Monday, September 08, 2014

For Better or For Worse

The people have spoken.


Make taking and sharing this new poll today's second Five-Minute Activism task.

Last Night on Armed American Radio

David Codrea analyzes the founders intent with the Second Amendment, Alan Gottlieb updates us on all things that matter, The Gun Writer Lee Williams from the Sarasota Herald Tribune and The Alan Korwin Experience. Only Here!!
  • AAR 9-7-2014 Hour 3
  • AAR 9-7-2014 Hour 2
  • AAR 9-7-2014 Hour 1
  • Feeding Off Bloomberg

    This ad was at the bottom of the page on yesterday's GRE, which incidentally, has 982 comments at this writing, which I believe is a new record for me.  Not that I'll have time to try and read them all...

    Anyway, if the guy wants to spend his money where I get page view compensation and help my voice be heard, that's fine with me.

    Celebrating Freedom?

    This video is making the rounds and choking viewers up with patriotic pride. [Watch]

    Too bad what these guys are upholding and defending evidently ain't really all that important to the heartstring-tuggers.

    How About We Stop Bad Apple Gun Grabbers Instead?

    The “Stop Bad Apple Gun Dealers” Campaign also features a Code of Conduct that Brady activists will demand that gun dealers across the nation follow. [More]
    Let me guess: Rule One is "Don't sell guns in the first place."

    And ain't Rule Six a kicker?

    Like I observed last week, they want FFLs to be held liable for not being able to read minds.

    Figures Snuffy's part of this extortion racket.

    Any FFL who signs one of these is asking for an instant and irrevocable boycott.

    [Via FFLGuard]

    We're the Only Ones Burgeoning Enough

    Look at what happens more and more frequently at routine traffic stops. My mother-in-law (who is in her eighties) was recently pulled over for a routine traffic stop here in Montana. (She must have been pulled over for driving too SLOW.) Two officers came out of the police car, and one of them was actually pointing his pistol at her head. Her vehicle was not suspected of having been part of a felony. They ran her plates. They knew who she was. To point a gun at a harmless, innocent senior citizen--who is suspected of no violent crime--is the mark of a burgeoning Police State. [More]

    [Via Florida Guy]


    Great job there, "Andy Cordan, Reporter"!

    Except you forgot to call the homeowner a "vigilante."

    If They're Not Doing Anything Wrong...

    The borough council wants to ban people from taking photographs and videos inside public buildings, with certain exclusions. The ordinance comes at the heels of an incident earlier this month in which Richard Recine, working part time as a special police officer, was captured on video at the borough's Municipal Building telling Steve Wronko that "Obama has decimated the friggin' Constitution, so I don't give a damn," after Wronko insisted he has a constitutional right to take pictures inside the building. [More]
    Securing the Blessings of Liberty, Prozi-style...

    [Via Florida Guy]

    We're the Only Ones Liberating Enough

    “All of our home towns are sitting on a tax-liberating gold mine,” Deputy Ron Hain of Kane County, Ill., wrote in a self-published book under a pseudonym. Hain is a marketing specialist for Desert Snow, a leading interdiction training firm based in Guthrie, Okla., whose founders also created Black Asphalt. [More]
    You don't say...

    [Via Florida Guy]

    Mütters Demand Action

    It's an oldie you have to pay to see.  The preview pretty much gives the gist of the story.

    [Via Doug Rink]

    Lies and Damned Lies

    If you want to give a good account of a debate about gun statistics, you don't treat the consensus of "public health researchers" as gospel. The field is notorious for its anti-gun bias, and there's a whole literature of work outside of it. [More]
    I'm still waiting for one of the professional agenda "science" liars who say that "more guns" is the issue to compare the firearms homicide rate and numbers in Piers Morgan Paradise with those by the 5 million members of the NRA.

    [Via Michael G]

    "I Am a Racist"

    Pretty much. [Watch]

    What I would admit to is being a culturist and an ideologist, noting that some cultures and ideologies are superior at encouraging individualism, liberty, prosperity and innovation over others.

    [Via bondmen]

    MSNBC poll provides opportunity to demonstrate grassroots vs. Astroturf

    I propose doing three things, none of which should take but a few seconds. First, take the poll. We can bury the antis. Let’s do. Second, send Kroger a comment thanking them for their stance, telling them how you voted and encouraging them to keep an eye on the numbers, instead of on the billboards. Third, spread the word and get your gun owner friends to follow suit. [More]
    Today's Gun Rights Examiner report is also today's Five-Minute Activism project.


    What do you think? Would you buy one of these guns? [More]
    No, I would not.

    For me, anyway, it's a matter of conditioned expectation/safety.

    I also don't trust ATF not to rain on everybody's parade.

    [Via Joshua Prince]

    This Day in History: September 8

    The present mode of encampment, tho’ extremely ornamental and convenient, may, without the utmost care subject us to the loss of our tents by fire—the Boughs of which the Colonade is composed being so very dry, that a spark of fire or a candle falling among them would not fail to set them instantly in a blaze. The Commander in chief therefore recomends the gratest circumspection to the officers in their Marques and tents, and directs the officers of police to see that the soldiers do not make use of fire or Candles carelessly in theirs. [More]