Sunday, March 01, 2015

Counting My Blessings

All that global warming requires constant attention.

And then I had to drive through plenty of this to get to Mom's house and do the same for her:

And the snow keeps coming, so I may have to go out one more time before the day is through.

How undeservedly blessed I have been. I not only enjoy getting out and taking care of stuff like this, I have friends and loved ones who wish they were physically able to. And how fortunate I am to still have a mother at my age.

Armed American Radio Tonight

From host Mark Walters:
Hour 1 - Alan Gottlieb
Hour 2 - US Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA), Neil McCabe
Hour 3 - Larry Pratt, David Codrea, George Hill
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern (adjust for your locale). Click here to find a list of stations nationwide, or here to listen via live streaming.

Georgia Carry Response to Proposed Ammo Ban

This regime thus supposes that the federal government may limit or ban all handgun ammunition that is not primarily intended for shooting sports. In doing so, the regime ignores that the Second Amendment guarantees a core right to “keep and carry arms in case of confrontation.” [More]
Aside from telling them they've got their statutory definition of "armor piercing" all screwed up, our friends at Georgia Carry, via their attorney John Monroe, cut to the heart of the matter.