Why is it flags honoring a communist murderer are prominently displayed in Cult of Set supporter offices and it's not headline news?
[Via Jed]
Notes from the Resistance...
David Codrea, 'co-founder, GunTruths and Citizens of America' reads a story about Walthamstow and grasps very hard on the wrong end of the stick. Hope he grasps which end of a gun to use a bit better than he grasps British culture about guns.
Mike's essay is certainly provocative. It appears to have forced some people from their comfort zone. He made people "think" [including me].A few Americans are putting it on the line, men like Len Savage, Ryan Horsley, Mike Vanderboegh, men who do not hide behind a veil of anonymity to escape repercussions. The Founders knew this, knew that Liberty required standing up, taking risks, pledging "Lives...Fortunes...and sacred Honor." These men who assume that spirit are following in their footsteps.
"Thinking and Acting before Feeling."
Good advice, I have had to suspend my emotions while engaging ATF on it's unlawful, and unconstitutional behavior. Passion is fine, emotions will give them a button to push. Why give them the option?
"But not the Americans, as the Abbe Raynal observed. They were "an 'enlightened people' who knew their rights and the limits of power and who, unlike any people before them, aimed to think before they felt."
Given the historic percentages of how many "Colonists" actually participated in the formation of America, I may be wrong, but would expect the same numbers would apply to current citizens who know their rights and limits of the power of government.
"Aren't you worried they'll come after you?" No, I told them, I wasn't. I knew that if they decided to come for me, worrying about it wasn't going to make any difference."
This is where the real power of an American resides, not violence. I KNOW at some point the ATF WILL come for me. I decided I will not stop exposing ATF contrivances until that day.
Maybe John Ross was right when he wrote "After the first one, the rest are free". When I went to US v. Glover [BATFE Fails The Test], I was marked as a target by ATF. I realized "the rest were free", hell I was already marked [read that threatened, screwed with, and leaned on]. I discovered there is "Freedom" in my situation now.
Fear plays no part in my decisions to testify about ATF malfeasance, tampered evidence etc.
A few years ago on Long Island, an off-duty Nassau County police officer providing security for a jewelry store took off in pursuit of an armed robber through Garden City, N.Y.'s Roosevelt Field Mall. When the chase led outside, the officer drew his gun and fired, only to hit the side of a school bus full of handicapped elementary school students.
Los Angeles Police Department investigators routinely fail to fully investigate citizens' complaints against allegedly abusive officers, often omitting or altering crucial information in ways that help exonerate the officers, according to a report to be released today...
In one complaint about excessive force, a witness said in a tape-recorded interview shortly after the incident that there had been too many officers surrounding the man to get a good view of what happened. But in their report, the internal affairs officers paraphrased the witness' comments much differently, writing that the man "had a clear and unobstructed view and did not see or hear the alleged acts occur." Problems with paraphrasing in this case and several others, the report found, were the reason the officers were ultimately absolved of any wrongdoing.
COURT AGAIN REJECTS ATF MOTION TO REVOKE N.C. DEALER LICENSE . . . Stating that, "While willfulness may be inferred from an individual's plain indifference to a legal requirement ... a licensee's repeated violations of the Gun Control Act do not necessarily compel a finding of willfulness as a matter of law," the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina again rejected an ATF motion to revoke the federal firearms license of a North Carolina retailer. The matter will now proceed to trial.Noting that their "willful" deception is the excuse being tendered for BATFU's harassment of Red's, I hope Ryan's attorney is making use of this.
He says a deputy looked at him and didn’t believe he was a quadriplegic. She walked behind him, took the handles on the back of the hospital-grade wheel chair and dumped it forward.
Well now you know that your[Via DONE! SEO and Luke O]
Cat has nine lives
Nine lives to itself
But you only got one
And a dog's life ain't fun
Mamma take a look outside
I am informed, that you have been since September last, absent from your Regiment, on a Furlough given you by General Gates; which must be supposed to have expired before this; I have to desire you will, without fail, immediately join your Regiment.