Friday, August 31, 2007

They're Ba-ack...

I'd forgotten about this screenshot I took a couple days ago because I've been kind'a busy lately...

They're ba-ack.

Yo, Snuffy-- do you think someone in Congress may be interested in you because of your use of St. Sabina's tax-deductible contributions?

At least the feds aren't checking up on Red's Trading Post this time...

A Caning in Steubenville

The president of the Steubenville branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and his girlfriend were charged with domestic violence Wednesday...Mayo claimed Smith beat him with a cane. Smith said she was using the cane in self defense.

Obviously, violence within "the community" can't be attributable to individual choices and lack of self control, so the totem of an inanimate object must be blamed.

I wonder if the NAACP is going to sue cane manufacturers?

Red's Updates

Ryan has two new posts for us:

"Does ATF Director Deserve to be Confirmed?"
My answer, of course, is "No." The office and the agency should be abolished.

"In Search of the Second Amendment" to Premier in Idaho
if you haven't seen this yet, you are denying yourself one of the most authoritative resources that can be found. Ryan tells me "We are going to be THE spot to premiere Gun movies."

He also told me "I just got word from one of my friends sons in Georgia with the Military that one of his fellow soldiers was wearing a Red's Trading Post hat. He was shocked to see it."

By way of disclosure, since I write frequently about Red's and have been extremely vocal in my support, I want to get this "on the record." I ordered a Red's hat, sent in the ten bucks, and to my pleased surprise got back two hats and two Red's coffee mugs. Thank you, Ryan, for your generosity. I did introspect on whether accepting swag and doing advocacy were mutually exclusive, and even entertained the idea of making the extras available as some sort of prize for WoG readers.

My decision: the hell with it. I'm selfishly keeping and enjoying them. I could have just kept mum about this and no one would have ever known. If anybody thinks I can be compromised with a few items of company logo promotional merchandise , the hell with them too.

And I certainly have deluded myself into thinking I look handsome in the cap, although my 16-year-old asked me if I was cheating on my cowboy hat.

"Even the Craven Gun Lobby"

Even the craven gun lobby should manage some shame over this absurd example of Second Amendment idolatry.

Pretty brave words for someone who isn't staking his personal reputation on them. Pretty bold for someone who will take no personal role in the evil physical disarmament he and his fellow effeminate subversives on The Times' editorial staff dream of visiting on the Republic.

Pretty slick the way he weasel-words his presentation to make it seem like "the gun lobby" is against mental health background checks--despite the NRA supporting the McCarthy bill (a position many of us disagree with).

You don't want to test whether or not organized American gun owners are "cowardly," pal. Especially not personally. Trust me on this.

As for being "defeated" and "vanquished," he's obviously insulated himself from the gun owners I know--people who visit this site every day and tell me they are just about at the end of their tolerance threshold. These people haven't even begun to fight.

Predictions of our demise--coming from the brilliant tacticians whose leadership and evolving marketplace savvy has resulted in a 47% decline in share value over the past 5 years (with their rating just lowered from "stable" to "negative", declining revenues, operating out of such desperation that they've been forced to reduce the size of their paper (and the amount of space available for "news", which is the whole reason for their existence, by 10%), and this after cutting 4% of their staff two years ago--are actually pretty funny.

A Big Success!

As if we needed any more proof that the Brady Campaign tells shameless lies...

Second Amendment Democrats Respond

to this:

Your article on Amendment II Democrats
by Daniel Barnett
Webmaster, Amendment II Democrats

Over the past few days, I've read quite a bit in the RKBA blogosphere in response to the call for a "Save the Second Amendment Rally" in Dallas by Amendment II Democrats. Much of that response, including those from David on the War on Guns blog, had more to do with our policy on Democratic candidates than on the rally itself. I decided to take a critical but fair look at both our current policy on Democratic candidates and at David's response, especially with some in the blogosphere declaring prima facie that Amendment II Democrats is somehow "anti-gun" or "anti-RKBA."

The statement on our website, under the "Who We Are" section, reads as follows:

Do you actively oppose Democrats who support sensible gun measures if they run for public office?

We are Democrats, and as such we will support our party's nominees for local, state, and federal office. During the primaries, however, if any Democratic candidate supports gun control measures that Amendment II Democrats oppose (such as reauthorizing the national ban on semi-automatics), that primary candidate is fair game, and we will encourage voters to support Democratic candidates who are in greater harmony with our outlook on Second Amendment rights. But once the primaries are over and the candidates for the general election have been chosen, it is important that all Democrats pull together and support our party's candidates as best as we are able. Under no circumstances will Amendment II Democrats support Republican candidates who run against anti-RKBA Democrats. We are, after all, Democrats.
David has brought up a few points in his earlier post that I'd like to address one at a time, starting with this:

Nu-uh, guys. It doesn't work that way, and don't think that bit about "sensible gun measures" went unnoticed--what the hell are those?
My point exactly. The term "sensible gun measures" is one that is frequently thrown around by the Brady Campaign and its Million Mom March satellites to denote the well-worn gun-control of paradigm of banning semi-automatics, banning handguns, and otherwise regulating gun ownership to the point where you're left with only a Lyman Great Plains Hunter - and that's for your hunting, shooting, and self-defense needs. Not that there's anything wrong with blackpower arms, mind you, but my own interpretation of the term "sensible gun measures" means not keeping the Tantal where the darned cat can turn the handguards into a chew toy. I only used the phrase in an attempt to challenge the frame that the Brady Campaign et al try to push, namely, that their approach to gun legislation is the only approach that could be called "sensible." I think most readers of the blog are intelligent and informed enough to know the score on this issue.

Next on the docket:

If you would pick an "F" over an "A" simply because of blind party loyalty, you have made yourselves part of the problem.

What this indicates is, ultimately, the Second Amendment is expendable to you, not as much of a priority as re-electing Carolyn McCarthy or Chuck Schumer, or electing Hillary Clinton.
If that were indeed the case with Amendment II Democrats, you'd be absolutely right. And part of that, I fear, is because the policy on Democratic candidates may not have been explicit enough. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. Although we do keep the focus on Democratic candidates, we have not and will not provide support to anti-RKBA Democrats who run for office, even if they win the primaries.

I refer the reader to the now-defunct Democrats for the Second Amendment, another pro-RKBA Democratic organization that predated Amendment II Democrats. Don Baldwin, founder of Democrats for the Second Amendment, once stated: "We will not endorse anti-gun Democrats or non-Democrats. We welcome friendly non-Democrats to join as supporters but require Democratic registration for full membership."

