Monday, November 30, 2009

Another Way of Dealing With This

This week, will launch its new gun permit database. You’ll be able to search gun permit records by county, city or town and street on HTO. [More]
Unfortunately--or perhaps fortunately--you need to subscribe to this rag to read it, so I had to link you to a forum instead of the actual newspaper website.

Some are suggesting polite and courteous emails to the editor and publisher as being the appropriate way to deal with this.

I disagree.

I think the only way to deal with this with any chance of getting results would be to target their major advertisers--set up protests with signs in front of the big car dealership, etc. Let them know what you are doing and why, and that you'll stop when they stop advertising. Then move on to the next target.

Of course, that would require having committed activists in the area willing to expend more energy than sending a polite and courteous email, so my suggestion is almost certainly impractical. Eh. My guess is only a handful will even send an email.

Until gun owners get it in their heads that there is a war on guns in this country, and it actually requires them to do something, apathy and laziness will continue being our greatest impediment. By not making this a priority while things are easy, they're increasing the odds that things will get hard.

In the mean time, there will always be those whose names don't show up on any permission lists.

Message from Mike

Just spoke with Mike, who wanted you all to know that he will be offline for an indeterminate period of time, as he was headed at that time to Trinity Medical Center in Birmingham for an evaluation of his heart. [More]
Naturally, I'll be keeping an eye on this. Those inclined to offer prayers, now seems a good time.

UPDATE: Just spoke with him. For now he's resting comfortably. Should have more info. tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Over in Tim-Tom* Paradise...

9 Slain In Bloody Holiday Weekend [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.


The People Speak

I've been noticing ads for this upcoming "special" on The History Channel.

I haven't seen such a cast of celebrity leftists assembled since the Obama campaign.

My question is, do ALL the people get to speak? Or just the ones who will still be living in mansions after ruin is brought down on the rest of us?

Click to enlarge.

And why am I suddenly thinking about Skip Coolzip?

We're the Only Ones Non-Preventive Enough

Evans said police showed her photos of Cobbs and that she identified him as her attacker. Then Cobbs, 24, walked past them on the sidewalk and implied he was going to get a gun, Evans said. But the officers didn't arrest Cobbs. Instead, she said, they told her to go to her apartment, and the officers left. [More]
Could the "Only Ones" have prevented it? Well, thanks to citizen disarmament, it's pretty damn obvious no "law-abiding citizen" could have.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

A History Lesson

The state was unable to financially support enough legionary troops (especially with the loss of Spain and North Africa), and unable to convert its unarmed populace for self-defense in a timely manner. [More]
What is it that's necessary to the security of a free state again...?

And why it it that some would have us believe eviscerating that is "reasonable"?

This link is a few years old, but it contains a lesson that is timeless.

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Gathering Our Own Feedback Enough

Police Chief Robert Annese came under fire last week when it was revealed resident Ray Simond has asked the state attorney general to investigate whether Annese misused his authority trying to learn who had rented a post office box used to gather feedback on the Police Department. Simond has acknowledged renting the postal box. [More]
Reputation management, "Only Ones"-style? Besides, what's the need? If you want to find out anything about them, they have an official newsletter.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Certified Enough

A former Pocahontas County sheriff's deputy who resigned after firing his gun at his girlfriend's house is now a police officer in Ronceverte in Greenbrier County...

"The reason we hired him is we are a small police department and at the time, he was the only certified officer that applied," said Ronceverte Chief Michael L. Smith. [
Is that "certified" or "certifiable"?

With "Only Ones," does the distinction matter?

[Via KABA Newslinks]

IIA March

Western Rifle Shooters Association has the details. [More]

The leader in the effort is this guy, who you can meet in "Not Without a Fight."

The Immunity Syndrome

The doctrine holds that judges with bad intentions, as well as those with good intentions, are immune from suit. [More]
Mind you, that doesn't guarantee them immunity from justice. It simply means that can't be obtained within the scope of protected means of redress.

[Via The Agitator]

Why Do SEIU Enforcers Oppose You Having Guns?

