Facebook Implements Chinese-Style Censorship/Snitch Policies

Borrowing a tactic from the police state playbook, Facebook’s “No Guns” enforcement will be dependent on an army of citizen snitches. Based on comments on gun-grabber social media pages, their fascist members are eager to do what they can to get gun owner accounts closed out for “violations.” [More]
Nobody thought it was ultimately about just controlling guns, did they...?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

Under the new Facebook "No gun ads" policy, there’s nothing to stop you from posting a picture and details about a gun you own and inviting inquiries about it. If someone contacts you asking how much you want for it, just tell them Facebook policy prohibits using their platform to solicit gun transfers, but if they’re interested in more information about your gun -- for educational purposes only -- they can contact you via email.

If, after establishing a relationship separate from Facebook, you wish to change your mind and consider selling to the person, do what you’d normally do to make sure you’re not being set up by a stranger. And if it turns out that person was a gun-grabber troll, by that time you ought to have validated enough personal information to release it and “out” them as the punk snitch they are, complete with email address, phone number and more. In any case,you won't have transacted any business in violation of Facebook rules.

As a matter of fact, those of us without guns to sell could still set nets up for gunsnitches to blunder in to, as per this example:

VCDL on the McAwful Reciprocity Deal

#3 - Persons subject to a PERMANENT domestic violence protection order cannot possess firearms until the order expires
* The ONLY permanent protection order this restriction applies to is one for domestic violence and NOTHING else.
* The subject of the protection order must have had his day in court along with any legal counsel. Temporary protection orders do NOT affect possession of firearms.
* If the judge, after hearing the defense, decides to issue a permanent protection order anyhow, the subject of the protection order will lose his gun rights for the duration of the order (MAXIMUM of two years), and automatically get those gun rights back when the permanent protection order expires. Note: a new permanent protection order could potentially be issued when the perament protection order expires if the judge thinks a danger still exists.
* The subject of the permanent protection order will have 24 hours to turn his guns over to a person of his choice, as long as that person can legally possess firearms.
* The above is basically federal law already, and state law already prohibits a person with such a permanent protection order from purchasing or transporting a firearm. [More]
Here's where I'm coming from:

Has the person been convicted of a crime?  Did he have a jury trial where he was proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?

That's all that matters to me.

Along with an undeniable truth.

[Via several of you]

How to Harvest a Migrant Worker

Mass immigration into America, legal or not, is primarily about importing customers to replace the aging Baby Boomer consumers who are leaving the economy at the rate of over 10,000 per day.  They need to be replaced if businesses are to continue earning their profits, and businessmen, obviously from the three examples above, don’t care who the customers are, regardless of the changes and damage that will ensue to the culture and our country. [More]
Rick Oltman ties in what's going on with a movie review. He knows whereof he speaks.

The movie sounds interesting and important. The book even more so. And your library may have it, like mine does.

Too bad Steve Carrell is a typical Hollywood Prozi.  I guess if you want to be on the A-List, you need to play ball, "regardless of the changes and damage that will ensue to the culture and our country."

I guess I'll wait for Netflix...

Malheur SITREP – 1900L 29 JAN 16

There's plenty of bad information out there.  This is validated information. [More]

Also of vital importance -- Ammon Bundy's statement:
My message still remains. Turn yourselves in and do not use physical force. Use the national platform we have to continue to defend liberty through our constitutional rights in an Article 3 Court with an Article 3 judge.
If you think you know more about the situation and better what needs to be done now than he does, feel free to share your personal qualifications and make your case for why people should follow you.

We're the Only Ones Hacked Enough

Private files belonging to America’s largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police, have been hacked and posted online.  The file is said to contain names and addresses of officers including various contracts with cities and private forum posts. [More]
Gee, that's really too bad. Especially since this is their position on ending private sales/universal registration:
Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, said in an interview that he now supports extending checks to gun shows and other venues where they are not required.
"Closing that gap would make it much more difficult for criminals to obtain firearms,” he said.
They can't even keep their own files secure, and they want to add ours?