Amendment II Democrats has yet to issue any endorsements in local, state, or Federal races of any kind - we haven't quite reached that point, yet. We have invited Democratic candidates for Federal office to share with us their perspectives on firearms legislation, and we're still doing it today. And we thank those who have responded in the past. We have presented their responses in what we hope is a fair, impartial manner without further commentary or critique. It is our policy that a candidate's words speak for themselves, and you can read them for yourself on the Amendment II Democrats website and make your own decisions.

But even a cursory look at our issues papers and the posts on our MySpace blog should serve as an indicator of how we feel about HR 1022, S 1237, and other anti-RKBA legisation that is being proposed by our legislators. So if we try to solicit answers from anti-RKBA Democrats such as Carolyn McCarthy or Barack Obama, it's mainly for two purposes: first, to be as fair as possible to all Democratic candidates, and second, to leave no doubt whatsoever in the mind of the pro-RKBA Democratic voter as to which candidates are most in harmony with their own views.

And finally:

It means you consider other social and economic issues more important than my elemental right to defend my life and freedom, and will aid and abet those trying to strip me of the means to do so.
This is only an assumption on David's part, and one that I challenge most strenuously. It is true that many issues are important to me, including civil rights, environmental pollution and global climate change, the occupation of Iraq, and so on. But to insinuate that I am willing to sacrifice our Second Amendment rights just to score points on other issues - well, that just isn't going to happen. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is of paramount importance both to myself and to Amendment II Democrats as a whole.

I am a Democratic precinct chair and state convention delegate. I participate in our county party's semi-annual committee meetings - sometimes loudly. And if I hear anyone else at the meeting put forth a resolution that even hints at fostering anti-RKBA sentiment among my fellow Democrats, I will descend upon that resolution like a rock on an eggshell. And that means I'll have to take a lot of flak from anti-RKBA Democrats. I'm used to it. Bring it the hell on, already.

But on the other hand, take a good look at the makeup of the Senate in the 110th Congress. Of the Democratic majority in the Senate, there are no less than eight Democratic Senators - Max Baucus (MT), Bob Casey (PA), Russ Feingold (WI), Mary Landrieu (LA), Ben Nelson (NE), Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV), Jon Tester (MT), and Jim Webb (VA) - who will form a block against any attempt to resurrect a Federal ban on semi-automatics. Judging by the current makeup of the Senate, when it comes to gun legislation, these eight Democratic Senators may prove to be the gatekeepers, much to the constant frustration of Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer. My pro-RKBA stance may technically be the minority within the Democratic Party, but it is gaining in strength. And while Obama and Hillary Clinton may try their best to ignore us, other Democratic candidates do so strictly at their own peril.

So, if there is anyone reading this who is still upset that we will only throw our support behind Democrats, take a good look at our name - we are Amendment II Democrats. We have our own goals for transforming the Democratic Party from the group up. It will not happen overnight. And it will not be easy. But I think the majority of you who read this will agree that it will be a fine day indeed when you show up at the polls and realize that your choices for the White House are a pro-RKBA Republican, a pro-RKBA Libertarian, and a pro-RKBA Democrat. It's something to aim for.

In a way, David seems to have beaten me to the punch in one regard, for which I salute him. I've been mulling over creating another issue paper for our website under the working title And Now For Plan B which would cover how to deal with anti-RKBA Democratic primary winners while still nurturing the growth of pro-RKBA sentiment among the party's rank-and-file as well as other candidates. Like I said earlier, the goals we seek will not be easy to attain, but I am convinced that it is doable if enough people get on board. Within our own ranks, Amendment II Democrats currently boast military veterans, NRA members, gay rights activists, and other diverse sorts within its informal membership ranks. In other words, it looks a bit like a microcosm of the Democratic Party at large. Which means - well, you get the idea.

I'll try to field whatever questions you might have. Thanks in advance for your patience.

Molon labe!

Daniel Barnett
Webmaster, Amendment II Democrats

This Day in History: August 31

Samuel Mason, a Patriot captain in command of Fort Henry on the Ohio frontier, survives a devastating Indian attack on this day in 1777.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

No Fair

I didn't know about this until it was too late to enter.

The world may never appreciate my artistic genius until after I am gone.

I think I'll go cut off my ear.

At least it looked like they voted for a worthy candidate.

Where else have I heard about encouraging people to vote for Number 6?


To save the cost of that valuable response time, which is always too long, is it too much to even consider letting law-abiding Americans carry firearms as enshrined in the Bill of Rights, in what I hope one day will be called the "formerly known as gun-free zone?"

Free Constitution has some thoughts on the newly-released Virginia Tech report.

Unless it includes a recommendation to educate and encourage students about their right to keep and bear arms, and another to shackle Larry Hincker in stocks on the commons for public ridicule and scorn, it's guaranteed to be nothing but a bunch of politically correct BS. And nothing in it will keep the next madman from doing the Hokie Smoky.

"Eat Dead Burnt Bodies"

I guess some people's "sick" is other people's "gifted." Anyway, the line didn't come from me.

I thought the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Generator might prove useful to fellow bloggers and others looking for a way to punch up post titles. Still, how any computer program could assign these words to the "Intellectual" category is beyond me--but I do understand how they'd appeal to people "in the fields of education, law, medicine, politics... "

It took me a couple tries to get my score over 50--I'd be curious to know what word sequence will beat 75, and wonder what a perfect 100 would look like. If anybody has the time...

The Apprentice

Donald Trump Jr. joined his famous father among the ranks of pistol packers this year after the NYPD issued him a permit to keep a handgun at his home.

As I asked at KABA Newslinks:
So how much of the Trump billions are going toward ensuring the right of ALL the people to keep and bear arms?

When the old man ran for president, he flat out showed us he doesn't have a clue.

What About True "Assault Weapons"?

Yuri Orlov doesn't know what to say about NRA Director Joaquin Jackson's arrogance and ignorance. Can anyone help him out via "Comments"?

In an update, Sebastian points us to the NRA Damage Control page, where Jackson tells us he didn't mean semiautos, and when he was talking about limiting magazine capacity to 5 rounds, he was talking about for hunting, not from general ownership.

That's not what I heard him say, and while I am inclined to forgive some people for speaking poorly on camera, Jackson still reveals an elitist bent in his "clarification":
In the interview, when asked about my views of “assault weapons,” I was talking about true assault weapons – fully automatic firearms. I was not speaking, in any way, about semiautomatic rifles. While the media may not understand this critical distinction, I take it very seriously. But, as a result, I understand how some people may mistakenly take my comments to mean that I support a ban on civilian ownership of semiautomatic firearms. Nothing could be further from the truth...

I can't find any other conclusion to draw from this than he does support banning full autos from civilian possession. I don't know what the hell Jackson thinks the Second Amendment is about, but he certainly hasn't demonstrated a competent understanding of the unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms to deserve a leadership position.