What's also clear by their signing the Brady brief, the IBPO is endorsing edicts forbidding the keeping and bearing of arms by any but the "Only Ones" as "reasonable." I'm sure by now those of you who have visited their site will have noticed they are part of a greater Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and may be wondering if the recent beating of a state worker at an SEIU meeting because he "wanted to expose alleged corruption within the union," and the earlier "smashing a black man on the cement and calling him n*****" at a town hall meeting may help explain why they promote citizen disarmament. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column reminds the help who the boss is supposed to be.

This is part three in a series. If you missed the posts this weekend, you can read parts one and two here:
Also find out how to help a friend, meet some Connecticut gun owners, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 30

Resolved. That General Washington be directed to publish in General orders, that Congress will speedily take into consideration the merits of such officers as have distinguished themselves by their intrepidity and their attention to the health and discipline of their men; and adopt such regulations as shall tend to introduce order and good discipline into the army, and to render the situation of the officers and soldiery, with respect to cloathing and other necessaries, more eligible than it has hitherto been. [More]

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Liberty Culture First

Any regulation makes about as much sense as ownership of another human being. Just a little is out of the question because it is unAmerican. [More]
John Longenecker adds more perspective to the "reasonability" argument.

We're the Only Ones Spraying and Praying Enough

For 62 hours, beginning 9.20 pm on November 26, 2008, Indian security forces, including the Mumbai police and the National Security Guard, fired 36,000 bullets to combat the 10 Lashkar-e-Taiba men. [More]
Meanwhile, the people being directly attacked, the ones who would know damn well who to shoot at and have targets in sight, were forbidden by law to have the means to defend themselves--and were reliant on the gang that couldn't shoot straight, that is, the "Only Ones," to save them.

Which could explain the results...

And which is just the way the IACP wants things here.

Where Are Michaele and Tareq?

I see from today's WorldNetDaily this is not the first time these social-climbing publicity junkies have stalked The One. I wouldn't mind seeing someone host a "Where's Waldo"-type contest, to see the creative places around the Lightworker-in-Chief where people with true PhotoShop skills could make the Crashin' Salahi's appear...

The most heavily-guarded location and event in the world--and we're supposed to believe the "homeland" is secure.

Meanwhile, work to disarm the ones the Founders deemed "necessary to the security of a free state."

That makes sense.

Chicago Gun Case: Top Globalist Cops Say Keeping Americans Disarmed is 'Reasonable'

Keep your stinking globalist paws off our guns. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column gives a reasonable response.

Part One was yesterday.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 29

I am favored with yours of the 20th. I see no reason for changing my former opinion, in respect to Sinking the frigates to insure their safety. If they are weighed again and converted into Barracks for the seamen, they must be brought near the Shore and when the frost sets in, they cannot be sunk, should the Enemy approach at such time. I however leave the matter to your judgment. [More]

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Come Celebrate a Death

Joyce Foundation Funded OSU 2nd Amendment Center Expires [More]
Meanwhile, a hissy-fitting academic who can't spell "amendment" gets all bitchy about things. Yeah, I'm talking about you, Con-- oh, I'm sorry, I misspelled your name. And you being so self-important and relevant and all...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Importing Enough

The Customs and Border Protection employee arrested on bribery and marijuana smuggling charges was an administrator at the Ysleta Port of Entry, a prosecutor said Monday.

Martha Alicia Garnica, 43, a former CBP inspector and El Paso police officer, appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Richard Mesa for a detention hearing. [More]
Because "Only Ones" are more trustworthy than you and I...

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

We're the Only Ones Reprimanded Enough

He declined to identify the officers or say how or why they were punished. [More]
Well, of course.

Why would it be in the public interest to know which "Only Ones" think taking citizens hostage and turning them into gorilla hunt trophies is all in a day's work?

