Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Elephant in the Room We Dare Not Speak Of

Blognomicon links us to a Sheboygan Press opinion piece by Gun Week senior editor Dave Workman, who writes:
Aside from the vast disparity in the number of homicides in Milwaukee and Seattle, there is one more big difference. Washington residents can carry concealed handguns, and a lot of them do, more than 230,000 at last count.

It's an attractive thesis for gun owners. It would be easy to jump on the bandwagon and cry "See?"

The problem is, there are problems with it.

If you're going to claim concealed carry impacts the murder rate in Seattle (and I would argue it does, albeit to a much lesser degree than Workman attributes it), you need to factor the number of concealed handgun carriers in the specific population you're studying--in other words, don't use a statewide number. The 230,000 figure sounds impressive, but the state has a population of over 6 million, vs. Seattle's 571,500. If you're going to crunch numbers, you need to factor your carriers from that pool.

There's something else at work--another "big difference"--a HUGE "big difference"-- that impacts the raw murder number disparities between Milwaukee and Seattle, but there's a problem with even hinting at it--lest we be charged with the modern equivalent of being denounced a witch. We can find this "big difference" in every major urban area in the country--the places where guns are invariably controlled and the murder rate cannot be.

At the risk of being branded classist, ageist, sexist, and the dreaded "r" word... uhh, s'cuse me... could someone please look at the demographic differences between Seattle and Milwaukee?

Sorry, Mr. Workman, but the cities do not share "roughly the makeup." Just look at the comparison between "female householders, no husband present" (8.09% vs. 21.07%). And we also can't forget to look at race--not as a cause of violent crime, but as an indicator of populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of destructive government policies.

If we're afraid to even address this, we're never going to be able to make things right. And those hurt the most by this self-imposed blindness will continue to be the least prosperous and protected among us.

CITGO Replies

I got a form reply to my open letter about CITGO, where the station attendant did not allow a woman customer to call 911 after she had been robbed at knifepoint.

Mr Codrea,

Thank you for your e-mail.

We are currently investigating this incident. Please understand that CITGO does not own or operate any retail outlets. However, we can (and will) take appropriate measures -- up to and including de-branding the station -- if such action is warranted.

CITGO is committed to operating as a good neighbor where we do business. Please be assured that we do not ignore nor take matters like this lightly.

Thank you for your interest in CITGO Petroleum Corp.


Bruce McCall
Customer Service Representative
Midwest and Northeast Regions
x4886 or 1-800-423-8434, dial tone x6514
918-524-2114 - Fax

We can't just let this go away from lack of scrutiny. I wrote him back:

Mr. McCall.

Thank you for your reply.

Will CITGO inform the public of how this has been resolved? It would seem we have a right to know if patronizing your franchises will result in similar treatment. Without evidence that the problem will not recur--including what you have done to assure that, and the outcome with the clerk and manager from the news account--I'm afraid I could not put myself, my family, or anyone I care about at risk.

Do you have an estimate for when we can expect such information?


David Codrea

I'll report on his response--or the lack of one. If anyone else thinks adding their voice to this will help elicit a satisfactory outcome, feel free to do so.

But It STILL Wasn't Enough

Micayla Ellis' mother took the suggested precautions with a gun in her home - she locked it up, hid the key and put the ammunition in different locations - but it still wasn't enough to stave off her children's curiosity.

Something about this account isn't adding up. If all the "precautions" were taken, how did this happen?

And what would "be enough"?

The American Academy of Pediatrics has determined that the most effective way to prevent gun-related deaths and injuries to children and adolescents is to remove guns from their homes and communities.


But they don't want to ban guns. They just want to enact "common sense" laws where no one but the authorities have them.

Car-Jackers Target Luxury Vehicle Owners at Gun-Point

A GANG of armed "car-jackers" has been targeting the drivers of luxury vehicles in Glasgow it emerged yesterday, after Strathclyde Police confirmed they are investigating two separate car thefts at gun-point in an upmarket area of the city.

Uh, yeah, right...that's what violent criminals do. That's not a surprise to anyone, is it?

And why wouldn't they? Easy pickings, high rewards, no risk of being resisted by their victims...

The UK's well-heeled are getting a taste of what the average subject has to live with--not that we should expect any changes, but who knows? Maybe someone with more clout than the average serf will get mugged and wake up.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Shameless Plug: Beware of Moles

When it comes to picking a gun group to support, it clearly pays to do a little checking first. If you’re going to join AHSA, you might as well just cut to the chase and join the Million Mom March.

"Beware of Moles," my Rights Watch column for the Jan. 2006 issue of GUNS Magazine is now available with minimal digging at newstands throughout the Republic.

WarOnGuns regulars will recall I deferred comment when the American Hunters and Shooters Association story broke because I'd sent this article in to the magazine. It got bumped another month at my request, because I thought the commentary on Hurricane Katrina was more time-sensitive.

BONUS: See pg. 84 of this issue to find out how you can win a free .44 Magnum Henry Big Boy.

Last Stop on the 2005 "Black Arrow" Book Tour!

Vin will be signing books Saturday afternoon, Dec. 3 in the Shotgun News booth, at the Small Arms Review Gun Show
Arizona State Fairgrounds
9th Ave. and McDowell Road
December 3, 2005
Phoenix, Arizona

This will be your last chance to get a personalized,autographed copy of 'The Black Arrow'!

For further details about the show, see:
Small Arms Review

Have you bought your copy yet?

How Could THIS Happen?

The man displayed a handgun and at first robbed the woman. He then assaulted her.

Outrageous. Didn't he know that Wisconsin doesn't yet allow people to carry handguns? Just ask the Green Party.

Thank goodness the victim wasn't armed. She might have offended someone.

Like Alderman Pete Karas.

Woman Charged With Handgun "Offense"

“She always has a gun ... in her purse at all times,” Thompson said. “She was going to the tax office to discuss a tax bill.”

What kind of thugs would be "offended" by a 63-year-old woman possessing the means to defend herself?

Defense is offense, right, Mr. Orwell?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Felons With Firearms

Compelling commentary and news link from Fish Or Man . Go read.

So What's the Problem Here?

A GOVERNMENT agency is launching an inquiry into doctors’ reports that up to 50 babies a year are born alive after botched National Health Service abortions...

“They can be born breathing and crying at 19 weeks’ gestation,” he said. “I am not anti-abortion, but as far as I am concerned this is sub-standard medicine.”

Just get one of them Whack-A-Mole mallets and bash 'em.

It's not like they're human or anything, is it?

I Believe in the Second Amendment, BUT...

Congratulations, Charles Laramie! You've just won the WarOnGuns' coveted Judas Goat Award!

Schumer and Feinstein both say they believe in the Second Amendment, too--and we know what big "buts" they have.

We're the Only Ones Dru--I Mean, Professional Enough...

A police officer who was fired after showing up for work under the influence of alcohol shot a gun at police during a five-hour standoff...Greaves suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the knee...

Yeah, if I wanted to kill myself, the knees are what I'd go for.

Greaves...faces two counts of felony reckless endangerment.

That's it?

Columbus Murder Rate Near 100

[BugmeNot log-ons:, wally]

But just wait--the impact of that "assault weapon" ban is going to kick in any day now and drive those numbers into the cellar...

Bill of Rights Day Celebration

Tina Terry invites folks who can make it to celebrate Bill of Rights Day in Payson/Diamond Star/Rim Country, AZ...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

People for the American Way

When the parents of 14 year-old Alycia Brown of La Crosse Wisconsin found out their daughter was sexually active, ; they put her on birth control, choosing the popular hormonal patch instead of the Pill. When on May 7, 2004, Alycia died suddenly of blood clots in her lower pelvis Michael and Lorie Brown decided to sue the deadly drug's manufacturer in the hopes of having it taken off the market.

14, and they let their minor child daughter screw around?

I guess blaming and suing someone else beats exerting parental authority, and it's certainly a lot easier than admitting they failed their daughter. "[T]hey did what the modern culture told them was the right thing to do" is about the lamest excuse for being weaklings and cowards I've ever heard.