And here's the thing about NRA's professionally crafted introductory statement that we shouldn't let slide:
We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as "assault weapons"...
Note they didn't say anything about firearms correctly referred to as "assault weapons."

[Via Paul Grant]

The Italian Rapscallion

The rumor that Sylvester Stallone was issued a CCW permit struck my interest as I had recently been made aware that he had attended a Los Angeles event sponsored by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The "Brady Bunch", as they are commonly referred to by gun-rights advocates, are one of the most well known organizations that are lobbying to take away our rights as lawful gun owners. I was also learning that Stallone had been quoted in the past saying some very anti-gun statements, even advocating door to door gun confiscations!

I've written about Sheriff Baca's corrupt celebrity suck-up policies before, as well as Stallone's (and other Hollywood Squares') astounding good-for-me-but-not-for-thee hypocrisy.

My hat is off to for an outstanding piece of investigative reporting--I can't help but note that "authorized journalists," who look down on "amateur" bloggers, never bring us this kind of information.

In an update, we find the story has been picked up by Cam & Co. Anybody holding their breath waiting on CNN, CBS, ABC...?

[Via Of Arms and the Law, via Eric]

This Day in History: August 30

Sir: Your favor of the 21St Instant is duly received, inclosing Mr. Carters Information of the Capture of the Charming Sally; which from the Circumstances attending it, was undoubtedly collusive. I have received Advice that another Vessel belonging to one White at Marblehead; whose ostensible Voyage was to Casco Bay, was carried in soon after. Such Instances of Avarice at such a time and in such a Cause, call for a Severe Scrutiny and exemplary Punishment.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And the NEW Winner is...

I just got an email from George K, winner of the coveted Ammo Day Red's Trading Post cap (or I guess, more appropriately, "Ammo Day Jr."):

I wish you worked for the lotto commission! Random drawing=George K. never happens to me. While it is an honor to have won the prize, I have to decline as I already own 4 Red’s hats (2 red and 2 orange, they change colors with each order). Plus, I can pick up another at any time as I visit Red’s about 4 times a week! If you would not mind, please draw another name for the hat. Hopefully someone far from Idaho wins it. Next time I travel back east to visit family, I would love to have a “Red’s hat sighting”.

Thank you for the hard work you do in supporting our rights, and for the help in regards to Red’s fight with the ATF.

George C. Kinslow II
Owner, Idaho Ordnance

I don't blame him--if I won a cap, I'd be afraid it would ruin my luck for the Power Ball or the Mega Millions or whatever it's called these days. So I replied to thank him for his generosity:
George, that is very gracious of you--thank you. The process was very scientific and rigorous--at the time I was ready to pick a winner we had 86 comments. I told my 12-yr-old to pick a number between 1 and 86, and counted down to you.

I'll select another winner using the same methodology from the current comment posts.
May I have the envelope please?

The new winner is:

Hey, the kid picked "3" fair and square with no prompting. But we're up to 105 and still adding comments, which means we officially outnumber the rally in Maryland.

If they'd stopped with SailorCurt, we'd have already outnumbered the one in Seattle!

I'll be emailing you soon to claim your prize--and as I already mentioned, it is due to the generosity of WarOnGuns supporter "Sam," who suggested we do this tally in the first place.

A Great Question

Tom Gresham and Clint Smith nail it.

OK, you know I can't leave this alone, especially considering our success with the last call to action.

What, another assignment, already?

Yep. The Republican YouTube debate will be hosted by CNN in November.

So I wrote to them via their website contact form:

(Note I clicked the "Positive" feedback option, as I figure everybody, especially "authorized journalists," likes to read compliments.)

I got back this form reply:

Did'ja get that part?
[W]e pride ourselves in making the opinions of our viewers known to CNN senior management and producers. Your comments will be part of the Viewer Response Report provided to our news division on the next business day.

So what if they get hundreds of comments urging them to "Play Tom Gresham and Clint Smith's question in the YouTube Republican Debate"? What if they get thousands with just that simple message?

And what if gun blogs like this one joined in the call, and CNN knew it would be documented if they avoided presenting the single most relevant Second Amendment-related question I can envision being asked of a presidential candidate? How could they justify suppressing this, especially in light of their taking great pains to select the guy who calls his guns his "babies" in the Democrat debate, with the express intent of portraying gun owners negatively?

It will literally take you one minute to do this.

One of the problems we saw with our August 28 ammo buy is there simply was not enough time to mobilize a nation of gun owners between when the idea was proposed and "Game Day." Well now we have plenty of lead time--but that's no reason to put this off, because if we do, we'll forget about it.

I urge all WarOnGuns visitors to take a moment right now and contact CNN at the above link. I urge my fellow gunbloggers to get their readers on board.

One caveat--I'm not trying to horn in on Tom and Clint's great idea, so I'm not asking for anyone to link to this post. Just pass the YouTube video in the title link and the CNN contact link along to gun owners and the mission will be accomplished. But I would appreciate visitors to this blog to leave me a comment telling me you took a minute to do this.

[Via RuffRidr]

We're the Only Ones With Gun Rights Enough

The complaint is not addressing the disciplinary action against the officers, but the confiscation of their personal guns. Christopher Taylor, the attorney for Officers Jason Bailey and Matt Williams, says the Rockford Police Department violated their civil rights by taking them away.

Wait a minute. We have a right to own a gun in Illinois?

Or do only "The Only Ones"?

[Via Third Power]

We're Number One!

The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said.

And it's your and my job to keep it that way.

[Via 1894C]

We Get Press

Gun owners should therefore do what we can to counter this protest. Buy a box of ammo, some targets, or some other gun-related items Tuesday. If we vote with our wallets, we will send a powerful message.
Way to go Drew!

Red's Sets Ammo Sales Record

Thank you this has been the most ammunition that we have EVER sold in one day.

In your face, Jesse, Sarah and Snuffy!

And all you gun stores that couldn't be bothered--how would you like this to have been your Tuesday traffic?

Amendment II Democrats...

...wish to clarify their position.

I've promised to give them the space, but advised them to be prepared to stand by for questions and comments.

And the Winner is...

George K.

Shoot me an email and I'll make arrangements to get you your cap.

And the losers are Jesse, Snuffy and the Bradys.

How do I figure? With all the foot stomping I've been doing trying to draw attention to this, and considering how many visitors come to this site each day, finding only 86 comments awaiting me this morning (with more coming in as I compose this post), the reality is, only one in 20 of you even bothered to respond--meaning the overwhelming majority, at least in this case, sat out from something so simple and self-beneficial as buying a box of ammo.