Besides, forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town. Even when we move operations over to Pittsburgh.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

Chicago Gun Case Brief Shows Prohibitionists Unreasonable

What they're saying in the Chicago case is essentially the same thing they said in the Heller Washington D.C. case: Gun bans are "reasonable" and consistent with the Second Amendment proscription that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

This does not surprise anyone who has been watching these Brady characters for any length of time. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows what the Bradys mean when they say "reasonable common sense gun laws."

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 28

After the judgment and loyalty of Silas Deane is called into question, Congress appoints John Adams to succeed Deane as the commissioner to France on this day in 1777. [More]

Friday, November 27, 2009

Situation Normal, AFU

Steps have been taken to tighten restrictions on who gets onto the post...[More]
That's not where the danger came from.
Despite the availability of resources, many soldiers have expressed reluctance to seek mental health care...
Yeah, no kidding...

[Via William T]

Banking on Taiwanese Gun Control

Three masked gunmen robbed the 50-year-old victim on Monday afternoon in the southern city of Tainan... [More]
Aborigines, no doubt.

And just why is it in our interests to put American lives on the line to defend these people?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

We're the Only Ones "Standard Procedure" Enough

After his arrest, Officer N.E. Keith was placed on administrative leave with pay, a standard procedure in cases like his...[More]
See, if everyone got these job perks, he wouldn't be an "Only One"...

[Via Cocked and Loaded]

So Much for Cooling Off

Prison inmate released Sunday, carjacks vehicle in Rosedale same day... [More]
Don't these damn scofflaws realize that in California, you need to wait 10 days to get a handgun?

[Via Thaddeus Fendon]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

The WPC stated she had felt threatened by his size - 5' 11" and about 12 stone - and implied that she found it intimidating. [More]
5'11" is too tall? Who the hell is she, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins?

I don't suppose "the professional standards department of Kent Police" might consider the predictable ramifications of giving paranoid authoritarian cowards official power over others...?

[Via William T]

Who Will Guard the Guards?

"But what," you may ask, "can we do to help them?" Glad you asked. [More]
Kurt Hofmann asks us to help protect the Oath Keepers.

Gun Grabbers: Who Are These People?

"Anti-gun laws seem to be the brain children of those who would wreck our American way of life, including politicians who should or do know better, and 'write for hire' writers who lack ability to write anything except something that appeals to emotional thinkers or those who can't think at all." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a voice-from-the-past judgment on subversive enemies of freedom.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 27

November 27, 1777

Congress recommends that the states confiscate the estates of loyalist sympathizers noting that such residents had "forfeited the right to protection." [More]

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Don't Forget to be Thankful for Your 'Gun Rights'

"He's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column brings a message of holiday cheer, reminding us to be thankful for our rights and our means to preserve them against predatory turkeys.

I'm taking the rest of the day off.

You all have a good one.

This Day in History: November 26

Much lately has been urged concerning the reputation of our arms; as if we had long been a warlike nation, whose existence, like the ancient Romans, depended on their military fame. I confess I view the matter differently, and cannot bring myself to believe (how much soever I may wish it) that we are upon a par in military knowledge and Skill with our enemies. Indeed it is not possible, and the sensible part of mankind well know it. [More]

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

'Not Without a Fight' Gun Rights Documentary Completed

Gun rights documentary maker Max Lemus informs me his "Not without a fight" video has been completed and its official release date is today. [More]
Find out how you can purchase your copy in today's second Gun Rights Examiner column.

This young man invested months of his life traveling the country to interview gun rights activists, and invested his own savings in order to bring this to us, and I think he's created a tool that can be very helpful in spreading the message "outside the choir." When you consider how uncompromising the views presented are, that's really a pretty remarkable achievement.

I'd like to think someone who has earned our support deserves to actually receive it.

If not from you, then who?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Britain has built the world's biggest DNA database without proper political debate and police routinely arrest people just to get their DNA profiles onto the system, the genetics watchdog said in a report on Tuesday. [More]
I guess the term "function creep" doesn't strike them as ironic?

[Via Zachary G]

New York Daily News Uses Ignorant Snobbery to Push Citizen Disarmament

[C]reatures such as these will never stop promoting the destruction of our right to keep and bear arms. There can be no compromise with them, because they'll never stop, so long as other, rougher men in the service of the state are willing to enforce their demands at gunpoint... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner illustrates returns the contempt.