Oh, but NICS requires destruction of records?

Note the FBI acknowledges that as "Current destruction of records..."?

Things change, and there's no shortage of those who would like to change them. And when that happens, you can count on the records being as secure as, say, Hillary's emails.

[Via Skip]

Friday, January 29, 2016

Bloomberg Cities Make Top 50 List for World’s ‘Most Violent’

As for the U.S. cities that made the list, they also share undeniable commonalities. For instance, they’re all dominated by Democrats. They all champion “progressive” policies.  And every single one of them has been an enthusiastic member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns... [More]
What we need are common sense despot safety laws as only Everytyranny can impose 'em!

Playing Right into Their Hands

Somebody needs to pull this man aside and see if he realizes what he just did here, and what he needs to do to fix it.  [More]

To Be or Not to Be

For pharmacists, the bill would add a required six-hour training course to their accreditation process. Gun store owners would be eligible for a tax credit after completing an online training course. Both trainings would focus on how to spot people who might be suicidal, how to talk about suicide, and how to encourage people to store both medications and firearms safely. [More]
And they'll be indemnified against lawsuits if their attempts turn out bad, or if someone they sell a gun to offs himself and it's proven the FFL declined participating in the program?

A Surprising Moment of Compromise

Personally, I'd rather not have due process stripped away based on allegations by an interested party. [More]

[Via several of you]

Vanderboegh Work Weekend/Barbecue Update

This still leaves much to do in both outside jungle removal and inside organization and packing (books and papers that I am donating to the Vanderboegh collection at the Birmingham Public Library Archives), not to mention help carrying out the logistics of feeding those folks who show up during those three days. [More]
If you can go, go. If you can't, share.

That last bit isn't too much to ask, is it?

I trust everyone who has derived value from Mike's work -- except for a very small number of people in similar desperate straits -- has made their gratitude offering, even if only a widow's mite?

Coming Out Blazing

Advocates of gun control raked in $3.6 million over the last two years to place an initiative to tighten background checks for gun purchases and transfers in Nevada on the November ballot and ensure it passes. [More]
Here's why YOU should care:
The initiative is part of a broader national push to establish universal background check laws state by state after an effort to do so on the federal level failed in 2013. 
Think they won't be advancing into your neck of the woods if they break through the front lines?  Speaking of which, the troops there could use some immediate support.

And while you're at it, you might want to tell Wynn and Caesars to go to hell.  I'm sure their mucky-mucks have plenty of muscle protecting them.

With SHOT having wrapped up, I wonder what kind of effort -- if any -- the guys making all the money put into defending against Bloomberg and alerting visitors in need of accommodations where NOT to stay...

The Bully Pulpit

Instead of concerning themselves with federal issues, they are using the Federal Government letterhead to harass a state level association (Connecticut Food Association). This is a bully tactic that is being deployed by legislators that in reality have little to say about Connecticut state laws. [More]
Since when have "progressives" ever been concerned with limits on their power or, for that matter,minding their own damn business?

Call to Action

Calling on any and all Americans to come to Burns, Oregon to come to the aid of the American people standing against these violent, malicious and deceitful tactics. [More]
And what is proposed if the demands aren't met?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

Gun Baby Gun’s broad thrust is that firearms ownership in and of itself is a worldwide evil and that gun control, in the American sense of banning everything, is the only answer to this perceived problem. [More]
And who better to believe than a disgraced "journalist" (kind of a redundancy) who falsely accuses people he politically disagrees with of being a kiddy-diddler?

As an aside, I though no one was talking about taking away our guns...

[Via Mike H]

All You Need to Know

When asked who she thought the best candidate was on the Republican side she cited Jeb Bush saying he is 'the only voice on the other side that is demonstrating strong American values'. [More]
They share values? Besides giving Mommy that Constitution Center Liberty Medal?

Oh. They do!

Yeah, listen to Princess Prozi on who the GOP candidate should be. I'm sure she only has everyone's best interests at heart.