That's no way to win a rebellion. What are you sideliners gonna do when necessity presents real demands that you can't avoid against a foe that is purposeful and mean?

That's why the name of our winner is so appropriate. Most gun owners have been content to do little more than gripe, and when it comes to making a contribution or taking an action, adopting the "Let George do it" philosophy.

And spreading the word to gun stores was just pathetic. A few of you got out there and hustled. But most stores were clueless. And in truth,I blame them--their survival depends on knowing the winds and the currents of their trade. It's really their job to inform themselves of happenings affecting their business. In a rational world, they would be leaders and educators of their customers. By insulating themselves, they've pretty much assured they'll stand alone when the wolf appears at their door.

Jeez, we're pretty negative this morning. So why do I say our enemies are the ones who are the losers?

Because they did even worse. We did this with no free publicity from the major media. They had world famous names like Jesse Jackson and Sara Brady prodding their respective constituencies with shrill and desperate urgings. They had church "leaders" and their congregations in the communities they selected to demonstrate in, to get the word out "in the community." They had a budget (tax deductible in many cases), to pay for fliers and buses and press releases and website announcements and billboards and Jesse's hotel suite and airfare for himself and his bodyguards and entourage and child support payments, along with feeding him in the style to which he's accustomed... They saturated newspapers and TV newscasts throughout the land, which announced the upcoming events and sent reporters to cover them when they happened (in some cases, as we shall see). They sent out paid press releases promising "In Communities Across America, Huge Crowds Protest Gun Violence."

And they fell flat on their face in the delivery.

Here are the cities the Bradys touted. I've entered the names of the cities into a Google News search along with the words "gun" and "protest."

First, let's look at Chicago/Lake Barrington (the Brady site said "Evanston"), which was The Main Event--the one led personally by Jesse and Snuffy. Per ABC News, "about 150 marchers took their message to the DS Arms company plant..."

That's it? With all the hoopla and resources put into this, with all the free media exposure, with national names and a free ride to and from the protest, that's all the troops our mighty enemy could muster to the field in a fight they picked? Based on the comments left in this obscure blog, we managed to put together an opposing force of almost 60% of that number--and our volunteers paid for everything themselves. And we did it with no budget, no media exposure, no requests for donations...and that's just what's been reported on this blog. I note many visitors at Kim duToit's place pledged gun and ammo buys, and I look forward to a report from The Firearms Coalition.

OK, what about the other Bra-inbow PUSH cities? Remember the news search terms, "city name" and "gun" and "protest".

Newark: No after-the-fact stories appear. If there had been thousands do you think that would be the case?

Maryland: There are plenty of stories--let's link to one:

About 100 protesters rallied outside a gun shop in Maryland just across the District of Columbia border.
100? That's it for the nation's capitol?

Dallas: There are plenty of stories giving free PR to announce the rally, but not much reporting on the actual event. This CBS TV "report" does its best through selective camera angles and cuts to make a few dozen people look as large as possible, but for some reason reporting the actual number of protesters didn't strike "authorized journalist" Steve Pickett as newsworthy. If we are to believe the Brady's press release (and why wouldn't we?), "the news media said [the march] attracted hundreds..." but the source I found said "about 60 people marched." Hmmm....I wonder why the discrepancy...?

Denver: No after-the-fact reporting. It must have been glorious.

Duluth: Apparently matched only by Denver...

Evanston: I guess everybody figured out it was in Lake Barrington?

Ewing: Hey, at least they got mentioned in the Brady's paid press release.

Houston: Apparently, if we are to believe the demonstrably credible paid press release , some people hung some signs from a bridge.

Minneapolis: "Thirty-two people staged a 'lie-in' - [appropriate use of a term--DC] lying down on a north Minneapolis sidewalk." Y'know when I read about these and see the pictures, the first thought that comes to mind is Evel Knievel is never around when you really need him.

Philadelphia: "Dozens stage anti-gun rally"--well hold the presses.

Phoenix: In your face, Denver!

San Diego: A strong contender for edging out Phoenix...

And then, of course, 32 each for all the ridiculous "Protest Easy Guns" cities listed in the Brady announcement.

That's it. In spite of the enormous amount of advance pre-billing for this circus event by the mass media, and despite the money, power and names behind it, it turned out to be a dud. The fire in the belly seems to be mostly for self-promotion by Jesse and Snuffy, and a desperate search for relevance by the Bradys. Of course I have no scientific way to validate this, but my sense is that the stated goal here at WarOnGuns was achieved: That between (admittedly unvalidated) reports of ammo sales on this site and elsewhere, we probably came real close to buying a box of ammo (or spending equivalent dollars on guns or other gear) for every anti-gun protester that showed up.

Which means all the citizen disarmament mobs managed to do was produce the exact opposite of what they wanted: thanks to them, there are now tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition in private hands that would otherwise not have been bought on August 28. And they got meager after-the fact publicity for their failure because it was just so damned embarrassing to show how ineffectual they truly are at motivating anything other than staged grass roots support. Even the authorized journalists couldn't spin it as a victory.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

This Day in History: August 29

August 29, 1779
Battle of Chemung (Battle of Newton), New York

At what is modern-day Elmira, Continental forces are led by Generals John Sullivan and James Clinton and defeat a combined force of Loyalists and Indians commanded by Captain Walter Butler and Chief Joseph Brant. The Continentals are ambushed but manage to use their artillery to drive off the Indians. However, the Americans are criticized for their failure to pursue the fleeing Indians and gain a major victory. The Indians have many of their villages destroyed along with valuable supplies in retaliation for their continued raids against frontier settlements. Still, they manage to keep up the pressure on frontier settlements.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28 Ammo Buy

This is the only post I'm going to make today, and I'll make it brief.

WarOnGuns regulars know about today's proposed ammo buy as a counterprotest to the Pfleger/Jackson Citizen Disarmament Mobfest and Rabble-Rousin' Jamboree.

The rest of today's posts are yours, via comments. Please tell us:

Your name or screen name
What you bought
How much you bought
Where you bought it (name of store or range), including the city
Did the gun store or range help promote the ammo buy, and if so, what did they do?
If you like, you can tell us how much you spent, but that's optional.

Please restrict your comments to that information.

This post will remain up until 12:00 midnight. I'll determine a "winner" via random drawing from all entries. As previously mentioned, the victor will receive a handsome Red's Trading Post cap, courtesy of WoG reader "Sam."