I cannot imagine a greater pain than losing a child. By the same token, my sympathy for the Brown's is overshadowed by my disrespect for their past and continued abdication of responsibility.

That's the same mentality that blames guns and gun owners for criminal abuses, and quite candidly, I'm sick of it.

Why "Gun Control" Works So Well in Baltimore

Thieves are sawing down aluminum light poles. Some 130 have vanished from Baltimore's streets in the last several weeks, authorities say, presumably sold for scrap metal. But so far the case of the pilfered poles has stumped the police and left many local residents wondering just how someone manages to make off with what would seem to be a conspicuous street fixture...The police have no suspects...

But you don't need a gun in Baltimore. The police will protect you.

Nailing It

What is it with nail guns lately?

In Florida, it seems they are just as possessed, evil and capable of independent acts of malice as the "official journalists" claim firearms to be:
A construction worker is recovering in stable condition after a nail gun fired a shot to his temple.

In New Jersey, one was used in a police standoff:
A 33-year-old Falls Township man, who barricaded himself in his apartment and held off authorities for seven hours after allegedly shooting an officer with a nail gun was arraigned yesterday, police said.

He even had an "arsenal":
Authorities uncovered over a 100 nails inside the door frame...

Meanwhile, in California:
A man accused of killing his estranged wife with a nail gun last month was arrested after spending five weeks in a hospital for nail gun wounds to his own chest and abdomen.

Society's course of action is clear. Nail guns are not defined as "qualified products" in the recently passed gun manufacturer/ distributor immunity bill.

How much longer will we tolerate these weapons of murder and mayhem?

We must sue the nail gun industry.

What? It's already happening?

When Guns Are Outlawed...

A gun battle between rival prison gangs in an overcrowded western Mexico penitentiary injured eight inmates, authorities said Saturday.

Dang, that total gun control sure does work, doesn't it?

We ought to try it here.

If it saves just one prisoner...

SF Struggles to Keep Up With Gang Gun Returns

After San Francisco voters banned guns in the most recent election, city officials say they are struggling to keep up with the massive amount of guns being voluntarily turned over by gang members and other criminals.

More fine satire from Jeremy Robb.

[Thanks, HZ]

A Man for All Seasonings

WARNING: Site has "adult" content advertising.

Interesting video. So much for relying on pepper spray to disable an attacker, no matter what the "guns aren't necessary" crowd would have you believe.

[Thanks to Dennis Walker]

Words Have Meaning

Although Congress had prohibited both the possession and transfer of automatic firearms, as Judge Alito noted in his opinion, only the provision that banned possession, not transfer, was before his court in Rybar.

You'd think the professional wordsmiths at The Washington Post would know that, wouldn't you?

Oh...they do?

.50 Caliber Frauds

That kind of power has drawn a customer base of gun enthusiasts, Hollywood actors..."It's like, what does a 55-year-old man do with a Corvette? You drive it around and enjoy it," said Barrett, 51, whose customers include doctors, lawyers, movie makers and actors. "I know all the current actors who are Barrett rifle shooters, some Academy Award-winning people. But they don't publicize it. They love to play with them and have fun. Shooting is very fun."

So aside from having "fun," what are these privileged dilettantes doing to help shoulder the load of protecting the right to keep and bear arms? Hollywood's public statements overwhelmingly disparage guns in a very high-profile manner.

It's pretty much the same with pampered, overpaid sports "heroes," who own guns at a higher rate than the general populace while their leagues and teams, and the networks and advertisers that bring them into American homes, help fuel the anti-defense propaganda machine.

Where are the rich and notable individuals willing to step to the forefront on the Second Amendment--to use their talents and positions to proclaim the truth, and to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to the cause of liberty?

Ain't gonna happen. They're too focused on the universe revolving around their navels. If things are going to change, those of us without famous names or fabulous wealth are going to be the ones to make it happen.

"Reform" BATFU?

Finally---I've said this before, and will say it again---the ATF is not immune to Congressional pressures and concerns, and at the end of the day the Congress can go a long way towards reforming ATF if it wants to. The "if it wants to" requires people who are willing to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Be part of the solution by continuing to express your concerns to your Congressinal representatives.

How do you "reform" an agency that's built on an unconstitutional premise?

Isn't this another way of saying if they turn the heat down a notch, it might keep the frog from jumping?

[Via Triggerfinger]

The Left Lane is for Pacing

It is bad enough that said bastard is camping in the left hand lane, but to add insult to injury the Metro is overtaking the other two cars in the right hand lane at the stately pace of just over a foot per minute.

I have a feeling Kirk at Fun Turns to Tragedy speaks for a lot of us on this.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Shock and Awe

My senses were assaulted the other day while in the supermarket checkout line by the usual smut passing for celebrity tabloids and "women's" magazines.

One that stood out--even over speculation about Britney and K-Fed, Brangelina and Jen, Mary-Kate's bony back, Nick and Jessica's impending split, Lindsay's engagement ring, and Cosmo's latest technique for busting his balls while employing tricks that'll drive him wild in bed while still being a feminist while increasing your bust size(I wish they'd make up their minds)--was the December issue of Glamour, featuring Catherine Zeta-Jones as cover girl.

"I am in awe of women who stand up for their rights," the Welsh actress gushed.

Really, Ms. Jones? Does that include the right of women to keep and bear arms that your punk husband and his UN handlers keep trying to eliminate?

Canadians to Galaxy: Disarm, Eh?

Seeing how well this policy has worked locally, the Canadians, the UN, Alfred E. Neuman understudy Dennis Kucinich , and even a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, have all agreed that ray guns are bad, mmm-kayyy...?

"We're Your Neighbor"

Blognomicon tells us of a Gary, IN woman robbed at knifepoint at a CITGO station--and the clerk refused to dial 911! If you have a blog, please consider telling your visitors about this, along with CITGO's contact information.

My email:

An Open Letter: Is This CITGO Corporate Policy?

Your website claims “We’re Your Neighbor.”

Your “Community Involvement” page tells us “At CITGO, we take ‘community’ seriously. Lending a hand to those in need is important to us.”

Yet, according to the Associated Press, when a paying customer asked a Gary, IN, station counter clerk to dial “911” after getting robbed at knifepoint, he refused. And your manager confirmed this is standard practice.

Is it?

What is CITGO going to do about this?

And why, with all the competition out there, should the public do business with a company that shows such callous and cowardly disregard for the welfare of its customers?

Your reply, or lack of one, will be publicized. How much depends on the swiftness and acceptability of your reaction.

Doing the Math in Gun-Free Schools

A high school math teacher was arrested after she brought an unloaded revolver onto school grounds in her vehicle...Barbara A. Rhoads, a math teacher at Pender High School, was charged Tuesday with felony possession of a weapon on educational property...A telephone tipster told Principal Robbie Cauley about the gun in Rhoads' vehicle...She acknowledged she had a handgun in her locked vehicle and gave consent for a search...

Let's see, she's a math teacher, so do the math. There are 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights. Take away the Second, and you have...

We need to keep an eye on this as it unfolds--perhaps she was unsound, and a caring family member stopped a tragedy. Or, perhaps this is simply a case of a snitch getting revenge, in which case, such bravery and loyalty to the state deserves public recognition.

Too many people are unaware of their rights and the repercussions of ceding them. She should have refused the search and demanded to consult her lawyer. The cops would have gotten a warrant anyway, but it could have thrown a probable cause roadblock in the way of the prosecutor--who doesn't seem inclined to give her any consideration for her cooperation, what with the felony charge.

If convicted of keeping and bearing arms in a verboten zone, maybe she'll get put in with the general violent prison population where she can get stomped to death for taking cuts in the chow line. I know one person her going to the slammer will suit just fine--won't it, Wayne?

We're the Only Ones Pro...Oh, Hell, Not AGAIN...

Easton police have launched an internal investigation after a sergeant left his loaded department-issued handgun in a bathroom at the Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon in Palmer Township.