Runaway Slave

Bloomberg editor quits: We can't cover Michael Bloomberg aggressively [More]
If this doesn't scream "Conflict of interest!" for those staying on, what does?

Bloomberg News: Bringing new significance to "If it bleeds it leads."

Because It's All about Michael Savage

“I’m demanding an investigation,” he said. “I’m demanding the attorney general send a task force into Oregon.”
And if the feds won’t, the United Nations ought to look into it, Savage said. [More]
Yeah, that's just what the Patriot movement is all about, you fraudulent carnival barker.

Physician, Heal Thyself

I saved a patient's life by telling him about seat belts! He'd never heard of such things before! And now I'm going to give you a prescription on guns! [More]

What? My qualifications, certifications and credentials establishing competence? And you want to know about malpractice coverage should my unqualified advice result in a negative outcome...?

Why...why...why I'm a DOCTOR!

And we know about everything.

Why Don't We Get to the REAL Reason for the Hit Piece?

His proposal to prevent all Muslims from immigrating to the United States is only a prelude to mass persecution. His repeated characterization of immigrants and the poor as criminals is a heartless rejection of Christ's command to protect the weakest in society. [More]
So, Steven-- who are YOU backing?

The Mystery of Our Time

... the country remains mystified by their motives. [More]
Why, oh why could they be so contemptuous of our "progressive values"?  We've been so welcoming and tolerant of them, and so condemning of "xenophobic racists"!

Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016

Published on Jan 28, 2016This is the complete video footage of a joint FBI and Oregon State Police traffic stop and OSP officer-involved shooting of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This footage, which has only been edited to blur out aircraft information, was taken by the FBI on 01/26/2016 and released by the FBI on 01/28/2016. Note regarding date/time stamp in the left corner of video: Pilots use Zulu Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), when they fly. Zulu time is eight hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST). Therefore, although this footage was taken on January 26, 2016 in Oregon, the date/time stamp on the video shows just after midnight January 27, 2016.
Shooting incident starts @ 9:15 in...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hand of God

Of course not, but it's not like such sentiment hasn't been earned. [More]

That's the Old Pepper!

Hey, aren't the Opposite Day "progressives" supposed to be the ones that are all pro-women and everything...? [More]

[Via Michael G]


Hillary Clinton Throws Support Behind #OscarsSoWhite Movement [More]
But of course. That's what pandering whores do.

The Sooner the Better...

The shooting was captured on camera by the SWAT team. FBI and Oregon police officials are discussing possibly releasing the video, in part to counter claims by supporters that Finicum was gunned down while trying to surrender. [More]
I've heard more from people with background details, but at this point, it's best to let things play out and not rely on hearsay.

First They Came for the Racist, Xenophobic, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Islamic Homophobes

That is, as defined by the Monopoly of Acceptable Thought... [More]

And as expanded upon as they see fit.

Yes, Keeper? You had something to add...?

UPDATE: If the main link doesn't work for you, try this.

Not a Cure-All

But I can see where this could be quite useful, including buying your dog some time against Wrong Address No-Knockers... [More]

Loss Leaders

According to a spreadsheet of lost, damaged and destroyed items, various agencies inside the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported over 1,300 badges and credentials lost or stolen, and no fewer than 165 firearms lost or stolen over the course of 31 months*. [More]
Say, aren't these the guys always assuring us about how rigorous they are...?

[Via cydl]

Follow the Money

A well-placed source connected to billionaire leftist Michael Bloomberg advised me that Obama cut a quid pro quo deal with Bloomberg, the gun confiscator’s biggest benefactor, to keep the gun control agenda front and center. In return, Bloomberg promised to be a major funder and fundraiser for Obama’s future presidential library. [More]
A bribe by any other name...

Good thing the imperial presidency has exempted itself from FOIAs, isn't it?

Gift of the Cyclops

“Then, my gift is this. I will eat Nobody last of all his company, and all the others before him.” [More]
You get that, "Only Ones"?  Want it spelled out?
The case for disarming America’s police force
You who are working on behalf of the all-consuming, drunk-on-power overlords: At some point, the plan is to limit things to Super Exclusive Only Ones. And you ain't in that club.