One last thing--I thought about requiring some sort of proof of purchase, but that's the government's MO to consider people suspect right off the bat. We operate on the honor system here at WarOnGuns. When I announce the winner tomorrow, it will be up to them to contact me at dcodrea at hotmail dot com to claim the prize.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Shameless Plug: Freedomnomics

Don’t be put off by the fact this is essentially an economics book. It’s not a difficult read. Lott’s clear writing doesn’t assume we’re anything but interested lay people, and his use of simple tables and graphs at key points bring his conclusions into focus.
"Freedomnomics," my Rights Watch column for the October 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now on sale at capitalist newsstands throughout the Republic.

BONUS: See page 114 to find out how you can win a Taurus Judge 3"-barreled revolver that shoots either .45 Colt or .410 shotshells.

The Final Frontier

How could the FAA issue rules in conflict with the DOJ and President? Who had approved this?

According to the Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief Counsel for the FAA, “This rule … was reviewed and approved by the Executive Office of the President.”

"The Final Frontier," my September 2007 Rights Watch column for GUNS Magazine chronicling my adventures with the FAA, is now online.

We're the Only Ones Purchasing Enough

A Times Union investigation has found that Romano was one of dozens of city cops, along with at least one Albany County assistant district attorney and possibly a judge, who used the department to illegally purchase an arsenal of automatic assault rifles and ammunition for personal use at tax-exempt, discount prices in the mid-1990s.

The illegal gun purchases, which were concealed from the public, did not result in any disciplinary or criminal charges, and ultimately they exposed more than just wrongdoing on the part of the police force. To this day, it is unclear how many of the weapons were never recovered.
So...Bloomberg's gonna sue 'em, right?

[Via Magus]

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

Separating the Wheat From the Chaff

Do you understand that I include myself as a "crazed right-wing militant"????

...Please read more of my writings and understand the concept of 'tongue-in-cheek'.

Please feel free to check out to understand a little more of my background and writing.

Well, that's a relief.

Believe me, Mr. Wheat, I understand the ramifications of having "tongue-in-cheek" commentary misunderstood better than most.

And I did check out your site--I note you are currently a Lieutenant with the Lebanon Police Department.

So I guess my question--tongue-in-cheek, mind you--is, if I let you know I'll be coming up to Lebanon keeping and bearing arms--as any "right wing militant" can tell you is my Constitutionally-acknowledged unalienable right--will you arrest me?

We're the Only Ones Framing Enough

Federal prosecutors Thursday filed criminal charges against 10 Puerto Rican police officers in an anti-narcotics unit, cracking down on police corruption on the heels of widespread outrage over a video showing an officer killing an unarmed civilian.

Nine officers and their lieutenant were accused of stashing cocaine, heroin and crack at their precinct in Mayaguez for the past 3 years so they could frame people in several of the city's low-income housing projects.

And guess who non-"Only Ones" need to grovel to for permission to possess or carry weapons in Puerto Rico?

Yep--the Superintendent of Police.

[Via Third Power]

This Day in History: August 27

The Battle of Long Island took place on August 27, 1776. The American outpost of Colonel Edward Hand's sent word that the British were preparing to cross Long Island from Staten Island on August 22, at dawn. There were three frigates, the Phoenix, Rose, and Greyhound, and two bomb ketches named Carcass and Thunder, in Gravesend Bay. The frigates were anchored in the Namews.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

2A Dems to Hold 8/28 Rally

Your humble Webmaster for Amendment II Democrats is planning a Save the Second Amendment Rally to be held on Tuesday, August 28, 2007, 12:00 noon CDT in Dallas, Texas. We will be gathering outside the Warren United Methodist Church at 3028 Malcolm X Boulevard, where the North Texas Brady Campaign and Rainbow PUSH members are scheduled to hold their own anti-gun rally. It's time for Democrats who support the Second Amendment to take a stand against those who seek to undermine our Constitutional rights.
I agree. I support and applaud this effort. But one thing troubles me greatly:
Do you actively oppose Democrats who support sensible gun measures if they run for public office?

We are Democrats, and as such we will support our party's nominees for local, state, and federal office. During the primaries, however, if any Democratic candidate supports gun control measures that Amendment II Democrats oppose (such as reauthorizing the national ban on semi-automatics), that primary candidate is fair game, and we will encourage voters to support Democratic candidates who are in greater harmony with our outlook on Second Amendment rights. But once the primaries are over and the candidates for the general election have been chosen, it is important that all Democrats pull together and support our party's candidates as best as we are able. Under no circumstances will Amendment II Democrats support Republican candidates who run against anti-RKBA Democrats. We are, after all, Democrats.

Nu-uh, guys. It doesn't work that way, and don't think that bit about "sensible gun measures" went unnoticed--what the hell are those?
I like your strategy for the primaries, but the general election is where power over lives is awarded. If you would pick an "F" over an "A" simply because of blind party loyalty, you have made yourselves part of the problem.

What this indicates is, ultimately, the Second Amendment is expendable to you, not as much of a priority as re-electing Carolyn McCarthy or Chuck Schumer, or electing Hillary Clinton. It means you consider other social and economic issues more important than my elemental right to defend my life and freedom, and will aid and abet those trying to strip me of the means to do so.

I take that personally. A friend wouldn't do that to me.
If an authorized representative from your group would like to respond on this blog and entertain questions and comments from WarOnGuns readers, I'll give you the space.

[Via A Keyboard and a .45]

UPDATE: See response here.

Got a Free Moment Today?

It's Sunday. Surely you'll have a free 5 minutes today.

Why not call a gun store where you do business and recruit them to support the August 28 ammo buy?

If not, why not?

We're the Only Ones 5-0* Enough

Speaking of raging "Only Ones," I found this video (click title link) on WikiProtest.

My 12-year-old is a skateboarder. I understand there are places that are off-limits, but there are plenty of effective ways adults can deal with children without resorting to out-of-control, vein-bulging mouth-foaming and name-calling. Losing control is the least effective way to deal with young people. While I stipulate we don't know what preceded the taped encounter, that's still no excuse for the "official" temper tantrum recorded here. And there is nothing from the demeanor of the victims to suggest they were doing anything but attempting to obey.

Imagine this is your kids being treated this way, intimidated, assaulted, extorted, having their property stolen by a loud-mouthed raving bully with a badge. I note this took place in San Francisco, and it may explain why they are so keen on disarming the populace--so the thugs can get away with treating everyone like this.

Time was, men were employed from their communities to act in the capacity of "peace officers." Now that the paradigm has shifted to "law enforcement," we see results that are exactly the opposite of the original intent--indeed, we see them introducing conflict and belligerence, rather than peace, into their encounters with citizens. In reality, the "Only Ones" are now "control officers," albeit out-of-control ones, and we ought to start calling them that.

This is an interesting microcosm of the way government--instituted among men to secure the blessings of liberty--has mutated into the grotesque enslaver it has become.