That's not the Easton PD's only problem:
The missing gun is the latest in a string of incidents that have plagued the department this year. City officials are looking for a new police chief, and a state grand jury is investigating the fatal shooting of officer Jesse Sollman at police headquarters in March.

Nor is this the first incident for the hapless officer Smith:
A source said Thomas Smith and another officer were disciplined last year when a shotgun Smith was handed went off during a domestic disturbance call. No one was hurt.

This account says Clouseau was "promoted to inspector."

And this version suggests the public servant got a bit surly with the private ones. Hey, not everyone can provide the same level of excellence he does.

Because, as we've seen time and again, folks like him are the only ones professional enough.

Nothing Like a False Sense of Security

Some gun locks handed out for free by the San Mateo Police Department as part of a gun safety program may be defective...According to the lock supplier, malfunctioning locks are missing a ball bearing needed to secure the device's cable in the padlock.

Now here's a case where I could support suing the manufacturer and distributors...

Brazil's Police 'Execute Thousands' For Peace

Hundreds, possibly thousands of people are shot by police every year in Brazil, a BBC investigation has found.

Yet ten Nobel Peace Laureates supported the Brazilian gun ban referendum. And here's another Nobel Prize for Peace and Literature nominee who thinks people should disarm.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Night of the Evil Butterball

Attacks by roving flocks of wild turkeys are on the increase around suburban Boston--AP
Time was, the turkey was considered a game bird. The Pilgrims at Plymouth feasted on them. Generations later, Ben Franklin considered it such a useful fowl that he nominated it for the national bird.

Of course, this was in the days when the right to bear arms was taken for granted, when free people hunted turkeys for sustenance, all the while honing marksmanship that would serve them well in time of need.

Flash forward to present-day Boston, a place of sacred tradition, the literal forge for our heritage of individual liberty. Except Boston is now a place where traditions have been betrayed. Its current overlords have succeeded in disarming the whole people in a way that General Gage could never have conceived possible.

So successful have these rulers been that the city that gave us Sam Adams and Paul Revere is now a city under siege, and this is fittingly ironic if you think about it, by wild turkeys. So helpless and hapless are Boston's modern-day patriots, they can do little except retreat from the aggressive gobblers, escape, hole up and plead for rescue from the very authorities that enforce public impotence.

This is what the heirs of The Sons of Liberty have been reduced to. This is what they have allowed, and in many cases, demanded. Human beings, with dominion over the earth, scurrying from turkeys. The tolerated degradation of the masses is damned near complete.

This does not escape the notice of those who impose their tyranny upon us. What new outrage are they now free to impose? What can't they do? After all, we're talking about subjects who would cede their birthright to birds.

The greasy-lipped masters have to be laughing like hell as they reach across their table of plunder and rip off another drumstick...


AFTERWORD: This little essay and the news account it references are both several years old. I never found a home for it before, and decided it would commemorate WarOnGuns' first Thanksgiving.

I know we find much each day that frustrates and enrages, but I also know there is so much to be thankful for, and I am--profoundly, and with deep humility. I realize I am the most fortunate of men, because I have people I love and who love me in return. I can state with all sincerity, there's not a man on the planet I'd want to trade places with. I freely admit this is not because I'm particularly deserving, but rather due to the grace and mercy of a loving and forgiving God.

Thank you for spending time in my little corner of the internet. May you have as much to be thankful for as I do.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

MSU Professors Link Hunting With Sexual Violence

Three female Michigan State University professors studied the magazine "Traditional Bowhunter," and concluded that hunting is a form of sexual violence with animals substituted for women. They describe hunting as, "erotic heterosexual predation, sadomasochism, restraint for aggressive sexual energy, and allied with the abuse of women."

[Via Rush Limbaugh]

UPDATE: The complete "scholarly" work is posted here.

Escapes Add to Concerns for Sheriff

The number of inmates escaping from Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department custody has doubled over the last two years, and prosecutors are alarmed that sheriff's officials have no formal policy to notify them when an inmate gets away.

Concerns for the sheriff? What about concerns for those of us he insists on keeping disarmed--after failing his public trust to keep criminals in his custody?

The Judas Goat

But the cruel wretch said, "Then I will eat all Noman's comrades before Noman himself, and will keep Noman for the last. This is the present that I will make him."
--From "The Odyssey" by Homer [Translated by Samuel Butler]

Goat meat is making inroads with American consumers. The following excerpt from an LA Times story struck me as particularly relevant in regards to those trading in our liberty for perceived security:
Sbeta, a native of Libya, gets help from Poncho the Goat, a loyal ram who several times a day leads a small group of kid goats through a narrow alley to the slaughterhouse door. Poncho leaves the animals inside and trots back to a cozy corral while a worker slits the throats of his former charges. Their skinned carcasses are then placed in cold storage.

I can forgive Poncho the Judas goat. After all, he is merely a dumb animal, oblivious to cause and effect, and oblivious that one day, Sbeta, like the cyclops Polyphemus, will come for him, too.

What I can't forgive are the human Judas goats who are selling out our birthright, determined to leave those they lead as helpless as goats in the slaughterhouse. I don't want them trotting back to a cozy corral. I don't want them to be eaten last.

A Peace Message From Stanley "Tookie" Williams

To disarm is the ultimate gesture of peace and a true moment of reckoning. [More]
Tookie, co-founder of the Crips, is on death row awaiting a December "moment of reckoning" for the brutal shotgun executions of four people he was robbing. Ironic--now that it's his turn, he doesn't want to die.

A Defense Gone Bad

The man who was critically wounded during Sunday's shooting rampage at Tacoma Mall drew a pistol and confronted the gunman before he was cut down by gunfire, his family said Tuesday.

We don't know the details, so this is mere speculation--but expect opponents of self-defense to point to this, and trumpet how having a gun didn't save Brendan McKown.

Possibly he just didn't have time to draw, aim and fire. Possibly he didn't have time to seek cover before doing so. Possibly, since not too many people are really trained for this sort of encounter, he froze for a critical few seconds.

With the benefit of hindsight, and in the comfort of my armchair, let me offer the following: If you feel justified drawing on a suspect, don't "confront" him. Shoot him. Again and again and again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What Do You Want To Bet...

...if it had been some sweaty, hairy guy instead of a hot-looking blonde, some hard time (no pun intended) would have been served?

SF Anticipates Utter Failure of Handgun Ban

Toll collectors at San Francisco's landmark Golden Gate Bridge have been issued body armor to guard against armed bandits.

South African "Gun Owners In For a Shock"

Owners of firearms are set for a rude awakening early next year.

According to the Central Firearm's Register those who fail to comply with the act on the control of firearms will be arrested, their weapons confiscated and they'll have to appear in court.

Statistics have shown that are more than 500,000 firearms licences countrywide need to be renewed before December 31.

What would the government do if half-a-million angry gun owners said "No"? Who would be set for a rude awakening then? But I dream. This reflects apathy, confusion and resignation, not rebellion.

The government has lists. They know where to go. And no one of import is apparently concerned that resources are being expended to render a population more vulnerable while women are being raped at the rate of one every 26 seconds.

I love the last line in this story--it really says it all:

The licences of stolen guns need not be renewed.

How Many Guns Is Too Many?

Chris Tietgens ...has a room full of firearms as part of his personal collection.

The Leominster resident has firearms that date back to the early-1800s, firearms German soldiers used in World War II, original Winchester rifles and a pocket-pistol made in Fitchburg in the early-1900s.

Mr. Tietgens, I sincerely hope you know what you're doing. It literally took me less than 30 seconds to find your address, home phone, and even month and year of birth on the internet. There is no shortage of criminals who now know your house is a treasure chest.

I debated with myself about posting this at all, but the horse is already out. Let's hope Mr. Tietgens has adequate security precautions in place.

Just because we can get publicity doesn't mean we should.

L.A. Prisoner Killed in Chow Line

An inmate was stomped to death after he cut in front of two gang members in a dinner line...The attackers spent 10 to 15 minutes beating and stomping the victim's head...Sheriff Lee Baca ...said through a spokesman... that the department will begin segregating gang members charged with murder from other prisoners

The police will protect us?