So just keep on persecuting gun owners for the "crime" of being armed with what your masters say they may not have, where yours masters say they may not be. Guess who's turn it is next in that barrel?

Anybody hear a bell tolling...?

Nunuku’s Law

History will regard the once-avoidable Great Jihad of 2016 as the predictable result of one of the most colossally stupid series of decisions ever taken by any group of leaders, anywhere, ever. [More]
Matthew Bracken notes history repeating itself. If you read one thing today, make this it.

And Then There Were...

Three more members of militia occupying Oregon wildlife refuge arrested ... Earlier Wednesday, following an initial court appearance in Portland, Ammon Bundy urged his followers in a statement read by his attorney to "please stand down. Go home and hug your families. This fight is now in the courts." [More]
Unfortunately, it won't be the fight over government land abuses they wanted. I'll be surprised if the judge lets their grievances be brought up at their trials, which will narrowly focus on the charge of impeding through force, intimidation or threats.

Fudd and Stream

This year, Range Day sounded like the Battle of Dak To, or perhaps Fallujah, with the distinctive pop-pop-pop of full-auto fire, which was extremely popular amongst all the SEAL wannabes. Indeed, this was symbolic of the whole show, which has now become so heavily militarized that you have to look fairly hard for something designed to kill animals instead of people. [More]
Yeah, that's always bothered you, hasn't it Mr. Petzal, since back before the time you sold us out when we needed unity the most?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Malheur Situation Continues to be Powder Keg after Death, Arrests

Now that “authorities” have drawn first blood under disputed circumstances — with no grievance issues resolved — it’s anyone’s guess what, when and where the next move will be, and importantly, by whom. [More]
The situation has still not been resolved and may now actually be more dangerous.

"Conservative" Fox News

That's what the manipulators want us to think about the controlled opposition. [More]

I like that The Donald told them to go to hell.  I bet if he offered an exclusive interview to another network in the same time slot, he'd get better ratings than the other Republicans combined.

We're the Only Ones Approaching the Bench Enough

Guzy confirms the deputy, with more than ten years with the office, accidentally discharged his weapon, firing one bullet which smashed through a wall and imbedded into the desk of a judge.  [More]
Maybe he though it was the judge's turn to rise for him...

[Via bondmen]

Cognizance is Bliss

Former St. Louis assistant circuit attorney Bliss Barber Worrell leaves the Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse on Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, after admitting she helped cover up a St. Louis police officer's assault of an arrestee.  [More]
Remember when we though ignorance is Bliss?

[Via bondmen]

Mean while, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Powers that could be designated to volunteers include the ability to detain a person for up to 30 minutes and search someone who has been detained for dangerous items - provided the chief constable has authorised it and it is appropriate to the work the volunteer is doing. [More]
If a person's got "dangerous items" and they don't...

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones 'Third Time's a Charm' Enough

Police shot man dead after he called 911 for help 3 times [More]
That's what we in the business call "a spate."

I'll be damned if I can figure out what happened  -- was the bat to attack police or to defend himself? Are the two mutually exclusive? And what did the woman neighbor do?

In any case, if you're in need of rescue in the gun-hostile Windy City, forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Jess]

Bernie Sanders’ Divide-and-Conquer Gun Stance Relies on Willing Dupes Ignoring Backers

So what of the doctrinaire “Fudd,” who cares only about duck season and wabbit season, and doesn’t care what else Bernie bans? “Do not ask for whom the bell tolls” and “I shall eat you last” come to mind. [More]
The only thing we need to realize about Bernie Sanders and guns is that he understands Chairman Mao’s observation that “Every Communist must grasp the truth; ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.'”

Federal Heroes Pick Low-Hanging Fruit

A 23-year-old Milwaukee man is facing federal charges for possessing multiple machine guns and a silencer, which he planned to use during a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Tuesday. [More]
I don't suppose the "rigorous security screening" that ensured we're graced with Samy's presence in the first place is up for examination...?