I would suggest an official investigation of this, but does anyone really believe it would accomplish anything? It's clear this behavior is SOP for the coward in question. That means he and his ilk have been getting away with it for years, and those who resort to coercion as a means of maintaining power are not about to force a change.

That's our job.

* 5-0
While the most common usage of this term is as a grind, the 5-0 is also used to refer to the police (a play on both the trick of the same name, and Hawaii Five-0).

We're the Only Ones--No, WE'RE the Only Ones...

In what was described by authorities as "a road rage incident," a Jackson County sheriff's reserve deputy was charged Thursday with aggravated assault with a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of a crash and reckless driving, according to Florida Highway Patrol reports...

The driver of the other vehicle was confirmed to be off-duty officer Charles Vance of the Metro Nashville (Tennessee) Police Department.

So which one is the ONLY Only One? Well, this statement says it all:
Samuel Efurd III was not booked into jail Thursday, but was given a notice to appear...
"Professional courtesy," I suppose. Because we know what happens to a mere citizen who "lifts a finger."

Aaron Russo, RIP

Longtime movie producer and 2004 Libertarian presidential candidate Aaron Russo is dead at age 64, having succumbed to cancer yesterday.

I had the pleasure of sharing a dinner table with Mr. Russo a few years back at one of our "ATF Nights."

His "Freedom to Fascism" is a must-see video.

We have lost that rarest of human beings, a good leader.

This Day in History: August 26

The Rhode Island Assembly resolves to have their delegates to the next Continental Congress ask if they may build a fleet of ships at Continental expense "for the protection of these colonies."

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Snuffy's New Political Advocacy Billboard Campaign

The Faith Community of Saint Sabina has put up 40 billboards throughout the city of Chicago...

It certainly doesn't look like Snuffy Pfleger is abusing the church's nonprofit tax status to advocate specific legislation, does it? I mean, who could possibly consider this to fall under the IRS proscription:
In general, if a substantial part of the activities of your organization consists of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, your organization’s exemption from federal income tax will be denied.

Besides, the IRS is already busy, chasing down churches that post pro-life advocacy messages from their own marquees, or processing letters from The Separatists demanding a church have its tax status revoked because the fundamentalist pastor told his flock not to vote for a Mormon.

But Snuffy's a left-wing subversive, so the rules don't apply. And never have.

I wonder if they paid full price for the billboards with tax-deducted donations, or if the billboard company donated the space and took a write-off themselves?

WarOnGuns Correspondent Les K, who sent me the title link, which also gives the schedule of the Pfleger/Jackson Citizen Disarmament Mobfest and Rabble-Rousin'Jamboree for August 28, writes:
I've already called and have gotten about 20 folks to call the Chicago Archdiocese. 312-751-8200. Maybe you could post the number and ask folks to ask the Chicago Archdiocese why they allow a Catholic priest to engage in political and potential illegal behavior...

And while you're at it, ask 'em who's paying for the buses, the drivers, the gas, and whether or not it's "substantial" and coming out of tax-deductible contributions...


...Joe's Crabby Shack, for helping spread the word on August 28.


Arthur Bremer, who shot and paralyzed Alabama Gov. George Wallace in 1972, will be released from a Maryland prison this year, an official at the prison said Thursday.

Chris Horton has some thoughts on this. I can speak for Jesse here, Chris--he would use this as a call for disarming you and me.

Another Gun Shop Comes on Board

Anything and everything in our gun shop will be discounted by 10% all day Tuesday Aug. 28, 2007. Keep up the good work.

David and Bruce Nelson
Montana Ordnance & Supply

2100 Stephens Ave.#118
(In Stephens Center)
Missoula, Mt. 59801

What You Can Do About Jesse Jackson's Aug. 28 Anti-Gun Protests

Through a massive and coordinated blitz of letters to the editor of our local newspapers in the days and weeks leading up to the August 28 demonstrations, we can speak directly to American citizens and our elected officials with the facts straight from the mouths of voting constituents.

Fine, yes, by all means do that. But gee, NRA--would it have killed you to encourage the membership to buy a box of ammo on that day? One announcement like this from Fairfax and this really would become a national news item.

Same with the other gun groups--you're aware that a small number of gun blogs and supportive individuals have been the only ones doing a thing about this. I just don't get the downside.

This Day in History: August 25

Britain refused the mediation of Spain at a Time when their Spirits were elated by their Successes in the West Indies, and the southern States; and by the accounts they received of Discord in Congress, Discontent among the People, and a Prospect of the Evils with which we were threatened by the Depreciation of our Currency. Deceived by these illusory Gleams of Hope, they permitted their Counsels to be guided by their Pride. What Reason they may have to expect Succor from other Powers, is as yet a Secret. Mr. Gerard is decided in his opinion, that they will obtain none. The Conduct of France in establishing Peace between Russia and the Porte has won the Heart of the Empress; and the Influence of Versailles at Constantinople, will probably give Duration to her Gratitude. The Emperor and Prussia are under similar obligations. The latter wishes us well, and the Finances of the former are too much exhausted to support the Expences of War without Subsidies from Britain, who at present cannot afford them. There is no Reason to suspect that the Peace of Germany will soon be interrupted. Britain may hire some Troops there, but it is not probable she will be able to do more. Portugal and the Dutch, while directed by their Interest, will not rashly raise their Hands to support a Nation, which like a Tower in an Earthquake, sliding from its Base, will crush every slender Prop that may be raised to prevent its Fall.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Guns and Hunting

I got the following in an email from NRA:

I perused the site and didn't see Word One about the right to keep and bear arms (not even a forum category, guys?). Surely there's room for just a section? Maybe I'm being unfair, and I confess a contempt for "sportsmen" who ignore and disparage "the animating contest for freedom," but this just looks to me like a breeding ground for more pre-apology Zumbos.

We're the Only Ones Cutting a Rug Enough

A grand jury indicted a former police officer on murder charges Thursday in the death of his pregnant girlfriend, whose 2-year-old son was left alone in an apartment to tell police: "Mommy was crying ... Mommy's in rug."

Bobby Cutts Jr. could receive the death penalty if convicted in the June death of Jessie Davis and her unborn child.

But I thought men like Cutts were a cut above the rest of us, who can't be trusted with guns like they can. I thought they were "The Only Ones"...

[Via Dave Licht]

Gelding the Flock

"For the clergy team, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or to obey the law is the bible itself, specifically Romans 13."
Yeah, well praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

So much for separation of church and state.