They can't even protect you when you're in their custody, guarded 24/7. They know this, and use it to their advantage to enforce their will on inmates, to threaten them into compliance, and to get revenge for disobedience. Hell, Bill Lockyer, the highest law enforcement officer in the state of California, publicly relished the thought of jail sodomy as punishment for a man who, at the time, hadn't even been charged, let alone convicted of anything. And he's the same guy who says you have no individual Second Amendment right.

Make no mistake--defy an unconstitutional "gun control" law and get caught, and you will end up on your own in the nightmare animal pit. Remember that the next time Wayne LaPierre calls on the government to "enforce existing gun laws."

Monday, November 21, 2005

At Metro, Some Crimes Don't Count

Metro transit officials undercount serious crime at the region's 86 rail stations, leaving dozens of assaults, robberies and other major incidents off the official tally they report to the system's board of directors and the public.

See what a good job they're doing protecting the District's disarmed residents?

But you can be sure they report serious violations, like eating candy bars and french fries.

Give That Man a Badge

Russell Rosa...was showing a friend a .41 caliber Ruger pistol...and pulled the hammer back to check if the gun was loaded...

It was.

We're the Only Ones Pro...BDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...

Panic gripped passengers at Jammu railway station this morning when the rifle of a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) trooper went off accidentally.

According to the reports, CRPF trooper Daleep Kumar’s gun went of [sic] accidentally at Jammu railway station this morning and emptied his magazine.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Oh, THAT Explains It...

The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation.

I wondered why they didn't have time to address the DC gun ban.

Priorities, you know.

National Ammo Day in the News

Your search - "National ammo day" - did not match any documents.

Gun bloggers have been real good about letting the 2A community know about this. Outreach beyond appears nonexistent.

Armed Standoff On Rio Grande

U.S. Border Patrol agents were backed down this week by armed men, dressed in what appeared to be Mexican military uniforms and carrying military weapons, who seized a captured dump truck filled with marijuana from the U.S. agents and dragged it across the border into Mexico with a bulldozer.

Why Does Anyone NEED an AK-47?

Not every day passes without confrontation, however. He recounted several gunfights with the "coyotes", including one occasion when he and his business partner came under fire at dusk as they barbecued steaks.

"They started the war when they started shooting at us."

Any bets the feds'll be shutting this guy down?

We're the Only Ones Pro...You Found WHAT?

A Quincy police officer lost his department-issued gun apparently after driving away without realizing he had placed the weapon on the roof of his car, officials said.

We're the Only Ones Pro...Gone? What Do You Mean It's Gone?

The Columbia police SWAT team is missing one of its guns, and the department is still trying to track down both the weapon and the person who took it.

We're the Only Ones Pro...Hey! Give That Back!

Police are looking for a man who stole the gun of a Jefferson County sheriff deputy Friday afternoon.

[NOTE: Since posting this, all links on the site are resulting in a "500 Servlet Exception" message.]

When Guns Are Outlawed...

A search that was launched after a bullet was discovered in a jail's metal shop uncovered more than a dozen homemade weapons, officials said.

"Of Course, I Carry a Gun. People Want to Kill Me."

It doesn't get more basic than that.

Those arrests are then followed by vigorous prosecution, Green said. His office has adopted a "no plea" policy, in which prosecutors won't accept any plea agreements that don't result in state prison sentences for people who carry guns.

That policy doesn't just apply to violent criminals, of course. It would also be used against those who just want to protect themselves and their property. and order. and order.

The statists just don't get that you can have both--assuming the laws are moral and rational.

"A Victory For Home Rule"

Congress approved the District's 2006 budget yesterday, including more than $100 million in federal aid...But what made city leaders happiest was what didn't make it into the measure: a series of proposals that would have weakened or repealed the city's handgun ban.

And based on results, most District residents couldn't be happier.

My chains are a little loose, boss. I might slip out of them. Could you please tighten my shackles a notch?

Victory is Defeat. Orwell couldn't have written it better.

Oh, and thanks, Republicans. You've all made it clear that bike trails are a bigger priority than unalienable, Constitutionally-protected human rights.

What Can Brown Do For You?

Four former UPS workers have pleaded guilty to conspiracy to sell stolen handguns in what federal officials are calling one of the largest gun-trafficking schemes in the state's history.

The UPS response to its own lack of internal security was to initially ban firearm shipments. They since figured there was a buck to be made, and modified their policy to require that shippers use the more expensive Next Day Air--from one of their shipping centers, not from an "authorized outlet".

American Handgunner did a good synopsis of the rules a few years back.

Here are the current regs for:

USPS (Sec. 11.1 - 11.4)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Viva Zapatos!

The high-top sneakers cost $215 at a San Diego boutique, but the designer is giving them away to migrants before they cross to this side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

The story says Judi Werthein is "an Argentine artist who moved to New York in 1997 _ legally..."

Why? What was so bad about Argentina that she thought the US was better? And don't we have provisions that allow us to deport foreign nationals actively engaged in subverting US law?

But a discussion on national sovereignty and border security is not the purpose of this post. This is actually a public service message for undocumented workers contemplating an illegal border crossing, and concerns the unintended consequences of Ms. Werthein's irresponsible actions. My Spanish skills being extemely limited, and noting the unreliability of online translators, if anyone reading this has the linguistic acumen to translate it, please do. The goal is to distribute it to the target audience.

You may have heard about the Brinco shoes being given away to border crossers. If you receive a pair of these shoes, do not wear them. You will be putting yourself and your family at risk and missing an opportunity to enrich yourself.

Rich North Americans are paying $215 for a pair of these shoes. If a coyote sees you with them, and he has you alone in the wilderness, what do you think the chances are he will let you keep them? He might kill or injure you to take them so that he can sell them to an American buyer. Even if he does not hurt you, you may be left in the middle of the desert with no shoes.

The designer who created these shoes only made 1,000 pair. That means they will become a collector's item, and their value will increase. Look for the shoes to start turning up on internet trading sites like ebay, and look for the price to increase among rich Americans wishing to appear fashionable.

The smart thing to do if you are fortunate enough to receive a pair of Brincos is to stash them away for a time until you can determine a buyer and a price you are willing to sell them for. How many pair of shoes can you buy for the current price of $215? As the demand increases, how much will the price increase?

If you ignore this advice and wear the shoes anyway, be aware of another option should you be injured or killed by someone trying to take them from you. You or your survivors should seek out a lawyer and sue for damages, because Judi Werthein and her rich backers knew--or should have known--that introducing objects of value amidst impoverished people would create a dangerous situation where property is coveted and protections do not exist. You will have been directly harmed due to their negligence and irresponsibility.

So remember: Sell or sue. Do not wear.

Count the Hysterical Pejoratives

Gee,Tony Aiello , nobody's calling you a spaghetti bender...

We've seen this kind of "reporting" before.

Quick Request for Macintosh Users

A guy sent me a screen shot of a WarOnGuns piece as it appeared on his Macintosh--apostrophes and quotation marks come out as weird symbols.

Does anyone else on a Mac have a problem viewing this site?

I do all composing in blogger and check html and preview before posting--and then check out each page afterward. Only one person has raised this issue, and per my system stats, around 4% of WoG visitors use Macs.

Blogger Support has been useless--it took me two weeks to get a form letter reply. I checked their "known issues" page and nada.

Does anybody else have a problem viewing these pages? If so, please comment, let me know what the issue is and what equipment/ operating system you're using.

Feedback on this will be appreciated.

"I Think They Should Be Armed"

Yeah, no kidding, Sherlock.

And so should the people.

[Thanks to Dan Gifford]

Friday, November 18, 2005

Go, Johnny, Go

Hollywood star JOHNNY DEPP is so shocked by the riots raging through France, he's considering abandoning his home in the country


Prof Urges Fragging of U.S. Officers

English professor John Daly replied: "Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors"...Daly's e-mail also claimed that "capitalism has killed many more" people than communism...