Nah, that's not the agenda they're being paid to advance...

Pacific Patriots Network – Official Statement for Immediate Release

It has come to the attention of PPN that many individuals are responding to this news as a ‘Call to Action’. The Pacific Patriots Network is issuing an immediate “STAND BY” Order to all those who are mobilizing to the peaceful city of Burns, Oregon. We will not pursue any action until all of the facts have been pieced together regarding the traffic stop and the arrest of Ammon Bundy. During this time, cooler heads must prevail. We do not wish to inflame the current situation and will engage in open dialogue until all of the facts have been gathered. [More]
In other words, they don't need this guy showing up.

White Privilege

Sorry, my mistake. I thought this article was about our guinea pig... [More]

In that case, the assessment would have been accurate.

She's clamoring again.  No, forget the Timothy-hay and kibble -- we want Romaine lettuce, matchstick carrots and grape tomatoes...

[Via Jeet]

Stop the Vendetta against Gun Owners

The February “short session,” which was sold to Oregonians as a way to deal with nothing but budget issues, is being used to ram through more of Michael Bloomberg’s wish list. [More]
Action needed.

Florida Alert

HB-163 will allow persons with a Concealed Weapons & Firearms License the right to choose to carry firearms openly or concealed ... We need you to contact committee members immediately and urge them to pass this bill. [More]
Since it will be in committee tomorrow, this needs action now.

A Negligent Way to Die

No question about it. [More]

But what's really telling are some of the comments on "progressive" sites rejoicing in this woman's death. No, I won['t link to them here.

[Via Beulah G]

Shocked Awake

A regular Sunday morning turns deadly when a elderly man is confronted by a carjacker in his driveway.  [More]
This week on "Stop the Threat"...

Armed American Radio Redux

Here's my conversation yesterday with host Mark Walters. [Listen]

Lock N Load Redux

Here's my conversation from yesterday with Bill Frady, beginning at @ 14:45 in:

We're the Only Ones Commandeering Enough

A federal court has ruled that the Drug Enforcement Agency does not have to pay a truck owner whose vehicle they commandeered in a botched drug sting operation – without his knowledge or permission – in which the agency's confidential informant driver was shot dead and the truck was damaged. [More]
Securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity again, I see...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Just Thought I'd Mention This

Now that Ammon Bundy & Co. are in custody, I'm hoping there is a way to make the captors think twice about abuse.  For some reason, I can't shake the memory of the convenient jail "suicide" of Irv Rubin and murder of Earl Krugel, both of whom I'd met while living in L.A.

Oath Keepers Report on Bundy Arrest

Blaine Cooper has reportedly assumed leadership at the Refuge and has been told to leave immediately. During a phone call with Pete Santilli, Pete can be overheard saying, “Blaine, please don’t do this.” Blaine is reportedly wanting to make a stand. Women and children are still at the Refuge. [More]
The danger isn't over.

Quite the Collection

A Wauwatosa man is under federal investigation for selling guns without a proper license, buying more than 500 firearms from an outdoors store and then selling them through a website or at gun shows, according to newly unsealed court documents. [More]
Some are attributing this to Obama's executive ordure.

The Feds were destroying lives of collectors before that. What amazes me is how this guy thought he wouldn't be challenged.

That alone makes me suspect there's more to this than being reported. It all seems just so...convenient...

[Via Neil W]

Pretty Please?

.04% of Europeans have asked for the gun ban to end. [More]

[Via Mike H]

Diff'rent Strokes

A Detroit man who died early Sunday in a one-car crash was pantsless and masturbating while watching a pornographic movie on his cell phone, according to police who investigated the accident. [More]
My favorite observation:
The name of the movie wasn’t known.
Looks like the slogans page could use an expansion update...

The End?

Oregon standoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns [More]
There is much to sort out. Some reports call it an "ambush," others a "gunfight."

There will be a press conference this morning at 10:30 local time. Of all the links I've seen, this one will probably be the best one to consult first throughout the day.