[Via M. Terry]

August 28 Ammo Tally

I received the following email:
David, how about an honest posting on "War On Guns" beginning on 29 Aug. until midnight 1 Sept. of how much ammo we bought? That might really give the Brady Bunch a shock. It's my challenge, my rules. A 500 round spam-can counts as 500 not 1, etc. You could then make comments like 'Enough ammo was bought to fight small war or would stack 2 miles high.' It could be fun. I'll donate a Red's Cap in the color of choice to the top purchaser. Honesty being the key. You be the deciding judge on who wins. It's your blog I'll be committing to the effort. My sign on name is SamenoKami. Thanks, Sam

My reply:
That's a great idea--I can do a post and invite people to leave comments as to how much they bought--I can even adjust the time on the post to leave it at the top of the page until midnight of 9/1. The key would be, whoever claims the prize must email me so I can determine proof...

So starting Aug. 28, I'll have a post up on this blog to enable people to do this.

Meanwhile, keep spreading the word. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to extrapolate a box of ammo has been purchased for each "protester"?

Guest Commentary: NICS Story

By Thomas Bostian Harris

I build, repair, and collect and sometimes sell firearms. Due to not wanting to handle all the atrocious paperwork the ATF requires and the related meddling, I do not have a personal Federal Firearms License and transact my trading quite legally through a friend's gun shop on his license when an FFL is required. He charges me a minor handling fee.

I had a hunt planned from Monday to this evening.

I had a rifle I had purchased a month ago from a person in Idaho I wanted to take on the hunt for my father to use.

It came in on Saturday to my friend's gun shop.

The gun shop is an hour each way in the wrong direction from where I was going hunting.

I get called that the gun is in and plan to load up on Sunday, drive in to town, get the rifle, then drive out to go hunting.

I go to pick up said rifle, fill out the 4473 form, NICS is called, they "delay me" and I can not receive the firearm until they approve it or Thursday if they don't deny it, whichever comes first. Two hours wasted.

I drive out to where I'm going hunting. The next day, while I'm taking a break to have lunch, I check my voice mail. Transaction approved, you can come get your firearm (three hours drive away in each direction).

Side note. Ten firearms transactions involving NICS (on Custer Drive because even their street name is a loser) this year. Three delays. One multiple firearm transaction day 3 weeks prior, involving a handgun even, where all were instantly approved. No particular pattern. Pretty much a normal year in my dealing with NICS as far as their performance.

Not even a speeding ticket or parking ticket this year or last (or many years before) for that matter on my part. Each time they have run the exact same Name (with a very odd middle name), Social Security number, Drivers License number, Address, Date, and Place of Birth. I can fill out the form in my sleep and I fill it out the same every time at the same gun shop.

Show me any other database where a simple search returns spurious results 3 out of 10 times when fed the exact same search.


I have other rifles, I still got my hogs, I went and picked up my rifle this evening, but they wasted two hours of my time and multiple dead dinosaurs in the truck for no reason at all.

If you google my name you will find one of the universities I attended and an amazon wishlist, if any Fibbers or BATFEces wish to contribute to purchasing any of those books they are quite welcome to do so.

A "Pro-Gun" Journalist

dove slaughterers...our constitutional right to blast a bunch of birds out of existence with the weapon of our choice...people's right to blast a bunch of birds out of existence with the weapon of their choice...people accustomed to obtaining one in about 19 minutes...That's how long it took me to buy one in April, after the Virginia Tech massacre...gun control fanatics...weapon capable of scattering dove flesh and feathers throughout the sky...the constitutionally protected sport of dove slaughtering...
And the thing is, he's arguing against the 4-day delay. This must be what passes for "pro-gun" commentary in "authorized journalist" circles.

[Via Michael S]

Gun Groups Speak Out for Dealers

Members of Senator Larry Craig and Senator Mike Crapo's staff were there among others. GOA-Gun Owners of America, JPFO-Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, NRA-National Rifle Association and NSSF-National Shooting Sports Foundation submitted letters on behalf of firearms dealers...

It'd be nice if this focuses the spotlight of oversight on the overseers. I told Ryan I hope his attorneys are mindful of the implications of this report:

BATFU doesn't inspect all dealers routinely and with standardized protocols, but they have the resources to pick Red's to death with arbitrary made-on-the fly "rules" on a continual basis--even though they know no serious violations exist. In other words, they aren't doing their "job," but they somehow have time and resources for a vendetta.

Mind you, I'm not calling for more resources to help them do this--I'd like to see them go away completely. But if they are going to exist, they ought to be bound by a thick leash that prevents them from making things personal, which is clearly what has been happening to Ryan.

This Day in History: August 24

A brief artillery exchange in New York sparks an exodus by New York City civilians to New Jersey.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

We're the Only Ones Hootin' and Hollerin' Enough

Three carloads of off-duty Deerpark police officers, outside law enforcement officials and residents headed to Hooters restaurant in Franklin, N.J., Thursday night.

While the officers were out on the town, there were no town cops on duty back in Deerpark — 35 minutes away.

I agree with Chief Werner that "the safety of the town was not compromised," but probably for different reasons.

[Via Declan]

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

I Make People Feel Like What?

From J.T.McAdams:

I spoke with Ryan at Red's today. I ordered the blue hat. He doesn't know me from Adam but you wouldn't know it by our conversation. He is very personable and seems to be a genuinely humble and appreciative individual -despite the downright BS he is having to endure. He was very complimentary of you and the work you've done to get the story out. I told him you had a way of motivating people to get involved...and making them feel like crap if they don't. He laughed. I did too. Keep it up David. Thanks.

I laughed too, J.T. Thanks for brightening up my day.

Open Carry While Delivering Fliers

Drew tells us of his adventures spreading the word about the August 28 Brady Counter-Protest Ammo Buy to local gun shops.

He also may get a letter published in the paper.


"Can Do" vs. "No Can Do"
The Next Steps Toward Aug. 28
Buy a Box of Ammo on August 28th
Ammo Day: August 28th
Buy Ammo on Aug 28!
Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/17/07
August 28th ... Buy Bullets For the "Brady Bunch"
I don't mean to slight anyone by not posting a link to your blog if you've mentioned this--because I have such limited time, I just copied these directly from my original post on this topic, and that's what shows up automatically. Feel free to add related links in Comments below.

NRA On Board with Red's


Here's a link to the letter.

[Many thanks to Whose Paranoid for hosting files.]

[More about Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]

Submit Your Artwork to the Payne Jr High Gun Drawing Contest

Hmmm....looks like Principal Karen Martin has deactivated her email.

I wonder how she'd react if people were to send (non-threatening) pictures of guns to the school via mail? Say, that's a pretty ferocious looking panther in their school logo--fangs bared and all... I guess the message is, animals with weapons are good, people with weapons are bad.

I don't know what the big deal about children drawing guns is. I used to do it all the time.


