Saturday, April 29, 2017

Vanderboegh Update

Mike and Rosey in much happier times...
This question came up in my last post about the planned memorial for Mike:
What happened to all the donations sent in for a grave stone?
[Click to view]
Per Rosey:
The monument has been seated since late August.  They had to wait until they could put the death date on it.  I have pictures but I have yet had the courage to go see it in person.  Its seated near a church they had planted there with 2 park benches flanking it. 
Sadly, she now finds herself battling cancer of her own. If you'd like to help, You can send checks, money orders or cash to:

Rosey Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

She's also evidently getting some help bringing the long-awaited "Absolved" into being. I've received some incredibly ugly and ignorant correspondence on that from bitter losers of no consequence, accusing me of knowing about pre-order funds, ignoring the fact that the man was long and painfully dying, unable to sustain focus and never satisfied with the end product. All of that resulted in his stated intentions to finish the book being thwarted time and again.

If any want to argue with that, they can go to hell, and they're not worth my time to acknowledge. My understanding is the "final" was on a thumb drive that cannot be located. How that will be worked around I cannot say, but I stand ready to help with promotion if and when appropriate.

UPDATE: For anonymous cowards who wonder why their comments won't be posted... Go desecrate somebody else's grave.