Where does academia come up with these creatures?

The university has deleted Prof. Daly's contact information from his web page. They can't delete Google's cache.

Device Invented to Keep Politicians Off Planes

Tested in Russia, the two-stage GK-1 voice analyzer requires that passengers don headphones at a console and answer "yes" or "no" into a microphone to questions about whether they are planning something illicit.

So if a politician wants to board, just find out where he's from and ask him if he really intends to abide by his oath of office.

Maybe we can hook gun owners up to one as part of the background check, and ask 'em if their thoughts are loyal and pure...

When "Professionals" Collide

An off-duty Arlington County police officer wielding a handgun and threatening to commit suicide was shot and wounded by a Prince William County police officer...

House Moves To Stop Gun Loss

The House overwhelmingly passed a resolution Thursday that asks the Legislature to consider a bill that would let people keep their guns during times of civil disorder.

Asks to consider?

HCR39 was approved on a 78-1 vote.

Wonder who the one party pooper was? I haven't been able to find anything else out about this, but will keep my eyes open...

Rally Demands Tighter PA. Gun Laws

"Normalcy in Camden will continue to be threatened as long as illegal guns continue to flow into the city" from Philadelphia, said Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire N.J.

From Philadelphia?

Wait a minute...I distinctly remember NRA promising that Project Exile and enforcing existing gun laws would work the same miracle there as it had in Richmond.

Uh...never mind.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Gun's Role Made Story Much Uglier

When David Ludwig went to speak with the Bordens Sunday morning, he carried a gun. He brought it from home.

In Lancaster County, as in much of the midstate, a kid's as likely to find a gun as a quart of milk.

To me, that's the problem.

Well, we all knew this was bound to happen. It was the gun's fault. And not just one gun--there were 54 of them!

When it comes to being an authority on what's "uglier," I guess I'm just gonna have to defer to Nancy Eshelman.

Alcohol, Guns Shouldn't Mix...

...unless it's at an FBI range and they're partying with pro football players.

Before the players left the barbecue, a fight broke out between Bears center Olin Kreutz and offensive tackle Fred Miller, who broke his jaw. At the same time, Miller allegedly slugged Kreutz with a 5-pound weight, which required Kreutz to get 13 stitches in his head.

Conveniently, another account says the Bureau has opened an "internal investigation," meaning it is in full damage control mode and any information meted out to the press will be carefully crafted and spun.

Far be it for a lowly tax slave to question what benefit We the People receive from barbecues with celebrities--it looks like the cover was giving the team terrorist training--and we all know that can't be done without ribs and beer.

It also looks like the first accounting of the story to the media was a lie. And it looks like the lie was "concocted" to protect the agent who "volunteers" with the team (and just happens to get sideline game access and who knows what other exclusive access privileges?).

The true point of the story: If anyone aside from law enforcement and the connected elite was involved in this, people would be in jail right now.

"No Offence"

The Minister for Defence, Willie O'Dea, has said he did not intend to offend anyone by pointing a gun at a camera and smiling for the media while posing for photographs yesterday.
I'd say this definitely qualifies for Xavier's "Idiots With Guns" series...

[Photo via The Irish Times, used here under Fair Use doctrine]

Build a Man a Fire...

...and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life--Terry Pratchett

A leading Brazilian environmental campaigner has died after setting himself on fire to protest against the construction of an alcohol plant in the fragile Pantanal marsh region.

Didn't he realize all those greenhouse gases would contribute to global warming?

Let's hope the Wisconsin Green Party notes the effectiveness of this protest technique and employs it widely in their quest to amend budgets "to cover capital costs of [the] 'concealed carry' bill."

Stop the Senseless Police Killings

LESS than two weeks after the killing of five civilians, including two school children in Kisumu, our policemen last Friday turned their guns on yet another rally crowd in Mombasa killing four people.

The common thread that runs through these twin tragedies is that those tasked with protection of Kenyans had cynically turned out to be their executioners.

If there's one thing we've learned from New Orleans, it's that our police obey the law and protect us, and this could never happen here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Hart-Rudman Militia

I received an email request from a fellow activist seeking to pin down the origins of the Department of Homeland Security. One of the places I suggested looking was the Hart-Rudman Commission (formally, the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century), a bi-partisan 14-member panel established by Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich in 1998.

I was vaguely aware of the commission, but like most Americans, oblivious to many of the specifics. It's not like our "official media" keep us informed of threats to our right to have arms. So the following was, I confess, new for me:

The Phase II Report on a U.S. National Security Strategy for the 21st Century
The United States Commission on National Security/21st Century
April 15, 2000
America must also enhance the civil (that is, non-military) aspects of homeland security. These functions must be adequately funded and organized along appropriate lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability. The National Guard, successor to the militia, and acknowledged in the Second Amendment as the historic defender of the Republic, must be trained and equipped to assume, among its other responsibilities, a significant role in defending the homeland in the 21st century.

You got that nice bit of deception formulated by 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans, right?

It is with chilling irony that I see later on the page they quote Isabella from Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure":
O! it is excellent
To have a giant`s strength; but it is tyrannous
To use it like a giant.

Bush Hails Taiwan As Model of Freedom

Of course he does.

Instead of a Bill of Rights, the Taiwanese constitution lists "Rights and Duties of the People."

No, of course there is no recognized right to keep and bear arms.

My favorite enumeration is Chapter 2, Article 22:

All other freedoms and rights of the people that are not detrimental to social order or public welfare shall be guaranteed under the Constitution.

Gee, that doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room, does it?

Criminals Violate Post Office Gun Ban!

The robbers tied up the employees at gunpoint before filling the mail bags with cash, then making their getaway.

What the hell is wrong with those criminals?

Are they totally oblivious to this?

Like, guns are illegal in post offices, fellas.


We're STILL the Only Ones ProfessioBLAM!

Sheriff’s spokesman Tom Reedy said the officers were preparing for the training about 8:35 a.m. when Clark’s Glock pistol discharged.

All by its own self...

San Francisco's Pointless Handgun Ban

But an ordinance that seeks to reduce the murder rate by disarming those owners who are not criminals makes about as much sense as fighting alcoholism by prohibiting beer sales to Mormons.

Policeman's Rifle Goes Off, Kills Teacher

The purpose of the visit was to acquaint the students with the working of the police force, school authorities said.

Then I'd say the visit was a resounding success.

While the policemen were showing their rifles to the students, a rifle accidentally went off, killing Kumar on the spot.

All by itself!

And remember, kids, we're the only ones professional enough...

Thank Goodness This Never Happens Here

One of their key witnesses, Constable Brown testified that on the night of May 7, 2003, he saw SSP Adams planting a nine millimetre pistol and several spent shells inside a room at Kraal in which the four victims were shot.

"Be Cool, Don't Let Guns Rule"

That's the slogan for a gun avoidance conditioning campaign being foisted on public skool kidz by Williamson County, TN, authorities with guns.

As students walk their school halls, they will see a new poster on bulletin boards warning against bringing firearms onto school campuses...Callers to Crime Stoppers can remain anonymous and qualify for a $500 reward...

Posters, slogans, anonymous reporting...why can't I get that line from The Producers out of my head?

Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party!

And as long as I'm on a Mel Brooks kick (pity he's an anti), I can't help but visualize Sheriff Ricky Headley being called "Hedy" and screaming back "It's Hedley!"

Monday, November 14, 2005

Gun Loophole Is Closed By Mother's Campaign

THE LEGAL loophole that allowed the killer of Leeds police officer Ian Broadhurst to produce home-made bullets is set to be shut tight by MPs today after a tireless campaign in Yorkshire.

Cindy Eaton will now join Nancy Cox in demonstrating approved defensive techniques against armed attackers.

PTA Calls For Gadgets At Gun Fights

Taking its first official position on the use of stun guns, the Florida PTA is calling for the devices to be used only as an alternative to shooting a student with a gun...

Meet Nancy Cox, Florida PTA President. Nancy will now demonstrate the technique of confronting armed psychotic adolescent males with a stun gun.

