Thursday, May 04, 2006

Most Citizens Want Gun-Free SA

Most South Africans want the country to be gun-free, and for there to be harsher penalties for illegal gun ownership.
Hmmm...most citizens want a gun-free SF, too.

And government, particularly a "democracy," is just the vehicle to give 'em what they think they want.

A Compromise on the Right to Bear Arms We Can Live With?

Teddy Bears Have to Meet Consumer Health & Safety Standards...But Guns Don't!--Violence Policy Center

A paint firm here is hoping to add color to wedding receptions in Japan with a new device it has jointly developed -- a gun-shaped party cracker that shoots out a teddy bear.
I'm tempted to say "Go for it," but actually think free market insurance solutions would provide superior consumer protection standards against negligent bear discharge injuries. Besides, when bear guns are outlawed...

Yo, dude-san--finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot...

We're the Only Ones Enraged Enough

After knocking the phone away, McKinney and others said, Coffey put his police-issued Glock pistol to McKinney’s temple, pushing the teen’s head to the headrest.“He held the gun to Eric’s head for 30 or 45 seconds,” Josh Cox wrote,” screaming and cussing.”
Reason Engaged links to a story that will make your blood boil--especially if you're a parent.

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]

T.I. 's G D.O.A.

A Georgia man who was a member of the entourage of best-selling Atlanta rapper T.I. was killed and three others were injured in a gun battle along Interstate 75 in Cincinnati early Wednesday that began as a fight in a suburban after-hours club, police said.
And they seemed like such nice young men...