Monday, June 01, 2015


To this:

It would appear the "professional editors [who] provide subject-customized news monitoring and distribution 'for journalists and other professionals world-wide who are deeply involved in very specific topics [to] reach industry leaders and decision makers...” thought the column was worthy of calling to the attention of their subscribers. That's gratifying to know.

Unfortunately, with Examiner "disappearing" the article, the email alert link now only goes to a "not found" page.

The Times, They Are A-Changing

Very busy right now finishing a GUNS Magazine column deadlined today and prepping to be interviewed this afternoon by Alex Jones-- more details on that to follow.

Because I have not yet heard from Examiner management and don't yet know how things will play out (see posts from the past weekend if you don't know what that's about), I'm holding back on expending energy there until I know more. I suspect management will back the weekend person's call. That means a column on the Oregon rally and Mike's speech is on hold. In the mean time, the transcript of his speech is here, and you can watch it here.

All email tips for this blog are also on hold -- I do this as an "extra," with the goal of persuading people to see more inside the tent. If that folds, my ability to sustain WarOnGuns (beyond something to exclusively promote my work appearing on other sites) becomes problematic unless I can find another gig, which candidly, would have happened by now it one was likely. And while I appreciate the offers I've received to write for other websites in exchange for the name recognition that provides, I can't offer the same deal to the people who send me bills every month, or for that matter, the supermarket.

With that in mind, please hold off on sending more tips until I get things sorted out. I can't help spread what's important to you until I can figure out a sustainable way to spread what's important to me.