These are our test subjects. Ready when you are, Ms. Cox...

Forrester Blames Bush For NJ Loss

Doug Forrester, in his first postelection interview, laid the blame for his loss in the governor's race last week directly at the feet of President Bush.

How about blaming yourself, Dougie, you tyrant wannabe loser?

Forrester does have a gun-control plan. His proposal includes:

-- Banning the sale of .50 caliber weapons. State law currently prohibits the sale of .60 caliber weapons.

-- Stiffening penalties for illegal gun trafficking and sales, including extending racketeering laws to gun traffickers.

-- Banning ammunition sales to people who have committed crimes.

-- Requiring destruction of used law-enforcement firearms.

-- Requiring that stolen guns be reported within 72 hours.

I'm glad you lost, you treasonous piece of political waste. Now go flush yourself out of the sight of decent men. We've got work to do shoring the Republic up against parasites like you, who are every bit as evil as your opponent.

And may this be the fate of all "Republicans" who think people are so afraid of Democrats they can offer us anything with an "R" after its name.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Big Sleazy

A former New Orleans police officer who resigned from the force after being accused of abandoning his post during the Hurricane Katrina crisis was arrested while driving a stolen truck, authorities said...Bickham, who has family in Houston, could also face weapons charges: He had a pistol issued by the New Orleans department, McDuell said.

So the NOPD was out stealing guns from citizens and they can't account for guns stolen from their department? How many NOPD guns are still out there in the hands of AWOL thugs? What effort is being made to account for and retrieve them? And why are these questions being asked on a lowly blog instead of by the official government-recognized watchdog press?

I love it--New Orleans was at the forefront of suing gun manufacturers--and here they can't control distribution of firearms entrusted to their own police department. These corrupt Third World goons would be laughable in their incompetence if they didn't have the power to destroy lives.

Best Of All, NRA Did Not Object To It

Under the new law, any individual against whom a PFA order has been issued may be ordered to surrender all firearms. The weapons may be sold to a consignment shop or turned over to the local sheriff or a third party for safekeeping...True said the bill had 138 co-sponsors in the state House, including legislators from both sides of the gun-control debate. Best of all, she said, was that while the National Rifle Association did not vocally support her bill, it did not object to it.

"That's just as good," she said.

All without being convicted of a damn thing. And we all know a vengeful ex would never make false accusations.

I can't even find mention of the bill on the ILA site.

Why the hell not?

How Pizza Hut's "No Guns" Policy Pans Out

Police in Casselberry, Fla., are searching for two men who stormed into a Pizza Hut and pistol-whipped a manager during a robbery of the business...During the robbery, employees of the restaurant locked themselves in a large walk-in freezer to escape the attackers... The store manager, who remained outside the freezer, met the demands of the two men and apparently gave them an undisclosed amount of money before he was pistol-whipped and beaten.

Free people reduced to hiding in a freezer, getting pistol-whipped after complying with demands...but I thought the Brady's advised us not to resist. They also advised us that widespread carrying of firearms by average citizens would turn Florida into Dodge City, and their latest pathetic attention-seeking stunts protesting the "stand your ground" law at airports had some believing the slightest perceived slight would be met with execution.

So why didn't the Pizza Hut employees just open fire? Oh, just a little thing called "company policy." Apparently, they've been conditioned to think their jobs are more valuable than their lives and dignity.

Remember the story of the Pizza Hut delivery driver who defended himself against a robber and was fired for it?

A pizza delivery driver who fatally shot a man he said brandished a gun and tried to rob him was fired from his job...Pizza Hut spokeswoman, Patty Sullivan, confirmed that company policy includes a ban on carrying weapons.

Any bets on whether the silly spokeshole would change her tune and wish she had a gun if it was her precious life on the line?

It's not like we shouldn't expect this from Pizza Hut. After all, they don't respect the First Amendment, either. Plus, I can't stomach that greasy mass-produced garbage they pass off for nutrition.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Which Eye Disease Are You?

Some new internet quizzes are making the rounds on blogs I frequent. I see Jed is "Special Ops" and Len is "Maximus."

Me, I'm a firm believer in knowing my own limitations...

[Image copyright The National Lampoon, presented here under "Fair Use" doctrine.]

Well There's You, and Then There's US...

Blognomicon links us to the news that:
State Senator Juan Hinojosa won't be facing gun charges after he was arrested at an airport carrying a handgun.

Free at last, free at last.

Thank God Almighty, he's free at last!

Now he can get back to the serious business of making sure the rest of us get punished for "gun crimes."

If We Can Child-Proof Medicine Bottles...

Fountain pens are too dangerous for children under the age of 14, the British Standards Institution says.

After decades when young pupils were encouraged to master penmanship, the benefits of developing good handwriting are now seen to be outweighed by the risk of swallowing the cap.

Good Lord.

115 Register Bibles Before New Ban Takes Effect

[I got to this story through the Columbus Dispatch main page. I noted after posting the link will not work without paid registration. Bottom line: 115 cowardly appeasers--I mean, "law-abiding citizens"--in Columbus blinked and registered their semiautos with their local tyrants.]

In principle, what's the difference between registering a book or a gun? You have an unalienable right to both which no one may morally infringe.

Would you obey such an edict?

I won't. And I've told the state as much, at an NRA-orchestrated gun registration indoctrination session.

UPDATE: The link to "The Professional Face of Evil" initially went to a cached copy on Google because I got a "Page No Longer Exists" message. I see the original link is working again. I assumed it had been removed by the new KABA owners because much of my work there, particularly some of the edgier stuff, has been.

"If Something Happens, They Will Protect Us..."

"...and they're there in case something breaks out or something."

Yes, Ashley, of course they will. Just like when something broke out at Columbine, and the armed guard gave up pursuit after firing a few shots and seeing he was outgunned.

Friday, November 11, 2005

At Wachovia, We Make Banking By Phone Easy

[Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration.]
In northern Virginia the police say they're looking for a woman who's been holding up banks while chatting on her phone... Investigators say they're not sure if she's actually talking to someone on the phone or just pretending. They also won't speculate on why she's chosen only Wachovia branches.

Yeah, boy, that's a stumper, isn't it?

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions...

Should victims of gun violence be able to sue gun-based organizations in Wisconsin?

Get Gummi Bears and an Icee or Die Tryin'

The new 50 Cent movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" has been pulled from a theater where a man was fatally shot... Shelton Flowers, 30, had just watched the rapper's movie Wednesday when he got into a confrontation with three men in the bathroom. A fight ensued and spilled out into the concessions area, where Flowers was shot, police said.

Sorry, I don't mean to be culturally insensitive, but it's a dangerous world out there. I don't frequent--and certainly don't take my family--to cineplexes showing movies that are designed to draw a concentration of people attracted to the gangsta culture.

Dimwits Who Keep Loaded Weapons With Kids in the House

Jacquielynn Floyd acts like the story of Susan Gaylord Buxton is the first time she's heard of someone defending themself with a gun. Seeing as how such tales don't advance the Lapdog Media agenda, it's not surprising that she doesn't see much front page coverage, but every once in a while, accounts of self defense with a gun manage to slip through the editorial filters.

Jeez, lady--is it really that hard to do a little research? Especially when you're getting paid to ostensibly know what you're writing about?

I apparently qualify as a dimwit in Ms. Floyd's uncredentialed estimation. I just don't think people like Ms. Buxton, who have no children in the house, are the only ones who should be able to defend themselves at home. Neither does my wife, especially when I'm not there. We have children to protect, and the training, means and will to do so. And that training extends to our boys.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

What They Really Mean By "Common Sense"

Urban areas such as Chicago have more restrictive laws for gun transportation. If the state government had been put in charge of such laws, it would have likely meant much looser regulations for these areas. The fact remains that people that are transporting guns in Chicago probably pose a greater nuisance to the public than people transporting guns in Mahomet. If people in Mahomet want to be able to drive around with pistols in their glove compartments, let them do it. But similar regulations would be foolish in Chicago. Local governments should be able to do what they need to do to protect their communities based on their circumstances and ways of life.