Also see a mess caused by some spilled beans and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 25

November 25, 1777

Lafayette and his 300 troops win a skirmish with a larger force of Hessians at Gloucester, New Jersey. [More]

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gillibrand and McCarthy to Make Illegal Gun Transactions Even More Illegal

That's pretty much the gist of today's press conference. [More]
Here's the follow-up to today's earlier Gun Rights Examiner column. There's not a lot to say because most of what they said was such BS.

A Brief Nod

Is it really as good as a wink to a blind horse? [More]

Grey's Anatomy Spin-Off Webcast Starts Tonight!

Western Rifle Shooters Association tells us about it. [More]

But first they make us sit through some boring economic stuff.

And It's All Perfectly Legal!

There are armed men and women in the tri-counties that we don't hear much about. They aren't police, rather they're ordinary citizens carrying a concealed gun in public-- and it's all perfectly legal. [More]
Provided you can prove to Master that you "need" it.

We're in Bill Brown country now!

I like how some connected businessman's money roll or some club musician's fan interactions are more important than my childrens' lives.

And it's all perfectly legal!

I wonder if they did a quick audit of these counties if you'd find any inconvenient racial disparities in re approvals...

Actually, we don't need to wonder.

[Via Gerhard Paul]

We're the Only Ones Stripped Bare Enough

Newly obtained documents reveal a former Scottsdale police officer may have illegally strip searched as many as 20 Valley women during his two years on the force. [More]
If he'd tried that on some of the women I know, ol' Chong Kim here would have ended up in deep kimche.

The thing about "Only Ones" stories like this that always gets to me is just the fact that they believe they operate in a culture that allows them to get away with it. That and their attitude that citizens are chattel to be used and disposed of as they see fit.

Maybe this is why:
A police spokesman said the department also investigated possible criminal charges against Kim, but determine he did not violate any state laws.
Think they'd have been able to gin up some relevant statutes if one of the victims had...uh...blown this evil pig to hell?

And then there's this:
"Clearly this was an officer who was going way beyond his job description," said Ulises Ferragut, a defense attorney who has been involved in similar cases.
Really? It wasn't within established department protocols? Or is Ulises here just having fun with wry understatement?

William Grigg has more.

[Via Danno and Zachary G]

The Way Things Oughtta Be

Two days after the General’s death, a 14-year-old girl in Bushenyi allegedly killed one Josephat Mpigika, a 40-year-old man who had tried to rape her. She reportedly killed him with a rock accurately aimed at his head. The police arrested her. [More]
Thank goodness some parts of the world recognize the danger posed by guns, and take that awful choice away from women, leaving them with poison and witchcraft.

We could get there some day here, too. Our finest feminist mind is working on it.

[Via Mama Liberty]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Thugs who broke a man's jaw on a night out were freed after just one day of their nine-month jail sentences after a judge decided he had been too harsh, it emerged today. [More]
Any questions?

Oh, right, you can't ask them. Your jaw is broken.

[Via Harvey]

Stop with the Fred Maslack Emails Already

Fred Maslack is not a current member of the VT legislature.

Here: See for yourself.

Please stop forwarding the email about him introducing a bill requiring gun ownership. You'll notice they never actually come with a bill number and a link?

I heard such a bill was introduced a while back, but you couldn't prove it by me.

It's kind of like that damned SB 2099 HR 45 email that keeps urging us to SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. And it seems they're always sent by people clueless as to "BCC," so a "reply to all" delights us all. Not to mention provides a convenient cherry picking resource for spammers, especially as forwards accrue more edresses...

We have real efforts required of us. We can't afford to waste time and energy.

We're the Only Ones Mildly Responded To Enough

Yet despite one officer's own admission of the fraud as well as payroll sheets outlining the officers' misdeeds, no charges were brought against them. [More]
Well, yeah...hh...

Why do you think we call them "Only Ones"?

