Friday, September 23, 2016

The Problem with Leaders

The problem with leaders is that we need them. Sometimes. The problem with leaders is that, with all of us humans having been born and bred into hierarchical, authoritarian structures, we monumentally fail to see when we don’t need them. [More]
Claire Wolfe helps clarify what doesn't have to be a paradox.

[Via Mike H]

Backdoor Amnesty

Haitian immigrants cross border through Mexico, claim asylum for quick processing and entry [More]
From their point of view, why not take advantage of it, if the door is intentionally left wide open?

And no, of course there are no sanctions placed on Mexico for its part in facilitating this.

Funny-- I remember donating blood and being asked if I'd traveled to Haiti, because that's a disqualifier. So does that mean a contaminant population is being ushered in with no screening?


And what's the deal with the Clintons?