Monday, December 15, 2008

A Major Blow to Gun Rights in Oregon

An Oregon Appeals Court decision has found that your car is now considered a "public place." That means that possessing a loaded firearm in a vehicle may be considered a crime if the locality in which you are traveling has a ban on open loaded carry.

This, of course, is naked in-your-face tyranny.

UPDATE: A lawyer weighs in and says it ain't exactly so...

Grassroots Activists Derail Con-Con

Imagine that. A "threeper" working the political side of the street.

If you only listened to some, people who were silent on this, incidentally, you wouldn't think we did that.

Not trying to renew a fight--only trying to correct the record.

No Rush to Judgment

"The boys found the gun in [their grandmother's] car, but police said the weapon belonged to the boys' aunt. The kids were playing 'gangster' when the shooting occurred..."

Good grief.

Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column.

Tell a friend?

"Authorized Journalists"

Still, government authorized journalism is only half the equation — we also need to look at what the anointed media do with their elite status. Meaning how they slant supposedly straight news stories to fit their anti-gun agenda. And ignore other stories altogether.
WarOnGuns regulars are familiar with "Authorized Journalists." That's also the title of my Feb. 2009 Rights Watch column for GUNS Magazine.

A Deadly Mix

I mean, really, how many times must we see the "Dodge City" predictions come tru...


We haven't?

After how many years?

Well, still. We don't like guns and don't think you should be allowed to have them.

So there.

Oh well. The Courant is part of The Tribune Company, and we know how well they're doing.

Maybe if they hadn't spent all those years brewing a deadly mix of freedom-corroding lies some of us might be inclined to give a damn.

A Matter of Trust

Fondness for one's guns must not supersede sensibility if we are to ever co-exist in a country where we can all feel comfortable and possess basic trust for one another.
Coming from someone who doesn't trust you to own a gun--or to know the truth about her real intentions.

Nice. Talk about "exaggerated insecurity," Laura Eshelman. Project much?

And on Bill of Rights Day, no less.

Except she probably doesn't know that. And neither, based on a search attempt, does the Citizen- Times.

If Only...

...Texas had Mexican-style gun control, none of this would happen.

We all believe that, right?

Military Roadblocks in CA?

The Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Provost Marshal (head of a unit of military police) and the local California Highway Patrol office will begin working together 12/12 — and through the holiday season — in a joint effort to reduce accidents and drinking and driving. The combined mutual cooperation between the Marine Corps Military Police and State enforcement officers will begin somewhere along Highway 62. The CHP will set up DUI roadblocks with the presence of Military Police. A violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
I can't find anything about this in a regular news search (which, as we've seen, can mean very little) or on any Marine sites I've checked (although they do have a "Hwy 62 Kill Zones" slideshow here, but it doesn't mention enforcement).

I'll need independent confirmation, including the scope and nature, before I venture an opinion. Anyone with knowledge or contacts, please educate the rest of us.

I'll try calling the base later today--as I post this, it's 5:33 AM their time.

[Via Zachary G]

UPDATE:I spoke with Gy Sgt Cox, named in the linked report. Nice guy.

They've got four or five Marines observing so they can learn and apply the lessons on base. I understand concerns over mission creep, but I'm just not seeing posse comitatus as an issue here, as there is "unequivocally" no assistance or enforcement.

Erin Go Blagh*

The Government has outlined its proposals for a ban on licensing handguns, which may be expanded to include all firearms in the future.
Faith and begorrah, that ought to test the luck o' the Irish, don't you think?

[Via Jeffersonian]


Search Me

Google is moving into new territory: not only making arbitrary, editorial choices - really no different to Fox News, say, or any other media organization. It's now in the business of validating and manufacturing consent: not only reporting what people say, but how you should think.
Gosh. That might partially explain the pH factor. To think there might be those who want to manipulate us.

I'm told I might do well to look into Scroogle and ixquick. I have no personal experience with either.

[Via Ron W]

A Polite Society

This is the typical response of the socially sensitive whiners who think that ritualistically going through the communally approved motions of confronting the alleged “causes” of crime in society, (early potty training distressed my psyche, Daddy didn’t hug me often enough) will prevent crime. These are people who have never actually been beaten to a bloody pulp by a thug. Meanwhile, confronting a thug with a .45 slug or ten will actually work wonders.
Dallas/Ft. Worth Libertarian Examiner Garry Reed shares his thoughts on an armed society.

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

Deep in the Heart of Texas

TexasFred said...

David, I'd like to invite you and your readers to join us at The Texas Gun Owners Association Forum.

It's NOT just for Texans, ALL gun lovers are welcome!
We all know how well I do in forums, but despite my biases, they can be important places for gun owners to meet and share ideas. Check it out.

2A "Book Bomb"

I just got an email this morning about the "Second Amendment Book Bomb." They're asking gun activists to celebrate the day by buying a copy of, and spreading the word about Stephen P. Halbrook's "The Founders’ Second Amendment: Origins of the Right to Bear Arms."

I haven't read this one, but I've read lots of his other stuff, and its essential work.

Right now it looks like the link is timing out, so hopefully this means it's generating so much interest their site can't handle the traffic. If you can't get through, all I can suggest is try again later.

This Day in History: December 15

Happy Bill of Rights Day.

To see how far we've come, let's do a Google News search for the exact phrase "Bill of Rights Day."
Results 1 - 10 of about 22 for bill-of-rights-day.
Now let's apply the pH factor and search--again, limiting ourselves to just the "News" category, for another term of social import:
1 - 10 of about 7,430 for paris-hilton.
And the "Authorized Journalists" wonder why we love them so...