Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bringing a Fist to a Gunfight

Bob Renzi believes that teachers represent the first and best line of defense against school violence...For the past seven years, he has taught teachers how to protect themselves against violence in schools...Renzi teaches not only how to defend against violence, but how to prevent it. He urges teachers to tell their students how not to be victimized...

Renzi teaches individuals how to defend themselves against weapons, but does not believe teachers should carry guns into the classroom.
Well, you had me going for a minute there, Bob. I'm sure if some budding young Harris or Klebold wannabe shoots his way into Kristen Felentzer's third grade classroom, she'll be more than up to the task of defending herself and her charges.

Do you also teach her to yell "Judo CHOP!" as she strikes?

Unarmed martial arts skills have their place and everyone could benefit from learning them, but there are times when they just won't meet the task at hand. Here's hoping no one gets killed listening to you.

[Via Cousin G]

Nebraska to Demonstrate Newton's Third Law

You'll soon be seeing the signs-— a universal red circle with a slash across a handgun- on the doors of businesses and other buildings across the state.

The message: No guns here.
And as we all learned in elementary school science class when they introduced us to physics:
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

[Cryptic Subterranean kindly posted these cards for downloading here.]

[Via Cousin G]

The Witch Doctor Prescription

Steve Hargarten, a professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and an emergency room physician, doesn't claim to be an expert on handguns. But he knows enough from years of treating gunshot wounds and directing the college's Injury Research Center that handguns can easily be made safer.
Hey, Steve, I've got this tapping noise coming from the back of my van and the engine light comes on after about 20 minutes. Also, I don't know if I should move some of the money from my 401k over to a high tech stock fund or shift it over to a safer bond portfolio.

Why don't you stick to what you know, Doc? Because when it comes to designing safe guns, you're an ignorant, agenda-driven propagandist who is unqualified to comment.

To abuse your status as a physician to prescribe otherwise is a dangerous fraud. And to demand changes to the law based on your ignorant superstitions is nothing short of unethical.

[Via Cousin G]

We're the Only...Hey Moe!

A clumsy constable attending a domestic dispute in Central Auckland accidentally shocked himself and a teenager with a taser gun before pepper-spraying an innocent woman, reports said on Saturday.
Why, you, gimme that...

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

[Via Eric from Of Arms and the Law]

We're the Only Ones Shortchanged Enough

A Dallas police lieutenant is under investigation after he allegedly argued with a fast-food clerk over his change, flashed his badge, grabbed an employee and left with the money he thought he was owed.
Hey, they're lucky he didn't spray them.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

[Via Blackfork 6]

This Day in History: November 19

On this day in 1776, Congress pleads for the states to send more soldiers to serve in the Continental Army, reminding them "how indispensable it is to the common safety, that they pursue the most immediate and vigorous measures to furnish their respective quotas of Troops for the new Army, as the time of service for which the present Army was enlisted, is so near expiring."