Races in Mahomet:
White Non-Hispanic (97.7%)
Hispanic (0.9%)
Two or more races (0.6%)

Races in Chicago:
Black (36.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
Hispanic (26.0%)
Other race (13.6%)
Two or more races (2.9%)
Chinese (1.1%)
Filipino (1.0%)
Asian Indian (0.9%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other Asian (0.5%)
(Total can be greater than 100% because Hispanics could be counted in other races)

Any other questions?

Martin Unveils Plan to Combat Gun Crime

Let me guess: more gun control and social programs.

Because that approach has always worked so well in the past...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Important Reminder for SF Gun Owners

If you're a gun owner who lives in San Francisco, attorney Gary W. Gorski wants to hear from you.

French Killing African-Americans!

Hard to say because it's been 11 days since two African- American teenagers were killed, electrocuted during a police chase, which prompted all of this.
Quick--somebody tell Minister Farrakhan and Rev. Sharpton!

Remember--only CNN's Carol Lin and her Establishment Lapdog colleagues are professional enough to be trusted with officially-recognized journalist status.

[Via SayUncle citing Ravenwood crediting WSJ]

Are You Connected?

By virtue of the fact that you're reading this, you obviously are. But it's surprising (and disappointing) how many gun owners spend no time on the internet, and rely on establishment media for their news and information--assuming they're paying any attention at all.

"Are You Connected" is my Rights Watch column for the November issue of GUNS Magazine. Print out a copy and give it to a gun-owning friend who isn't.

First Do No Harm

If you had a funny noise in your engine, who would you go to? A pediatrician, right?

Same with a ghosting problem on your new plasma TV--you'd consult your child's doctor, wouldn't you?


Why not?

Because education and perceived stature as an authority figure notwithstanding, when you get them out of their area of expertise, they're just as fallible as the rest of us, aren't they?

But somehow, they assume--and want the public to believe--they are qualified to prescribe a cure for gun accidents in the home--even though their specialized training in gun safety may be non-existent. And worse, we've seen this junk science codified into law--with penalties for disobedience--and tragic, outrageous results like pitchfork murders.

That's why it's unacceptable to see the medical community continue to pose as authorities in a field where its qualifications have not been established. And it's dissapointing to see Forbes parrot this nonsense without asking the basic questions: What would happen if you needed a gun and it was locked up and separated from its ammunition? What would happen if a fire broke out, and your extinguisher was similarly disabled?

Several years back, I teamed up with professional risk manager and former LA Deputy Sheriff Joe Horn to create the Physician Qualifications and Liability Form to challenge doctors' credentials for offering medical advice in an area where they have not been trained.

The form established three things: that the physician has or has not received certification and training in home firearms safety counseling; that the physician's medical malpractice insurance does or does not cover engaging in activities for which the physician is not certified; and that the physician accepts legal financial liability should their advice result in injury or death.

It's past time we started pushing back on this. I'd like to see gun owners print out this form and have a copy handy whenever they go, or take their children, to the doctor, and to produce it if the doctor initiates gun safety couseling.

Most may mean well, but we all know what the road to Hell is paved with.

"A Republic, If You Can Keep It"

We apparently can't. Most have betrayed the founding principles for the false promise of "democracy."

The majority of our countrymen have the government they deserve. And they're dragging the rest of us down with them.

YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,696 - 57.91
NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,185 - 42.09

In other election news, gun-grabbers won in New Jersey, Virginia and New York City.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Leave Our Chains Alone!

Unless respect for the rights of D.C. residents to make their own laws -- and common sense about gun safety -- prevails on Capitol Hill, by week's end the city's sensible and broadly supported gun safety law will be history.

So I suppose D.C. residents can vote to suspend the rest of the Bill of Rights, too?

And what's so "sensible" about ensuring everyone but violent sociopaths is defenseless?

The good news is, the circulation for WaPo and other major propaganda rags is plummeting.

More Anti-Defense Propaganda

Sometimes I wonder--are Establishment reporters really evil, really stupid, or a combination of both?

This "report" is essentially a free infomercial for the Million Mom March.

God, mainstream "journalism" sucks.

From the Department of Stupid Acronyms

Teaching young people how to make good choices is the focus of the new program called EKG, or Educating Kids about Gun Violence.

So why isn't it EKGV?

Civil authority, which craves a monopoly of force, is playing mind games with the Inmates of Tomorrow to condition an aversion response to guns. This is nothing less than a psy-ops program designed to elicit compliance with the wishes of those in power.

Part of the time-honored technique involves providing real-life examples that illustrate the outcome you wish to achieve--just like the skanky girl who ended up giving VD to the quarterback in the mandatory "Health Class" movie.

"I bought a handgun. I sold the gun illegally. I sent the gun into a heated confrontation that ended in someone being killed. And I lied to the police about what happened," said Johnson, who was released from prison in September after serving 10 years of a 35-year sentence for murder.

"I sent the gun into a confrontation"???

What the hell does that mean, and what the hell is "Johnson" doing out of prison?

The lesson here: It's the gun's fault. Without guns, we'd all be dancing with bunnies in meadows under rainbows.

Note how "Star reporter Tim Evans" just parrots the party line. Good job, Tim! Way to propagandize. We all realize guns are only used for evil purposes, and there couldn't possibly be another side to this story--at least not one worth mentioning to the cud-chewers dumb enough to pay money for your rag. Thank goodness the government only wants to recognize lapdogs like you as "official journalists."

Also note who's in on this evil "joint venture"--Project Safe Neighborhoods. What did I read about that effort? Oh, yeah:

Norton said the NRA can help make Project Safe Neighborhoods a success.

"The President is counting on your involvement in Project Safe Neighborhoods," she told NRA members. "We will get guns out of the hands of criminals," Norton said to a round of applause.

A round of applause.

UPDATE: Nicki also has something to say about this.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh, the Humanity!

Music icon Madonna recently had a bad experience while hunting, which has left her so shaken, that she has vowed never to pick up a gun again in her life... And she added that even though she is a non-vegetarian, she will never be able to kill anything herself again and would rather leave the gruesome job to other people.

Just like she left the gruesome job of shooting an intruder in her yard to other people.

But none of this stopped her from signing an "Open Letter to the NRA" from Handgun Control, Inc. that appeared in USA Today, demanding, among other things:

  • A ban on semiautos

  • No guns for people old enough to bear them in the military

  • Waiting periods to purchase

  • Mandatory trigger locks

  • One gun a month

Like I said in my HANDGUNS Magazine article, "Clearly, when it comes to taking care of Number One, Madonna’s living in the material world. And when it comes to championing freedom for anyone other than herself, she’s an Immaterial Girl."

Ontario Calls for Tougher Gun laws

Of course they do.

They have no idea how to address the real issues behind violent crime, and they have to say something...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Prosecutor's Office Holds 2nd Gun Surrender

Our enemies are getting bolder--they're no longer calling them "buybacks." They're calling them what they are--a surrender.

I guess they don't need to mask their contempt with "sportsmen" like Frank Hollis leading the charge to wave the white flag.

Mr. Hollis, I believe Mr. Adams would like to have a word with you.


GunShowOnTheNet compares the rights thieves to termites:
They are an infestation that works unceasingly at nibbling away valuable structures. Causing untold damage and harm.

That works. I've also seen them compared to a cancer.

Me, I've taken to thinking of them as AIDS--interfering with the body politic's ability to defend itself against infection.

No analogy will be perfect, but their use may be helpful. You wouldn't think about compromising goals with an insect infestation, or with a deadly infection.

Machine-Gun Toting Pirates Attack Ship

And the cruise ship got lucky--they were able to outrun their pursuers.

What about repelling attackers?


Per the International Maritime Organization:


45 The carrying and use of firearms for personal protection or protection of a ship is strongly discouraged.

46 Carriage of arms on board ship may encourage attackers to carry firearms thereby escalating an already dangerous situation, and any firearms on board may themselves become an attractive target for an attacker. The use of firearms requires special training and aptitudes and the risk of accidents with firearms carried on board ship is great. In some jurisdictions, killing a national may have unforeseen consequences even for a person who believes he has acted in self defence.