[Via retrotruckman]

No Business for Randy Rayburn, EVER

"We will have vigilantes shooting up bars all over," said Randy Rayburn, the owner of three upscale cafes, who led opponents of the law. [More]
Insulting, isn't he?

I wonder what Randy's prepared to personally do if someone downscale decides an upscale cafe with unarmed patrons provides an attractive opportunity for those not afraid to ignore the rules when it suits their purposes?

You know, people who look at "No Guns Ever" signs as invitations...?

You can ask Randy. You'll find him down at the Sunset Grill. Or at the Midtown Cafe, or his third "Dine While Disarmed" establishment, Cabana.

Any gun owner who spends a dime in these joints is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

And here's an interesting twist: Randy's executive chef "specializes in wild game dishes in the framework of contemporary cuisine."

Does that mean they have to shoot it?

Might be an opportunity to do a little CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA bridge-building, and find out how many PETA activists in the Nashville area might be outraged at the exploitation and murder of our animal friends just to satisfy upscale gluttony and greed...

[Via Loki1776]

Kirsten Gillibrand Ramps Up Abandonment of Gun Owners

I noticed one conspicuous absence in particular among the signatories: formerly "pro gun" Kirsten Gillibrand, who abandoned her supportive gun-owning constituents to embrace the political opportunities of citizen disarmament. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column once again chronicles the serial infidelities of...well, we know what she is and we've established her price.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 24

Information having been given that divers of the late sutlers, and some of the inhabitants have opened tippling houses within and adjacent to the encampment of the army, by which the design of banishing the Sutlers from the army is in a great measure frustrated. The Deputy Quarter Master General is required forthwith, to make diligent inquiry, and examination, for discovering such houses, and suppressing them, and to assure all who are driving this pernicious trade, that if continued any longer, their liquors shall be seized, and they expelled from the neighbourhood of the army, on pain of the severest punishment if they return. [More]

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Conspicuous Absence

An overwhelming, bipartisan majority of members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate have signed an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," brief supporting the NRA’s position that the Second Amendment is incorporated against the states through the Fourteenth Amendment. The amicus brief, bearing the signatures of 251 Members of Congress and 58 Senators, was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court today in the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago. [More]
Here's the brief.

Well, well, well...

Guess who didn't sign it?

Just the Idea

“I’m appalled that someone would even consider it. It was only one incident, and it was just the idea. We do not allow guns in the library, no firearms or any weapon in the library.” [More]
So, Larry Frank: What exactly are you personally prepared to do about it should some nonfictional character decide your signs and your indignant opposition are...unpersuasive?

Go "Shhhh..."?

All those books. You'd think the guy would have learned something. Just what the hell are they teaching at all those liberal arts universities that Larry attended?

Oh. Right.

[Via Say Uncle]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

A MAN had bleach poured into his eyes when he was attacked by two thugs in his own home.

John McGrady had his head kicked on and stamped and he was slashed with a knife when the two attackers burst into his Thornton property. [More]
And every single proponent of human disarmament would rather see this happen to you and those you love than "allow" you to be armed.

With no exceptions.

We're the Only Ones Skimming Enough

A statewide police association will check its financial books after learning one of its board members -- a Chicago Police sergeant -- was charged with skimming $600,000 from the Chicago Police Sergeants' Association. [More]
I'm shocked--shocked--to find no honor among "Only Ones."

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones "You Can Leave Your Hat On" Enough

It seems like we just got done talking about Joe Cocker lyrics.*

And now we read this:
Thomas C. Wetherington, 22, says he was treated unfairly when the N.C. Highway Patrol dismissed him in August over a lost hat, especially considering that other troopers have kept their jobs despite having sexual liaisons on duty.

"Look, we've got guys having sex in patrol cars just about every day," said Wetherington, a trooper since 2007. "Why did I get dismissed when other guys get slaps on the wrist?"
Is that what was getting slapped?

Besides, Billy's mom let's him do it.