UPDATE: Sources tell me the women and children have been successfully transported away from Malheur, leaving a handful of holdouts intent to make their stand.  This video purports to be from an eyewitness to the roadblock arrests:

I'm told there may be dashcam videos. Getting those may be another matter altogether.

UPDATE: This contradicts the above video.  I do not know this person and why he would give exclusive information to leftist Travis Gettys and Raw Story. I'm trying to find out more.  And here's another. And more.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Government of the People

Disgrace: Dem city councilman facing murder charges sworn into office – from behind bars [More]
And people are mad at Trump?

[Via several of you]

Remembrances of What Could Be

The attack last July on a recruiting office in Tennessee has prompted the Air Force to remind commanders they may authorize qualified airmen to carry weapons on base while off duty and out of uniform. [More]
So they've had this "power" all along, but chose to put human lives in jeopardy instead? And do commanders still have the "may not" option?

Still, ain't it something when compared with what the Marine brass is doing?

[Via Standing Liberty]

Lock N Load

I'll be joining host Bill Frady this evening at 6 Eastern to talk about "smart guns." Those so inclined can listen and chat at the program site, or tune in at Genesis Communications Network (select Channel 5).

The Smugness; the Sanctimony; the Inchoate Contempt

All you’ll ever need to know about liberalism, captured in one perfect, pathetic image: [More]
Yep, that's Slate, alright...

[Via Jeet]

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

Islamic State Plans Attacks From Camps in Europe, Europol Says [More]
Maybe what they need are some cartoons...

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones 'A Shot in the Dark' Enough

The officer later said firearms training 20 days prior might have been a contributing factor to muscle memory [More]
Yeah, muscle memory ... that's the ticket!

I wonder if the situation were reversed and the victim had used that excuse if he could count on the same outcome:
A statement released by the police said based on the findings of the investigation, no further disciplinary action was taken.
[Via Kevin Starrett]

4 Out of 4 Doctors Agree!

John Edeen, MD, Sean D. Brodale, DO, R. B. Young, MD and Timothy Wheeler, MD, all left positive, value-adding comments under my latest.  [More]

Despite it being an open forum, not one of the anti-gun "professionals" I took on has seen fit to engage, probably because they know they'd be further exposed as the agenda frauds they are.

Conflict of Interest,Much?

Lauren Reeder, one of the prosecutors in the Harris County district attorney’s office, revealed last August that she was a member of the board of directors for the Planned Parenthood affiliate that was targeted by Daleiden. [More]
Be nice to have 'the law" be your own personal revenge machine, wouldn't it?

Sounds to me like bar investigations of more than one person in that office are in order...

Armed American Radio Daily Defense

I'll be joining host Mark Walters this afternoon at 4 Eastern to discuss what we talk about in our off-air phone calls, minus the colorful words. Go to the AAR website to listen via live streaming or to find a station near you.

Dispatch from the Front Lines

We have an incredible opportunity this year to show the rest of our nation that Nevada supports gun rights. Our mission: prove the overwhelming opposition for Bloomberg’s Universal Background Check initiative in Nevada with a NO vote in the November election. This is where you, our supporters, come in. I know that each of you are already well versed in this issue; you know the facts and know that this ballot measure is impractical. But there are other Nevadans who are simply misinformed, and are blindly guided by Bloomberg’s army. It’s our duty to present them with the truth. [More]
Not from Nevada?  Hey,if Bloomberg wins there, he'll be moving his offense to your AO soon enough.

Would it be easier to prevent an approaching asteroid hit from far out, where a nudge can deflect it enough to miss, or just ignore even trying and wait until it enters the atmosphere to react?

We're the Only Ones Unjudged Enough

A disagreement over a Douglas County judge’s controversial courtroom ban on guns continues after officers who refused to disarm weren’t called to testify in court. [More]
Cool. Can I refuse to testify using the same grounds?

And what's Judge Gleason prepared to do should someone decide his policy reads like an invitation? Especially since anyone coming in to save him will find themselves subject to later arrest...

