Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Zumbo Fallout Continues

After all, we didn't turn out in those numbers when Congresswoman McCarthy re-introduced the Assault Weapons Ban last week. Responses like the ones we've seen over the past two days would have melted down the Congressional e-mail servers.
Agreed. If we focused half the energy on treasonous politicians, particularly Republican sellouts, as we have on a mere hunting writer, it would scare the hell out of them.

[Via Blogonomicon]

The Usual NRA Board Candidate Questionnaire- 2007

Voting members have until March 25 to get their ballots for NRA Board of Directors mailed in and received. As usual, the Nominating Committee has selected a group of candidates to perpetuate "The Winning Team." As usual, another faction is urging us to vote for outsiders. And as usual, some opinion makers are urging us to vote based on their personal experience with or devotion to particular candidates.

So what to do?

As usual, The War on Guns has prepared a questionnaire, designed to separate the Freedom Fighters from the Fuddites. And as usual, I don't expect any candidate to put their stance in the public record for scrutiny, so as usual, I don't expect I'll be voting (again) this year.

Here it is. If you're a candidate who wants my vote and endorsement, fill in the answers, send it back to me, and if you get them right, I'll do what I can to support you.

To those of you who are voting members and would like to see candidates answer these questions: Use them yourselves. One of the reasons these are ignored is because I'm the only one asking them. If each candidate received numerous demands, do you think they'd be so quick to discount any need to respond? If you get a reply, let me know about it.
1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans?

2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state?

3. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider constitutional.

4. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider unconstitutional.

5. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?

6. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern?

7. Do you support or oppose Project Exile, and do you agree with current NRA management’s call to “enforce existing gun laws”?

8. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?

9. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?

10. If elected to the NRA Board, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How?

11. Do you agree with the way NRA assigns political ratings? If not, what would you change and why? Who would you have given a different rating to, what would it been and why?

12. Do you disagree with any policies being promulgated by NRA management? What is you biggest area of dissent? Have you offered superior alternatives and worked with others to implement them?

13. Have you ever publicly spoken out against an NRA position because you thought it was wrong? When, where, and what were the results?

14. What reforms do you think are needed at NRA and why?

15. If elected, how will you inform members of your performance and voting record? Will you let us know when you dissent and why?

16. Do you agree with Executive VP Wayne LaPierre, who stated: "[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel"? If not, what do you plan to do about it?
2006 Questionnaire
2005 Questionnaire

"This is About as Stupid as Anything You Can Do"

After the Trolley Square shooting last week, Jenkins said he was surprised that any of his colleagues would support a bill to create another gun-free zone where criminals don't have to worry about concealed weapons permit holders.

"This is about as stupid as anything you can do. They're just telling everyone, 'I don't have a gun, so come shoot me,"' Jenkins said.

Kudos to Scott Jenkins. And Greg Bell and Lyle Hillyard: you guys are tools.

Claire Weighs in on Zumbo

Remind me never to get this woman mad at me.

We're the Only Ones Getting Away With Shocking Stuff Enough

The sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers -- in the case of a former Escambia County deputy found guilty of repeatedly shocking an innocent woman with a Taser -- is itself shocking.

Six months of house arrest, 50 hours of community service, five years on probation and a $3,000 fine?

The judge had tough words for Charles Dix, but the sentence didn't match them.

In other developments, it also looks like our "Only Ones" Carnival's Big Top ring master was placed on probation and had to write a letter. Harsh doesn't begin to describe it.

I guess that's why they're "The Only Ones" and we're not.

[Via Andre]

Fincher Attorney Jailed

In his lawsuit, Stilley alleged that Sebastian County had illegally imposed taxes on reappraised real property, and that taxpayers should be able to recover those taxes because they were not paid voluntarily. The lawsuit and its predecessors were dismissed as without merit, and the dismissals were upheld by the Arkansas Supreme Court.
I wonder if they allowed him to argue the law?

[More about Wayne Fincher via WarOnGuns]

A Zumbo Bleg

Armed and Safe is looking for a magazine...

This Day in History: February 21

On this day in 1777, George Weedon is promoted to the rank of brigadier general of the Virginia Regiment of the Continental Army.