Monday, July 14, 2008

By Popular Demand

Well, a few of you asked, anyway...

I saved this graphic as a full page Word file that you can print out on iron-on transfer printer paper to make your own T-shirts. That way, I don't need to invest $$$ or keep a stock of anything, go into merchandising or step over any fair use boundaries, plus can offer these for the price they're worth--nothing.

I've never tried making my own iron-on before, so who knows how it will look or how long it will last before fading or peeling? Ah well, you get what you pay for.

If this does work out and enough people like it, I can come up with more free designs--that would actually be a pretty nice and unique feature for this site to offer. If it doesn't, I've lost a total of about 10 minutes trying something new.

To download a copy of the file for printing, click here. And please let me know if you have any access problems.

I'd love to have a Death to Zargon page along the lines of People of the Gun. So if you're inclined to send a picture of yourself in your new T (see blog profile for edress), I'll post it.


New figures from the Government have reportedly revealed that less than one-fifth of gun crimes in Ireland result in a criminal conviction...

The main reason for the low rates is reportedly that the identities of the perpetrators have never been established.

So they are officially powerless to remove over 80% of current perpetrators from the streets--hell, they don't even know who they are.

The solution? Make sure the citizenry is defenseless.

If I lived in Ireland, I could use about a fifth of Bushmills right now...

An "Alert Citizen"

The incident began when an "alert citizen" called police...
I can't wait to see how this plays out.

Nothing from Nothing

The three murders follow a week in which several aldermen voiced concern with Police Supt. Jody Weis over this year's 13 percent rise in homicides...

Taking to the streets and letting her voice join the chorus shouting "Get rid of those guns!"—that was something. And for Magee and many others, grappling with children and gangs and gunfire, something is a whole lot better than nothing.
Sounds like a Billy Preston song.

The populace doesn't have a clue as to what is really needed and the overlords are getting desperate as the fraud starts to unravel and their tenuous grip on power and order--their vulnerability-- becomes more apparent.

Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.

The Kind of Person

"I didn't even think Mr. Winchell would be the kind of person to have a gun..."

Oh, and what kind of person would that be?

We're the Only Ones Youth-Oriented Enough

The Silverton police officer who shot and killed an Irish citizen while responding to a burglary complaint last month has been jailed on accusations he sexually abused a girl, Marion County authorities said.
Another "Only One" with the dating etiquette dilemma: when you take her out to dinner, do you buy her a Big Kid's Meal or a Happy Meal?

[Via Zachary G]

We're the Only Ones Surprised Enough

...Surprise, AZ Police Chief Daniel Hughes was working out at the Mountainside Fitness center when someone broke into his locker, stealing his gun, badge, uniform, and police vehicle. The vehicle, an unmarked 2007 Chevy Tahoe, was recovered. The gun, badge, and uniform were not recovered.
So when are we going to finally say "Enough," demand "common sense gun regulation" and close The "Only One" Loophole?

[Via DJK]


Mike Vanderboegh sent an email to the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance after reading about their proposed invasion of Earth by space aliens:

From: GeorgeMason1776ATaolDOTcom
Sent:Mon 7/14/08 8:01 AM
Cc: dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom

As our unerring bullets fly,
May this ever be our cry:
Eat THIS, Zargonian scum!
You'll wish to Earth you'd never come.

-- Anthem of the Zargonian Hunters

Death to the Zargonians! No quarter asked or given!

Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, Alabama 35126

Let's hope it has the desired effect on herbivore methane production.

Subject to Regulations

"The Nevada ACLU respects the individual's right to bear arms subject to constitutionally permissible regulations," a statement on the organization's Web site said. "The ACLU of Nevada will defend this right as it defends other constitutional rights."
And what kind of regulations are "constitutionally permissible"?

According to Maximum Mike, all of them.

The apologists were out in force when then-Solicitor General Paul Clement pulled his little act of Heller sabotage. Oh, the Vote Freedom First President didn't know, we were told, and as proof offered Cheney affixing his name to a petition.

But you'll notice the brief wasn't withdrawn, and the arguments were repeated in court. So much for gratitude.

Is there anyone who honestly thinks BATFU isn't doing exactly what this administration wants?
[Via Jeffersonian]

Secret Weapons

Rational people are not concerned...
Yeah--if you're not doing anything wrong...and, of course, guess who gets to determine that...

Hey, Bob Newman--any idea where we could buy some rope...?

What's with those who believe this securing the blessings of liberty crap anyway? We all know the intended purpose of government is to keep things secret so law enforcement agencies "have the upper hand."

[Via Whose Paranoid]

This Day in History: July 14

As the Health of an Army principally depends upon Cleanliness; it is recommended in the strongest manner, to the Commanding Officer of Corps, Posts and Detachments, to be strictly diligent, in ordering the Necessarys to be filled up once a Week, and new ones dug; the Streets of the encampments and Lines to be swept daily, and all Offal and Carrion, near the camp, to be immediately buried: The Officers commanding in Barracks, or Quarters, to be answerable that they are swept every morning, and all Filth & Dirt removed from about the houses: Next to Cleanliness, nothing is more conducive to a Soldiers health, than dressing his provisions in a decent and proper manner. The Officers commanding Companies, should therefore daily inspect the Camp Kitchens, and see the Men dress their Food in a wholesome way.