Today's mail came in, and included a hefty box from
CCRKBA. Seems I was the April 2007 Gun Rights Defender of the Month for my expose resulting in the
FAA issuing a correction in the Federal Register to their previous assertion that the Second Amendment is a collective right. This is the first I've heard of this, so I hope they don't think I'm an ingrate for not thanking them before now.
I must say this caught me flat-footed--I do recall corresponding with
John M. Snyder a while back thinking he was going to mention something about my work in a write-up, and when I heard nothing more assumed it was one of those articles that never makes it past the idea stage. I'll also admit that I'm generally one to forego awards and banquets and all their trappings because there is work in the trenches to be done--that, and if I'd wanted to be popular, I'd be prattling on about Paris and Britney instead of
...ick!... gun rights.
But the plaque sure is nice (it matches my office/den decor perfectly),and their write-up is too, especially when you consider I've not been shy about disagreeing with CCRKBA in the past, and they're big enough to not hold that against me.
So thank you, Mr. Gottlieb and Mr. Snyder. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and generosity you have extended to a wild-eyed, intemperate troublemaker like me, and will do my best to continue being one.