Tuesday, October 18, 2005

WARNING: Following Post Contains Obscene Material

With all the critical issues on the national agenda, from the Iraq war to hurricane recovery, the House's eagerness is obscene as the gun lobby herds lawmakers from both parties behind a bill to deny victimized families their fair day in court.

No, what's obscene is The New York Times continued advocacy of citizen disarmament while its Chairman Emeritus, "Punch" Sulzberger, has used his elite influence to obtain a concealed carry permit unavailable to the masses.

Boston Legal

Forced by a client to put Denny Crane on the case, Shirley Schmidt reluctantly enlists his help to defend a Democratic Congressman being sued for not keeping a campaign promise to pass a ban on assault weapons. The right-wing Crane is an unlikely defender from the start, but Schmidt really wonders if she made the right decision when he goes missing the day of his closing.

Right. "The right-wing Crane" portrayed by the left-wing Shatner. And we know how skillful media liberals are at not portraying conservatives as stereotypical caricatures.

From the Boston Legal website's "Crane, Poole & Schmidt" General Office Folder, filed under "Announcements":

No Guns Allowed in the Office

All Partners and Associates are reminded that guns are prohibited in the office. Even though recent visits from armed ex-clients have alarmed some CP+S employees, carrying weapons within the confines of Crane, Poole and Schmidt is strictly forbidden (Accept [sic] for Denny Crane who was a Marine Sharpshooter, or a Navy Seal, but either way is trained in the use of firearms and has shown reasonable restraint when discharging them in the office.)

I've never seen the program, but I understand it's popular and many think it's funny. I guess I'll need to watch it tonight (ABC, Tuesdays, 10/9c) to do a propaganda check.

PD Safe Despite Loaded Gun

That is, if you define "safe" as whistling through a graveyard or pulling the covers over your head.

I wonder how the Student Crime Stoppers would stop an actual violent crime in progress against students.

Oh well, at least the gun-free school zone crowd agrees with Sandra Froman and Wayne LaPierre. So that should be seen as a victory of sorts for gun owners, right?
