Alphecca steers us to an opinion piece by Berserkeley Loony Tune Becky O'Malley, who thinks that guns are icky and you shouldn't have one.
He does a good job of dismantling what she thinks passes for reason, but to me, the most outrageous part of her theorem was in her opening paragraph:
"An old reprobate, a heavy-drinking veteran of many barroom brawls, once told me why he favored knives over guns when he needed to get out of a tight spot. Anyone who knows how to use knives, he said, knows that you can always put your thumb half-way up the blade, so you can just stick the guy, not kill him by accident."
Becky--do you hear yourself? The guy's a violent drunk, he knifes people in situations not requiring lethal force whenever his alcohol-impaired reptilian hindbrain deems he is in "a tight spot" (no doubt one of his own creation), and you believe this loser has the martial arts skills to safely wield a blade so he will only leave some sort of scratch because he puts his thumb halfway up the blade?
Becky, I have no words--I somehow just can't bring myself to believe that people as stupid as you exist.
Some day, your friend is going to find he's brought a knife to a gunfight.