It's a Small World After All

They claim the companies colluded to break the law by using temporary H-1B visas to bring in immigrant workers, knowing that Americans would be displaced. [More]
Hey, it's the American way. It's not only cheaper than fixing the problems the establishment has created here, when the long game plays out we'll see the mother of all fundamental transformations.

We're the Only Ones Grading Enough

A new Massachusetts gun permit essay rule has Second Amendment supporters seeing red. Gun owners in the state must now write an essay which will be “graded” for approval by the police chief before a carry permit can be issued. A hefty firearms training price tag up to $1,100 will also be levied against those attempting to exercise their right to bear arms in the city of Lowell. [More]
I can think of some words I'd like to write to Chief Taylor and the Council.

Monday, January 25, 2016

AJPH ‘Smart Gun Study’ a Transparent Exercise in Junk ‘Science’ Agenda Propaganda

The first thing that strikes anyone interested in reality is what the media is presenting to the public as settled science is published under the category heading of “AJPG Editorial.” It’s an opinion piece!
Did any establishment “news” outlet tell you that? [More]
“Smart gun” market demand “findings” that the anti-gun media is mindlessly parroting are simply more Bloomberg-funded propaganda penned by shameless political hacks with advanced degrees.

We're the Only Ones Lamenting Enough

Local law enforcement laments loss of forfeiture funds [More]
Mean old federal Grinches stealing Christmas...!

Gosh, if it feels like "a punch in the gut" to Sheriff Voutour, imagine what it must feel like to these folks...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Don't Worry Your Pretty Little Heads About It

The Supreme Court has refused to hear a petition concerning the Department of Homeland Security’s secretive internet and cellphone killswitch program. [More]
Hey, it's not like you have a need to know.

What are you, some kind of troublemaker?

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Noose is Tightening

We have received the draft copy of another bill to take us one more step towards the complete ban on the private ownership of firearms. [More]
Then it sounds like a tight noose may be appropriate, depending on whose neck it's placed around...


What’s left in stores as the winter storm moves closer? [More]
Hey, it's not like they had any warning.

Oh, wait...

Take the Blue Pill

A Drug to Cure Fear [More]
Does it work for hoplophobia?

It's Not Just the Second Amendment

Jackson City Councilman Kenneth Stokes is asking for a federal investigation into a sign posted by a gun store owner ... “If this gun dealer feels that it’s legal for him to display negative images of the president of the United States, keep in mind that he must have some kind of license,” Stokes said. “We’re asking the attorney general of the United States to do an investigation and let’s see whether the rules and regulations have been violated.” [More]
What a moron. These fascist thugs don't like the First Amendment, either.

And why did the gun store owner post the sign?

More Kenneth Stokes comedy gold...

Time to Streisand Effect this fool:

That and add a dash of Alinsky Rule 5.

A Perfect Storm

Oh look-- this one is knocking out utilities ... [More]

Gosh, imagine what will happen if all private sales are forced into their already overtaxed capacity. Think of it like a traffic jam -- the demonstrable incompetence of the state at accommodating the demand for transportation. Except in this case, add an element of intent.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Hubris or Agenda?

Star Tribune: Donald Trump: Supporters would stick with me if I shot someone 'in the middle of Fifth Avenue'

ABC NewsDonald Trump Jokes He Could 'Shoot Somebody' Without Losing Support

Everybody else:

They're all leaving out two critical pieces of information-- context and who he is attributing that sentiment to:
The people, my people, are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people -- the polls -- they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any votes, OK? It's like incredible.
Look, I realize The Donald is responsible for no shortage of problematic past actions and statements -- I've written about them numerous times. I'm not a Kool Aid-drinking Trumpster, and agree with Mike on the dangers of demagogues.

That said, I'm not going to be distracted by yet more Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist sins of omission and manipulation. Especially when we see they've praised outrageous statements from actual criminal Democrats.

