Monday, April 23, 2007


Three fairly small words. One massively important concept.
Joe's Crabby Shack pegs it: You're either a sovereign individual with the imagination and courage to act independently or you're just a part of the herd. This is really what it all distills into. This is what "liberty" means, and it's why the "collective rights" revisionists are so wrong.

Go read this post and decide what you'd like to do today, tomorrow, and in the days to follow to make a difference for freedom as Just. One. Person.

New WarOnGuns Poll: Would You Carry on a "No Guns" Campus?

The new poll is over in the left margin. What would you do if you had to be on a school or college campus where guns are forbidden?

The results of last week's poll are presented below (click on image to enlarge). It was actually going neck-and-neck until some new traffic started coming to the site, so I guess that means WarOnGuns frequenters are a tad more radical than most gun activists, which gives me cause for hope.

O Happy Dagger!

Nicki has some words of disbelief over Yale University banning stage props that look like weapons from campus theatrical productions. This should make for some interesting Shakespeare, as evidenced by these "before and after" representations of his Roman tragedy, Coriolanus.

I wonder if Betty Trachtenberg realizes what an idiot this makes her look like? Probably not.

Flatlanders, by definition, are oblivious to the existence of other dimensions.

Meanwhile, Back in Romania...

I was just interviewed by Adevărul, a national Romanian newspaper (I guess they noticed my Romanian last name in the NYT article?). They wanted my perspective on the post-Virginia Tech gun debate for their readers. The reporters' deadline is Wednesday, so I ought to have something to link to later this week, along with a Google Translator page.

"Adevărul" means "the truth," so let's all have high hopes and higher expectations, the paper's history notwithstanding.

Bullet Chart

The New York Times can't seem to find room to discuss Virginia Tech's disarmament policies killing defenseless students and faculty, but they have no trouble coming up with a slick graphic showing Americans "killed by guns."

There's so much that could be said about this misleading illustration, but I'll leave that to the statisticians, and to you in the "Comments" section, who I'm sure will have no problem spotting flaws with this presentation method.

I do wonder (Not!) why, if they're focusing part of their graphic on suicide, they don't have a special breakout for a demographic with a much higher rate than the general populace...

[Via Declan]

An Only Ones in Love Trifecta

We're the Only Ones Chatty Enough
Authorities say an Ocala police veteran was charged with trying to solicit a 14-year-old girl over the Internet and sending her offensive material.
The burning question--if she'd gone out with him, would he have bought her a Happy Meal or a Big Kids Meal?

[Via Wm H]

We're the Only Ones Digital Enough
While en route to the police station, Torres began a sexually frank discussion with the woman, the charging papers state. Torres allegedly took the woman to a Federal Way weigh station and parked his patrol car. He told her he had previously had sex there with other women he had arrested and then proceeded to fondle her breasts and raped her with his finger, according to the charging papers.
I've heard of fingering a suspect, but this is ridiculous.

We're the Only Ones Getting a Grip Enough
The two women said they hesitatingly complied, and performed oral sex on their male companions for about 15 minutes, police reported...The 25-year-old said she asked to step out of the vehicle to urinate. The officer allegedly shined a flashlight on her as she did so and she said she noticed he was masturbating.
And here he was thinking he'd get off easy...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

What's This "Our"?

"A near-death experience does focus the mind. We need to get rid of our guns."

"Our guns"? You have already made it clear you don't and won't arm yourself in your own defense. Please do not think you have any right to make that decision on my behalf for me.
John Hardin shows Tom Plate for the intellectually dishonest and immature victim and wannabe victimizer that he is.


As flames rose from the roof of the Washington County militia headquarters on Friday, witnesses reported hearing rounds of ammunition sporadically being fired...

The blaze comes just two months before the sentencing date for Hollis Wayne Fincher, who founded the militia headquarters in 1994...

Jenkins didn’t say whether Friday’s fire was related to Fincher’s arrest, but said he was looking at a number of possibilities.

“I was on the radio this morning, and we received a call from one of our regular callers, and he told me and the listening audience that the building had burned,” said Don Bright, a local resident known as a regular contributor to talk radio shows. “There’s speculation that it might be someone trying to make a point, but I don’t want to make too many projections.”
We'll keep our eye on this, of course.

Getting Out the Word About Knife Rights

That is the lesson to be learned from this. We are defenseless because we are not organized. The Antis know this and they will try to do the same here as they have done in Britain and elsewhere, take away your right to carry even a simple pocket knife, given half a chance.
Doug Ritter talks about attending the NRA Annual Meeting and updates us on his organization's progress.

Second Amendment Carnival XI

Providing the best 2nd Amendment coverage the blogosphere has to offer.
Stan posted this on Saturday, but I was away for the weekend. But you can still attend his carnival--he assures me latecomers are welcome.

This Day in History: April 23

The Provincial Congress in Massachusetts orders 13,600 American soldiers to be mobilized. Colonial volunteers from all over New England assemble and head for Boston, then establish camps around the city and begin a year long siege of British-held Boston.