry concealed weapons in courthouses [More]
Because we all know officers of the court have better judgment and morals than you and me. 

‘Project Gunwalker’ now ‘an international incident’

The big question now?  How will Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handle her end of things, now that State has been irrevocably dragged into Project Gunwalker? [More]
That's actually a HUGE question.  Provided enough of us raise enough of a ruckus to keep this from being buried.

You'll help do that, won't you?

I mean, who wouldn't like the idea of also opening this up to the House Foreign Affairs Committee?

Oh...yeah, that's right...

This Day in History: March 7

Sir: Your Letter of the 15th. Ulto. was handed me by Captn Beall. That you may not be embarrassed for want of money in reinlisting such of your men whose times of service have expired or will soon terminate, I have given a warrant to Captn Beall for 15,000 Dollars for this purpose and that of filling up the corps by new recruits. You will proceed in reinlisting agreeable to the terms and principles established in the general orders, which accompanies this letter. [More]

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Issa silence on ‘Project Gunwalker’ enabled by NRA inaction

In the week when CBS News aired two follow-ups to its groundbreaking “Gunwalker” reporting, including an on-camera interview with a whistleblowing agent and a phone interview with Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s sister, in a week when The Los Angeles Times ran the story on its front page, and the story has been picked up by CNN, the BBC…

...NRA issues a nationwide “alert” to its members that mentions not a word of any of this, let alone any call to action. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column demands leadership from those who claim to be our leaders. 

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Grassley: Federal officials made whistleblower feel like skunk at picnic

“The ATF agents who spoke with my staff warned their supervisors that this kind of risky operation would get someone killed,” Grassley writes. “Tragically, they were right. [More]
This just came to my attention so I thought I'd call it to yours.

As some in media pick up on ‘Gunwalker,’ others remain (intentionally?) clueless

Meanwhile, it would appear regional management is stepping up to follow the marching orders from ATF’s chief of spin to “proactively push positive stories this week, in an effort to preempt some negative reporting, or at minimum, lessen the coverage of such stories in the news cycle by replacing them with good stories about ATF.” reports ATF’s Kelvin Crenshaw has released the Kraken and “proactively pushed” on cue... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column demonstrates the difference between reporters and "Authorized Journalists."

Friday, March 04, 2011

On Radio Saturday Morning

I'll be talking "Gunwalker" Saturday morning at 9:00 EST with Sergio Sanchez, News Talk 710 KURV.

Click here then "Listen Live."

BREAKING NEWS: Another CBS "Project Gunwalker" Report Tonight

Just got this from my -press contact at CBS--don't have time right now to do anything but post it here in its entirety--please spread the word asap:

March 4, 2011

Sister of Slain Border Agent Murdered by Guns Linked to ATF Reacts to CBS News’ Interview with Agent

Tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC (6:30 PM ET), Kelly Willis, the sister of murdered U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, responds to John Dodson, the ATF agent who risked his job to speak with CBS News about the agency’s practice of letting guns “walk.” Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson uncovered “Fast and Furious,” a secret case in which the ATF allowed guns to be purchased in order to track them, build a big case, and take down a major Mexican drug cartel.  Two assault rifles the ATF let go as part of  this strategy were found nearly a year after purchased at the scene of Terry’s murder.

Agent Dodson spoke out in an exclusive interview that broadcast on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC on March 3. When asked by Attkisson about what he would say to Terry’s family, Dodson said, “First of all, I'd tell them that I'm sorry.  Second of all, I'd tell them I've done everything that I can for them to get the truth.  After this, I don't know what else I can do.  But I hope they get it."

Tonight, Terry’s sister responds. Following are advance excerpts from tonight's broadcast.  MANDATORY CREDIT: THE CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC.

Kelly Willis: “You know, within the first five minutes after that was finished airing, my whole family members, we all called each other just in tears that somebody, sorry I'm going to cry…that somebody would put their job on the line like that for my family to give us the information that we need. And that right there was the whole break in the case for us. Sometimes you can't believe everything you read but when someone actually puts the truth to it in person like that it shows us that all our thoughts and speculations are true.”

Sharyl Attkisson: “What have you been told officially about what happened to your brother, where the guns came from, what bullet killed him?”

Kelly: “Nothing. We have been told nothing.  Every time we have a question they can't answer it. Nothing.”

Sharyl Attkisson's follow-up report broadcasts tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC, and can be found online at

*   *   *

Rush Limbaugh to Talk Gunwalker

Within minutes.  Find a local station or do live streaming. I'm listening from here:

Thursday, March 03, 2011

CBS interviews ATF senior agent on 'Project Gunwalker'

Last post today. Go watch the video.

I'm going to go have a cigar and about three fingers of the good stuff.


CBS News to air 2nd ‘Project Gunwalker’ segment and Grassley writes Holder again

But the agents who objected within their own agency were repeatedly rebuffed, they were told to keep their mouths shut, to stop complaining about it, in one case we have an internal email that describes a supervisor telling somebody ‘If you don’t like it you can go work for the Maricopa County Jail—if this isn’t fun to you then you can go find something else to do.’  [More]
Plus read Sen. Grassley's latest to Eric Holder, where he flat out tells him "the Justice Department's denials simply don’t hold water.”

Pass this link to everyone you know. And watch tonight!

Now back to work--there is more breaking on this.

Also don't forget--tonight at 8:00 pm EST I'll be doing a live chat.

Rumor confirmed: Murdered agent Terry armed with beanbag rounds

So of course this means the government also knows which gun was used to kill Agent Terry. That the Justice Department refuses, as yet, to confirm that points to the same intentional stonewalling that kept the beanbag information suppressed for so long.

Officials who do not want information about the circumstances of Agent Terry’s death and about wider “Project Gunwalker”* allegations to come to light are engaging in a cover up. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the government's response so far isn't worth a hill of beans.

Also watch a rerun, join a chat, witness a proof and find out why I've decided to muzzle everyone but myself.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Idaho Rep. to urge Darrell Issa to investigate ‘Project Gunwalker’ charges

That is exactly what is needed. House Oversight Committee hearings conducted alongside Senate Judiciary Committee hearings are the only way the scope of the Gunwalker story—how widely it is spread and how high it reaches up to in the government—is likely to be determined. It would also provide the needed impetus to get the rest of a so-far reluctant media to follow the lead established by CBS News. [More]
This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a Gunwarrior, a Gunweasel and a Gunwaffler.

Let's get three out of three, and put terror into the hearts of the Gunwalkers.

Share the link?