Still, Bare...uh...headed Tom's assertions notwithstanding, not all "Only Ones" in love stories have happy endings:
A former North Carolina state trooper wants his job back after being fired for having a drunken sexual encounter with another trooper's wife in the back seat of a car headed home from a Christmas party.

The woman's husband was in the front seat.
True class just has a way of coming to the fore, does it not?

You can leave your hat on.

[Via Cocked and Loaded]

* I am reminded in comments the song was written by Randy Newman. The Cocker version was the most popular and the one I associate with the song.

Defining the Terms

Bill would change definition of 'self defense' [More]
I take more of an "I know it when I see it" approach to these things.

[Via Mama Liberty]

An Official Commendation

St. Clair County State's Attorney Robert Haida, whose office filed the charge, said in a prepared statement: "I commend the shop clerk for what is clearly a legal act of self-defense." He added, "This type of defensive action is allowed by law-abiding citizens when violent, unlawful acts are perpetrated against them." [More]
I'd argue with the word "allowed," and maybe substitute "applauded" or some such, but the rest of the sentiment is good.

And as for charging the accomplice, I don't have a problem with that. If he hadn't gone out to commit evil, a violent death would not have occurred.

Still, all things considered, the case could be made that he deserves a commendation, too.

[Via Mama Liberty]

Yeah, Good Luck with That

"There must be a total stop to this senseless violence," he said, recommending that a state of emergency be imposed in the area to disarm all gunmen. "Anything else will not work."[More]
Jesus Dureza, are you really that clueless?

[Via Zachary G]

Will Pentagon Purge Oath Keepers?

And here's one other thing to keep in mind: What do you call a person who has been dishonorably discharged?

That's right, a "prohibited person." Subject to having their firearms confiscated.
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a new potential where intended consequences can devolve into unintended ones. Then again, some may be counting on provoking a reaction.

Also listen to a Sunday radio broadcast substantiating that AG Holder is stumping for a course that can only lead to confiscation attempts. Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 23

Sir: I am compelled by repeated Complaints of the Inhuman treatment still shewn to the unhappy Prisoners in your hands to call upon you for a clear and explicit answer to my Letter o ? the 14th instant. This I shall expect to receive by Monday Evening next. Their sufferings demand immediate redress, and unless, I obtain the most satisfactory Assurances on this Head, duty will constrain me to retaliate instantly, on the Prisoners in my possession. I am etc. [More]

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good for Thee But Not for Me

Unlike most Chicagoans, Scott could have been a legal handgun owner. Because he had it before the ban was enacted, he was allowed to register and keep it. But the police department says he never did. By having it in the city, Scott was guilty of an offense that could have gotten him jail time. [More]
All these armed Chicago pols, deliberately ignoring the very laws they impose on their subjects.

I wonder if an equal rights lawsuit might not have some merit?

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Demonstrably Slower than Pizza Delivery Enough

Instead, the 911 operator sent an electronic message to a dispatcher for the Atlanta Police Department, who held the call — for 56 minutes and five seconds — before sending an officer to Phoenix Park. [More]
The lesson here?

The police are not the "Only Ones" who can protect you. In fact, they can't protect you.

Those who don't want to believe that are free to live with their delusions, but have absolutely no say in my ability to protect me and mine, their irrational and childish claims of a "right to feel safe" notwithstanding.

[Via Harvey]

Horror in New York

A subway passenger was stabbed to death in front of horrified riders in a dispute with another man over a seat in the car early Saturday morning in midtown Manhattan, police said. [More]
What do you think the odds are that if someone attacked Furious Mike that the people around him would--by law--be unable to do anything except react in horror?

New Translator Feature

This ought to help bring about better understanding, especially when divergent viewpoints exist. [More]

Isn't it wonderful, the way art and science combine to make all our lives better?

Don't click on link if you're offended by sexual references.

In Loco Parentis

Willows High Principal Mort Geivett and other district officials did not appear to dispute that the parking space was off school property, but they cited several justifications. One of them was the legal doctrine of in loco parentis — where school officials may act in place of a parent for school functions. [More]
In other words, Mort & Co. here think they not only control their inmates who are not directly in their clutches, but based on this, they control them anywhere they happen to be when their parents are not around.

