Saturday, May 09, 2020

Bankrolled Anti-Gun Propaganda Aims to Turn Texas Blue with Boost from Demographics

What the gun-grab groups and the Democrats they’re fronting for are counting on is one of the same key factors that turned Virginia blue: Changing demographics. Now comfortable enough about that reality to brag about it, The New York Times practically crowed about what enabled the political polar shift... [More]
This is the single greatest threat to continued "legal" recognition of the right to keep and bear arms gun owners face, yet our "leaders" won't even acknowledge it, let alone alert their "followers" or hold those they endorse accountable. It has nothing to do with hate and everything to do with demonstrable political ideology. Being afraid to talk numbers and documented effects because collectivists will smear us as hateful allows the cultural terraforming to accelerate. And they're going to call us that anyway.