It's the way the guy talks, and the political/media establishment is desperate for whatever avenue of attack it can pry open. Make more of Trump's unscripted spontaneous statement than that if you like, but just understand plenty of people with an agenda to impose are counting on that.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Gavin Newsom updated his Super Bowl contest entry page:

[Click to enlarge]

He entered the "no purchase necessary" information  after I sent him the link to my AmmoLand piece noting its absence. Unsurprisingly, I soon noticed he deleted the link from his Facebook page...

So I added it back this morning:

And lo and behold, it was quickly removed again:

His page, his rules?

When used for political purposes, other rules must also be considered.  And even Google recognizes the editorial as qualifying for its news feed.

I may have more to say on this...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Breaking: Large Fed Presence IVO Malheur

SIZE: 200+ Fed vehicles, 400-500 agents/LEOs, mostly tac guys  [More]
WRSA has some intel passed on from a reported on-scene source, who I'm told is deemed reliable. It does seem consistent with other chatter I'm hearing.

As we've seen throughout, there's no shortage of bad assumptions and outright disinfo obfuscating things, including from some assumed to be friendlies, so always bear that in mind. Unfortunately, the alternative is to not say anything until it's too late.

I'm just hoping no one passes off my symbolic Fauxtoshop as real.

UPDATE: Oath Keepers posts more details.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Underestimating Gun-Grabbing Marine Leads to Dangerous Assumptions

Bottom line: Just because current or former members of the armed forces support “gun control,” it would be naive and dangerous to conclude that has made them weak or otherwise impaired their capabilities. [More]
A caution from Sun Tzu comes to mind...

Back by Popular Demand!

Denmark announces unvaccinated refugees have brought diphtheria into the country after a 20-year absence [More]
You thought I was joking with the title?

Opposite Day in Park City

But this year Sundance programmers, with deep commitment to freedom of expression, and their selected filmmakers seem to be taking a position that real guns, not the movie kind, ought to be more tightly policed. [More]
So says the "progressive" event named after a real life "gun criminal" notorious for, among other things, shooting at police...

[Via Michael G]

It's Time Now for 'Censoring with Gavin'

Well, Newsom took down my comments! He censored me, and the prosecutors’ opinion piece. [More]
I know exactly how you feel.  He removed my link to this piece from here.

Ah well, he probably had other things he wanted to focus on:

Murphy's Law

How could law-and-order candidate Christie allow terrorists to buy guns? [More]
He doesn't. He never has.

Someone convicted of a disqualifying crime cannot "legally" buy a gun in New Jersey, and lying Obama apparatchik Chris Murphy knows that.

He's just counting on low-information, emotion-driven readers not knowing that.

That and he's relying on Pynchon's truism...

Open Admissions

So basically they're telling Obama they support registration-enabling background checks and enforcing existing Intolerable Acts... [More]

These ain't my leaders.

Attack of the NeoCons

National Review is publishing a special edition of the magazine that argues against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, saying he is “not deserving of conservative support in the caucuses and primaries.” [More]
That's because they're cheap labor whores who have thus far ignored calls to produce one shred of verifiable documentation that the pathway to citizenship illegal and legal immigration they're abetting and demanding won't change the electorate -- and thus all three branches of government -- in a way that favors "progressive" globalist goals.

Pale Rider

The rider has been in every appropriations bill since 1996. [More]
Rather than taking a leadership position to explain why that is, I expect some who have enjoyed gun owner support will be politically inclined to hide and then "compromise."

Without even doing anything about this.

40 Acres and a Mule Redux

Hillary Prepares to Embrace Slavery Reparations [More]
Great idea!  Start with this beneficiary of "white privilege"!

[Via Florida Guy]   

This is Even Subject to Being Voted On?

State officials would lose their legal authority to restrict gun owners' lawful use of weapons during emergencies under a measure an Iowa House panel advanced Thursday, one of several proposals being considered this session seeking to expand gun rights [More]
"Legal authority" my ... eye.

Inadvertent Display

Florida’s elected law enforcement officials ... today announced a proposal to ensure that law abiding, concealed carry permit holders are protected from arrest and prosecution for inadvertently displaying a firearm. [More]
You have to wonder what kind of oath-breaking jerk would do that anyway.