Concerning responsibility, there is a topic that seems taboo unless it is dealt with negatively.

That is the subject of gun ownership.Most firearms are owned by decent honest people for a variety of uses. This includes self defense. That said, we have the responsibility with the right to keep and bear arms to know how to responsibly and effectively operate them.

Check out the first comment: Naturally, an effete Huffington Poster who is all in a dither over "unfettered access to Uzis," disagrees.

Where are All the "Assault Weapons"?

A key component of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) enforcement mission is the tracing of firearms on behalf of thousands of Federal, State, local and foreign law enforcement agencies. Firearms trace data is critically important information developed by ATF. ATF has prepared the following state-by-state reports utilizing trace data which is intended to provide the public with insight into firearms recoveries.

Perhaps an alternate title would be "BATFU Does PowerPoint."

One thing that strikes is that of all guns recovered during the report period, the "National Average Time-to-Crime" is 10.17 YEARS! That's quite some flow for the "pipeline, " wouldn't you agree?

But the thing that caught my immediate attention was the "Firearm Types" graphic presented for each state:

Where are all the "assault weapons" they're tracing? I mean, these are the bogeyman guns we're always hearing about from the Bradys and their "authorized journalist" heralds...

Aside from a very rare machine gun trace, all the other classifications I see make no distinction...

Hey, wait a don't think the antis might be all about manipulating semantics, that is, lying, do you...?

[Via Of Arms and the Law]

This Day in History: August 23

On the march to day I was honoured with a Letter from Congress transmitting Sundry Resolutions for calling out reinforcements of Militia, to repel the threatned invasion by the Enemy, who have arrived high up in the North East part of Chesapeak Bay.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rendering Unto Caesar

A church whose pastor is a leader in the local pro-life efforts has earned an Internal Revenue Service demand for an audit of the organization's books by posting its biblically mandated support for life on its marquee.

Funny--I'd expect by now they'd also be looking into Snuffy Pfleger's anti-gun political activities.

A Call for Black Vigilantism

So here's the question: Should black people accept government's dereliction of its first basic function, that of providing protection? My answer is no. One of our basic rights is the right to defend oneself against predators. If the government can't or won't protect people, people have a right to protect themselves.

You say, "Hey, Williams, you're not talking about vigilantism, are you?" Yes, I am.

Time was, before charlatans like Jesse and Al and their ilk took over the "leadership," this was understood through bitter experience.

Some Small Comfort

There is some small comfort in the University of North Carolina's gun-free policy on the system's 16 public campuses.
Don't be so modest. Prospective shooting rampage perpetrators find enormous comfort in that.

Nothing like giving aid and comfort to the enemy, is there?

How can there be any doubt that anyone proposing enforced defenselessness is anything but an enemy himself?

We're the Only Ones Oldest Professional Enough

A Newport Township part-time police officer was working as an escort when he was arrested in a prostitution sting at a Wilkes-Barre motel on Friday, according to arrest papers.

I guess he's blown his career now...

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]

Gary from Billings

We showed yesterday how we have a choice to either lead or snipe from the sidelines. I wanted to share an email exchange I just had with "Gary," the gun owner who has taken it on himself to lead the effort in his home town to spread the word about the August 28 Ammo Buy :

I dropped off flyers at the 3 remaining ‘big box’ sporting goods stores, Billings Gunsmith, and 2 pawn shops. I also wrote a letter to the editor of the Billings Gazette flagrantly plagiarizing your post. Will concentrate on the remaining pawn shops tomorrow with some help from coworkers. Will be emailing the info to every sportsman in my address book tonight.

My response:

Gary, thank you. If there was one gun owner like you in every city, we'd be winning this thing. I just saw another forum idiot put the idea down and recommend a 'solution' that would require a thousand times the effort--with of course no pledge that he would do a thing toward making it happen.

I appreciate your leadership.

I'd appreciate yours, too.

Time to Separate Church from State in Kennesaw

"We passed an ordinance banning firearms, and the state, in its infinite wisdom, passed a law saying people can have guns in parks and endanger our kids," said Church. "We think we ought to have the right to protect our kids and our citizenry."

Now tell 'em the truth, Mayor Leonard Church.

The truth is, it's already illegal for criminals to carry, so these "people" you don't trust--the only ones who would obey such a ridiculous edict--are the ones who aren't causing a problem. You insult them by accusing them of being a danger to "our kids" (and the claim that children belong to some collective hive is symptomatic of your statist mindset). And you offer the further unsubstantiated assertion that the best way to protect yourself is to allow the state to disarm you while it utterly fails to disarm the violent among us.

And let's extrapolate a bit: if a citizen with a gun is a danger to himself and others when he's in a park, why is he not also a danger to himself and others when he's at other places where it's "legal" to have one? How could anyone adopt your position, Mayor Church, and not also hold that the only solution is to give martinets like yourself the power to ban guns everywhere?

Great logic there, genius. Perhaps you're right--perhaps anybody dumb enough to vote for a an ignorant, blowhard tyrant wannabe like yourself is too stupid to have a gun.

Hopefully, come the next election, there'll be enough smart ones in Kennesaw to vote for separating Church from state.

I got this story from Ed Stone and Matt Knighten of Georgia Carry. Matt adds:

The good news is that they repealed their ordinance because Georgia has a law preempting local counties or cities from "regulation in any manner" the carry and possession of firearms (other than discharge or bans regarding county employees).

The bad news is that they are so upset that they are going to lobby against the preemption law during the next legislative session.

The AJC has done something with the first article that appeared online earlier Tuesday which quoted Mayor Church of Kennesaw as saying is a group “that doesn’t have anything better to do than to endanger our kids” in Kennesaw and other cities.

Well, so much for Guntown USA.

How You Can Show Support for Red's

Buy a hat. Click the title link for details.

Ryan Horsley "will be speaking out Thursday at the Regulatory Fairness Forum in Boise."

He continues:
Second Amendment Organizations: Let me make this clear, I have not been speaking out to receive help, this is not about Red's Trading Post, this is about all dealers. Our case is in the hands of the Judge, I have been speaking out to raise awareness of what is happening to our Second Amendment. Since speaking out I have become an even bigger target of the ATF. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, all I am looking for is some support. Simply write a letter, acknowledging what all of us know, that there is a problem with the ATF and it needs to be resolved. Thank you!
Hear, hear. Aside from JPFO and some individuals affiliated with gun rights organizations, the organizations themselves have been conspicuously absent from the fray.

It may not be "about Red's," but that's certainly where the current engagement--that will either chasten or embolden BATFU--is being fought. It's past time these groups--that rely on gun owner generosity to exist and prosper from--stopped lurking from the sidelines while volunteers do all the heavy lifting.