That's pretty loco all right.

Pirate Motives Not as Important as Ability to Repel Them

So basically, we're looking at the classic conflict between secular humanists and religious fundamentalists? Making the unfortunate Chandlers either eco-criminals or infidels? I wonder if the armed detail on the Maersk Alabama worried about motive? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column maintains sometimes "how" is more important than "why" when it comes to sending predators packing.

Also see what Ted Deeds is going to be talking to Tom Gresham about this afternoon, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 22

On November 22, 1777, however, Vail wrote General Washington pleading that he had been “wrongfully Prosecuted & maliciously us’d.” Vail was nevertheless court-martialed and dismissed from service. [More]

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just Give Them What They Want Redux

Hey, we can all stand to lose a little fat anyway. And think how much we'll save on fad diets that don't work... [More]

And look: Peru shows us the Shining Path of "international peace and disarmament policies" Hillary wants to lead us down. Interesting, how there is a common theme of melting things down here.

Of course, that may work against our herdsmen by diminishing the supply of animals plump enough for rendering...

Just Give Them What They Want

Good things the victims didn't resist with guns.

It's just not worth it over a set of wheel rims. [More]

We're the Only Ones Protecting the Infrastructure Enough

The Northern Muckraker bestows an award of sorts. [More]
Deputy Gylfie, do you not realize what a cartoon "Only One" you come off as?

Your performance would be laughable if it weren't so outrageous.

Hey, if anybody from Al-Qaeda is reading this, I'd like to sell you a couple pictures of this target:

This one and this one. Hey, the first one shows tracks.

I can even arrange a tour for you.

And I'll throw this in for free.

Sorry, no personal checks.

[Via Andre C]

The Road Warriors

Bands of roving “road pirates” have been stalking drivers along South Africa’s main highway linking OT Airport to Pretoria for the last three months, raising concerns for the safety of tourists coming for the 2010 World Cup Games. [More]
I've seen this movie. Isn't it the one where the only solution against violent lawless bandits is a private individual repelling them with superior firepower?

Yeah, but that's just wild, unrealistic fantasy. The real world doesn't work that way--at least not in South Africa.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

The civil injunctions will include bans on meeting other gang members, wearing gang colours, going to certain locations or having a violent dog in a public place.

Breaching a gangbo could require the offender to report to the police regularly, obey a curfew enforced by an electronic tag or attend anger management courses. [More]
Having zero tolerance for "breaching gangbos."

Ingenious. The Empire is saved!

And to think the answer has been right there in front of us all this time...

[Via Whose Paranoid]

Crazy Talk

Sure, this talk of the warmists at Copenhagen planning a new “world government” is crazy. I just wish the warmists wouldn’t talk of it themselves. [More]
Actually, the insanity seems to be from you smart, sophisticated people who are in terminal denial. They can spell their plans out for you, in plain, clear words, and you'll still dismiss anyone who points to those words with caution as paranoid.

How sick is that?

Here's ol' Herman himself, outlining his global ambitions. He's their top guy. He couldn't be any clearer.

Crazy, huh?

I figured out who he reminds me of.
Now all we need to do is trick him into saying "yupmoR naV namreH."

Attack of the Coke Fiends

Coca-Cola is spearheading a coalition of more than 100 companies pushing a United Nations climate treaty to bind the U.S. to cap-and-trade emissions regulation, commit the world's wealthiest nations to a potential $10 trillion in foreign aid and, possibly, form a proposed international "super-grid" for regulating and distributing electric power worldwide. [More]
Just remember where you heard it first.

