Monday, December 24, 2007

A Couple of Posts I'm Working On...

...that will need to wait until after Christmas.

One is about the despicable bastards trying to paint Ron Paul as a racist. I'm coming after you, and you're not going to like it. Too bad. You shouldn't lie.

Also, I've been corresponding with other gun bloggers about a certain member of a certain anti-rights group. We should have some interesting information to share.

I don't mean this to be a tease--it's just that doing things properly involves a lot of work and care, and hey, it's Christmas.

I'll post a greeting tomorrow, but barring anything of profound significance, will be taking it easy for the rest of today and tomorrow.

On Rights Secured

Dr. Kyle Litz shared the following:

I found this snippet from the famous Miranda case and had to share it. The force of its reason and truth rang so loudly I hoped you'd find a use for it against the war on guns.

“When rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.” Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491.

Not a bad thought to keep in mind...

A Christmas Tragedy

There were not supposed to be any guns in the house. But 3-year-old Gerald Miranda found one and shot himself in the chest. Spider-Man costumes and toys were waiting for him under the Christmas tree.

Police have not determined who owned the pistol, and the family is struggling with the question of who would bring it into the house.
This was sent to me by WarOnGuns Correspondent Tony G, who adds:
I know we that read your blogs are responsible gun owners but please lets warn people of the dangers of leaving your gun out if even for a few seconds.

Here's the thing, Tony. I don't know if we can fix this. A few random thoughts:

I agree, leaving a firearm where a 3-year-old can get to it is unconscionably negligent. How do you fix that?

We could talk training--which for a 3-year-old is problematic. For those older, there is Eddie Eagle, but our enemies turn people off to it using the "Joe Camel with feathers" pejorative. In some neighborhoods--I suspect most urban ones--NRA grassroots volunteers trying to provide such training would be unwelcome.

For families who aren't part of the educated community of gun owners, there isn't much they can turn to. Most mainstream sources of information--from police, to newspapers, to pediatricians, to schools --will tell you not to have a gun in the house in the first place (and we see from this story that was the assumed state of the house involved, although I reserve judgment on whether I believe that), or if you do, to keep it locked away, with ammunition under separate lock and key.

But, of course, we don't want to enable any more pitchfork murders...

There are those of us who have trained our children in responsible use and handling of firearms--starting very young and continuing development of skills at maturity-appropriate stages. I'm at a loss for what more we can do than that--except continue to espouse the truth about guns so that the curious, the motivated and the intellectually honest can learn more if they choose to.

We're the Only Ones Illegal Enough

The U.S. deported a man to Mexico on Sunday who had taken a dead cousin's identity to pose as a citizen in order to become a Milwaukee police officer.
My original questions stand. As do my concerns about making the hiring of Mexican nationals to police Americans a standard practice...

[Via SameNoKami]

[Mas de "Los Uniquos" Archivos...]

This Day in History: December 24

I have this moment dispatched a proper Person over the river to make the following inquires/ & to return tomorrow morning at which time a Home will be provided for him, to wait upon your Excellency, with such information as he may obtain. Viz: what guards are posted upon the different roads leading to Trenton, the number on the Mill Bridge, where the cannon lay, what number; to ascertain the numbers of the Enemy in Trenton, & whether any reinforcements have lately arrived, or any (?);) only a (..?) and such intelligence as he can profitably procure.