Friday, June 01, 2007

Open Letter to Americans United for Separation of Church and State

To: I see you're trying to get the IRS to revoke an evangelist's 501(c)(3) status for his statement that a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Satan. One comment is all it takes for you guys to go ballistic? Have I got a case for you. Can we rely on your consistency to do something about Snuffy Pfleger? See: I'd say these links provide way more evidence of tax exemption abuse than a fundamentalist preacher decrying Mormonism to his congregation, wouldn't you? Can I count on your prompt investigation and follow-through with the IRS on this? Awaiting your response, David Codrea [WoG visitors--if you agree, feel free to send an email of your own.]

1 comment:

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I sent 'em a note. I have to confess I was kind of lazy--rather than go to the trouble of building a tax case against St. Sabina myself, I just referred them to The War on Guns: Snuff Out Mike Pfleger. I don't think anything could make the argument better than that.