I wrote about this obscene situation years ago in my GUNS & AMMO article "A Pirate's Life For Me."

UPDATE: Publicola also has something to say.

All in the Line of Duty

As mentioned in the post below, attorney Gary W. Gorski is looking for plaintiffs against the San Francisco gun ban, which will probably pass on Tuesday.

One of the cases Gary is currently working on involves police brutality at Sacramento County Jail. The Sacramento Bee article this post links to contains graphic photos, as well as links to videos demonstrating tactics employed to ensure obedience.

Watch the videos and look at the pictures, and imagine that instead of being arested for alleged drinking, the victims were gun owners caught in possession of banned firearms.

SF Plaintiffs Wanted

From attorney Gary W. Gorski:

I’m looking for SF City Residents to act as Plaintiff’s for the SF Gun Ban which will take effect. I need volunteers ASAP!!!!! You must be a city resident.

The San Francisco Chronicle says "the motion seems poised to pass."

Please pass this information on to San Francisco gun owners. Gary's contact information is posted here.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

A 5-Day Wait: For Stun Guns???

Imposed courtesy of the Miami-Dade County Commissioners, whose motto is "Putting the People's Business First."

These are the same geniuses who came up with the "Cellular Phone Conga Line," where women who suffered domestic abuse were given used phones to call 911 after they were attacked.

"Lucy! You got some 'splainin' to do!"


The commissioners have a seasoned grasp of cause and effective responses rivaled only by the Toronto Police.

"The Gun Charges Are a Ruse"

A blogger who criticised the Libyan government online has been imprisoned for 18 months, according to Human Rights Watch. A Tripoli court convicted Abdel Raziq al-Mansuri of illegal possession of a handgun...

"The gun charges are a ruse. The authorities went after al-Mansuri because they did not like what he wrote."

Toronto Launches New Gun Amnesty

City police have launched another gun amnesty program aimed at curbing gun violence.

This time, the only incentive offered is knowing you did the right thing...Even if law-abiding citizens turn in just one weapon, Blair said that's one less gun for gangs to steal.

Translation: Please?

Pretty Please?

Jeez, dude, you people and your desperation are pathetic. Why don't you just admit you don't have a clue and you're grasping for anything to help maintain the illusion that "authorities" speak with authority?

If there was truth in media, the story would focus on the utter incompetence of the Toronto Police Chief and political establishment to address violent crime. But The London Free Press, like virtually every other urban "news"paper in North America, is too vested and mired in facist advocacy of citizen disarmament for that to happen.

Another Meaningless Poll

Sorry, but we don't have enough information to justify either the question or these results. This reflects nothing so much as wishful thinking.

Just like last time.


"The dissent in the Rybar case reflects a passive-aggressive approach to judicial review...

So the headcases who blame innimate objects at Coalition to Stop Gun Violence think they're qualified to offer a mental diagnosis of Judge Alito's ruling?

Perhaps we ought to give their professional opinion the consideration it's worth.

U2CAN B A U-seful Idiot

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and teens from UCAN joined forces to release the results of the 2005 UCAN Teen Gun Survey, a national survey of teen attitudes on gun violence...The survey also portrays that an overwhelming majority of teens (82.7%) feel that handguns should be childproofed like medicine bottles.

In a contradictory WarOnGuns study, 100% of the teens surveyed (sons Uday, 14, and Qusay, 11) feel that any teen who can't open a "childproofed medicine bottle" is a "tard", and offered to demonstrate how easily it can be done--from 100 yards.

Former Cop Drops Suit Against Glock

Holland said his gun was disabled after it was hit by a bullet...

See, if they'd manufactured it on the planet Krypton, this wouldn't have happened.

Mayor Blames Rap for Gun Deaths

And here Sarah's been telling us the guns are to blame...

Just so we don't cast aspersions on individuals and the choices they make. We wouldn't want to be insensitive to anyone's self-esteem...

Is Kilgore Making Peace With VCDL?

I thought they'd had a falling out.

In re the hysterics of the Bradys, we can have all the liquor we want at home--where by definition, most "domestic violence" takes place--right where we keep our "arsenals". Yet somehow, responsible gun owners--that is, the overwhelming super-majority--appear to have enough self-control to handle things.

But we're to believe that would all change the instant we walked into a restaurant that also serves drinks.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's Your Civic Duty

Stockpiling supplies and developing family response plans in case disaster strikes not only might save lives — it's also a civic duty, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Monday in an interview with The Associated Press.

What about weapons and ammo, Bender? Why the silence?

A Warning From the Past

Take a good look at our Second Amendment. Good weapons keep men free; when you forget that, tyranny increases.
--From Southeastern Shooters Supply advertisement

The November 1955 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online.

Forrester Hit on Gun Control

Not hard enough, if you ask me.

If this weasel is the best the Republicans have to offer, they deserve to lose.

A Matter of Occupation

A state appellate panel Tuesday upheld a lower court ruling that Asbury Park did not have the authority to allow Police Director Louis Jordan to wear a uniform, carry a gun and make arrests when he was hired in May 2002.

I wonder how many other unauthorized civilians he busted for carrying guns?

By making that distinction, I guess they're admitting their police represent a military occupation...

The Play's the Thing

And all the world's a stage.

"A Mother, a Daughter and a Gun" looks like it's so stupid even other liberals hate it.

"A Hapless Toad"

For John Roberts, it was a "hapless toad'' in the path of a California housing development that represented the limits of the federal government's power to regulate activities within a state. For Samuel Alito Jr., it was a machine gun.

"A Real Winner"?

Gun Owners of America is effusive in its praise of Samuel Alito.

Some are not so enamored. Mike B. has some concerns that merit scrutiny (3rd comment in linked post).

We need to proceed with caution and not automatically conclude the Supreme Court nominee is a Second Amendment hardliner.

I plead guilty to feeling some optimism, but my jaded nature cautions me to be wary of the hook. The political establishment is all about power and control. They never just give it up.

You're Either With Us or Against Us

"There isn't really any middle ground on this issue," State Police Director Larry Trent said at a news conference Tuesday. "You either stand with the gun lobby or you stand with law enforcement."

You're right, Larry. There can be no middle ground.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Free the Internet

Jason at Leave Us Alone! urges support for a petition amending HR1606 to exempt bloggers from FEC regulation. If they're voting tomorrow, this post may be too late to do much good.

We've talked about this before at WarOnGuns.

My bottom line--go ahead and support the petition, but if it doesn't fly, take heart: They can pass any damned edict they want--I will write about what I want, when I want. There aren't enough of these evil bastards to do anything about it, and it's time they learned that. This is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate just how impotent civil disobedience can render them.

The McCain-Feingold Insurrection Lives. It just doesn't update it's website much.

Knife-Wielding Man Slashes At Four Outside White House

Beck said that shortly before noon, a man slashed at four persons, who called for help from a police officer patrolling in Lafayette Park, just north of the White House.

The park is often packed with tourists who walk outside the presidential residence.

No doubt the Brady Campaign will be dispatching volunteers to DC airports to warn tourists…?


I've got a little flashing "New" thingie on my blogroll courtesy of Curtis Stone. Thanks Curtis!

I've got it set to last for 2 hours after a blog updates.

Let me know if you're blogrolled and the symbol doesn't display. And if you have a blog and you're not on my roll, contact me [codrea4 at adelphia dot net] and we'll do something about that.

50 Cent Defends Controversial Gun Poster

The film's director, Jim Sheridan, agreed that people were making too much of the poster, and that people need to focus on real guns, and not Hollywood props.

He said: "I'm not really so concerned about cardboard guns on a poster. I'd be much more concerned about real guns. I think they should make a bigger effort to get rid of the guns."

Like most in Hollywood, this idiot doesn't realize that all freedoms are tied together. If he wants to disarm people, I'd like to see him start by trying with Fitty and his posse...