This is a placeholder for now because I have not had ads on this blog for years. In case I ever start up again, this will be the policy in effect:
The FTC has some fool nonsense rules about ads on blogs or some such and presumes authority over the First Amendment to compel the unfunded mandate that we who earn ad revenues make some kind of disclosure so you don't think we're getting paid to say nice things about people or God knows what, meaning they must think you're stupid, too. I have had a few ads on this site in the past and may do so again if I think it's worth a try. Combined, I probably couldn't buy a box of good cigars each year, let alone a bottle of George T. Stagg, and that is somehow supposed to compromise my morality to force me to say nice things about products and services I don't mean simply in exchange for filthy lucre. If you believe that, leave now--you're not smart enough to be here. Bottom line, aside from welcoming a sponsor, I will do no posts related to their products or services, or reviews of what they offer.
About "The Only Ones"
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only government enforcers are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly (but not exclusively) when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
Comment House Rules
Keep them on topic. No spam. No threats against anyone except me. Do not feed trolls--I'll take out the trash. Try to keep it clean. I'm the final arbiter. If you don't like the rules, start your own damn blog.
Link Policy
WarOnGuns reciprocates links with liberty-oriented sites promoting the right to keep and bear arms for all peaceable individuals. If you have linked to me and don't see your site below, it's probably just because I haven't noticed it yet. Shoot me an email via the "Contact Form" (see above in this sidebar) if you want to fix that.
As a general rule I remove links for blogs that have been inactive for over one year.
Thanks to the work of volunteers throughout the land, I sent box after box, over 40,000 hard copy mailed-in signatures in all, to the DOJ, where they probably reside off-site in storage until such time as their records retention policy says they can landfill them.
At least it proved that all that talk about supporting the Second Amendment was just that.
I also had to send a letter to NRA-ILA telling them to call off a California rep who was actively discouraging members from signing by telling them that we were, and I quote, "wild-eyed extremists."
Take a minute?
What have you got to lose? You don't think you're not already on all kinds of lists?
It’s fair to wonder about the competency of an administration of an island in the Caribbean that is so unprepared to experience a hurricane it needs to seize firearms from citizens in order to equip its troops. It’s also fair to wonder about the character of those who would strong-arm that citizenry into defenselessness at the very time they will need protection the most, and at a time when the “authorities” will have their hands more than full and vast areas will be left on their own for an indeterminate period. [More]
A couple months ago, I had occasion to access your blog while I was logged in to some public hotspot (Burger King, the local hospital, I don't remember). I was surprised to be greeted by the [above], which I saved and then didn't come across again until I was cleaning up my files today.
Weapons sales my ass.
When pursued, the actual category appears to be "Websites that feature the legal promotion or sale of weapons such as hand guns, knives, rifles, explosives, etc." Maybe "legal promotion" means you talk about them in anything less than a completely negative manner.
I submitted a reclassification request suggesting you be reclassified as an "advocacy organization." You can do so as well, here.
Our researchers scour the cyber landscape daily to discover emerging threats & develop countermeasures to protect more than 320,000 @Fortinet customers globally.
That's some "scouring" I've seen in my first two encounters.
Shall we see what their crack "researchers" say when pointed to reality? Here's the response Henry received:
[Click to enlarge]
So instead of "weapons sales," they've updated it to "weapons."
Really? Go ahead and "scour" for yourself to see how you do against "professionals" who charge for their "services."
And then there's this bit of hand-washing:
Note that FortiGuard Web Filtering Service categorizes websites, but it is your IT manager who decides what categories to block or allow. Therefore, if you would like access to the site, please contact your IT manager.
The IT Manager is depending on your categorization, dumb-@$$!
I suspect the original designation was due to some anti snitching, but this lame response tells me Fortiguard "researcher" laziness, incompetence and bias let that through without verification and rather than doing the right thing, has shifted this blog to a category that's still likely to be blocked.
UPDATE: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
That's still not the right catgory, but at least this one is less likely to get blocked by anal retentive wi-fi filters.
The old lie keeps being brought up to a new crop that doesn't know or care about the truth, and won't find out about it anyway due to the way the search giants like Google keep it buried. As the correspoindent who sent me the main link for this post explains:
I did a search for "Deacons of Defense". None of the articles that came up on the first page mentioned the role of the NRA. I had to amend my search by adding "and NRA" to get responses about that.
North Korea has threatened to launch an electromagnetic pulse attack that could shut down the United States’ power grid — causing months of blackouts that could bring society to a halt, with rampant crime and social chaos. [More]
I wish I could say that if this happens, it will finally teach Americans the value of the Second Amendment. But I'm recalling the L.A. Riots, when sleepers woke up and realized they needed a gun -- and couldn't get one thanks to all those "progressive" infringements. Funny thing is, when it was over, they went right back to voting for their disarmers.
I also can't shake the nagging feeling that Big Brother is ginning everybody up for the Two Minutes Hate. We've been bare-ass naked in the town square conned so many times before.
First of all, based on the numbers of "illegal guns" you can find by looking up "Facts by Country" details over at, that's debatable.
And as Moms throughout the land have retorted to youngsters who need to learn to stand up for themselves and not follow a peer herd doing something stupid, if all the other kids jumped off a cliff, would you follow them?
Expecting others to bear sole protection responsibility is childish, as the behavior of lemmings conned into demanding it continually confirms.
A small Ohio news organization says one of its employees has been shot by a sheriff’s deputy who they say apparently mistook his camera for a weapon. [More]