Holder Tells Senate Committee Justice Department Supports More 'Gun Control'

I held off on bringing this release to the attention of Gun Rights Examiner readers because I wanted to corroborate the claims--which, unfortunately, the official transcript of Holder's prepared remarks, posted on the Justice Department website, do not. So I contacted LEAA and spoke last night with their Chief Operating Officer and national spokesman, Ted Deeds. He told me they were reporting on remarks made during questioning, and sent me a transcript of the appropriate segments of AG Holder's testimony... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column once more talks about something that not only won't the "Authorized Journalists" tell us about, but what they actively sneer at as unfounded paranoia.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 21

Whereas large supplies of Wheat and Flour are wanted for the use of the Army under my command, You are to repair immediately to the State of Jersey and to use every prudent possible exertion to procure such quantities, as may be necessary for the purpose above mentioned, offering and paying for the same a just and generous price. [More]

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Type of Education Money Can't Buy

Near Riots at UCLA Over Proposed 32% Tuition Hike [More]
Hey, it's not like the Marxists on the university payroll--or any of the cops behind the barricades--wouldn't be rioting if they had to take a 32% pay cut. Besides, somebody planted the idea in the the students' heads that the world owes them an education.

What this brings to mind is how potentially explosive things are. While CNN did it's best to paint Oath Keepers as alarmists inventing non-existent threats without cause, it really doesn't take much imagination to conceive of catalysts that could spark scary civil unrest. And it's not much of a stretch to think that some could be killed by authorities as a result. Or vice-versa. Prompting more violence and more crackdowns.

And what if violent resentment spread to other cities?

How sympathetic do you think those "restoring law and order" would be to claims that people in the conflict areas have a right to keep and bear arms?

Be nice to think if you were caught up in that, some cop or National Guardsmen would be remembering their oath, wouldn't it?

The Topsey-Turvey World of Tim-Tom

Oprah Winfrey's expected announcement that she'll end her show -- and the prospect that she'll say goodbye to Chicago – has Mayor Daley placing some blame on the media. [More]
You know, the media that made her one of the richest and most famous and powerful private individuals in the world...

Just like peaceable gun owners are to blame for violent criminals.

Tim-Tom continues with the cartoonish nonsense that defines everything he says and does.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

We're the Only Ones Unapologetic Enough

Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Wednesday that he stands behind Stoddard and does not expect him to apologize at a news conference.

"Superior Court judges do not order my officers to hold press conferences," Arpaio said in a statement. "I decide who holds press conferences and when they are held regarding this Sheriff's Office." [More]
I understand Arpaio is something of a folk hero to many, and the argument over jurisdiction is one I haven't thought completely through, but there really is no damn excuse for this, and to pretend otherwise is the act of an "Only One."

[Via Andre C]

A Second Chance

South Carolina shoppers will get a second chance to buy tax-free guns. [More]
Mama Liberty reminds us we actually have as many chances as we want, and not just in South Carolina:
But, of course, all the NICS checks and other personal information is still required... I much prefer private sales, which are always tax free - as well as having no paperwork. :)
Your state rules--and your tolerance for observing them--may vary.


Colin survived being shot four times at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007. After learning more about our nearly non-existent laws restricting access to guns, he took it upon himself to document how easy we make it for dangerous people to get guns in this country. [More]
I guess cud is easier to swallow than facing the fact that he survived by mere dumb luck, and was absolutely useless in the defense of himself or others.

Maybe that explains the sick need to reduce men who haven't so abdicated to his level...

What an example of Machiavellian truth.

[Via Mack H]

We're ze Only Ones T'anking Heaven for Leetle Gehls Enough

For weesout zem, wat would "Only Wans" do?

Cop Tases 10-Year-Old Girl
Cop Shoots 12-Year-Old Girl with Beanbag Round

Take it away, Monsieur Chevalier:

Zose leetle eyes
so helpless and appealing
one day weel flash and send you
crashing through ze ceiling...
Or vice-versa...

[Via Ron W, Zachary G and Jeffersonian]

Red Teeth the Pirate...I Mean, Environmentalist

We've seen Al Sharpton call them the "voluntary coast guard." And we've seen a "white Rat" and Idi Amin henchman describe them as "brave...fisherman...seamen and navigators. They had no choice but to take revenge on foreign shipping and earn a living by ransom demands."


Is this where we break into "Gee, Officer Krupke"?
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders what's in a name.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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