Monday, October 16, 2017

So Did She Call a Toe Truck?

"I've received excellent care from your excellent health service." [More]
That's because you're a woman of the people in all but reality.

And are we sure this wasn't another episode and another cover-up?

One in Five

And on the "pathway to citizenship." And every child is a "birthright citizen." [More]

Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Just ask California.

A Moving Story

NRA Spokeswoman Forced to Move After She Received Death Threats [More]
No doubt because the fist they prefer has nothing to do with the truth.

To reiterate: Let's be careful out there.

[Via Jess]

Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing

Foreign Policy gives a glimpse of their true nature. Who better to help predators take over and paint protectors as threats to the herd than SPLC? [More]

Good for the Goose

A state lawmaker in Indiana has drafted a measure to require licenses for journalists akin to those that pertain to handgun owners, a proposal legal experts says directly violates the First Amendment. [More]
Yeah, that's the point.

The Hero of Medicine Redux

One of the commonalities is high-capacity magazines. In California almost 30 years ago, we banned sales of those magazines. Only last year, we banned possession. But they’re still out there. Maybe the next step is … something like an amnesty. Turn it in. No questions asked for a specific period of time. After that, if you've got one, you’re going to jail. [More]
Jeez, and he says we're threatening him?

Good thing Marion wants to make sure we're all good, honest and law-abiding.

[Via Wynn A]

Yes, This is a Facile Point to Make

If by that you mean your treatise is "shallow" and "simplistic," finally, some common ground on which we can agree... [More]

After all, can there be a deeper and more comprehensive authority than Slate and their resident Boy Genius?

Did I miss where they're inviting comments, or don't they?

[Via Jess]

Beautiful DREAMers

Border Patrol Arrests DACA Recipients For Trying To Smuggle Illegals Across The Border [More]
Until there is a cost to the Mexican government, this will continue. And the penalty should double, triple, etc. for repeat offenders. That and incentivize success.

[Via Wynn A]

As Long as Everybody Behaves Themselves, What's the Problem?

It does invite the question of why there aren't 3 million Christian Arabs legally walking around armed over there...

And malls are typically "gun-free."

But hey, as long as everything is rigorous...

[Via Michael G]

When It Comes to Your Rights...

...who better to listen to than liars and ignoramuses who want to strip them from you? [More]

[Via Jess]

They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!

[Following a drummer could not be more perfect here.]
Opposite Day "progressive mental health professionals" diagnose and prescribe without a consultation. [More]

That certainly seems worth several ethics complaints.

Like so...

[Via Jess]

Watch Live

President Donald Trump will be speaking to Heritage members at our annual President’s Club Meeting this Tuesday, October 17 at 7:30 pm Eastern ... Heritage has been instrumental in providing the Trump administration with sound policy advice and experts who now serve in key government positions. [More]
Yeah, I've noticed.

They want questions. I've got one:

One question will be easy to ignore. A thousand won't be.

So based on experience, I expect only a handful will join me, not enough to make a bit of difference...

[Via Felix B]

The Cost of Freedom

"They entertained whether or not they had enough to search it without that consent, and they did not. There was not enough probable cause to search it on its own, nor to get a warrant for the vehicle," Stevens said. "They thought there might be perhaps even drugs in the vehicle. They asked for a drug dog, but none were available. They looked at a few avenues. Ultimately, it would've been unconstitutional to search the vehicle so they released him." [More]
To those decrying this, be careful what you wish for.

[Via bondmen]

And the Hits Just Keep on Coming

Dang. I knew there was a good reason you and I should be disarmed. [More]

[Via bondmen]

Less is More

The Less We Believe Them About Las Vegas, The More They Want Our Guns [More]
Ain't no goat like a scapegoat...

Everybody prepared for the other shoe to drop? Ready for the next guy calculating now would be the perfect time...?

[Via bondmen]

The Blame Game

He and his girlfriend were in the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot. He had tickets to the Chiefs game against the Saints last October, and the Nebraskan needed to stow the gun in his SUV before passing through the stadium’s metal detectors. [More]
So it's all on him and nothing on the people who left him no other choice but to be disarmed to and from the stadium?

[Via bondmen]

Dirty Money

We won’t give back a cent of Harvey Weinstein’s tainted $250,000 says the Clinton Foundation  [More]
Of course they won't. And of course they have a ready excuse.

They always do.

Make Austria Great Again

Kurz's ideas on everything from immigration to economic policy represent a "complete rupture" with the EU, Moreau added. [More]
That alone ought to be enough.

But I'd also like to see him fight Justin Tudeau.

It’s a Very F..... Up Time to Be.

Says a self-admitted "male feminist"-for-Hillary lottery winner who "thinks" cultural terraforming would be just the ticket... [More]