Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Cops Find All Objects in the Physical World Alarming

“The soft-air gun that was fired on a Thunder Bay school bus Wednesday is considered a firearm, Thunder Bay Police said…

“‘I think it’s fair to call it a firearm,’ police spokesman Chris Adams said Friday.

”It could be considered a weapon if it was used in a threatening or criminal manner, he added.”

Me, I find ignorance on the part of “authoritah” alarming. And dangerous to the lives, liberty and property of free people.

Yo, Chris--no, it is certainly not fair:

"Main Entry: fire•arm
"Pronunciation: 'fIr-"ärm
"Function: noun
": a weapon from which a shot is discharged by gunpowder -- usually used of small arms"

And for the record, anything “could be considered a weapon if it was used in a threatening or criminal manner.”

Not to alarm you and the rest of Thunder Bay’s finest...

Shameless Plug: "Thinking of England"

"Can we sneer at the prosecution of Tony Martin and forget about Hale DeMar, the Wilmette, IL, homeowner who shot a burglar and was then charged by officials for violating the village’s handgun ban?"

"Thinking of England" is my Rights Watch commentary for the April issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale starting today at discriminating newsstands across the kingdom...uh...Republic.